1964 Dodge 440 Revival! The 3 Secrets to buying Cheap Project Cars in Today's Market!

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hey welcome back welcome never mind it's in reverse something else but he's ours these are he's all ours I love them oh man I love them all right ready [Music] welcome back to stay tuned I'm Tony Angelo and today I figured I have a super nice Firebird I can't really drive anywhere it's gonna blow her and these two velocity Stacks sticking out of the hood I got a really nice one what if I got a really grimy one right can you still buy a decent muscle car and go fast for pretty cheap let's find out we're here uh up in the Pocono Mountains and I'm looking at this a 1980 Pontiac Firebird with a 400 a little bit of camshaft in it obviously not the same as the 74. so guess what I'm kind of loving this thing I found it on Facebook it's got to go and we're gonna try to make a deal for it please take a second to go over to the stay tuned merch store we've got a rack of shirts from the original stay tuned shirt Angelo's gym we're gonna lose the shot and there's lots of stickers too okay so what are we looking at it's definitely got some rust repair in the middle of but the rest of it is pretty solid yes okay okay other than these two spots in the floor here I'll show you yep that almost looks to me like someone was trying to access something oh I thought this was just unless it was just rotted I would think rotted and it's just not that bad though yeah but you can get it and it's an 80 but it's got a 77 front end on it yep it's weird it's there it's like very solid in most of the spots and then it must have had maybe the windshield leaks or something and you you said you had it you just bought it to fix it up and sell it basically I mainly bought it to flip it and just ended up not having the time to do that yeah it happens yeah that part's pretty good this temp gauge work yeah don't go down there you know what's so funny I was like no man I started it up I mean it sounds pretty solid [Music] did that is there a patch the other side or that's pretty good I want to do that all right you haven't put any miles on it you don't know if it stays cool [Music] well listen you hand your impulse buy right over to me and I'll Parry it down the road we'll figure this out all right so lots of trim yeah but the trunk itself does look pretty solid breaker ignition set up in here it's got a lot of trim which out you know that's good because I wouldn't mind putting it on I want to spray it like I said right the same thing flat black it Barb he hates it he likes it the way Russo thinks he's leaving it I like the look I wouldn't mind it being like one color with some shiny Wheels but you and every other guy yeah whatever man passed we got we got covered that part we're gonna going great slowing not so great oh and another thing I wanted to mention I thought I told you but it must have been someone else um the double pumper I'm pretty sure the fuel pump is a little bit too weak to keep up with the back pole okay because you once you start going it feels like it wants to run decent and then it's like there's like a flat spot so that's kind of what I think it might be um I could be completely wrong but when you're revving it up it's fine once it's under a load it seems like it has more potential but it doesn't quite region okay all right so we take it up the road and see what it does is that right yeah yeah we can do it I'll just be careful yeah for sure for sure something like this my normal Cruise route you go right up the road about an eight mile quarter mile yeah perfect there's like a little strip mall or pizza shop or whatever it is on the left-hand side yeah whip in there you see the lights work so okay let's give a roof every car guy's got a cruiser yeah gotta have a cruiser gotta have a Shakedown Shakedown section he reminded me about the brakes [Music] load her up what do you think boys put it on the trailer is that the one today I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna lie it's more rough than I thought like the panels that are probably pretty good that the floor got a long run off the floor that's not there the Thunder ah a little messed up we should have brought some one of the tires in the Square but yeah it's too big yeah maybe we turn this thing around we're gonna have to go back yeah swinging around right a great idea I can call those dudes all right so we found out the rear shocks aren't disconnected my new buddy just Dustin swears that he just found out at the same time I believe him [Music] [Music] all right some good some bad it seems to run okay uh a lot of ventilation it like started shaking real hard once we hit like 40. real bad like either it's Luke tires losing a belt or something we actually got out rear shocks aren't connected to the actual rear axle uh and they're not for an F body they're like Loops they're like a round one and somebody drilled a hole in and probably it's an interesting scenario or make it down the track we'll make it down the track like that I know no way there's no way this thing would on the track this is not gonna happen like yo we went sick probably 55 and it was like about the whole thing probably was gonna explode yeah it was nice yeah it was wildness so you know it's needs some work for sure it does need a little work I'd say I don't think we're getting it down on the track anytime soon you know it needs at least a week like a week's worth of work to make it halfway decent and that's not even talking about maybe put it in primer so it's moderately less embarrassing to drive around although I don't hate it it's got It's got some it's got some presents it's got presents character the worst part about all this besides the giant holes missing from the fenders and the Square Tire is the fact that the entire Underside is red the entire Underside that's right the subframe the inner fenders the the control arms the drive shaft the rear axle like it's like the truck times 10 but worse it's like the Dodge we bought which had like a bunch of random red stuff you guys know like just leave it black nobody this car's never doing a wheelie where everyone's gonna go wow the underside's red that's so