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this here is a 2007 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail now it didn't always look like this in fact it was a beautiful bright blue tons of chrome this thing was fully loaded it had all the gadgets and accessories leather bags custom pipes you name it but it was stolen vandalized wrecked and years later recovered and then I ended up with this thing so I'll fill you in on the whole story on this Bike plus we're going to see if we can get this thing running again and back on the road I have definitely due for a ride there's Vines growing through everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so right away some of you might be going how does a feller know all the history on this bike well it's actually pretty simple see this motorcycle used to belong to my older brother Chris who you've seen on the channel quite a few times and here's what this motorcycle used to look like it was absolutely gorgeous now Chris and I we rode together all over the state of North Dakota and then we started riding together in Western South Dakota through all the hills Turtle mountains Black Hills we went to Sturgis Motorcycle Rally you name it and this was just a great bike I was riding that maroon remember that Ultra Glide Classic we stripped down to look like a beggar the one that was wrecked that's what I was writing and he was writing this for most of the time but it was just a beautiful motorcycle now he got a newer one I think it was about 10 years newer a slate gray a little bit updated stuff like that so he was going to sell this Heritage Softail so he actually left it in South Dakota Rapid City South Dakota because it's a bigger Market to sell a motorcycle and there's also a gigantic Harley Davidson there pretty much a Superstore so he left it with my younger brother well my brother was riding it to work you know as he should and doing things of that nature and this motorcycle actually got stolen in downtown Rapid City now we searched high and low and we were calling dealers and we searched the Craigslist in the face space and all of these different sites and auction blocks and better part of a couple years and we finally just gave up on the motorcycle it was gone we had figured in fact that this thing was just stripped blown apart and just used for pieces and parts you know now you got to fast forward a couple years my older brother calls me says you're never going to believe what just happened the Wyoming state patrol just pulled over a Harley Davidson doing like 111 miles an hour or something like that 109 I can't remember exactly and a short little high-speed Pursuit there finally got the guy pulled over and because of the aggressive driving and the speeding they actually ran the VIN on this thing and for whatever reason they never filed the van on the frame they never took the sticker off on the frame they never filed the VIN on the engine it all still matches they ran it and bingo came back as a hot bike so years later he gets a call we found your motorcycle but uh well she looked like she used to you know they obviously tried to camouflage this thing and did it just completely terrible job well he already had the other new motorcycle so he sold it to me I got a pretty darn good deal on it I threw it up on my trailer and this is what it looked like sitting in Rusty Acres well for a couple years [Music] I don't know [Applause] [Music] so we've got quite a bit of work to do I've got no key this does turn there's wiring just blown out of this thing I've got a new hot battery and a couple of things I've done a lot of bikes I'm gonna be honest but they are all pre-fuel injection this has got a digital fuel make it happen or pump on it it's got squirter nozzles in the tuberculosis injector over here I don't quite know what's going on we're going to have to Fumble through this thing but like I say my goal is to get this thing fired back up and go for a Rip but let's walk around this drink it up we might have to pick up some parts and pieces I'm sealing balen wire and tape and zip ties and it's a mess bring your broom well let's take a closer look at this thing here it's not a 107 right away that's wrong it's actually a 96 it would have had more of the egg-shaped air cleaner on it originally I don't know how many miles are on this thing I guess we'll have to find out if we get it fired up I want to say it had like 32 000 or something like or 31 000 when it got stolen who knows now uh different front fender that's kind of a that looks like more of a soft tail regular soft tail kind of the FX STS or one of the other 97 Harley Davidson models they're kind of like Mopar they just make a bunch of stuff up but it's really all the same this is a soft tail rear wheel they did change the rear wheel out but they left the front want a wire wheel this rear one would have been wire as well I believe could be wrong probably not this tire was replaced at some point I know this because of the way that it is and also my older brother they're always bald now this front one would have been one that he put on years ago and it's it's a weather checking and cracking really bad so we're gonna have to keep that in mind if we do go for a spin this is all bent up here this is from my brother that's how hard he rode this thing and leaned it over he would actually scrape the pegs on this we we really get into them when we ride you know what I mean still got the rear pegs there would have originally been nice leather saddlebags here with some I don't know they were bedazzled and stuff like that no idea where the lp went on it it's got no plates belt is probably rotten we can try to look at the condition of that um no idea what that cover was on there or not it's had some the mice have been into it I'm just sitting out all this time it's been in the weather pretty much non-stop this wiring I helped me understand what's going on here got buttons and do dabs and miscellaneous fuse holders and everything like that now I think