How Whistlindiesel Made His Trillions (a day in my life)

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I can't believe I got to film this stupid Day in the Life video waste of my time let's go up to his house here hey can I good morning here in my garage my Lamborghini this this this how you start every [Music] day so I get a lot of questions probably hourly about how how I am so successful no I wanted to address the allegations of that My Success allegations and tell you all how I do it that smells really bad my biggest goal in life is life itself first of all I want to be healthy ready to perform right I wake up at 3:00 in the morning I get the hardest part out of the way that's waking up I do go back to bed for a few hours you don't wake up at 3:00 though you just you okay when you get up earlier you're up before everybody else you know and that's going to be a big determiner in your success I'll have about 6 gallons of protein in the morning wow oh my gosh [Music] oh anyways protein everywhere I'm not protein I just eat protein that didn't have to be clarified can you zoom in on my watch while I'm steering you know like the biggest thing we want to address today is how I roll the way I roll yeah not more just oh like if you look out here there's I mean that's you know yeah that's pretty I mean I that's this is my view every day if you see your house and then I do think about like the foreclosure and everything it worries me if I'm not on top of what I'm doing the economy will probably collapse I read a lot of books I've read probably two books this morning so far since I woke up I speed read so you can summarize a book like you read every eighth [Music] page a lot of people are worried about my eyesight situation since I had lasic but I just started wearing contacts I wear probably three sets of contacts at a time so I can just see the doesn't I think the first thing I want to do today go to the shop get some work done you know hold on get a call who who's calling you this early in the morning other Grinders yeah I could probably make it I wasn't planning on getting the Bugatti in today but all right I should bring a friend so I can pick up both of them they said both Bugattis are already you always want to merge a traffic going five or six times as fast as them so I merge at 2 to 300 mph oh my God a lot of people wonder how I drive my driving techniques cuz I drive my driving techniques can be a little aggressive sometimes I mix about 50% extremely aggressive tailgating with 20% brake checking and 30% flipping off and what that allows is me to establish my dominance and superiority over other drivers on the road it's a Monday morning and there's a lot of greedy people out here trying to go they're just trying to get to work cuz they want money that's my point they're greedy meanwhile I'm going to go like takeing nap you're just lazy I'm not more oh my God I have got to wind a window down that's not me the biggest part of my day and success in [Music] general how I made my billions is really food and you can't function properly without proper nutrition so I eat at the most exotic of places so yeah and they let be in any time valet will park it for me later oh yeah a okay well couldn't you get in no I I kind of just decided I want to go somewhere else I have con run of that place yeah I mean they if I wanted to I could get in there and just open it up if you don't mind drop you off right here man uh what what for I'll I'll pick you up just in a second I'm going to do U-turn dude I just broke your car what the what I I'm sorry man power wagon Power Wagon this guy is tough Sheriff's intimate office workers no inmate Cody what are they doing in his [Music] office oh not anymore so what will usually happen is every Monday I purchase my weekly cars and so this week they just got some Lambos in they said I have to pick them up cuz they're stockpiling them for me and they can't hold anymore they Reserve all the super cars that come into the top yeah I'm sorry sir we only deal with high-profile clients here you mind if I go in and check it out you can look but don't cross that line I just want to test drive the the gray McLaren it's right here sorry I know hey um I was just curious is it cool if I take this out for a little rip uh yeah Brian do you have the keys for the McLaren that's the car that I wanted to drive hey thank you man it's just please give him a space you guys are awesome man I appreciate this come on who is this guy sorry [Music] Kell a huge part of my day is that I have to go to this big building I have to swing into and I uh I have like an appointment there every fourth Monday so turn left here on gay I have to come in and give them legal assistance so you can just hang out in here I'll be down in a sec okay it says police parking only should I become a police officer he has no clue the value that I provide to this establishment it says it's right here on the left oh Criminal Courts what you they like need me like once a month to just like sign some paperwork for them you wouldn't say this is like a mandatory appointment would you well yeah no I can't miss it dude come on you're holding up traffic this doesn't really seem like VIP or anything man no no no I I I have a spot reserved down here it's right up here this is the spot they gave you it's leaking are you sure your car is going to be safe down here yeah yeah I mean it's fine they let me park here it's complimentary I I just got a I have an appointment up here real quick okay doesn't seem really executive [Music] uh you can just wait out here I just got to run in there quick okay well that that's a courtroom how did it go um pretty good my my ank is just acting up why do I hear a beeping from your ankle is that a you have an ankle monitor I get to go back next month I think you're forced to No it's it's so fun coming here I talked to a lot of Executives the board of directors was really happy with me all 12 then uh that's a jury back to my car I was thinking man I can't really afford to have you uh film for us anymore after the whole bankruptcy was that what this was about today Courthouse that's about something a lot worse oh what even was that another thing I do is go by more cars so I'm on my way to the Tesla dealership and this is where the business side of things really comes in because I'm a frugal businessman I destroy vehicles for a living you know that can be expensive and a lot of people wonder how I do it the answer is billions we have some cars here but weasel what's up call me weasel the opportunity I'm really looking for is like if Tesla were to make a truck and that's where it really gets real because I would go absolutely psycho the day that Tesla makes a truck and they claim that it's durable I think things are going to go very very very wrong who's this Hest literally what is his problem oh my God Cody I just I'm not sure Tesla knows what I'm going to do the Cyber truck is quite controversial and quite hated that's where I come in cuz I want to settle it all we can only hope that we can all be friends and work together it's all I'm going to say one important thing I want to talk about is no no no I