When Corrupt Cops Realize They Destroyed Their Careers

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these cops thought they could trap a civilian by using Brute Force step down here for me yeah no no hey whoa whoa who but little did they know this dad had taught his son exactly what his rights were but this is just one of three incidents of corrupt cops getting destroyed by innocent suspects starting with the insane case of Tav galanakis I had nothing to drink he's going to look stupid 19-year-old student Tav was stopped by Newton police's officer Nathan Winter for a problem with his car's lights after galanakis explained what was going on with his lights the officer started asking for the car's papers and began questioning it hi there how you doing sir good how are you good my name is officer wners with the Newton Police Department the reason I pulled your over is cuz you have your bright lights on yeah I have I have a headlight out so I just get my brights on okay well that's not legal oh it isn't no yeah I turn when a car when a car comes by I turn them off but like well you didn't with me oh you weren't close enough though you were like yeah you're were wild back has to be within 5 F feet oh my bad I'm sorry and you're not supposed to have your brights on in the city limits my fault my fault you got your license registration insurance with you yeah I got you is this your car yeah okay where you headed back home where's Home do you new to town or something no where you coming from friend's house okay anything to drink over there need one of these right here yeah I mean that's a good start that's the registration all right that'll work I'm going to have you hop out with me okay well these questions might sound innocent enough at first but once galanakis replied the officer jumped to one one conclusion it's essential that officers base their actions on observations and facts not bias or assumptions if an officer's actions are motivated by bias it could be a violation of a person's civil rights but officer Winters obviously doesn't get that once galanakis handed over the car's papers the officer told him to step out of the car and asked him a crazy question do me a favor put your gum on the on your dash there I'm I go on my Dash yeah perfect we're going to go back here okay well you don't have anything on no bombs guns drugs no bombs or no drugs okay let's go back here the accusations slowly started becoming more and more pointed now baseless accusations like the ones being thrown around by Officer winers violate the Fourth Amendment it states that any officer needs to have credible evidence or probable cause when accusing someone of a crime and arresting them but galanakis realizing that officer wyers was trying to trap him immediately asked to take the breathalyzer and so does the odor of alcohol coming from your person great let's let's do a testing we'll get to the test I can't wait so what happens if you know nothing pops up do you get in trouble no why would I get in trouble because you think I'm drinking but I'm not drinking can I record it yeah absolutely so officer Winters thinks I'm drinking tonight we're about to do a test he's going to find out I have nothing to drink he's going to look stupid galanakis was so sure of himself that he even made a video in the car winners then took the team through a bunch of useless sobriety tests instead of just doing the breathalyzer and getting a clear your answer so let's go up on the sidewalk here and I'll talk with you up there okay I'm going to have you staying with your heels and Toes together with your arms down to your side I'm going to check your eyes cool okay what I want you to do is follow my finger with your eyes and your eyes only and do not move your head okay yep do you have any questions nope what what color are your eyes Hazel Hazel do they ever change colors no okay not that you know of can you see my finger clearly yes sir okay how many more we got uh this test is about 2 minutes long we're going to use this line right here stay in this position until I tell you to begin [Music] okay come on man it's too easy let's do the breath now seeing no point in doing all of this galanakis asked the officer to do a breathalyzer test again but again he didn't listen earning him an insult from the team you a rookie bro this first year no no way no no wa when I say begin I want you how many how many false accusations you got zero it's about to be your first this sort of of behavior suggests only one thing he'd figure out that galanakis was not under the influence but since the stop had gone on for so long he was trying to somehow validate the Stop's legitimacy police officers can choose which sobriety test to use and in what order even if a driver asks for a breath test right away the officer doesn't have to do it immediately however if an officer keeps ignoring this request without a good reason to think that the driver's drunk it can look like they're wasting time the nhtsa recommends officers should aim to use the most effective methods to determine if someone is driving in paired Winters who at this point was basically grasping at straws to hold the teen for any reason asked galanakis why he was shivering but he forgot one important detail all right during this keep your arms down your side why you shaking so much it's freezing man look at you you got all these clothes on and I got shorts on it's raining and you false excusing me so of course I'm going be a little nervous I wear shortsman 30 below congratulations then he gave another sobriety test and gin quickly went through it for the third time he then asked for the breathalyzer again but Winters as expected went onto administer yet another useless test at this point I think this guy's just making things up and galanakis probably thought so too finally 1 hour into the Stop officer winners got the device blow blow real quick stop doing all these damn test let's blow let's get to business let's go to the front of the car here do this