this bike has the Sakura tie so if you don't have quite sure how that works but I know you have to have a key or a fob or something potentially before this thing is going to fire off so this could get very very interesting as we get into this turn delete there's the wire it's been laid down looks like a couple times maybe not sure what this red is this is the original tank or not I would assume that it is here is the last of the original color it's some moisture from my Wind Maker on there that's how beautiful it used to be it's too bad this is like a plastic poly or something like Flex Seal they Flex sealed the bike it's got scales literally it's terrible different handlebars I'm not even sure what these are from this is all cut homemade it's tack probably doesn't even work it does have a wire maybe coming up no that's just a random wire there this would have been for the windshield mount so the forks weren't changed at least front brake this is all busted up throttle throttles again this should be fuel injection that's pretty busted up I do have some parts and pieces for the bars here this one is really bad I mean this thing's been dumped you know more times than a teenager and I ain't kidding you looking at it so who knows if that's even getting clutch engagement we'll probably have to take a look at that or try to fix it if we can mirrors are all scraped up I think these were the original mirrors on it it did have a nice beautiful big wide seat there's a little jumper seat that goes on here now well goes on here I'll try to find that I got it somewhere in storage it used to be a two up had a pad here at one point I think brakes are shot we'll ignore that oh boy what a mess well as you can see I really done her this time I I I think where we got to start is just throw a battery on this thing start hooking up wires that don't spark or make things melt turn the switch and just see what happens we got to hear the thing turn over right and then we can test spark and then I'm sure it's going to need all the fluids and everything that's been sitting outside for years and we'll start working through the little stuff but basic things does the engine turn fuel sparkles plan yep Superstars absorbed matte Powersports sure whatever it's the cheapest one I could get okay I uh was just seeing that's probably fuchsia almost red I thought I opened the box it didn't have the screws on the thing and then it turns out they were inside of this on the positive terminal I mean I knew that I just you know just seeing if you guys knew that as well no got to get this brown booze bag out of the way probably should vacuum these leaves out but yeah and just plop this puppy in here this is the sad cable this one must be the positive it's always happier you know for some reason get this really close to the frame so it arcs yeah we'll put it in the top my biggest concern here this thing should run you know is technology hasn't changed since you know 19 whenever early 1900s but security well that was promising I just touched this and the speedometer went and bounced to one mile an hour just did it again I'm not making this up it's here I'll show you see what does that mean I don't know we're getting it in though tight enough to test Maybe nothing oh neutralis oil I'll see that key thing came on and stuff was clicking down here ah okay [Music] I gotta go through this and try to figure out what's going on I wonder if we shouldn't just hit the oh okay well here we go it's looking this over remove some tape I'm not positive but I'm thinking this isn't Factory here and it's got to be I wonder if that's jumping the fuel pump and this is just pulling power from something this gray wire I'm going to take this apart see if there was another wire coming out of it that has a fuse holder and I'm guessing this is how he started it somehow at some point this is taped together I gotta just start going through this stuff and try to figure out what's what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well I think a guy has got this figured out so I put a fuse in here tested all this course make sure that these you know Walmart fittings were still working and they're hanging in there believe it or not but I'm thinking this is ignition and fuel I think because when I put a fuse in here I can hear the fuel pump running which is in the tank that runs and I'm assuming it's going to give us sparkles we'll have to test that in a minute this switch wasn't working because all these years sitting outside got really rotten but if I touch these two wires together right here we get engine crankage I'll show you when a guy went on ahead and did this just a minute ago it blew leaves and some Rust chunks and stuff out of the pipes here so it's definitely got compression that's good I probably should have checked the oil before I just started whacking on this thing but populators piping engine rotating well now that I know this bad boy rotates I didn't want to waste a bunch of money so I'm going to go ahead and head down to the hardware store and pick up some Earl couple other things maybe some speculators it's probably definitely going to need that I need an on off switch for whatever wire nut house fuse thing we got going on here and then another momentary switch for the starter and that could be a toggle or a button doesn't really matter but we're going to have switches just a swinging on this thing going down the highway but great news the engine still rotates I didn't even pull a spark later I was that confident in the old you know hardly Davidson lots of whistle do's and good bees here's that same type of button horn button at work basic on off they should have a momentary you know regular switch that might last a little bit longer than that but I don't know guys settled on these got an on off and a momentary and they're plastic reason being is they're the cheapest ones and plastic doesn't rust as bad as you know some of the other doodabs okay a guy's gonna go ahead and just get these two switches in there so