Millers Fish and Chips - Meet The UK's Best Fish and Chip Shop 2018

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when you go around the world there is you know you test different different kinds of food and I'm so proud that when people come to to Britain that they have fish and chips and we can be a part of that fish and chips it is my life I'd live and breathe it and I love it and that's a great feeling to be able to do that to be able to do something every day and love it the feeling of when the customer walks out the door and they said that was the best fish and chips I've ever had that is the money for us so that's what inspires me every day is being able to provide quality products for our customers the level we're at now has been a life-changing experience and you have to be prepared for that if you're not prepared to change your life and commit to that and ruin it at the top all the time then it's a difficult thing to do it's just part of the job that's what you take on that's the business you're providing and to get to that level and to produce a good product and good customer service it takes a lot of dedication from not just a family but from the team you employ so it's it's it's a lot of work it's hard work but it's enjoyable it's it's very rewarding we started off with my great-grandfather in 1940 during World War Two when fish and chips work wasn't Russian and he was literally rumbling potatoes into an old bathtub or whatever he could get his hands on and every generation that's come through from Miller's it's brought something new to the table and what's been amazing we're working with dad and so closely with him is that he's been able to stand back and let that happen people think that a chip just comes to us like a chip it comes to us as a potato off a farm that whole process of it going from the potato to the end products that you're actually eating is quite amazing really and a lot of time and care goes into that process mushy peas is something that everybody probably asks with the fish and chips we're making them on the hob fresh every day so every service the customers are getting a flashlight Peas it's what fish and chips are known for these chips and peas please the fish we get is individually line car that means that it's been vetted specifically for that type of species so that's really important when it comes to sustainability because we know exactly what the fishermen are catching my family been doing this for seven seven years and if we want this to continue we have to start looking after the ocean and and not only that but things around us as well dad takes a lot of pride in the fish that he gets and everything that we do at Miller's but where he really does shine is his fish currents obviously if he's got thirty years of experience of doing that and that's something that we you know take great pride in is that we've got a premium fish cutter these fishermen take great care by getting that fish for us and they produce a great product so it's our duty to take that fish and produce a good product with it I've gone through many different processes I've had wet fishing and frozen at sea at the moment I believe is it frozen at sea it's probably some of the best fishing that we buy from the Norwegians we buy from their slime leaks they fish in the top of the Bering Sea oceans off Greenland and it really is superb stuff it's caught and usually frozen to manage 24 within two and half hours it's classed as fresh frozen I really don't think there's much that can be done the most important thing is your batter people always talk about batter the batter was too soft I was it was wet or whatever and I think getting your batter is just so important to what you do and I think it's something that you never stop learning about we're always tweaking it we're always trying to get better can we make it better when you have the batter right you must be able to place your fish in the batter very quickly and then into the pan but also you just need to lay it in if your batter is correct you shouldn't have to throw it in to get loads of spikes on it if you'll be able to just place it in very gently deliberately slow motion and let it go and let the fat the temperature and the batter do its work and then after four or five minutes you get perfect product a mum runs her restaurant like you would do if she came into your home she's a bit like because if she's not proud of what goes on that place she asked us to do it again doesn't out very often what she's very very particular so she runs that fantastically and we trust her implicitly with that mama loves her customers they're like her extended family they always come in the certain time she knows exactly what the one when they wants it that's what's great about Miller's is because we take every customer very very seriously without the customers we wouldn't be where we are now it is almost like still being in a big band when you're on shift every player in a band needs to be doing the right thing it's about the feeling as well you know it comes from a passion if you're not into it you know into it you know so you have to be on the game of keeping the energy up this something that we strive on and that's that's hundred-person what we do I think fish and chips is an honest meal it's a really good honest meal it's a value-for-money meal and it's it's nutritious but I think it's one of your top comfort fills I think people love fish and chips and you can eat fish and chips in all different manners you can ziti out paper on a wall outside with your dogs or you can eat it like at seaside you can take it home and have a family supper it takes so many boxes for people I think if it's done right it's probably one of the best meals going we look forward to a Friday it's very hard it's very intense it's very important to make sure that it's running smoothly even at the highest pace will get burnt we'll charge other but it's all for the customer of to get that product as best as it can be you know we all want this end goal which is the perfect fish and chips and that's what we're all striving towards as long as we get that job done we'll do anything I think our team is fantastic we have a young vibrant team which is great that we believe in but the big thing is they believe in Miller's as well so we have to have that you have to believe in what you're doing we believe it because it's our business but they have to believe that as well and they do believe that they love it they are proud to wear the Millers tops they go all off together doing things and even to my eldest people that work for me they sign up to what we're doing and it's just fantastic so that's how important is you can't be where we are without that team we all love what we do and that shows through through what we do and you know we will go out for meals we will go bowling we'll we'll do various things all together because we're not only work together but you know we were all friends as well you know and that's what's great about it the future for Millers we just want to keep doing what we're doing you know we are providing quality for our community and I can only see they're getting bigger and better you know we're constantly looking at how we can improve every aspects of the business and I think progression is so important for any business and that's it's what we do and that's what we love doing and that's what we will continue to do you
Channel: Millers Haxby
Views: 158,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Best Fish and Chips UK, Best Fish and Chips, UK Best Fish and Chips Shop, Miller's Fish and Chips, Fish and Chips Recipe, Fish and Chips Gordon Ramsay, National Fish and Chip Awards, Best Fish and Chips in the world, Best fish and chips Yorkshire, Sustainable Seafood, Fish and Chips Documentary, national fish and chip awards, fish and chip awards, uks best fish and chips
Id: oJWuUCi-GaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2018
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