7 Reasons We Stopped Working On The Bombi

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good morning it's another day of working in a shop we're working on the balmy and guess what it's not gonna work this is bad let me show you why it's not going to work we went to some effort to move this away from the drive sprocket so that the caliper would fit nice and what that did was this I was unfamiliar with these kind of Tire guides and it just never crossed my mind not enough ever we didn't move it far enough we thought it was clear because it was away from the gear yeah but it's not going to work not gonna work so we've got to get it further luckily Tom found a solution on the world wide web break hats so this is what we found it's not going to work these holes need a little reaming and then it's going to work probably this one yeah skip two one two Skip to My Lou I knew that was coming when I said skip two it was just a question of how long it was gonna take skip to maluma Darling so now that it's gonna work let's look at it um were you just skipping yes he was skipping to me that's gonna work that the Pilot's even so these are modular so not only can we put this on like this we can add spacers if we need to don't worry we're not gonna be taking it on the freeway and that'll get us inboard far enough you got a new one yeah wild job all right that wasn't even close I was about to say so close so rat came into work late today kind of he came in early because we were working somewhere else I'm not doing a good job explaining this but Rec came in early somewhere else and then when we came here he started working on his own thing come show us what you were working on real fast so Rhett has this cream puff he's been trying to get running and show us what you did well all I did today was made it so this wire wouldn't pop out right there and just die randomly and then I replaced the ground wire because the old one was getting there and then I put this ground wire to the alternator I should put up for the zip tie right there yeah and don't leave this laying around in your engine bay oh I hear his car fire up blow tones make it through he can hear earthquakes and Rumbles this is Ed hearing right here a long time ago way back I had little four little speakers in the ceiling right here and a subwoofer that I built the six inch sub and it was amazing because the music we can't have music playing on YouTube but we used to have music in the shop before YouTube and it was just awesome because we could hold a conversation I could talk to you because it was just quiet but that subwoofer that made it sound amazing in here Ed could here he one day he came and just tore it apart you trust your subwoofer yeah wow you kids and your music all right here we go okay [Music] oh yeah man that looks good so I'd say I say we're bottomed out right there we oughta just test fitted it it might work the way it is right we could put this on this way you can put that together right now did it come with bolts oh I have got an errand to run so I'm gonna turn this over to you and Rhett I think you guys are gonna do just fine I don't even know what they're doing I'm just I've probably got back in all right well Tom's finishing tighten that up I'm gonna take off the front sprocket foreign [Music] here we go this is the Moment of Truth we're gonna put on our sprocket that is not enough look at that still hitting is that centered up that is hitting we need to get like another inch okay we're gonna figure that out and we'll be back all right Tom gotcha fresh transmission she's pretty this is the one that we're using on the Bombi they rebuilt it over at St George transmission it's looking good do you know why I say this will work because I'm gonna will it into working I mean are you just barely touching that's about centered and it's just touching yeah so if you win an hinge how far do you think these will shift over uh I'm not expecting them shift much more than a half inch but if we did an inch spacer that's so we need an inch spacer with this bolt pattern yeah all right it is [Music] it is sharp and Matt is [Music] Matt is maybe he's filming for Shark Week I don't really know what he does out there before Matt left he gave me this list of things to do I think it is more like some guidelines he just didn't want me to get bored or lonely while he was gone so I'm just gonna go look around the shop and see what I should work on I'll just use my best judgment all right we're here at the Salt Lake airport we are ready to fly to Florida they keep delaying our flight I know you guys don't like airport updates but I'm giving you one and something exciting is happening Johnny Boy the Buckmaster is coming to see us pretty nice two-point Buck there's another nice little Buck another decent sized Buck ride over there is he here in a couple minutes yeah he's a pilot he's getting ready to go on a flight here's a little poem I wrote about Johnny Boy roses are red violets are Violet I got a friend named Johnny Boy the pilot I told you he'd be right here right here there's a chance that if you've flown Delta he's been your pilot maybe all your smoothest Landings look what I found over here this is that three to one transfer case we've been meaning to put in the