we got some digital on this uh little wire in here [Music] okay we got the switch no headlight anyway that's running the fuel pump that's good and then we got our starter switch which is a momentary that's good now we're going to test sparkles so I'm going to take my little ladder did we're gonna put this in line here if we got Sparkles that'll flash this light bulb every time that it hits there nothing nothing foreign well we got no sparkles on this so I'm going to do the easy thing first and just run a test light through this little fuse block back here I'm assuming I don't know I guess I could get on the line and luck but who needs constructions we're going to look for a fuse that's bad if there's one that's bad replace it and then see what happens you know some folks don't realize this but these fuses are made in a specific way even the bigger ones where they have a little metal post Hangout so you don't have to pull these suckers you can just test them right there I think that one might be dead so I'm going to go through and test all these sure enough this 10 right there is no good got power coming in no power going out hmm and this one's dead because we're sending power through the switch through that circuit which is probably the fuel well we could find out I guess yep so that's the fuel pump fuse and we're just hot wiring it and this is now the fuse there so I did end up going on a lion and Google web in this and I found out that these over here are spares and we are missing two accessorize and P and a so I put them in the ignition one is fine but get this I turned this on because I was trying to get headlights which I'm not getting anywhere but we got the odometer 63 672 miles on this thing wowzers so whoever stole this in just a couple years literally they must have been daily driving this thing I I mean they put in two years as many miles as my brother did and a decade I mean that's just crazy usually around 30 40 000 miles that's typically considered high mileage-ish 60 70 80 000 they're tired it's going to be interesting to see if this thing ain't even fire we're still having problems getting Sparkles kind of working through stuff right now well I got the battery back out I'm kind of working backwards here trying to think like this thief with us because he had to hotwire this thing obviously and the speaker wire here this one is stripped this one is already used for fuel we're not getting ignition I'm wondering if this would have been ignition which means it probably would have went to the kill switch so I'm up here now I think this is that other wire and see here's the one and it goes up into this Scotch lock these are really high quality you know we'll pretend we didn't see that this one has a scotch lock on it but no other wire and I'm wondering if this got pulled out because of white is ignition coil and this is power then that would go around the switch though you wouldn't be able to shut it off huh I wonder if this was supposed to be in with this switched mess I don't know but what I'm saying here is I'm going to put the battery back in and then touch this here see if it shoots Sparks and then test for Sparkles again I even switched to my old trusty Sparkle tester instead of the new one because these are from hobo Freight and you know one out of 74 are good just wanted to make sure you know that that wasn't just a simple light bulb or something like that but once we get sparkles I think we might be in pretty good shape I should probably put some gas in here pretty soon though it sounds like that pump is really screaming in there running dry who knows what's in that thing okay let's see here got a new battery clamp on over here and that's holding the broken wire that I'm hoping was a happy cable and not a sad one then I got this hooked on to the spotlight switch and this is the wire dangling off the tank and that's got power so now we touch this to the scotch lock there's a loose wire in here hope you don't fry the computer that was a fuel pump and the headlight okay I don't smell anything smoking all right kill switch on got too much going on here the condition on switch it just fired what in the devil that scared my socks off it just fired well I guess we got I guess we got Spark what in the world let's try it again mozzle uh fuel pump I got that running this time before it primed this thing might just fire up yes yes okay with that wire off it's still running so what's controlling smart theft nothing changed well that's controlling spark now what they shut it off this doesn't make any sense I okay it it runs somehow some way I have no idea what I did but uh there you go that's how you hotwire a Harley with security on it that wire seemed to do something that wasn't happening before Wills connected it fired however now unconnected it does the same thing than it did when it was connected but has a different result than when it wasn't and this switch doesn't seem to have a bearing on anything other than a fuel pump but it doesn't switch the ignition the kill switch still does that's not connected hmm well anyway fires right up let's just make sure it's repeatable here this goes on that's on kill switch on thank you explain that one to me all right well shoot Let's uh I'm gonna pull these speculators out let's go ahead and rebuild them and by that I mean just twirl it through the cheek poker and spit on it a couple times then we should probably do a three hole change on this as far as the oil goes it's been sitting forever it's been out in the elements it's obviously very very high miles uh who knows if it's even got oil in it I probably shouldn't even you know ran it like that but let's just pretend pretend we didn't do that all right sparklators coming out it sounds pretty good too I mean for the first time firing up in ears didn't really struggle at all this is the motorcycle stand the experts use you know what I mean it'll yeah super sketchy imminent death or injury but we're gonna roll with it I think the spring is missing on this yep