Is This Illegal? Bending Federal Rules

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we have a get out of jail free card from Zion National Park so we got a call for some kind of Jeep that is stuck on Maloney Hill up on the co-op Terrace Road so we're gonna head up there and see if we can get them out we got the lovely Jamie with weather it's a beautiful day I think it's like 60 degrees super nice but we're headed to the snow we got Jonah back there he's going to be swinging a camera for us and we got peanut here she's going to be running around doing Peanut things we had another job come in on the honeymoon Trail at the same time so we had to split the crew up we sent Tom and Lizzy out there to get it they're driving the banana out there so we got a call for a Ford Bronco that stuck out on the honeymoon Trail we're gonna head out there and see if we can get them out we are in the banana we got Matt on a job at the same time so they asked us to come out here me and Lizzy but we decided we would divide and conquer today we're gonna be in the desert and it should be pretty warm and they're gonna be in the snow probably and we're only 45 minutes apart so that's the kind of way mother and terrain we have out here they said this guy is not really stuck but he was really scared and nervous to go forward we're back so we're gonna go check it out it could be really bad or it might just be hop in and drive it out we'll have to go see so they're heading out there to help get that one back to safety and we're gonna do this one aren't we peanut yes we are you should be able to get the job done [Music] we're about a quarter way up the trail and I'm guessing where they're at is like halfway up the trail depending on the situation it'll probably be easier just to go out the top so that's probably what we'll do but we're going to look at the situation first how do you think Matt and Jamie are doing you think they made it yet I bet they're getting close they've got a little longer Drive than we do yeah all right we're up here in some snow probably going to be a lot more by the time we finish climbing to where the customer is I don't think Tom and Lizzy are going to be in any snow where they're at I'm thinking they should be about to their their job about now and we've still got I don't know 15 20 minutes we got about 15 minutes of driving are you worried um for us for everybody yeah I am Jamie's a little nervous because we sent Tom and Lizzy on the honeymoon Trail it is a very uh treacherous trail that can get you in precarious positions she's a little nervous because that's it in a precarious position I think what is it a Bronco and the Bronco you told me it was a brand new Ford truck oh I don't know I didn't verify if it was a new Bronco or an old Bronco or a classic Bronco I mean really what does it matter what if it's too old or classic Jamie's just imagining Jamie's just imagining a Bronco and the banana wadded up in the bottom of the ravine Tom and Lizzy and the customer walking home exactly what I'm imagining I think they've got it there he is this is right where the guy rolled his razors Matt did a job back here a little not very long ago where the guy rolled his razor right off this exact spot and Matt got him out and then me and Jefe caught up with him later so it sounds like customer drove around a road closed sign which is one of the many many ways that you can get in trouble here not only getting stuck but I think they've already talked to a park ranger so we did call Zion dispatch and get permission to drive our rubber tired vehicle on the snowmobile track they're only up there a quarter mile wasn't worth taking the Bombi I'm thinking this will be a pretty slick maneuver here no pun intended all right this is where you were thinking huh Lizzy yeah exactly where I was thinking you want to drive him through from here or do you want to try and turn him around driving through 100 shorter to get him out up on the top yeah how's it going flight [Music] it's not that this is terrible it's just that by yourself when you can't see that edge yeah yeah all right we are a week away from pre-registration for the record games that means we are eight days away from the start of the games so make sure you come out and support your favorite team don't forget to paint your face and bring your cowbell [Music] all right so you can see this is closed for winter track machines only no wheels we have a get out of jail free card from Zion National Park we're going to take this rubber tired rig that'll wait [Music] so the reason you don't want to drive a Jeep on a snowmobile track is the Jeeps fall through and ruin the track to make them all rough and and then somebody has to come rescue you and you block the track this is all packed down really hard so we're not doing any damage to the track this is a bumpy ride and I think the customer is right here just around this corner how's it going so I'm gonna come drive her just a little bit get my right tire up on this rock and then just yeah I think you want to be yeah enough I think we can keep you on this what if we yeah you're right there yeah right here we'll keep you right on the high spot right here and then just um follow all the way when you get right here I don't think you'll fit I think you'll have to be off on this side what do you think that's where it's gonna probably make you nervous but if this if we keep you up on the bank not try to get you in low like all right so we just talked to the park ranger they said they're right up here and and they don't think we're gonna have too much trouble getting them out yeah I see the tracks and it is a rental car how's it going [Music] a little bit this way well [Music] whoa how are you on uh is there a bunch of settings on four-wheel drive or what do you got I would I would