The 90 year old Fish and Chip Takeaway

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the roaring 20s on the fashion the film stars and the cars a lots changed but not everything has at the Regent fish-and-chip takeaway hidden in the suburbs of Leeds in hospice you get a taste of the 1920s every time you come in for the shops been serving fish and chips since 1925 and over the years it's remained a bastion of the great British dish partners Adrian and Sharon run this chippy together and with it a charged with filling the bellies of the community who've seen this place as a symbol of great British food for their whole lives fish and chips here are still prepared the traditional way an Adrian it took me down to the cellar to show me some of his prep in action the traditional methods prepared in fish and chips in a traditional shop that's what appealed to me where everything else is moving on towards fast food this we've kept the traditional methods purchasing fresh potatoes sauce the finest haddock we can buy making my own butter traditional wrappings are not per to natee to to deal with with the public and serve the local community fish and chips hundred and twenty-five years it's vital that it's kept traditional and not moved on Tina like I've said with the other fast food here today gone tomorrow Claire pass with lunch time fast approaching it wasn't long before one of the region's loyal customers came to get their fix of the Great British tradition Richard Horseman is one customer who's been coming here since he was a toddler we used to live about 300 yards up the road that way and I can remember me mum bringing me down here when I must have been less than two years old and we're going up these steps sit down on the old ship sit me down on the counter and I get a chip on a fork and I'd sit there eating this chip on the fork I was the happiest little boy in the whole of Leeds so long as I got that chip on a fork I've come back here since on all the kind of occasions when my wife was in hospital giving birth to our first kidney I didn't want to be cooking from yourself so I come here all kinds of life experiences have been shared in this little shop just hasn't changed in all those years it's hidden away here it's not on a Main Street and yet he coming here on a Saturday it's strong there's people come from miles away I know I Drive in now from four or five miles away because I want the fish and gypsum here but for the people that live in the immediate area it's just it's one of those things that makes hospital what it is a brief break in the lunchtime rush and a chance to catch up with Sharon it's a nice place to come to work it's lovely lovely environment lovely neighbors and the customers are fantastic it's a joy really really part of the community they've been brought up with it we see children growing up and and then they bring their children in and they bring their children in we have people who can barely climb the steps saying once I can't get up these steps that's it you know 90 year old people come in I've been coming here all my life and they the grandparents the grandchildren we've got one lady at the moment who comes over three times here from Hong Kong to see a dad and she's in last night you know and she just loves coming back for fish and chips it's it's part of a bygone era when things were nicer somehow and people were nicer and there was more of a village community spirit here in Hospice I think people hanker after that so happy birthday the Regent knowing the affection many half of this place there's no doubt it will still be here in another 90 years from the air I'm our kailash levine
Channel: Mark Kielesz-Levine
Views: 311,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fish and chips, Leeds, Horsforth, 1925
Id: iJYDt6oEw58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2015
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