more of air I could do that check this out this is a box from arcdroid I'm really excited about opening this up and seeing what's in there I could actually do some work on the Bombi but I think I'm gonna work on this device so the other day Rhett came in here and he fixed the handle on that and I was so excited because he loves this little table I thought I would do a little more work on it so this Vice has been through years of abuse it's all bent up I got this nice new Vise and I had flogged cut out a base for it so I'm going to take that off and weld in this base so when he comes back he'll have this nice new Vise on his little table this one I want to be easy to remove I built this plate and I'm going to weld all the nuts to the bottom of the plate and then drill holes so they'll sit down in the table and then I'll weld the whole plate on on and then you'll be able to remove it by just uh using a ratchet from the top side hopefully this has enough left in it to drill this is what we drilled those axle tubes out with like six months ago and this took beating but it's got to do four holes I think it'll do four more holes sure Matt would just muscle through and drill these out by hand because he is a drilling beast but he's not here so this is how I'm doing it all right it's our first day here in Florida the ladies are trying to decide what we're going to be getting for foods like sustenance we've got Rowdy there you guys might know him from Schultz and he's my steel dealer I'm sweating Rowdy I want your opinion on this right here I wanted to leave enough room for Rowdy to park his rig that's why I did that let's go okay what are we doing all right we're on groceries all right boogie board s Florida things stuff yeah yeah any indent in the ground here has not only water in it but it has Critters in it so this is this is a pretty cool State and that's one of the reasons want Critters Everywhere I Go you might not know this about me but I despise shopping I don't like it well that's not true I like shopping for old rusty cars and trucks I like shopping for off-road parts and engine parts and Fabrication stuff but I despise like going into a store machine shopping cart around and trying to make a decision on dozens of items that I just don't care about and then me and Jamie played this little game where she says what do you think we should get and I say ah let's get this and she says no let's get this and she knew the answer the whole time she was just seeing if I knew the answer it's not a fun game for me it's actually not very fun to go grocery shopping with himself but see this I've got a good attitude I'm being very supportive we are gonna feel this shopping cart with products and we're gonna have a good time doing it I don't know do you think we need cups yeah we're gonna get some cups what irresponsible thing are you gonna buy while Matt's gone this time I have been dreaming for this opportunity and I've got a few ideas keep watching [Applause] okay mag drill for the win today that cut awesome way better than the axles that we had to cut with that same bit here's my plate that's got to go in oh that fits perfect barely even Wiggles in there oh yeah that's not going anywhere so I'm just trying to figure out what we should move on to and do next and I just remembered that my truck started to make some noise I think it might be ball joints when I'm steering so I'm going to just push the Bombi out we'll pull my truck in here and see what's going on look at that look at those Majestic cows running look at that that's a stampede that's a regular stampede so here's the deal Jamie dressed me today and she put me in new shoes I had to take them off so I'm walking around in my sock feet Jamie of course has her appropriate Footwear on always Everywhere I Go Florida experience look at him go oh that is so cool oh that is awesome [Music] um yeah go all the way One Direction and let's go all the way together okay pull up okay come back um oh yeah this this could be making noise there should be a boot in there it's chewed up and gone so we got this up on the left and started cranking the wheel didn't see anything obvious but there is one joint that's missing a boot so it's going to rust out we'll replace that all right I don't know that that was a problem but it was gonna be a problem so it's getting replaced now with the old in with the new see that's there to bulge that means it's full of grace okay I don't know if that'll fix anything but it won't be a problem soon done next what should we do next I've been itching to open this thing for like three days so we're gonna do that next oh check it out that looks cool all right let's move this down foreign that's the brains all right step one step two that's all there is I don't know what to do I guess I plug it in and do the two steps what do I do Colby I don't know there's got to be more than that [Music] oh there's only one plugin I don't know zero priest [Music] all right we're here at dinner at Olive Garden I wasn't gonna film anything but this might be the best broccoli I have ever eaten and I like broccoli but this this is an awesome charge probably I mean it doesn't take much to get good because it's not good it's really good it's really amazing what are you doing