I Launched the Cybertruck and Caused Tons of Damage!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] ladies and gentlemen I present to you uh we don't have a nickname for it but it's the Cyber truck with paddle tires that we used to call cybert tracks so first things first help us come up with a nickname for this Mars Rover which I want to call the Mars rover but that's not real catchy it would make sense cuz the Elon SpaceX thing but anyways today we are going to test out the Cyber truck here at San Hollow Utah in the sand dunes we got paddle tires on it we got slick tires in the front the the smoothies for carving through the the sand we got coilover suspension from Fox we got Baja Designs lights we've got uh Sparks motor suspension this thing is upgraded and ready to rock and roll so this is going to be fun guys this truck is a completely different animal now from when it had tracks on it and uh I'm pretty excited to see what it does jum here [Music] yeah you guys welcome back to cyber tracks not really sure if we're going to stick with cyber tracks anymore because this getting a whole new look and design we decided to switch it up and that my friends is why we are now sending it to the desert I know a lot of you guys are big desert people you're off-roaders you've wanted to see this thing off-roading we're going to do that as you can see it's got an all new look on it okay Invision decided they wanted to crack out the cybertruck so we let them they're the guys that actually take care of all of super car Ron's Vehicles currently so they wrapped this thing it's kind of as if it's entering back into um the Earth like it's gone up in space it's coming back down see the front end it's black it's brighter more I guess you'd say unburnt in the rear so obviously we're going to keep the Baja lights on here those guys came in huge for us and they're taking care of us we want to make sure we keep all their equipment on here we also have Fox suspension they are sending out all new suspension for this thing like definitely definitely taking care of on that so big thanks to those guys uh hostile wheel Wheels is going to send out wheels for this thing they're literally overnighting us some Wheels to make this happen the list goes on guys we have tons of help and tons of support behind this we're excited to see how it does I think it'll do awesome I think it's going to work out a lot better because we're not going to have to have spacers that are a foot and a half wide 48 hours to complete this project and it's like a 4-Hour drive just going to leave it with that [Music] get [Music] out [Music] [Music] Jes this thing's insane like it is just insane I want to keep driving it before we lose sunlight because it's just working so well hey I'm going to take a quick break break because I want to give one of you a bunch of free Milwaukee Tools like $4,000 of the tools or an apple Vision Pro but the most important message I have for you right now is I'm going to tell you how you can avoid cutting off your finger if you wear a wedding ring the tough ring is a silicone wedding band obviously as a guy that uses my hands a lot there's all sorts of risks in wearing jewelry you could really quickly and easily lose a finger if you wear a metal ring tough ring is a ring that is super comfortable to wear it's made out of silicone so it's super safe if it gets caught in a saw or a tool or something like that the ring will fail before it rips your finger off right here we have any old generic rubber ring and we're going to see how many quarts of oil this ring can hold before it fails one quart two quarts three quarts starting to stretch four quarts and there you have it the ring just failed with four quarts of oil in it which is still pretty impressive now we're going to show you what the tough ring can do we got four quarts in the bucket Here Comes quart number [Applause] five [Music] 21 quarts of oil so far and the tough ring has not failed anybody who places an order right now is going to get entered to win a full Milwaukee toolkit or apple Vision Pro Plus if you buy a tough ring you're going to get two Comfort Rings absolutely free in addition to giving you guys two rings literally buy one get two free plus entering you to win a bunch of Milwaukee tools or apple Vision Pro I'm also going to give the first 100 you to place in order one of our free wallets just the tough wallet it has this little trick right here where you squeeze that throws your cards up for you it's got your cash holder right here use the promo code Heavy D and you are going to get the two rings free a wallet for free and you're going to get free shipping use the promo code Heavy D enjoy if I were you I'd hurry and get the wallet because these are sick all right this is officially one of the craziest feelings driving the driver truck at the sand Doom with paddle tires and it's doing really well like really [Music] well so much [Music] power [Music] [Music] he [Music] that was so fun well it turns out the Tesla cyber Tru on paddles is just absolutely silly that's some of the most fun I've ever had and it works so damn well one of my favorite features is the fact that it has the fourwh drive that you can control how much power is going to the front and the rear wheel so you kick like 90% of the power of the rear wheels and it makes the ass end just kind of fish around uh and but the paddles are grabbing it's incredible and like I was not easy on this thing today like I was I was given the old W 4 pretty good and nothing broke and nothing I just kept on kicking out of off-road mode which is a minor thing but other than that I love it so with that said now we're going to head back to house charge this truck and get ready for another day at beating tomorrow so we see you tomorrow morning