London’s Best Ice Cream?! | Sorted Food

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Hey, how's it going? We're Sorted. We're a group of mates from London looking for exceptional things in food that will make a difference to you, or just make you laugh. Some of us are chefs. The rest of us, we're normals. But every video we make always starts with a suggestion from you. [MUSIC - JADED, "PANCAKE"] Hello. This is Jamie. And I'm Ben. And today, we're exploring three of the most exciting and innovative ice creams that London has to offer. And spoiler alert, I win. No. That's not how this works. Except, I win. On trend, of course. Someone's got some cash to burn on ice cream. Ice cream is awesome in the summer. What is Italian for ice cream? It's gonna taste like a shower gel. Yeah. Oh. For my choice, we've come to Camden Market in the north of London. I brought us to Chin Chin Labs. They've been open for seven years. And they make Europe's first nitro ice cream. Now, we're here to find London's best ice cream. But the Times newspaper has called this place the best ice cream parlor in England. So surely, I automatically win. I've even sorted us out a sneaky backstage tour, just if I needed to do anything else to secure the win. What is the best looking and best tasting? It would be this one here. That's the wrong order. So if it's the most popular, I'm thinking we're going to have to go for the burnt butter caramel. The burnt butter caramel. Awesome. I'm going for the thumbnail, so can I have the killer marshmallow cone? So it's a vanilla cone, as I said. And then, some torched marshmallow. And then, we'll get the scoop of ice cream on the top. Our liquid base that is made here in the kitchen. It's pretty much like a milkshake. So it's got different things, depending on the flavor. What we're going to just take the liquid nitrogen from this tank. Is very cold. It's almost 200 degrees. The benefits of it is to freeze the liquid base and make it ice cream very quick. for regular ice cream takes about two hours in machines to get frozen. So with this one, as you can see, it's very, very quick from a liquid base to ice cream in about 20, 30 seconds. The fresh bases are made every single day. And then, we'll make the ice cream to order. I'm just taking it now. I'm texturizing it manually. Wow. Hello. (SINGING) Wait a minute, Mr. Postman. Sorry about that. I licked and kissed. You did. So the burnt butter caramel, the base is made by pretty much making it toffee, caramel, sugar water, glucose, and they add a load of butter. And they basically let it burn. So you get that kind of bitterness. There's a slight smokiness to it. And it takes away from the sweetness of the marshmallow and the cone. It's perfectly balanced. Caramel ice cream can be sickly, sickly sweet. This is the burnt caramel and the torched meringue. And it kind of cuts through the excessive sweetness. But let's be honest, what we're really interested in is the texture because of the nitrogen. You can see how glossy and shiny it is. It is uber creamy. That isn't overly poweringly sweet. Because of the burn, it kind of gives a savory note to it. The mouth feel is great. Dammit. There is a mouth feel. Oh, hey, you're dripping. So the meringue, well, it's at slightly above room temperature, because it's bean scorched on the outside. Therefore, it tastes warm compared to the ice cream. And you got this kind of hold, cold mix, which is really weird, but so amazingly delicious. (SINGING) Nailed it. You see what he's done there? He's appealed to my geeky side and he nailed it. But I have one better. So for my choice, I brought the boys to Soho, an absolute hub of awesome restaurants, bars, kind of night scene, and in particular to Gelupo, which is awesome Italian gelato. They have loads of gelato on offer. Oh, no. The call of gelato. So I've been wanting to come for ages, but a couple of weeks ago, I finally made it to Bocca di Lupo, an amazing Italian restaurant. And opposite they have Gelupo. And that's kind of their sister restaurant. And they do gelato, like no other. I reckon there's two ways of looking at this. He's either going to go super tradish or he's going to go like rose petal and tea tree lemon. Tea tree? Yeah, aloe vera ice cream. This is matcha. This is the only ice cream in the world you eat and you get more thirsty and a drier mouth than before you eat it. So you're going to tell me what flavor this is before I put it in my mouth? I hope you'd be able to identify it. Oh. [BLEEP] OK. Incredible, incredible pistachio gelato. It's really strange, because usually when you get a really nutty flavor like this, you also get the texture of nuts. But there's no texture of nuts. It's just smooth ice cream and amazing nutty flavor. So the knack with gelato is it is churned much slower. So it had much less air in it, which makes it denser, which means there's less place for the flavor to dissipate, which is why it is so intense on flavor. So really, this is the opposite of my cream, which was frozen within 20 to 30 seconds and therefore, doesn't have any ice crystals in it and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Beautiful. I wouldn't usually go for something this nutty and sweet at the same time. I really like this. I really like this. I was going to go for the mint, homemade chocolate chip version, but because they churn them fresh every single day, that isn't ready yet. This is my second favorite. And I also know that is doesn't matter flavor you get from there, they're all amazing. And the benefit of choosing a fairly miserable day in London is there's no queue, because normally, it is around the block here. I mean, it's like we're in an Italian square. Look at the view. So there's only one left. It's Barry Taylor. And I think there's two problems here. Number one, how is he going to beat ours? So far, two top, top class options. And number two, is it