confirmed all right so we're going to be changing the primary the transmission and the engine oil all in one shot we'll throw a fill tray in it as well this thing is blacker than my sole and I don't know who knows when that was changed years and years ago I'm sure now I did disconnect my new battery cable so this isn't blown Sparks but we'll leave it there just in case and then a guy went ahead and just you know kept those scotch locks in there that apparently I just jiggled and how they work but I added tape so you know if it works is it really a dumb idea that's what I'm saying all right let's get these sparklators out see what them look like well the rusty one in the back here was finger tight that's what you want you know that's what you want you know on these rigs what am I going to do with this paint maybe I just leave it you know it's got a story to tell you know what I mean plus if you dump it no one's even gonna know the dogs are just raising heck with the cattle out there hmm I'll let them be oh boy richer than Elon what kind of plug is this E3 no I just need an E1 gee whiz but them are 20 bucks a pop um I'm gonna have to clean them up well there's E3 million plugs is rebuilt by that I mean chick poker and about a gallon I feel make it happen or spray just that'll bring them around well it should be fine we're running a teleon tune-up on this thing if I remember that'll clean up the rest well let's move on and drain the tank the engine oil drain the transmission over there and then we'll come over here and drain the primary as well yep well we're over here on the Drinker side of the unit we got to get our oil tank drained and our go forwards doesn't go backwards machine drained as well pretty darn easy on these units a tank here you could see the drain nozzle right there but basically back Peg and that comes under here and right here is our 5 8. and then the shift box up in between the shocks here is going to be another 5 8. right up in there that'll drain a transmission five speeds are up here six speeds are back here so this is going to be a five-speed gearbox and then we'll go to the other side and do the primary but let me get a pan slid under here and we'll drain these juices out yeah everything on this rig is 5 8 sparklators grain plugs I don't know more stuff okay got some sort of leak down here that's good Gotta Die even get the plug out oh got that out and boy is there metal on that plug that ain't good I'm gonna pop this open here on the shift machine so we get some air flowing I'm gonna pop this one as well get some air flowing there that metallic right there is a ton of metal there's a bunch built up on here as well transmission not in very good shape I'm gonna have to keep that in mind and it's high miles you know I use gear oil in the gearbox that is not engine oil a lot of people will run 20 50 in all three engine transmission primary you can do that a lot of people do that as long as it's like a synthetic or something like that I've always kind of been a fan of the gear oil on the transmission because they seem to shift smoother her list feels that way or sounds that way in my opinion with the miles that I put on but either end or you just need some sort of dinosaur juice in there engine oil coming out doesn't look too bad see that whiskey color but I had some moisture at some point I'm expecting to see a little bit of water come out they should separate let this sit for a second and I could scooch My Pan over well that's continuing the drain we could start over here need to get this cover off get this cover off then we can take the drain plug out which is right here where is it right there you want this off so we get some more air in there so it drains easier and uh we need to fill it through there as well I want to try to get this off first before we drain it because if I strip all these out which is likely very then we're having a really bad day because I got all my juice out of there so we're going to try to get this off probably a t27 or something like that see if we can break them free sometimes if guy just yells when you do this and helps them not strip out you know what I mean ah see that one came out yeah yeah I think we're going to be just fine hope that come on oh see yelling is definitely the key I think it puts more torque in your back no that doesn't make any sense whatsoever but write it down anyway just in case okay I think about the 30 some thousand miles of heck that this bike went through could you imagine there's a saying right it like you stole it this thing was stolen this thing I bet you was wide open 99 of the time and the speed it was going when it got pulled over proves that it's got a newer gasket in here hmm was this guy trying to maintenance it I don't I don't understand what's Happening Here well the clutch nut's been rounded off oh man smells like lasagna left in the Sun for three weeks so that's good I think we can go ahead and drain this now I need to torkal doodabber that one Turtle blue Dabber it's a darker blue Dabber I think it's a 5 16 but I could be wrong no I'm not oh where did I put the wrench now get this wrench this wrench did scoop this one scoop this one this way I'm gonna put that one down and I pick up this one there we go might get crazy and drain the gas on this nope definitely not I'll just add a bunch of old gas from the lawnmower tank and that'll blend you know there we go that had water in it what nope it's like ATF yeah that's wrong perfect it's a mix of ATF and water and metal flakes and clutch material so we're going to pretend we didn't see any of that and we're just going to fill this up with 2050. well we got all those juices drained out time to put some Earl on this thing now you guys know me I run the cheapest oil or whatever is on sale a little bit of vitamins in it now in this case you probably could run 15 40 but these old pigs like the 2050 more than anything and stuff that's able to withstand extreme heat because these run like an 1800s hit and miss there's not a lot of