the first thing that happens what that hey why are you looking at me I looked at you but then I didn't want to put the blame on IE no I did not on me let everybody know I was it wasn't Dave that broke it this time it was actually me but everything's going to be okay everything will be fine we get some starter fluid a lighter use some science and boom Tire will be back on we'll be ripping them heels you I was going to say something else but I don't know what I was going to say [Music] never this man's coming through that's kind of a cool noise that is [Music] cool [Music] you [Music] [Music] oh so [Music] fun all right let's go jump it [Music] yep well my friends that's a wrap for the Cyber rail this thing performed really really well as you guys saw it did things that I didn't think it was capable of and it's still in one piece however it's in limp mode now because something's wrong with the electronic steering um and in order to prevent an accident they basically just put the car into like can't go more than 4 miles hour when the steering's like that so that's something that's deep inside the system I took kind of a hard hit in the sand with the nose and it pushed something up into the steering so give back the shop clean that out um but it did really well so now we got to figure out which direction we want to go with it next whether we lift it lower it I don't know you guys tell me drop your ideas below we got plenty of ideas but I want to hear from you and see what you're thinking a huge shout out to superar Ron T and their whole team those guys are doing some really cool stuff and I think what I enjoy about their channel is they're actually just out there having a good time they don't have much of a you know prerogative other than just do cool stuff and that shows in their work they're putting out and it's really good stuff so make sure you click the link below follow them huge shout out to Tesla thank you for always uh continuing to support this project and helping us you know figure out these little issues and stuff so we are far from done testing this truck I know a lot of you want to see us test the badger that I'm building as well which uh trust me that's coming soon so we got all kinds of testing coming up for you guys and some really exciting stuff so all right so we are back from the dunes we've had all of our fun in the snow in the sand Offroad there's lots of things I don't like about it but there's more things that I do like about it and I want to kind of go through that stuff with you guys to help you understand what's going on why we're putting so much time and energy into this truck and what you can expect you know moving forward so I'm a diesel guy I am a internal combustion engine guy I like horsepower I like V8s v10s v12s I like big engines and I like going fast however I also like technology and I like Innovation and I like you know new things I like exciting things and that's exactly what the Cyber truck is the people at Tesla have created something really special here I know a lot of you guys online you take a look at the truck whether you've seen it on the Internet or in person and there's some people who are just not a fan of the design I was one of those people at first when I first looked at it in the stock configuration for me it's not something that I would want to drive every single day but I knew that it had potential which is why we started tearing into it and modifying it and making it you know feel more our style and as that's happened I've started to really love the truck I'm big on proportions so any vehicle that's why I always put big tires on all my different trucks and cars because I like the tires to just be a little bit bigger than what you know the factory would put on you know Factory has to follow all these guidelines of what's practical what's safe what gets the right you know uh fuel economy or uh battery range there's all sorts of things that they have to worry about when you buy a vehicle and you make it your own you can make those changes so what I really like about the Cyber Tru is once you uh increase the tire size and kind of bump The Stance out a little bit and just give it that you know more rugged off-road look the proportions all seem to tie together pretty well and it's really not that hard so little bigger tire maybe different Wheels a little bit of a lift kit and boom you got yourself a really cool futuristic looking vehicle that's built extremely well that's one thing I'll say about Tesla you guys got to understand Tesla is an American company yes they Source parts and stuff from all over the world including China but Tesla's like the most americanmade car that's probably ever existed and that you can tell because the quality is just Next Level so I want to go through a couple things on this truck that uh we experienced throughout all this testing some of the stuff that broke some of the things that wasn't um you know it didn't hold up to our abuse granted the tests that we threw at this thing were completely unconventional these were not normal tests this isn't something that the Cyber truck is going to be you know exposed to every single day uh with you know an average owner so you guys know the main problem we had was the front suspension when we you put those tracks on this upper control arm that sits right up in here essentially is what supports all the load of the suspension as it goes up and down um it holds the spindle in place as you can see it's not very thin metal however it is a little bit structural cuz they've got you know they've built some structure into it by stamping uh gussets and these valleys and stuff like that that makes the piece more rigid so I would dare say that 99% of cyber truck owners out there are never going to have a problem with