going to be ice cream? Boys, you have no idea what's coming up next. When you look at me what do you think? Pretentious. I can't answer that on a PG-13 channel. On trend, of course. I am bringing the guys to Mayfair. You know Mayfair, the most expensive spot on the Monopoly board? Yeah. I'm surrounded by high end fashion, Bugatti, Bentleys, and London Fashion Week behind us, which is on point. Way to throw off the shackles of the stereotype there, Bas. Daddy, I need some ice cream money, please. Mate, while we're over here, do you want to get a new shirt? Daddy, the ice cream van didn't come? Can I have an ice cream Rolls Royce instead, please? He's not, is he? [BLEEP] Come on. What would you expect? Come on. Embrace it. A novelty meal to match your novelty outfit. Come on. I've not heard of this before. But having seen it, in that picture, I cannot imagine anything more Barry Taylor. The Avo-lato. Yes. We are in Snowflake, which is a gelato store inside Selfridges, a very trendy, high end fashion shop. And that is why we are having trendy desserts. It's an avocado. I mean, it's clever, isn't it? It's very Instagram. It's very on trend. I hope it delivers in quality too. This is the Avo-lato, avocado and a gelato with a nut butter gelato in the middle as well. It's served in an avocado cup. Have you ever felt more out of place? Ha, that's rich. Is it just an avocado with some ice cream in the middle? No. This is all gelato. It looks like my pistachio one. Boys, dig in to the best gelato and avocado of your life. I've got high hopes. Cheers. Cheers. So you never expect ice creams to be savory, but having had a few, like pesto ice creams before and cheese ice creams, is once you get over the shock, you realize that it's absolutely delicious, in a very different way. That is the most avocado-y tasting thing I have ever tasted. It tastes more like an avocado than an avocado. Yeah. But there's also a slight hint of citrus. And I'm getting a little kick. It's almost like the sugars-- and I think you're right. There's a citrus something in there-- brings out more of an avocado-y flavor. So it tastes like a really fruity avocado. Now, this is weird. but we have to eat this foam as well. Just super intense on flavor, because that is the most peanut buttery, nutty-- And paired with the avocado, because it's slightly more bitter and not as sweet as the avocado. When you pair it mixed together, it works really well. It's a really intriguing one. I have really enjoyed it. I'm happy for Barry, because I think this has actually lived up beyond just looking trendy. I think it actually has the flavor to back it up. That is one of those things that everybody should try. That was a very, very pleasant surprise. That was good. But that was a lot of ice cream. Yeah. We need something refreshing, light, and-- Savory. Yeah. What were we doing again? I don't know. OK. Let's recap and let's talk money. First up, Chin Chin Labs' nitro ice cream, how much do you think I paid for it? It must quite expensive, because there's quite a few procedures they have to go through to bring it to you. I'm going to say it's worth 6 pounds. It's more like a dessert than a grab and ice cream, because it's almost [INAUDIBLE] in a sense. So I think, 5 pound plus. 4 pound, 95. Oh. For that fiver, 4.95, you get great Insta-photo. So for Gelupo, you're looking at incredible gelato ice cream, made fresh every day, intense Italian flavors. How much do you reckon? A very clean, delicious, pure ice cream with the most pistachio pistachio that's in them, it's got to be 4 quid. 3 pound, 50. All of this depends on whether you go for small, medium, or large. But given we were having three ice creams there, we went small, 3 pound a piece. Good. Good. So that's good value. Yeah. That's good value. Yeah. Oh, [BLEEP]. What about your quick coffee shop option? Yeah? Have a guess at my one? I reckon it's the most expensive, maybe at 7 or 8 quid. I reckon Ben's probably on the money, 7 or 8 pounds. It was-- it was-- I can't say it. It was 9 pound, 95. Tenner. I mean, that's a lot of money for an ice cream. but if you were in a posh restaurant getting your dessert, you would probably pay 10 pounds for a banging dessert. Go try them all and you won't be disappointed. You might be slightly poorer, but you won't be disappointed. Did you have a favorite out of the three that we picked? Which one would you have chosen? Or have you got a completely different suggestion that we should've gone for instead as London's best ice cream. Either way, let us know down below. So many good ice cream places to check out. [INAUDIBLE] Soft serve? I thought mine is soft serve? But it's not up there with gelato. So which one do you think was the best? Comment Jaime's choice down below. No. You're not allowed to manipulate. What? It's not manipulation if I just won. And as always, don't forget, if you haven't rung that bell, please do so and you'll be notified every time we release another [INAUDIBLE] video. As we mentioned, Sorted is just run by a group of friends, so if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. This-- Wait. And squeeze in, please. Hello. Hello. [LAUGHTER] Your face and each other.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 536,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ice cream, best ice cream, london ice cream, dessert, where to get ice cream in london, cheats ice cream, three ways to make ice cream, 3 ice cream recipes compared, homemade vs store bought ice cream, cookie cupcake ice cream cone, how to make ice cream, cookies and cream ice cream, no machine ice cream, homemade ice cream 4 ways, mind blowing honeycomb ice cream, pistachio ice cream, caramel ice cream, burnt butter caramel, avocado ice cream, chin chin ice cream, selfridges
Id: yXFy7GarEHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 01 2018
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