technology and they're air cooled so they get extremely hot if you ride you know what I'm talking about sitting at stop lights when it's 95 degrees out you know any hoose I picked up this uh VR1 it's got a lot of vitamins and dinosaurs in it and pretty good with the heat you know what I mean and it's cheaper than buying the Harley Davidson oil all that stuff is just you're just buying a name bro I'm sorry for you pierce but you are and I'll explain more here in a little bit when we get on the other side I think I'm supposed to put three qts in here just got a meter on it three I think one more and then we'll run it and we could check it again ah it's probably close enough boom it might even be a skoosh over folded that's okay Chrome will get you home nope but it looks good on the side of the road by the way I didn't notice it still has a Vance and Heinz pipes on it this thing sounds good wide open you just wait you're gonna hear it here pretty soon okay gotta clean this funnel because I'm going to use it again here a second oh shoot I think I got the wrong one not 75 90. we're going to go with 75 140. gear oil now again if you want to save some money you could just throw the 2050 motor oil on there if you want some of this gear oil it gets awfully expensive I know it I see it too with my eyeballs 32 ounces one quart which happens to be this here bottle of the king purple or whatever this is is 32 ounces we're just gonna blast this in there color good yeah it's yeah there we go so over here on the primary of the unit we got to get some hurdles back in here now obviously that's not very easy to do you guys saw me using this funnel I bought this when I bought the Earl a couple bucks or whatever use it for my engine oil and then what you can do is cut it like this and set it in like this now a guy can just pour His oil and it's going to run right in like that if you're not satisfied with that it is kind of a slow process you could find one of these smaller ones like this set it in like that and do the same trough effect like that and this will flow pretty fast this is my look at me motorcycle funnel I've had for a long time it's been around works pretty good that's the way I do it but I just wanted to show you both in case you happen to have one pretty simple we'll throw some oil on this thing put the cover back on we got fluids changed we got two different bars going on here that one's also got some zip laters on it ignore that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's gonna be a while cover going back on oh okay sure yeah lift right right just stay alive Davidsons sure I've been going to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally since I was 17 or 18 years old used to work at the Buffalo Chip when I was a kid and then of course he had to ride there every year I've been there and everything yamahoos Zoo guys homemade bikes Harley Davidsons you name it yeah hip hop [Music] all right no oh well we made a lot of progress on the Harley-Davidson tonight but it's getting pretty late thicker guys in a clean up his mitts a little bit go spend some time with the family and get the boys to bed for school tomorrow now in the morning we could finish putting this thing together get some fresh gas in it fired up Let it idle see if the transmission works the brakes we've got some controls to fix up here and then hopefully we can get this thing back on the Highway by say lunch time go toodle around a little bit I need to get some wind therapy is that the sand I think so see you in the morning well here I am I'm back good morning Let's uh finish up the fluid changes here got to pop the oil filter off underneath here now if you cared about your bicycle take some Rags put it underneath the filtrate here or a piece of cardboard or whatever side of a beer box works really good and that'll run the juice off the side of the case and down below and do a pan but you know the deal now oil filter is this is going to hurt your purest Parts I'm sorry I didn't do nothing I'm just here to report the news foreign stop spending all the big bucks on the Harley-Davidson filters this puppy right here is five to six more dollars than a Wix and a Wix is a really good filter and you cut this thing open and you're not gonna be happy you really are not going to be happy so just take that into consideration when you're putting your filters on your bikes you do enough of them over the year you do enough of them over the year you can save yourself 50 60 bucks you know what I mean okay where did I put the other one great got it try to get up and get the floor is slippery okay let's see take some oil right off the floor there we go live up the ring a little bit this is a Wix 57 148 you know and this is going to work just fine that out of the way and clean this up a little sure mm-hmm good enough for the girls we date speaking of dates I'm going to write the date and mileage on this because I don't know if the audio meter works on this bad boy and a guy's got to keep track of what in the world is going on that'll do and then some hand cleaner and get the rest of it off there we go no I just got to clean up a little bit I'll get right back to her wow we got all the Earls changed on this we're doing pretty good as far as fluids going but speaking of the fluids we got gasoline in the vehicle and I'm a little bit concerned about this now this has been outside for umpteen years it's pretty likely that moisture has crept into that tank if we got a rusty tank that's a big concern yes we've already rounded a little bit but there's a reason I haven't just had it running a lot of bits along along more more than a little bits anywho I don't want rust in the tank we're going to have to address that now let's fuel injected and I don't know what's going on with that but we could pop the cap off throw a camera down there and just look at the shape or the condition of the tank and maybe we'll get super lucky I just don't want a plug the pickup screen and a filter there's going to be some sort of