low 0 great for it if it's possible get Negative that's no idea all right what I want you to do is make a Tight Seal around this and blow outwards like you're blowing up a balloon okay all right you ready yep okay you can relax so I'm going to read your Miranda okay when's right now you have the right to remain silent anything you say can will be used against you in a PT of law now the officer expected a result that would back up his suspicions and was already informing the teen of his Miranda Right before the results showed up and since the breathalyzer showed that galanakis was in fact not under the influence officer winners decided to pull another accusation out of thin air when's the last time we smoked weed I do not remember that tonight oh okay well I was I think it's tonight I've had no weed tonight what why do you think it's tonight why you think I SM I blue zero so now you're trying to think I smell weed that's what's going on you can't do that man you really can't do that absolutely I can is he allowed to do that even though winners claimed he had a reason for gallon Nas's arrest he admitted something else over the phone um I stopped this guy for having his brights on he fumbles around with his uh registration three four five times he uh um he bombed sobriety he says he'll do an evaluation but he's kind of a smartass ganakas was arrested and taken to the police station almost 2 hours after the stop a drug test proved that surprise surprise galanakis had nothing in his system and the team decided to finally give this bad cop a piece of his mind hey buddy what's going on so I just want to know like how does it feel how does it feel for remember I told you when you first pulled me over I had nothing to drink he's going to look stupid but we just got to do better than that man we just got to do better than that I deserve a py a few weeks after the incident galanakis shared on Facebook and YouTube versions of the body camera footage of the traffic stop and got the last laugh stay back I'm going to my house stay back I'm going if you try and come past me you're going to go on the ground face first you understand me on September 29th 2019 a disagreement broke out between two teens on a gas powered bicycle in a Park City Utah Community and a noisy neighbor decided to call the police by the time the two Parkland City officers reached the scene the spat had ended and everyone had retreated to their homes nevertheless the officers made their way to Michael franek residents keen on asking him about his firearm can I help youell hello are you uh Michael hi uh can I help you something yeah uh we're here about a officer Rodriguez uh first name Jim Jim how are you Jim your name please sorry badge number what's that badge number please let's go ahead and talk about the incident that you had out here a few minutes ago don't know what you're talking about okay step down here for me frenchic stepped out requesting the officers names and badge numbers but when they attempted to question him further he declined retreated to his home step down here for me yeah no no hey who I didn't do anything you just pin into my house without a warrant I'm away from you you just did is there any gun in your back pocket I just want to make sure we're safe we're safe I'm not coming outside can we can we talk right here sure we can jack come here record this come on outside record this come outside Jack record this grab my phone and record this who I'm injured he why you cooperating I am cooperating your viting my Fourth Amendment right stop outside you're violating my fourth amendment hey you guys cannot come in here without cooperate I'm cooperating there I'm not fighting you I'm not fighting you outside now walk outside so he's talk okay okay okay okay okay okay and enough I didn't do anything you just tased me for no reason at this point it's crucial to understand that frek was well within his rights to go back inside unless the officers had a warrant which they didn't they shouldn't have entered his home without permission even though they knew he didn't have a gun and that they were no longer in danger the officers didn't let frek go and continued to drag and tase him as they tried to force him outside his home what are you doing stop stop what what am I being detained for outside what am I being detained for stop resisting I'm not resisting I'm not resisting don't take this phone don't take this phone don't take his I'm good I'm good I've chilled the whole time I haven't done anything relax I haven't resisted trying to do is talk to you your I am behind my back this is unbelievable no I know this is unb walk in the house without a search War this is unbelievable once outside franic immediately called for his son jack now this Jack was not a lawyer heck he wasn't even an adult he was a 15-year-old boy but this kid was about to become these officers biggest Nightmare and the rest of the footage was recorded by him ja follow me and record this way follow me and record give us space I'm not give us space Jack followed after his dad recorded the police as they made false claims that frenchi was resisting one officer saw Jack filming the whole thing and tried to pull the phone out of the teenager's hand but Jack was quicker and knew the cops had no right to be in the house and so he called it out camera somewhere back there what am I doing don't twist the handcuffs you're inuring me I'm not resisting Dy go do not let him in my house close my door lock it from a body language perspective the quick movements and attempts to Shield action suggested a heightened defensiveness and awareness of any potential wrongdoing on the part of the police here Jack then tried following them one officer tried to get him to stay back but Jack kept recording so the whole thing it's all been recorded I didn't resist I didn't do it you know see he acknowledged didn't resist Jack yeah I have video I didn't resist we asked you to stop right I did I didn't do anything against your instructions came this guy