this because you're not going to be bolting massive snow tracks or paddle tires or anything like that onto the truck and even when we did have the paddle tires on uh suspension held up really well granted that was after we'd already replaced some components now I want to show you the amount of stress like the enormous load that we actually had applied to the suspension when the tracks were on it because uh you may not fully grasp how that works until you see a little you know demonstration which is exactly what I have for you guys right now this coke cam right here represents this control arm this configuration right here pretty much represents the stock suspension configuration meaning there's not a ton of Leverage on that upper control arm and everything is basically lined up the way they supposed to be I mean Tesla did a really really good job there Engineers are freaking Geniuses the way that they kind of did this packaging and put everything in the truck so this represents my stock suspension this basically represents my spindle that's putting all the leverage onto the upper control arm so as I apply leverage to this part right here you'll see I'll probably be able to smash it but it's going to take me okay I can't smash it now let's Bolt the tracks on this is roughly the same length as the track spacer were they were huge they were ridiculous because we had to push them outside the body cuz otherwise they would have ran into the fenders and it would have been a nightmare so we Bolt the tracks on and then we put a l on the truck science I mean that's literally exactly what happened let me show you again stock upper control arm this is essentially what your suspension is doing you know you're going down the road you're getting bumps and all kinds of stuff and that control arm is not doing this because it doesn't have a tremendous load put that tremendous load on and literally just a little bit of that's it it's all about leverage guys so people look at this and they want to say oh Tesla you're crazy you're using junk parts and I disagree now I will say this this is not the upper control arm that I probably would have gone with but then again I'm not building a truck that costs billions and billions of dollars to manufacture so when you look at the truck you got to realize that they are trying to find every way they possibly can to bring the cost of this truck down to make it more affordable for everybody to make it safe to make it durable to make it not too heavy like there's all sorts of things working against them and essentially this is where they landed and like I said at first I was not too impressed but the more I looked at how these components held up when there wasn't giant snow tracks bolted onto it I was pretty impressed I think you're probably going to see a lot of these new parts on the market coming from both our shop and other people that continue to modify these trucks uh a full suspension system is probably the move for somebody who wants to do you know more off-road stuff kind of the rugged you know aggressive driving that we were doing out in the dirt and the sand and stuff like that if you want to be able to essentially jump your cyber Tru then I would suggest upgrading your suspension now there's very few people that are actually going to go jump their you know $100,000 plus brand new truck but if you do plan on pushing your truck to the limit I would suggest at least upgrading the upper control arms um potentially getting bigger uh tie rods a little bit thicker and then you know the next week link from that is essentially your steering rack or your spindle the knuckle which we broke as well so there's all sorts of uh little things depending on how hard you plan on pushing the truck so if you have questions or if you want to get your cyber truck like really dialed in um hit us up send an email to info@ heavyd sparks.com uh if you want if you're interested in getting a suspension system built if you're interested in getting a full mod build done um we can do pretty much everything and no we're not just focusing on cybertruck we're still doing all sorts of crazy project in fact the Cyber truck is the only electric vehicle in our shop right now you name it we're going to play with it because we're all about innovation technology engineering and pushing vehicles to the absolute limit so the last thing I want to say guys is when the Cyber truck came out I think I saw it in 2020 that I didn't think they were actually going to build it or I thought it would look significantly different um but at that time you know a bunch of my friends were placing reservations and I was like might as well so I threw a reservation on there I totally forgot about it well I got notified the other day that my reservation is like almost ready for delivery because we got it way early on and I ordered the beast mode so that means that I'm probably going to be taking delivery of another cyber truck which is the three motor Beast Edition the truck that we have now is the dual motor which means there's one motor in the rear one motor in the front and the Beast has two Motors in the rear one motor in the front and the reason I like that is because way more power way more options as far as controllability for examp well I don't even know if I'll give you guys a little teaser you guys know the rip saww right the tracked vehicle super crazy I had one Cletus bought it from me then Mike py well we're thinking about maybe doing a rip saof style cyber Tru on tracks with lots of suspension and since you can control each motor individually we could literally use our steering wheel to steer a tank because it's going to control each axle individually so pretty excited about that uh lots of different options and ideas so I want to hear from you guys