Chevy Monza Raced to DEATH - Blown up engine! - Vice Grip Garage EP51

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guy went ahead finally made it to a race I mean we're really late but at least guy made it Monza's ready I mean she's running on three cylinders and got no brakes but what else could you ask for I'm gonna make her sing for you guys supposed to be 15 cars here today and I'm in the modified rear-wheel drive class because I think it's the one that I've got the best shot actually getting through the tech inspection kind of helped go through a laundry list of stuff and I mean she's almost there so we just gotta cross her fingers that she slides through that I gotta get to registration click and then they'll come and look over the car and then hopefully we could just get out there and we're just gonna blow it out basically yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] so basically I'm gonna get her off the old trailer here so the inspector doesn't see that the frame is snapped off there but I've got a hope that she even starts today like I say at 2030 degrees and she's already hard starting so fingers crossed [Music] Jill's here [Music] get the battery walked on black velvet Punk run [Music] kind of neutral timing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] she's full race mode she don't got one another all invaders so we got the deal Jen Rack fired up here I'm gonna put the captions I read your honor go ahead and let that boil dry while we wait for oh I got some vacuum hose try out that back to the van I got it twisted so advanced run wild you know these are often like that here we go got field generator installed here and she's boiling dried at Walmart Baptist and then I'll take some of that take off my really good zip sideline here at the old stopper upper lip that over to the old lightning could you get in half the horsepower out of it last night I cut the fenders open wider you're rubbing on the fire got a little Wyatt on that one but that's fine let's throw when we jump her you know Bradley wants a panic save on Ursula he recommended checking the oil so he's doing that process whatever that is and then they're both good then I got this snip down and she at the right size for the old fuel make er happen er but I'm hoping this just pops off and that way she can lean out and hopefully throw a rod or 16 out of this weird-lookin walk because I don't want to see what it looks like on the inside tech inspectors it's that guy and these are the other vehicles there's still some coming in of course most of them are turbo all-wheel drive and that's fine I mean she's gonna keep up in fact I'll bet you six tacos we're gonna grab a first-place here today mainly because of these 1986 these are tires that come on the old mail truck so you know they're good well we made it through tax didn't like the battery situation which I don't blame them because it's basically just sitting in here on some cardboard so went ahead and robbed this strap off of the trailer which will do nothing and then you know snip it down with that a little bit more and that way you know we agreed that when I roll this on the lid the battery hopefully won't come flying out and start a fire so that's probably good if you've never done this before basically the cones tell you which way to go you got a hook on this side of the cone hook on outside and then you got to try to shoot through these two and snip that way so there's a lot going on in the old brain bucket when you're trying to grab ears and mainly blow it up oh I gotta remember where to turn gets confusing McKay ting here's an overview we got the lasers up there and that starts your time and then you got the track which will come around here got a big sweeping turn there snags back over there does some stuff and then there's lasers over there which count us then you get your time slip the old brake box and then there's the pits over there so basically just a field and this feller is nice enough to not only does he let us race out here but I think he you and designs them and runs them and all that stuff as well I remember right he does this professionally I mean he's it's good he's fast [Laughter] [Laughter] well a guy went ahead and got one one good run around and I had some smoke coming out 10 figured it was oil and yep she's you know it's just a drip of oil comes out of this guy I'm not sure what happens it looks like this guy here blew off once you get her up to 8,000 rpm it just throws that oil out I'm gonna quickly try to figure out what I'm gonna do there much for material on me so I did the right thing and just grabbed a chunk of my raincoat cut that off and I'm gonna cap up this thing here and hopefully that'll work fast and like that that one's used and then slip this back over man this thing now we know while the oil on the hood was holy Moses just got running I'm on the old track I don't know if the Mons is gonna make her cuz I plugged her up with that raincoat quick ran out here and tried to go around track again I lost another like court in half so we'll see if I can get it but I don't think we're gonna be able to so let these guys run and I'll ponder see if I come up with a solution you know since the Monza needs so much work we're just going to eat some chips and salsa and maybe it'll rejuvenate out there on its own these are salt Dave I don't know if guys curious or not but this is a fellers view just got the old select o matic and two gauges and they basically just watch this one a little bit now and I don't really care about you just let her sing but the problem with this is when I'm shifting see my this is clutch up clutch down and I just my