some spaghetti and sausage all right sorry we'll let you go all right we're here at Flagler Beach we're getting ready to do some of this I'm not any good at it oh look at my Def Leppard shirt and yes I'm wearing it ironically Randy cut the sleeves out so I look super awesome yeah Jamie how do you feel about my shirt that's where I wear it I am looking at the list here of things that I should be doing and I remembered that the Tangerine has a bad crankshaft position sensor so it won't even start so I might pull that in and get working on that it is a rare summer rainy day so instead of moving the Bombi out I pushed it forward so we can get the Jeep in behind it and it won't get rained on you wanna ride it's quiet [Music] so my son Bridger arrived to help out with this job hey guys so I want to get this Jeep running some Bridge around something to drive because his Jeep has a broken transmission right now yeah yeah what'd you do it broke all right we'll get this one running it is still raining out here which makes me wonder how Matt's doing in Florida is he getting dumped on was that an awesome day at the beach yeah all right we can see our sensor down here it's back here on the firewall but it's a little hard to get to and I don't see where the connector is so I'm going to lift it up and try and get it from the bottom side I did that one is there this is our wire that we have to disconnect so that's good it'll be easy to get to because so try and push there's a little tab a little button push on the button and then try to pull it apart you have that there hoping that's not enough extension see if I can reach not there yeah it's turning hold the flashlight still are you kidding me that's my line there it is it's a new one is there a gas in the tank I have no idea no this is so classic we did not plan this but I think we're out of gas there's no no pressure in the fuel rail here let me go get you some gas we'll try this again in a few minutes all right hi boys hello what are you doing you guys oh we need chicken on make sure you're behaving it's very wet outside just a warning we ran out of gas oh that's a shocker all right the mystery continues [Music] connector we can take off this whole thing yep Frank good morning it is another day in sunny Central Florida we're going to be taking some Swamp Buggy rides but first it needs maintenance and repairs we got Colin here driving the rental Mustang good morning we got Rhett back here and uh oh hey they really liked how you handled yourself on the sand shoe is it out of the way [Music] we got Presley back here anyway we're going to go have some fun today in the swamps working on the Swamp Buggy check it out thank you the destination is on your left Siri agrees with me right there we got here late because we didn't want to do any of the work Paul's about got this under control so what he's doing is putting a serpentine belt system on this Swamp Buggy they've had trouble with it throwing belts and overheating and not charging and not steering all the problems Paul's solving them but we know who the real brains of the operation is it's Rowdy right here the bigger question is is it Serpentine serpentine belt you guys are y'all that's a good thing you gotta say y'all what do you guys say do you say Serpentine like isn't that the Guns and Roses yeah yeah you say Serpentine like Axel Rose or Serpentine like my darling Serpentine oh my darling Oh My Darling Serpentine right so these guys have been hard at it not me though I got my job I got my work done really fast so oh look at that you look Angelic I I am Angelic Matt not you that other one so anyway um we're kind of at a stopping point they need more parts and it's lunch time so we're gonna grab some food we're gonna be driving this thing broke down somewhere where we have to walk out of swamp I like how you put that we're gonna be driving this thing broke down somewhere well we're gonna drive it and then it's gonna break down my entire past experience with this buggy is what you just said yep mine too okay I'm hoping it's gonna be a little better this time it better be [Music] all right [Music] now [Music] [Music] what is that look at alligator yes this is the cool they got these banana spiders here and and the Brandy's moved to the back because she was in the front and that's where you meet them first spiders Jamie Jamie that's so big and they're ugly I think they're beautiful it's fine some of these roads that we're on have not been maintained in years exactly so Paul [Music] anyway this is what we're going through oh my gosh Jay this is Jamie's defense she puts her head under a towel lost the old road and now we are kind of picking our way through here I think you wanted to go that way so I'm up here on the prowl of the ship trying to trying to spot icebergs and Paul's pretty much listening to me hard left you got eight more inches do you have it it's gonna be a tight squeeze but you'll get her also I'm in charge of karate chop and spiderwebs because none of these other pansies are willing to do it we don't really really are currently we're going to Outback what kind of a tour guide is this we're late for dinner and we're lost and we're stuck don't just go this way this looks good [Music] foreign [Music] so this is what