leave your rear in for now and and maybe not the front while we try and figure out your steering hurt huh I heard it engage yeah all right okay rare lockers [Music] I'm gonna put on you want to try the front right now okay you're not scaring a lot you're pretty straight so it probably might be good all right what we're gonna do is we're gonna spin you around right here that works we'll be very happy I think it might be time to put a new rope on this all right okay wait let me guess what I'm supposed to do in there okay you already put it in reverse okay and turn my Wills that way my front wheels that way no no that way I was gonna stay that way first you're so close I was so good you were only one off that was I was gonna stay that way first and then okay get in there and fire it up there you go [Music] yeah bring that front tire way over [Music] a little more let's keep coming straight you're good you want to drive until you're comfortable and we'll walk up there and spy you through that oh yeah that's good now we only got one more sketchy part left are you going to drive the banana through that or do you want a spotter yeah why don't you spot me up through that and then uh I'll follow you up to where you start going again okay turn to the left and just give it a little bit of gas [Music] hard okay just hold the brake fill it off okay put it in park okay let's think of what to do next okay can you give a little bit of gas and just back up keep the wheel turned like that it's an easy okay stop right there after this it gets better there's just this rough patch right done lots of recoveries right here where people go like because they don't want to tip and so they go too far this way and their back end slides off all right so just guide me through you've got lots of space over here you won't slide off good right there yo now you can come over [Music] perfect just keep that tire right on this end you're good on this rock patch yeah okay turn the more bear around on that book I wonder what Matt's doing right about now on the front of this to connect to it's a Jeep so it should have recovery points well it should make you feel better to know that is conditioned with this vehicle with these tires you aren't gonna get out alone put it in Drive keep it coming drag the brakes a little no gas just drag the bridge I was trying to get you to Pivot okay okay give it a tiny bit of gas [Music] okay drive forward [Music] [Music] all right this isn't bad I can feel that there's a lot of weight on the bottom so it's not that bad this is my first time ever driving a new Bronco like the new Bronco that's all big and nice and everything and all of these little attachments and lockers and stuff is quite nice as well fun it was so fun looking forward to not doing it again I think you'll be back I I predict that you will come back and do this I mean we'll never know but I could see you coming back I hope you never know all right sweet awesome thanks you guys are awesome thank you so much yeah this is really soft [Music] this is what I was afraid was gonna happen it's got warm enough now that it's just really softened the track up so we're actually gonna have to be pulled down yeah yeah tells a corner good that's good okay what size of t-shirt [Music] let's try that wow yeah okay thank you so yes okay thank you guys yeah thank you you guys have a good day all right that went pretty good we got it turned around and back down the road the temperatures are climbing the snow was getting softer and softer they were up further than I thought they were going to be they must have gone in when it was pretty cold now back to the shop to see how the others did oh Jamie's so excited she's excited to find out that they're okay Tom Lizzy back to you so we found him he was in the spot that I thought he was going to be and TomTom was an amazing Spotter and we got it out yeah we just followed him up in the banana he was super happy that his new Bronco is still in great shape and we got him back on the road I wonder how Matt's doing upstairs do you think we're gonna beat him back to the yard let's try all right metal I'm a better driver than that we like to keep track of how many jobs we've been doing and I think we're four jobs behind that's what Matt was saying so I'm gonna put four more tally marks up here oops not it's not a very good one two three four and then Lizzy you want to put one for today here is today's job we're up there people have been asking about what this is we've been keeping track of these since this went to Robbie Layton since it's been back from him so that's how many jobs we've done camera yeah 80 85.90 93 jobs that is a lot of jobs well that's a wrap so we got a call for I think it's a Toyota 4Runner that found out how deep the snow gets out here west of Enterprise so we're gonna head out there and see if we can get them pulled back on the dry Road this is nice we're in the rollback tonight it's comfy in here I've never gone on tripping this big spacious they got rent there give us a weather update the weather cold out there and it's dark that's about it excellent weather report so yeah we are in the Freightliner we've got the banana on the back this is about an hour and a half hour 45 minute drive to where we're going so we decided to take the roll back out it's been a while since we've really been in a long trip in the rollback it reminds me of my old Towing days over the road I guess my Towing night's over the road because it's dark out there [Music] yeah all right this is where we leave the Freightliner and this is where we're getting the banana and we go like what six more miles that way yeah six miles that way 27 degrees out here tonight not too bad winds calm down yeah it's t-shirt weather for some of us peanuts having a Heyday what you doing tonight look at you