leg gets bound up in here so now I'm trying to turn you know Justin ain't working I can't go this way the seat needs to go about 11 to 4 million feet back that's about it I twisted this all the way because the old helmet nuts that's kind of a view here then of course the battery black-velvet sparking laters that's how you shut her down [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] I think a guy just figured her out I'm not gonna be able to blow this up because she's already blowing up I mean there are no rings left in this she's just blown oil straight out of there might be coming up I think I fixed the top one with the old raincoat maybe I'll do that on the back but my fear is with all the blow by there's gonna be so much crankcase pressure but maybe I can get one more run out of her that way but good news is the tires are ripped off rear end stayed in it even though there's only one frame rail on your side watches hanging in there so maybe one last hoorah and then I don't know this running off the flat for summer maybe some fire maker I'm feeling good about this that's in factory right there and then I went ahead and figured on that all this bow tie is nowhere to go she's gonna blow the old dipstick tube up so I did the right thing and just when it had zip tied that's securely down so now the blow-by has nowhere to go so maybe she'll go ahead and pop now and then this is really loose maudlin and put my peepers in here and the timing belt is hanging on by a thread I mean it's it's bad fellers so I'm gonna do the right thing look at that oh well I guess if she blows she can he jack that way so now question is timing belt first or is it just gonna go ahead and just walk up on me I do have about 40 pounds of wild fresh air which is I'm not really sure why or how but I don't know I think we're gonna go ahead and give on or one more run oh I believe you me these are some good folks we just ate some chili in a barn even had some cheese and Tabasco on earn five bucks and you got a drinkin bond that's that's a deal some fellers out here changing tire pressures and suspension geometry's and I just kind of look at my oh yeah it's what we brung so I think the plan here is got to figure out how to get my cold snack in there without it spilling and then one more run and just say all this thing and I think that's that's all she's rhyming really all I'm doing is just dragon oil all over the track and that's not very cool for this landowner so one more sing and then shutting her down for the day I guess [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] I think that's gonna be it she's smoking to beat hell and she got hot on that one it's well not hot 180 but it always ran at 140 so I think that's like 280 I don't know but we're hooking on me never she ain't got no reverse get up close to the trailer get her on with the winch and then dragon island tell you guys what if you've never done this we gotta try yeah don't think he got out a race car I mean look at this thing they're stock the Civic us or whatever they are Maximus is minivans just if it's got wheels and it's it's kind of safe get out here and run it it is a blast but more than anything the people are awesome everyone's fun to hang out with that that's gonna be it for us I'm just gonna get her loaded on and shut her down but I think it's got a four camera the size of a trash can Little Harbor Freight winch it says add us on it I'm out of eight ATV [Music] warmer in there isn't it bad copy about I don't know 14% degrees warmer in there but I do like Dodgers and this is this is where I want to be I just need me a single-wide over there and then a shop like from here to there I'd be happy I think they got a track down there they run or maybe it's back over there but that's where the other one is this top one gets too dirty I like this guy I don't know his name but it kind of looks like a bill get it bill yeah keep forgetting I only keep time so we'll see what you did I'm gonna say dead last plus one I got updates monza yeah not to brag or anything but she went ahead and brought on first place and rear-wheel drive modified class I'm not surprised you know she's built for speeding don't even got Club box so make sense yeah some would say well you were the only car in my class but I'll take it I'll take it all day overall she brought home 15 a 16 but I ain't gonna let that miss Hart with me because see the average all of the races and guys took off around I don't wanna talk mainly because the engines blowing and secondly because the frame is snapped in half and part of the fell off my arms like a baby I wasn't gonna let me slow her down but they went ahead and said maybe you should leave now which is a play way of saying that might be dangerous I don't know what to do with the thing now if you got any ideas go ahead and bleep blue come down there in the old comments if it's all there lamb taken her to the crusher cuz I mean she's still good show car Ferrari engine swap I don't know you tell me any who's thanks for watching appreciate it very much make sure you hit the old subscribe button a little bail thing that does someone still have a figure to dog see you next time [Music]
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 557,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chevrolet, chevy, monza, race car, blown up, blown up engine, blowing up engine, spyder, sunfire, gt, gtx, z28, ss, super sport, rally, imca, dirt track, road race, cummins, diesel, smoke, dyno fail, engine fail, vega, sport mod, b mod, stock car, burnout
Id: xisgB5OERME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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