because we are not done testing this yet we still all a lot of plans superar Ron's truck um we are kind of going over some different ideas with him figuring out which direction he wants to go next he wanted to experience the different personalities that the Cyber truck can really have so some of the ideas that we have next are monster truck another idea and the one that I'm probably the very most excited about and I'm going to need your guys' help with this because I've never built one of these I'm thinking about building that cyber truck into a low rider with hydraulics because the truck already has an incredible electrical system with its high voltage battery plus the 48volt uh battery system there's tons of power and power is exactly what we need to be able to run those big hydraulic pumps to get that truck hopping if you're familiar with hydraulics or if you know anything about that industry I'm going to need a lot of help with this because this is my first time doing it another idea I have we might run the Baja 1000 with it we would rip off all of the factory suspension and bolt-on Big B arm AR suspension I would be shocked if we finished I'm going to try to but the whole goal is to just do something that's never been done before now you guys are like hey what about the battery range how are you going to refuel well the plan that we would have there is we're building some custom generator trucks basically like an F550 and then we have these giant like 80 Kow generators that bolt onto the bottom of the truck and hook into the PTO so this truck just like a regular service truck or a flatbed or a pickup truck can follow the Cyber truck as a Chase truck on this race and then when the battery gets low enough we can pull up to it fire our charging truck up and fast charge the cyber truck in probably 15 20 minutes to be able to get enough range to be able to make it to the next stage of the race I'm really not that concerned about range especially since down in the dunes the battery on the Cyber truck lasted all day long and you guys saw the video you saw how hard I was pushing it when we parked it the first night we still had over 20% battery and that was like I said after pushing it the next day we rode it hard hard hard all morning until I basically put it into limp mode and it wouldn't go faster than 4 mph that only used about 40% battery so I think on the second day we still had 60 50 60% battery remaining when we put it on the trailer so I'm impressed with the battery in you know normal conditions my opinion on the Cyber truck as of today is significantly stronger than it was when the first when the truck first came out one of the main reasons is because Tesla's just been so cool now Tesla is not paying us to do this they're not giving us free trucks they're not doing anything that you might think for us to promote the brand because Tesla really doesn't spend any money on marketing my whole goal and the goal of all my guys here in the shop is to show you how a Tesla product can work in bluecar applications which like guys like you me and the rest of us happen to do I appreciate you watching this video I know this is completely outside of the realm of the stuff that we normally do because obviously we work on diesel and gas engine big horsepower stuff but um the electric stuff's not going away and I'll tell you this there's so much drama in the automotive industry right now with not necessarily people in the industry but consumers it's like they're forcing you to take aside you're either an EV guy or you're a internal combustion engine guy and I just think that's stupid because each vehicle has its own use in different applications so this whole you know you got to pick sides it's just kind of ignorant and childish guys I mean for me it's like somebody comes up to you and they love the lake they love swimming in the lake but they refuse to get in the ocean just because it's different it's you don't have to pick one or the other in fact right now in my garage I have an electric Porsche I have the cybertruck I've been driving I have a Hellcat Power Jeep Gladiator I have a cumin uh truck I've got you name it guys I've got a wide variety of vehicles and the reason for that is because I want to be able to explore that said I just want to give a huge shout out to Baja Designs for the lights super Caron for being an amazing partner on this build obviously the folks over at Tesla um you've got Arctic FX Graphics you've got Invision uh who did the wraps on the truck you've got sand Tires Unlimited hostile Wheels obviously the one I'm most proud of is my guys right here at Sparks Motors guys they turned the Cyber truck from a snowcat into a sand rail in 48 hours so if you guys see anything that we put on the Cyber truck that you potentially want to buy for your own again hit us up we may be able to build you some parts we're not going to ramp up mass production of them just yet because we're still kind of testing and prototyping but send an email to info heavyd sparks.com if you're interested and uh we'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 1,152,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gta 5 tow truck roleplay, towing, snowrunner, trailers, family friendly, no swearing, Recovery, Diesel, Diesel brothers, Heavy equipment, Whistlindiesel, Cleetus McFarland, Demolition ranch, Matt’s Offroad, Mud, Adventure, For you, Heavydsparks, Sparks motors, Freedom bus, Dirt, Dirt work, Tractor, Dave sparks, Diesel Dave, tow truck, wrecker, blue collar, excavator, equipment, heavy duty, dozer, hunting, hellcat, JEEP, snowcat, oshkosh, auction, govplanet, public surplus, abandoned, storage unit
Id: QhhYj8uCluM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 03 2024
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