she's already been like she's like she likes a submarine through the snow like this she gets on her belly and pleasing don't you yeah foreign so how how far are we from we got 1.5 miles to around the bin okay so about a mile and a half we are still in two-wheel drive Matt's refusing to shift out it's just like a game like it's just more fun Jamie thinks this because I'm lazy yeah It's a lazy thing huh yeah well Jamie's usually right pretty deep out there woo mom do a radio attack it's crazy Larry coming out you can hear me yeah that's a big tent for it whoa I should probably try to pay attention oh we're gonna get to Mark another one of these you know where Roger came from Roger that in the phonetic alphabet Roger is our for receipt that's what I read but it's Romeo Romeo R is so we should save Romeo that Romeo last which is foreign with my dashboard here when you turn the lights off the gauges all work when you turn them on they quit and then you can do this see how that that's not good we got to get that fixed tell me if you need a reading and I'll tap here this is getting deep in here it's gonna get fun first but we are really close we're still in two-wheel drive no plans to shift out unless we get stuck oh there we go we found them yeah four Under This Is It this is how far you made it ah we were up there a ways oh were you yeah did you back back down here then yeah people to kind of back down and then we got stuck again we used our floor mats and it got us unstuck from up there oh and then it got you a little further but it did we just couldn't get back to where it kids have lockers it's got Lockers in the differentials or does it just four wheel drive a rear Locker okay what do we got for Recovery points up here all right I'm wondering [Music] what to do here I like those wheels are those the same ones you have yeah that's what's on Dig Dug I got him off of a forerunner we've got to get this turned around okay what do you thinking we could do a snatch block off of that basically where I'm at and get just pivot this around and once it got far enough here then we could reduce do you want to pull the front or the back the front yeah I think we're gonna have to lock the hubs in time yeah all right I'm going to the tree to hook this up Matt's hooking it on the front of the Forerunner all right so go ahead and put it in reverse okay you're going to want to turn your wheels all the way to the right give it a little bit of gas okay a little bit keep hurting get that wheel turned to the right yeah there you go let's go it's really lurching [Music] okay stop okay put it in drive and turn your wheel all the way the other way don't give it any gas though [Music] okay start turning the other way slowly okay now back it up okay stop right there okay Tom do you want to tear that down yep yep I don't even need the radios it's all yelling today okay turn your wheels hard to the right and just yep just gently back up super gentle a little bit of gas that's enough gas man that thing is Twitchy it does that like uh depending on the setting [Music] okay put it in drive and turn this way I'm just gonna back up and get on the road and you'll just be squared up in the road when we stop here I never use a winch that way never fall with a winch like that I'm just gonna turn around and then you guys can get in okay do you want him to just follow you out yeah oh we got the customer turned around and now we're just heading out they're not having any trouble keeping up with us we're back in two-wheel drive because why not that car was just twitching I like there's a lot of different settings they have you mentioned it might be in the wrong setting but man that thing was Twitchy like as soon as the wheel started to spin the car was like warning warning you know I don't know I don't know about this new technology I know I'm getting to that age where I'm like you can't get off my lawn but that is it really better to have a car that completely takes all of the driver out of the situation I don't know tell me I have to do some driving here what size shirt do you want nice shirt yeah you get a shirt out of this too wow that's amazing my Rhett's pulling that on a long time ago parked like right there we came out here to do a job and we got here and we realized we didn't have the keys so we called John at the shop to bring the keys out and I had Eric here we changed the back brakes on the banana right here while we waited I happened to have the brake pads in there and none of the tools to do it but we made it happen so that was right here I guess for getting the keys happens to the best of them that time it happened to Eric he's not here to defend himself Matt held is cool you don't know if I have yet or not all right I guess Eric's the best of them yeah that's the thing that was there it could happen to anybody so tell us why it's a bad idea for you to come out here tonight because it's cold what do you got early in the morning oh I have driver's ed in the morning what time actually up I have to be there at six but thanks for watching I just got off the phone with Tom Tom and they didn't die in the canyon this is a cause for celebration woohoo we can get lunch
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 1,302,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, Sand Trap, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, dunes, Jeep, Sand Hollow, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, matts off road recovery, morrvair, banana, off road recovery, jeep recovery, off road towing, off road fails, broken down, off road sand dunes, truck stuck in mud, insane off road, largest off road wrecker, off road wrecker games, wrecker olympics
Id: fMGnRdKFxFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 01 2023
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