injector do Dabber and all that stuff and we get into a mess and I just don't want to deal with that so let's Jam a camera down the tank here and just see what we're looking at you know what I mean if my camera will even do anything of course I bought the absolute cheapest garbage camera man can owned so chances are we're going to see a potato no way oh there's a little bit all right get over here and look at this it's standing over there Pete's sake hard to see I know but see the liquid there above that is the tank wall it's exceptionally clean down in that corner that's a little bit of rust starting see down in there but it's not terrible the side of the tank looks really really good I think fortunately we're lucky and I'm just going to pretend that I didn't see the macons the rust starting down in here we'll just ignore that for now so if we just pour some different bad gas in with the bad gas and mix it I think we might be okay this here's the junk we put in the lawn machines but if it runs good enough we'll sneak down to the co-op and get some 86 no ethanol about the only good gas can left here unless you find the old steel ones or metal ones like on the vice grip garage t-shirt them are probably the best cans you know it's the flexible rubber spout that Fades to White after 37 years those are my favorite foreign tune-up I'm gonna throw some barium in right on in here and that'll help clean the combustion Chambers the sparkle later the valves this is a lot for the little amount of fuel we got in there perfect hip nailed it okay that should be good now I need to move on to these hand controls these things are a mess looks like it's been dumped on both sides this one's split not even quite sure what's going on with the throttle cable it's got like flat head screws from the 50s holding it together this one's got wire and zip ties so I'm just going to get in here start taking all this apart I do have some lever mounts unfortunately on this side it's a whole master cylinder but I think it needs it I'm going to start reassembling this with the parts and pieces we definitely need a clutch well at least just to take off you know what I mean we can bang gears from there front brake would be nice because I got a Mr Deeds foot on the right side of my body so the rear brake is probably not going to get used much oh all right Allen Keys Phillips wood screws and flats [Music] [Music] [Music] we got updates breaking news trying to put this new control stuff on which by the way just these couple few parts you know costs more than the whole motorcycle but because Harley Davidson you know what I mean that's that's really great problem having is these terrible handlebars are thicker than a standard handlebar which is what I ordered all the controls for so you can see down here well that's a bad example that's a bad example where'd all my parts go well anywhoose they had to Waller out the controls to fit these handlebars they're not even circular they're like egg shaped um here's an example see that they're all like dremeled out all the way down to the threads so I kind of started doing the same trying to achieve the same effect unfortunately what that means is when I put the correct handlebars on these are no longer going to handlebar so that's unfortunate but a guy really wants to ride this thing so we're kind of just trying to do what we can to make do and get her down the road so I'm going to continue to work on that got the throttle leave the throttle is set up I had to run down a Harley you get one brass feral for the cable eighteen dollars I ain't kidding you that's not including the hard drive there and back more than that so now I'm on to uh front brake gotta Waller those out clutch handle got to continue to water that out left hand top control get that on with the buttons that don't do anything basically the only button that works right now is kill switch which is pretty much all I need but I do need that clutch handle so that's going to be the most important decided to go ahead and just put a whole new front brake lever and master cylinder on so we have a little bit of breakage making progress got new upper new lower sounds turn signal which isn't hooked up new brake lever all this isn't busted it's actually connected part of this having some stability is this being interlocked with this through a little Digimon Wu right here and we got that now there is a gap here so I used some different Hardware got some extra length on that it is very Stout I don't think that's going anywhere it's a better alternative than grinding the handlebars down and trying to get a fitment I don't want to weaken this a guy loses a steering wheel then what do you do I mean you could throw a vice grip on here but I don't know if we'd have that time you know what I mean got the clutch lever assembly on I'm gonna go ahead and put a new clutch lever on because it came in the 74 million dollar kit of this bracket so let's go ahead and do that I got a new upper for this side and I went ahead and decided not to get new grips since we have you know enough money to buy a new Wide Glide into this old abandoned bike here that saved eighty dollars you know what I mean it's just fine the way it is we're getting really close to having functioning good controls on this bike man I hope it can hit the highway with this thing it's beautiful weather out the only concern I have is well that this and you know that and this Roundy thing there but this how this works but other than that that's good I got updates progress has been made we got um oh this is pretty well buttoned up diced in got to put some juice in here and bleed on it but this works the way it should pins in it there's no zip ties or any of that stuff and more importantly this seems to be working we're going to have to adjust the clutch once the engine is up to operating temperature and we can pull the clutch in try to grab a gear make sure we can shift into gear and then see what kind of slip we have coming out into set gear this isn't right and