it's been like for a minute we're trying to get back to a known Trail this is private property they actually use this property for Timber harvesting they plant it and then Harvest it I don't know man that is clear that thing I think you're gonna have to hop this log [Music] I think you're gonna come right through here well I hope we got enough gas for this I know a lot about running out of gas and this would be a bad place to do it I don't have anybody to call to come bring us gas that's quite the machine slightly quite the Swamp Buggy well we made it back Paul pulled through Paul pulled through for us [Applause] [Music] so the final score is since I've been involved is the swamp one Swamp Buggy five all right it is a new day I am working in the shop Matt is still gone I think he's in Florida having a great time I haven't heard from him so we'll assume he's doing good and I'm here supposed to be working on the Bombi but I'm actually working on the Tangerine because that seemed like more fun we worked on this thing all day yesterday and I didn't get it running but we did fix three or four problems we're down to one code and I did a little research and I think it is the camshaft position sensor which was recently replaced but we're going to replace it again or at least take a look and see what's going on oh man I think we've got our problem here what'd you find holy cow this thing is all tour to Pieces there's chunks all over the place in there looking here I don't know if you can see that but there's a bunch of little chunks I'm gonna pull them out so there's two magnets in here so I think Rhett replaced this recently but there was probably a magnet that broke off from the first one and he put it in here and they all stirred together and now we've got two magnets in here okay I'm gonna clean this all out and we'll see if it can be replaced if I can just use the sensor or if I need to replace this hole that's not good dude that thing is all bent up oh I need a new one I think that's a big chunk here's here's my pile of little pieces there's only one magnet inside each sensor and there's two magnets that I pulled out we've got several sensors where the broken parts inside of this there it is we're going to replace the whole thing because that is all bent up it's really wobbly too we'll get a new one this thing should run right we are walking down St George Street in Saint Augustine we've been here before and we liked it so much we came back to look at it again too and then we're gonna eat when we get done with this we're going to be meeting back up with five rats we're going to be eating some seafood Seafood again all right they didn't have my sensor in stock so I ordered one but I want to get this thing running right now so I think I know where we can grab one out of another vehicle so we'll go try that and everything looks good on the inside nothing weird going on and there's two ways it can go in either this way or this way if I get it wrong it won't start and I'll just flip it around and try the other way if I get it right which I think is this way because that's how the old one came out should fire right up what I think happened is the magnet fell off the first sensor and when they put in the second sensor they didn't realize that so that magnet floating around in there just tore everything to pieces [Music] it's never ran so good all right today is a day in Daytona Beach right is that what we're doing I'm not super excited about this but I'm gonna pretend to be because my family loves this kind of garbage we're going go-kart racing I like that part never mind I do love this kind of garbage I thought we were going to the gift shops I hate the gift shops yes I love to get shots I really like coming to Florida and doing Florida things this is the least favorite thing of all the Florida things and this is what my family just loves I don't know last year we stopped at like seven of them all right ladies how was the shopping okay we're still shopping all right now that we've got all the shopping out of the way we headed over to K1 Speed we're gonna race some go-karts racing again like always pretty much everything me and Matt turns into a race some sort of competition although we had to join forces yesterday to get us out of the swamp we did yeah we we make alliances when we have to yeah you put them in the wall all right and get it yeah we are here getting ready to race that's why I have a better car than last year that was awesome you got to be in shape for this it ain't just sitting in a go-kart and steering this is oh my goodness this is Muscle Man stuff hi friends show man it was like Derby Dance all over again I was almost trying to overtake Matt I wasn't paying attention on an upstop work cut short and I heard it so hard it almost flipped over the rail oh man the best position isn't to be in front alone the best position is we've [Laughter] on number three one good morning it is a new day I'm out here working in the shop again by myself because Matt's still gone but he gets back this evening so I think it's time that I finally start working on the Bombi because I've been procrastinating that all week so let's go check out what we got on the Whiteboard so I'm feeling a little bad that I haven't done any of