Is this REALLY the UK’s BEST Fish and Chips?! | 3 Award Winners COMPARED | SORTEDfood

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[MUSIC - JADED, "PANCAKE"] Hey, welcome to Sorted. We're a bunch of mates in London, looking for the exceptional things in food that'll help make our and your lives a little bit better, in amongst constantly ribbing each other. Some of us are chefs. The rest of us, well, we're normal. But every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you guys. (SINGING) --take the cake. I'm gooey in the middle, baby. Let me bake. Hi, I'm Barry. He's Mike. And he's got a craving for fish, chips, a road trip, and sleeping in a sweaty floating box with three of his mates. I do. A couple of weeks ago, Mike and I went to watch the football, and I ordered a standard-- fish and chips and mushy peas. And they were awful. Yeah, it was minging. He wouldn't stop talking about it. And Bas was telling us this the very next day. And it turns out there are actual National Fish and Chip Awards. Just no winners in London. Nothing. It's not exactly coastal. However, the UK's 2017 best takeaway fish and chips are in Plymouth. 240 miles away. And there are another two award-winning fish and chips en route from here in East London. And it would be a crime if we didn't go and try some, right? [MUSIC PLAYING] That's the best. Yeah, I'm going to say right now, that is the best one. [LAUGHING] We drove all the way from East London to come here. So we need to get from here to there. Plympton, don't you. In that direction, looky there. Our first challenge is getting out of London. I just want some lunch. Mike, get a car. We're ready to go. It is very pretty, isn't it? And that's it. There it is. So a National Fish and Chip Award's a big deal. This place was the winner in 2016 for independent fish and chip restaurants. So obviously, we've ordered their cod and chips. What do I look for in a good fish and chips? Crispy batter, flaky fish that is still moist. Look at the size. You need oil that's been reused a few times to get the real good stuff, you know? Steam coming off it. It's flaking well. Good, chunky, fleshy white fish. It was very meaty when I cut into it, which is very nice. The batters like not crispy. But it's got a good-- it's got texture, but it's not crispy. Sometimes I like to eat the little bits that fall off in the fryer, when they fish out the scraps, also the best bet. Well, this fish is a meaty bite. The chips are delicious, and potatoey, and fluffy. But they're not my favorite fish and chip shop chips. The sacks they've got over there is today's choice of potato. And it changes weekly, monthly, depending on the season. That, to me, is at the very top end of the best you can get. The only thing that dish really misses for me is the view. I'm not getting atmosphere. There's no seaside. Yeah, like Poppies in Spitalfields Market in London, yeah. It probably is one of the best fish and chips I've had, yeah. I don't think I've had better, sat in, on a plate, for the price we paid. Absolutely. --for the price we paid. There's a few more recommendations for tomorrow, which I think could knock this one out of the park. If we leave right now, if we get the bill right now, we can get out and go. I can do this. Go, go, go, go. Bristol, here we come. Where are we going to stay? Barry found something. He got very excited. And we all got excited because we thought it's probably quite cool. And it turned out that he actually got excited because it was a great thing for the storyline of the video. And do you want to stay on a boat? What? Come on. Let's [INAUDIBLE] 500%, yes. We have to get there in 10 minutes. Otherwise they close. What? Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run. Can you explain what's going on. I was googling hostels, and there's a place-- there's a hostel boat I saw. [INAUDIBLE] Oh, no, I want to sleep. It'll be fine. Oh, and I didn't classify that we were four singletons wanting to have separate beds. Yo, mate, you need to find about that. Well, we'll be there in two minutes. We'll ask her in person. Where are we? Is this a Barry two minutes, or is it actually six because your thing says six. We're turning right at this one. It's red now. Red now. You're going to do her a lot of asking on your way in the car. I'm on the train tracks. Here it comes. Here it comes. What? I'm still on the train tracks. I can't get off them. [INAUDIBLE] What? There's our ship. That's the basic. Is that our boat? That's it. [LAUGH] We made it by the skin of our teeth. The place was just about to shut. It was clean. It was a boat, and it had full beds. A tiny boat with a tiny room that fits four grown men, not comfortably. [LAUGHTER] Happy? Guys, we can go in. [INAUDIBLE] our happy guests. Happy is relative. Hey, we're on a boat. [? Mother fucker. ?] Been a day, in't it? [MUSIC PLAYING] We have arrived, Plymouth. What's the time? 12 o'clock! And how are we feeling, guys? You come all this way. We made it. I can smell it. I'm quite nervous. Why are you nervous? Because it's been a journey. Quite right. I mean-- A long way to come for average fish and chips, isn't it? It is, isn't it? If I've Instagram storied this whole journey, and this is bad, what does that say about me? It better be good. So Rockfish is one of the most successful fish and chip shops down here in the Southwest. And they catch all their fish from this local area. You can see the fishing boats coming and going from this port. They're bought here and served through the restaurants. And it is some of the best fish and chips in the UK, but is it the best? It's cool. It's very nautical, isn't it? Nautical colors and nautical feel, right on the harbor. It's good the fish and chip menu is called [INAUDIBLE] simple as. And I think there's some fresh catch of the day stuff as well, so-- Today, hake, [? Lurgan ?] sole, plaice, skate wing, or whiting on offer, and that's what fresh [? about it. ?] I've got a good feeling about this. Firstly, seafood ketchup, that is a must. Ooh, it's quite different to the other one. Is it? Aww, it's amazing the fishes. So hake gives it a much finer flesh. It kind of is softer than the cod that was much meatier yesterday. But I'd say the batter is on par. It's a little bit crispier. I think it's a little bit lighter. It's picked up a little bit more of the oil, I think, which is nice. Speaking for me, Mike, is they're more your type of chips. They're a little bit squidgy. Some are soft. Some are crisp. You've got a variety in front of you, so you can't lose. We also got the sole, which has just been grilled with lots of batter and herbs-- still fish and chips. Well, that is good. I may just suggest less batter on it, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with something like this with chips. So I think it's so good. They always have a takeout. But here's the place that I always lose when eating out for chips, because you can have restaurant quality fish, and fish and chip shop chips at home. I mean, that's like-- That is great. This is the thing about fish and chips for me is still bits of the skin, whereas at the other place you have nothing. Anyone, who's scared about fish on the bone, it just falls off it. The [INAUDIBLE] fish are the best. It's done well. That I think is the best fish we've had so far. And chips. Those chips are halfway between the chips that we had yesterday, and the chips that I want to be having. I need them soggier. I need them soggier. Cider, an interesting take on fish and chips. Yeah? I've never assoc-- I would always go ale, probably, or white wine. 'Cause the beer batter. Cheers. Cider is great. Cheers. It goes with the beer batter. Cheers. Go. These might-- Did you-- Did we get it? This is it. Did you get it? Did you get it? That can't be it. This is nuts. It's on-- It's next to a-- Dragon City and Domino's. Officially, the UK's number one fish and chip shop 2017. Chip shop, not chip restaurant. No way. This is takeaway fish and chips, specifically. That's what they were awarded the award for. The food has to be good. I mean, yeah, that's a good point. Because you can't rely on the setting. No. [LAUGHING] We drove all the way from East London to come here. This was the place that we looked up. This is amazing. It's not going to get voted the UK's number one fish and chips shop, unless it's bloody good because no one's going to come here for the view. We got a nice [INAUDIBLE] chips, three deep fried Oreos-- What? --and a pickled egg. Do you know what? I'm looking forward to fish and chips from a takeaway fish and chips shop because I think it's going to give us a really different experience. The childhood classic fish and chips shop takeaway restaurant, and I'll tell you why. Look, every single great UK fish and chip shop has one of these. [? Oh, ?] [? hats off. ?] Oh, it doesn't fit the new pound coin. He jimmied it. I'm excited for this. Are you trying to take out one, while we're pulling my mirrors. Shut up, [INAUDIBLE]. Crispiest batter yet. Really? Oh, yeah. And fish-- huge, great big flakes. That's the best. Really? Yeah, I'm going to say it right now. That is the best one. I've only-- I've just had one mouthful, and I know. Very good. It's like a mix between the two previous ones, so it packs a punch. It's got loads of flavor, but it's also really light, crispier than both the others. The fish is really flaky, and sweet, and juicy. That is what I want in fish and chips. It's a [INAUDIBLE]. This was six quid. I wanted to kind of [INAUDIBLE] into this, but that is the best fish and chips we've had in the last 24 hours. Hey. You're doing this on purpose. I'm not. I'm driving a car. They're slightly flourier potatoes in the middle. But it's still got a good golden color, and a good crisp, and a bit of sog. There are thousands of fish and chip shops in the UK. And we haven't tried a fraction of a percent of them. So we can't tell you this is the best. What I'm telling you is, this is the best of the food we've had in the last 24 hours. And these are really good fish and chips. I'm not sure I'd drive five and a half hours for it, for this. But if you're here-- You did. --it's bloody good. [INAUDIBLE] Southwest England, we have a contender. Where are we finding our next contender from? Up North, East. We've been West. Southwest, Northwest. Now, that was part of a much longer road trip. 550 miles we went from London down to-- not Padstow. Plymouth. Plymouth, the other P. You can go watch the entire thing because we filmed it all as part of our lost and hungry trip. Yeah, you can go and watch that if you're a member. And if you're not a member, sign up, and then you can go and watch that. Also, click that notification bell to make sure that you get a poke every time we upload something amazing. Make sure you subscribe, and we will see you every Wednesday and every Sunday for another fridge cam. Now, thank you. We'll see you next time. Au revoir. As we mentioned, Sorted, it's just run by a group of friends. So if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. [SMACKING LIPS] Oh, that sounds horrible. Sorry. Sorry. I'm ready to talk now. [LAUGH]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 1,027,030
Rating: 4.8960733 out of 5
Keywords: fish and chips, fried fish, fried chips, chip shop chips, chip shop fish, chippy, chippy fish and chips, traditional fish and chips, best fish and chips, lost and hungry, best food in uk, londons best, uks best fish and chips, londons best fish and chips, where to eat fish and chips, £4 fish and chips vs £50 fish and chips, best ever fish and chips, gordon ramsay fish and chips, homemade fish and chips, fish & chips, british food
Id: 8foHZyWg_6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 24sec (744 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 25 2018
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