for some reason I the guy really messed this thing up you know what I mean I can't explain I can't explain this for some reason he also cut both sides of the handlebar so both hand grips are short by about an inch or more but nonetheless I got to get this grip back on so what I'm going to try to use is spray paint it's what I use on all my dirt bikes it's a lubricant if you work fast that spray panel dry and gets super tacky and this grip will stay on and it's never going to come off look how much shorter that is oofed on May [Applause] it's been a couple moons since the guy tried on this but we'll give her a whirl I'm going to use a dark Fort blue because that'll make it work better okay juice liberal juice then let's get this guy and just slide around boom rotate it oh yeah there we go she's already getting sticky that puppy ain't going nowhere oh got paint on the floor where my legs go bleeding on the brachiitis here you know knock about the good old times the way things used to be I wonder where Clint Black is doing today geez I think I already got it can't be well I'm looking right at it I ain't got no bubbles that was easy this guy's got the battery on boil any good project starts us out even though it's new I worn her down you know what I mean trying to fire this thing up speaking of firing I wanted to actually take a look at the cam tensioner on this bike maybe even pull the primary and Lube this thing up and go through the motions of an old V-Twin but she popped right off and part of that is happenstance part of it is mistake I'll admit it I didn't know if the switch was just fuel or fuel and ignition or what was going on we were testing it earlier and bang just popped right off so there you go anyhoose I was online with my digital pocket computer box beat Boop and around and it turns out there's a couple different cam tensioners and I think they changed them and 06 or 07 somewhere around there and there's a gooder one and a badder one and 07 up or late 06 and up I guess was the gooder one so I thought I was in the clear but then I got to looking in the 07 it's supposed to have a six speed well I ain't no dummy and I wasn't born yesterday tell you that much I can look at that gearbox to tell you it's a five-speed so I called up to Davidson a Harley and said run this Vin yes it's stolen all right you know I do not the one that stole it all right but any news long story short we ran some numbers this is a 2005 not a 2007 misled that's weird so that explains the five-speed transmission but that also means it's got the worse or less gooder issue of the cam tensioner units on this now we'd have to pull off the whole side cover take a look at the chain there's a little cam tensioner on there basically it's a little bushing that pushes against the chain to keep your cam and crankshaft everything count you know what I mean but when this fired I didn't hear any chain slop or banging around timing seemed to be there I think we're okay which is pretty incredible for the mileage of this bike typically over 50 000 in the HD World some of you might disagree look that's okay you can bloop it down below What mileage you think but for me personally I've had 11 kajillion nine or million of these suckers and what I'm saying is 50 000. it's time to start going through the thing cam tensioner chains primary chain clutches you got to confirm oil pressure you got to go through the transmission wheel bearings it's got some miles which is fine that's just the normal part owning them but this one sounded pretty goodish fire it up and listen I'm lazy you know what I mean so if it runs it runs you know what I'm saying so I think we're just going to move on to a pre-flight checklist and I happen to get a sock on my foot today which means we're women and that means ready to ride Mr Deeds foot and all so let's go through this thing I gotta find a seat throw something on there or a pillow or something we're just going to stab this thing on the highway we do have a clutch adjustment right before we take off we're going to ignore the rear brake see what happens now beforehand I did mention that the front tire here she is rotted like that Tomato movie it's pretty bad listen this thing needs replay if you lose a steer tire on a motorcycle you are having a very very bad day so what I'm going to do is go ahead and not do anything on the front here but we are going to check the tire pressures we got to make sure that these are set up right and handling acceleration cornering stopping air pressure plays a pivotal key in all of that Allen's got wind yep so we're pretty good there too so I mean what's next let's find the seat or a seat throw that on this thing and go Jam this thing in some wind haven't even idled it more than a minute that's okay idling and open robot is two entirely different stories I gotta get rid of this air cleaner anybody that knows anything about bikes knows it these didn't come with a 107. not even sure why that's on there and this is like a deck screw or something cross threaded into the throttle body yeah that's probably never going to come out and go back in oh we do got to fix this Peg quick this ain't good yeah what I mean guy tickled his foot Peg down with a ball peeing Hammer but I'd have been a 25 pound tiny hurting she came down not sure what bent but here it is and it was the foot pad done came right off and these normally have kind of a rubber grommet to accept vibrations of the 1642 year technology in the engine here and they just it's gone now it's important to have a smooth operating surface here if you're sliding your foot to the break wow that might work that's the first time I pushed it slick or if you're sliding off to get your foot on the ground to balance the bike it's important not to have any obstructions so I'm going to run this giant zip tie right around the center here so I'm just snugger up snuggable eyes there we go that seems to be doing the trick 14 Letterman's laying around you lose one you buy another fixed well that's good to go all