the things that Matt wanted me to do on the list so I'm gonna do the doghouse which is kind of a hard one we'll try and get that banged out before he comes back Matt was calling this back part of the cab the doghouse he went into we talked about like building a whole new one and then we pulled this one out we're like this one could be made to work I don't see it it doesn't look like a dog house to me I don't know that a dog would fit in there anywhere but I'm gonna pull that out we'll grind out all the sides get it cleaned up and figure out a way to weld this piece in permanently [Music] these little brackets aren't in the right spot for where we're gonna put this thing in here so I'm just gonna chop off the back piece of them because they're welded in there pretty good [Music] [Music] all right it is day number six it has been amazing every day is just amazing it's been a much needed vacation we've got just enough time to do what go to the beach so we're going back to the beach I've got my Def Leppard shirt on which I am still wearing ironically he does not like Def Leppard we're gonna have Jake run over to flog we drew up some parts a while back they cut them all out they're ready to be picked up awesome let's go get some parts from flock oh we're rolling over to flog I'm in Colby's new car it's top secret it's pretty cool it's got one of those engines in the back we are over at flaw getting some Bombi Parts what's going on my man how are you good how are you got some bomb reports for us yeah look at those it's fresh I've got everything all cleaned up out here I think this doghouse is ready to go back in I'm gonna hammer it in here and we'll weld it in [Music] all right this dog house piece is all welded in it was just Loosely bolted in before but it should be super strong now and I know I've seen some comments about people are worried we chopped out this back piece and it's weaker that's going to add a ton of strength in there and we've got some ideas for how to make this a radiator Mount super strong and it'll add a bunch of support out here to these so you don't need to worry about that anymore Tom he said these were cut with lasers so they're super precise lasers lasers yeah what do you think what do you think of the doghouse what do you think girl oh she loves it I think that is a sign of approval yeah it's a good dog house dog house done I'm thinking gas tank vents I might have time to do that [Music] ah it was this fell on me ah all right I went all the way around and I go a little bit past because your start and your stop will create like a little leak point so I try to weld right over it I think that'll be good okay that job's not done but it started so I'm gonna give it half a line yeah it's time to say goodbye to all this and head back to the sunny dry desert Southwest where cars last for centuries without resting we got a lot of shop which means we're back on the Bombi the balmy did I say it right yeah you got it I'm a little jet laggy but I think I'm gonna just push through yeah so I'm gonna dig down deep I'm gonna find my bootstrap so I'm gonna pull myself up with them so we got these for the inners and these for the outer so it looks like everything we needed from fog we got how does the list look oh we did good while you were gone I added a bunch of stuff to it and then I got all of those things done yeah all right well some things got done and that's the most important part a ton of things the next one's important part is getting this done I'm very proud of you by the way you made a list you know what I do what do you do I do things and then I write them on the list and then I cross them off we are very similar that way so it looks like all the stuff came back from fog it looks amazing I don't remember how it goes it's like we've created a puzzle for ourselves huh yes all right yeah past us created a puzzle for future us okay and then this goes right here what do you think it kind of fits it's going to right it's going to fit so now all we've got to do is make the other two fit in so this is the one this is one of them right here that needs to fit it and then then we trim that one to fit later right okay right that's going to be a perfect fit [Music] yep I like it okay on top of all this boxing that's going in here there's going to be a support Rod as soon as we figure out exactly where this goes there's going to be a support Rod that comes off of this axle and go straight back to the other axles and that will make this significantly stronger than it was but that's just again okay so this should answer the question of how we're going to do this this is a good start on how we're going to do this but to find out the rest of the way we're going to do this you'll have to tune in in another video because we are at the end of the video oh yeah we're at the end of the video someone do the thing thanks for watching it [Music]
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 882,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, off road sand dunes, truck stuck in mud, insane off road, off road over the edge
Id: rnS2CY5eYKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 35sec (2195 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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