messed that up what I was trying to say we're not making a quadrillion dollars which is four times a million in your sleep 400 you're not even touching where I'm at I made ocon dollars in the last hour how nobody has that kind of money one octillion of that was just from breathing if you're not making money while you're breathing why do you alive there's zero reason that you do not have one o trillion dollars right now I'll tell you I'll tell you why it's because you're Slack that's because I work here and I'm underpaid I'm overworked how do you think I have a quad ocon dollars because you don't give your employees oclions of dollars see so pay your employees less what the kind of lesson is this what was that limp mod sometimes you does that that's what I sent the elderly woman into limp mode I shot this guy in the D and he went into limp mode I have another important stop up here to make do you have all your stuff out of here no no why okay that I was just making sure okay are we going to stop somewhere yeah um just got to stop up here okay get all your stuff out and then make sure that the dash looks good wipe that dust off sorry about that I don't want to get charged for it charged it's your car though right you can yeah I mean right now it is you didn't rent this car did you no no no no it's it's mine today I think I'm going to sell the car man I'm I'm just going to go up here and sell it right now we'll call an UA or something Enterprise Rent A Car Truck Rental is that where we're no I'm just meeting the guy here um this is uh this is where you drop off a rental Cody it's like one p.m. I think I I should probably did you rent that watch too I mean I'm really curious what you actually own do you even own the suit like I think there's a big misunderstanding here you know you know how I roll you returning a renal CL today uh no no it's it's not a r oh is that no no it's not it's not a rental uh well he just said to returning Cody clearly it's AAL you don't have to yeah yeah I was rur was dropping it now I'll start with phase one of my day with another protein shake and we're headed to work so let's go this is my beater bought this pretty nice car back in 09 from a guy that didn't need it anymore it was actually at a nursing home auction and the guy's like you know I I don't need it anymore I'm a good businessman so I've talked him down a little I got it for like 200 bucks I just moved the decimal on the check so it looked like 200,000 but I got it for 200 bucks easy quick trip no no no it's a different word that's scamming all I did was fraud it's fraud you sure protein the reason that I have protein I'm not protein I told you this it's protein kill her cut all this out no don't cut out need this in too if I'm not healthy what am I doing right if I weighed 7,000 lb how would I do anything oh my God don't drink the Jesus okay can we go a nice nice man you get that yeah I have bone to pick I have the biggest bone to pick ever I'm going pick someone's bone I literally just replaced a windshield on this toaster because rocks were hitting I said it was really durable I know but now I'm coming to find after driving it for like 30,000 Mi I'm kind of losing it cuz I just replaced a windshield 3 days ago and it already cracked again I was driving 6 in behind a gravel truck watch this I'm going to wait for the p to go but I'm going to get air in the driveway well uh please don't I could have swore I saw a Jeep pull into here but I might be wrong well actually wait actually wait if there's a car there is there is Cody there is RO would have gotten a 6,000lb SUV through his oh my God Cody literal air this is the best allaround car for like if you ever had to go Offroad but if you were picking like full on the road all the time car Rolls-Royce calling in you could hear pin drop at Full Throttle you have one you you can hit I have eight I was renting one I hit speed bumps going like 50 you cannot feel it this SE speed bumps up too I mean I was in a school zone they had a bunch of different types of speed bumps do speed bumps squeal when you went over them or were they mostly they were quiet afterwards afterwards the guy that hates us down there in the brick house he like come out chew us out for being loud or whatever he was like merging on this road and he was going like 2 mes an hour at the speed where it's okay to pass even in no passing like he was basically pulled over and I got to go past him and he immediately floors it trying to speed up this truck was pretty quick like definitely pinned like he had it to the floor I was in the red G wagon which is like 12200 horse he started speeding up I was like well I'm not going to bail so I downshifted twice and punched it and both of us are basically like drag racing up this hill and I'm like just let me pass you I still was pulling on it this guy's like Full Throttle in the Dodge Ram and just whip right past him you guys know this place very well this is my shop there's Tyler hey [Music] Tyler doesn't look really no everybody's here very happy I didn't need to come here today but I do need to talk to our accountant so I just wanted to run you all down like things have been really going well here lately we're doing a lot of numbers big numbers and big profits means big responsibility so we're going to go in and check up see how our business accounting finance manager is doing he's working the numbers and you know he's he had to open several bank accounts to get things flowing smoothly I guess they shut our accounts down because there's too much money coming in I guess it rolled over and once you hit a trillion dollars it rolls over to a zero so it's like said like negative $200,000 talk about that red is bad when it's green it's good so when your account has a minus yeah so we're green we're green right no we are in the red good one no I'm serious to to what level of red is like we like black like there's not enough coming in and there's too much going out H that's not really what we discussed in the car um just tell the camera everything's going good so they know so they they know that everything's good why why would I lie tell them that like we're like we're we're fine we are we are not fine I think he's stressed out just figure it out maybe just take it out of your personal savings well we can wrap it up I mean it's not much else to show you here's my mower but so I'm probably going to have my breakfast now that's the first hour of my day we'll do a part to another time my otomar pagette level one genuine stainless silver automatic watch says that it's 10:00 a.m. that is a psycho watch Cody that's not the Whistlin diesel finances are great stocks are doing well money is is coming in 10 tenfold taxes have been paid um the Cyber trucks are on order and are not least we own them stop we're not going bankrupt we are not going bankrupt we have that's good that's yeah that's all we need so where you going what taking a nap dude it's 4:00 okay C we're done
Channel: WhistlinDiesel 1000
Views: 2,440,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vt744Fx7sBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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