right let's see if we can find a seat to this thing and I will fire it up and adjust the clutch here's what I could come up with I don't I don't know looks homemade it says Comfort zow I just I mean that should work right so let's clean up the area a little bit oh wait the video mirrors I think I need one to be legals on the great state of Tennessee it's also a helmet State I found out the first day I moved in got pulled over immediately fried my other motorcycles without a helmet so I have to dig one of them up that's appropriate for motorcycles custom I mean I'd go head-to-head with the tunnels right now the alligator plastic paint really sets this thing off I ain't getting here well sure this switch is falling apart that's fine and Uh something's leaking that seems normal never even looked at the belt that's also okay this doesn't fasten or fix in any way shape or form that should be fine but one thing I can't live without is a kickstand spring the puppy's just missing so we're gonna have to figure out what we're going to do there to keep the stand of kicks up so let's not bouncing off the ground the whole time you know what I mean this is a pretty sharp bike now that I'm looking at it nope it's uh seen better days all righty oh this is going to be touching gold oh Kicks Down older upper doesn't work I use the throttle return spring off of a you know generic kit for like a small block Chevrolet or a Ford and she's a span as John Anderson would say all right we need to test the clutch key on fuel pump switch on neutral cold ground see that cam tensioner is just fine all right punch in first gear bread and butter my guest on this adjustment oh yeah nailed it I don't think we got to change nothing how can I get it back to neutral it's always a trick there we go it's always embarrassing rolling up to a Tavern and you're sitting there rocking your motorcycle for 48 minutes trying to get neutral just shut her down Feller figure it out later you know what I mean most of the time you want in Garrett Park anyway okay we got a mirror got a license plate off of utility trailer from 1986. we got half of a front brake I pretended the checked back brake wind and the tire sure old gas check I think I'm gonna grab a helmet and we'll just I don't know let's just ease it down the road boy that spring ain't gonna last long I got about three Tavern stops at that spring and she's going to be done okay dates first of all for safety I'm wearing a helmet that's five times too small not normally leave you know I'm not normally look like a chipmunks that's a helmet safety also the engine and transmission area smoking like crazy I got weeds and Vines and all sorts of stuff burning we'll ignore that the front porch seem to be bent it's not Hamlin you can handle him the way it's handled so we're gonna ignore that the low fuel gauge is stuck on that's fine engine light stuck on that's fine speedometer seems to work I don't know I mean we're just gonna keep ease in it here have a little bit of fun we're at least until the kickstand grinds off great [Music] [Music] well guys about 50 60 miles in I don't really know where I'm going just you know letting the breeze blow me not used to this helmet feel like a Bible dog you know at the wind but it's a good habit I'd kind of like to live to see the old grandkids running around you know what I mean any hoose that's doing good allegedly has a dead spot between 95 and 105 high RPM it's just it's cutting out engine lights flashing pretty sure that means a misfire could be the spark later this could be the mouse chewed tone choosing could be could be the lightning hoses otherwise I don't I don't know I'm putting some uh fresh 93s in it right now topping her off we're just gonna keep riding I don't know we've got lots of sunlight left what else is a guy gonna do you know what I mean [Music] she's taking she's hot well feller's guide made her back to the barn man I tell you what over the years I've probably put I don't know million miles on bikes various different models and makes it never gets old for me anyway this one well we did about 180 today which is really nothing but I started kind of thinking about it well for a forgotten bike that's been sitting for years and this one has really messed up I mean there's been a lot of things going on there I'm happy with it we got a little bargain issue the seat likes to fly off on the highway the foot pegs zip tie slipped off there's plenty of work to do on the bike I just don't know what to do with the thing try to rebuild it back to stock how it was maybe make a custom bike out of it I don't I don't know you guys complete bloop that down in the comments the other thing I was thinking about writing is man it'd be fun to write with some of you guys and that got me thinking when you're riding are you a left middle or right kind of GrooVe guy and by Groove I mean if you're going down a Tulane Highway if you're riding a bike you're either on the mustard or you're on the male or in the middle 's a little dicey that's all the oil dripping and stuff like that I'm a male guy I like to just be full sketch with all the breasts and everything on the road but I just don't trust the oncoming traffic anymore with the invention of cellular phones and lipstick and whatnot but anyhoose there we go 2005 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail back on the highway running and riding once again it was a lot of fun had a blast riding thank you guys for watching appreciate you very much we'll see you very soon now you got to clean a mess great [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 1,916,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, harley, harley davidson, soft tail, softail, heritage, will it run, will it start, will it ride, will it drive, abandoned, forgotten, wrecked, stolen, vandalized, recovered
Id: y_9LTv-QSSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 49sec (4489 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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