came into my house without a warrant me you right okay yeah I'm fine sh no no he can talk he can talk I can talk because I was in a situation him no I'm not going to arrest you okay then calm down what's your B what's what's your name step back look look he just touch you can record all you want you're stepping back right now he don't touch me stop harassing me the officers obviously weren't happy about being outsmarted by a 15-year-old and tried to intimidate him by forming a wall between him and his dad but once again Jack cut them down to size trying I'm videoing this you please get out of my personal space yes you're you're not going to you're not going to interfere with what we're doing this is my property you're not going to interfere with an arrest what's your name yeah I do not need to give you that thinking that they could scare him another officer attempted to get it Jack but this was not your average 15-year-old and he knew his rights but Jack was no pushover during this argument one of the officer body cameras fell into the house and when they went to get it Jack followed along to remind them that they had no warrant to go into the home then this officer threatened violence against a minor hey hey hey stay back I'm going in my house stay back I'm going if you try and come past me you're going to go on the ground face first you understand me the same officer desperate to try to find something to pin on Jack came up with this sorry excuse I have three cops on me and I'm 15 years old cuz you guys shoot in my house it's cuz you're at so you were the one driving up and down the street on the motorcycle uh I was on my gas bicycle okay that's gas power vehicle you have to have a driver's license um no you don't now when it's 50 cc and you have a permit for it as they took frenchic off to jail one officer tried to take another dig at Jack when he said he'd be filing charges but Jack had the last word I'm not going to play the stupid games okay you kind of are cuz okay we're done okay okay can I have the case number right now knowing that they would be getting reported the officers banded together out inside the police station devising what to nail both Jack and his dad with franic was later charged with failure to stop at the command of an officer disorderly conduct and refusal to comply with a police order and booked into jail but the charges were later dropped and the mouthy officer and his partner were fired from the [Music] Department who you call man he's in 2022 Kenneth skin and two other officers from the Albuquerque Police Department were caught on camera while mistreating a 53-year-old disabled man ahead put your they approached the Man Standing on the counter and accused him of shoplifting when he was struggling to pay for a purchase the officers grabbed the money which the man had in his hands and dragged him from his arm while he was struggling to explain himself can I be any the cops got super physical with the man the cops then proceed to ask the man his name which he refused to tell and this clearly irritated them and the police proceeded to arrest him you got an idea man not giving you any idea if you don't identify yourself you're under arrest okay you're not police yes we are no you're not your security so what's your name man no you're business all right then you're under arrest go Ahad put your hands behind your back Who you calling man you a even call one that's what he said anyway oh I was just paying I was just had my stuff locked in in my friend pack and the security guards came I didn't take more time than anyone else the other ones before me while this happened the man made a phone call to the police and explained that he was teased by the security guards and needed help the cops asked him again to explain himself and threatened him with arrests and trespassing charges before getting violent the man repeatedly asked what crime he had committed he that then started begging the police officers to let him go but they refused to show even a single shred of mercy so now you're going to be charged came with coning identity resisting officers okay and you're going to be trespassed so you can never come back here again okay sound good no it don't sound good well that's what's going to happen the man was pushed to the patrol car and his pockets were dragged out to check his possessions the cops also took his money which clearly violated the man's Fourth Amendment rights which protect citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures so let me ask you this you know we're cops now right do you want to identify yourself what's your name tell me your name drop your money we're taking it with us drop it man even after the man refused to give up his identity the cops kept persisting and pushed his chest to the patrol car to search his pockets the cops were able to find some of his prescriptions having his name written on them this is when officer skin threatened to charge him with a drug trafficking case as there were multiple drugs written on the piece of paper he got brother these aren't your prescriptions unfortunate unless your name's Matthew what's your name is it Matthew mcis oh that sounds like a name well I hope your name is Matthew otherwise you're getting charged with trafficking cuz this is a lot of drugs officer skem then arrested mcmas for concealing his identity and resisting the cop's orders the case was taken to a lawsuit in court where the cops were interrogated for their acts the charges against MCM monus were dropped due to lack of any evidence and his disability and officer skin was charged with counts of engaging in disrespectful and abusive Behavior violating the norm set for peace officers and violating the us Americans with Disabilities Act
Channel: Agent Twelve
Views: 3,265,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crime, true crime, agent twelve, bodycam, interrogation
Id: UR0ahbMCsUo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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