tight yeah nobody's standing under no one's seeing that thing dude Hydro cars are the best at that Dave yeah Chrome plates yeah that's right the bottom that's tight yeah cool this is another I want to buy that 69 Firebase I texted him I meant Facebook messaged him and I called him no time all right we got that are we buying this thing we're not buying this thing should we flip a coin no no everyone's over it we flip a coin we buy it Tails we don't yeah yeah well that's not what I meant tails no I think we're I think we're gonna pass on the firebird it's cool for us with the S10 blown apart in the shop right now I was just looking for something to run around in and have fun oh all right I'm back in again buy ice cream okay Lieutenant Dan iceberg right in there I love the vibe in places like this is tired it's like you know this is a time capsule dude at some point it was full of people and it was like a sound louder this is awesome man this is what's happening we are at an old school driving uh right in League hiking VA which is like up in the Pocono Mountains so like you know straight out of the ape which is awesome it's cool it's cool it's got this tables I think it has a salad bar at one point and we're just scrambling to see like while we're up here are there any other good deals up your own you know kind of beating my hand on something I really want like 75 Nova or like uh Valiant or a dart or some Duster or you know something I can just drive around town and have fun with and leave place and not worry about something maybe in primer a little mild V8 in it just something I could like really just pop into not super care about and drive so we're looking we're doing a Hustle but there's some good stuff up here we're kind of like out in the middle you know out of our own ways 20 mile radius like Harmony see what we find 20 miles per one I like that what is it what's going on 26 Skyler white on red best color combo 76 Chevelle that's the attraction to these that you have all the parts ready or because you like well I like them even though the car from Drive dude I saw him I was like that's the weirdest ghost it is a red car and they're good man and they also Drive incredible like you know these were NASCAR yeah like front foot like flat front ones with like a Leading Edge like super sports do you know what's what yeah these are yeah so I've been looking for like a fun low-key street car that jams I can build into something really fun something proper muscle or something like you know pre 1990 but I really like pre-1980s and I was banging around I was like you know it'd be fun to have other Mopar and I saw a 1970 scam body clean pristine no rusts in primer it was sick we've got one at 5800 5000 for it and then the next day was 5800 which they've immediately tip dug me off in my heart I was like I don't like that that feels like that might be tough to deal with because he probably got a bunch of uh messages about it and it got weird and I just did my best but I was like that's a great deal it had a heating recorder rear end in it we had wheels on it it was like yeah you can sign up for a big block didn't have the inner fenders cut out this is the messaging that we had back and forth I'll just read it to you now if this is the guy if you're the guy watching us let me know I want to let you know just deeply from the bottom of my heart you are a complete whack-ass and you're the worst and this is not how you treat people okay where is it here we go ready I say hey yo any rust in this thing man it looks really clean what rear end is in here oh then I come back you know a little while later half hour are the fender Wheels cut out and was back with nope perfect answer for all my questions I said hey is it eight and three quarter he said yes with 391 Sure Grip great that's awesome I said immediately okay cool can you give me your number and I'll give you ring tomorrow nothing uh the next morning you know around noon hey let me know when is a good time to call you and let me get that number please nothing uh 20 minutes later I say or you can call me I give him my number nothing the next day in the morning hey man still very interested let me know if we can get on the phone and sort this out he says I won't be home till Friday I said okay that's no problem actually heading up to Syracuse Friday and could be there around two Friday if that works it might come with a trailer if not I can come outside or anything on my way down let me know thanks immediately 20 minutes later listed as pending was the most frustrating I'm like not to us not to be like not to me yeah nothing that's it and I'm whistle I said to him like hey man I'm trying I've been trying to buy this car for three days like what's the deal don't be that guy and I don't know like are we the place where I gotta go I will pay like I don't want to make a deal without being in front of the car it's such a waste of time you show up that's not what you think the picture of the information aren't complete gotta show up which is fine and if people want to say hey give me deposit I'll hold it until you come that's fine too this was none of that it could be hot for like I want a sweet like maybe primer or faded out just something to kick around for the summer and I just can't find it it's real hard to find yeah all right so so far no good on the search for an affordable phone muscle car it's really tough I've learned the way stuff goes now with the online marketplaces it's like boom boom boom you should just be like ready when a great deal comes up keep your options open like you're like okay I wanna 85 Mustang but then like uh an 88 money Carlos is up you just buy it just buy it stock your cash just remember keep it going anyway we're gonna get head back home I got a couple feelers out on a couple different things the list is too weird and long to discuss if anything pops up we're gonna grab it the second car we went to look at was another Firebird this time is 69 with a 427 Chevy big block in it and a turbo 400 transmission so we're very excited about it and it turned out to be way better in pictures and in person was a mess uh just too much rust so we quickly made our exit feels happy to me right here is it smacking a piece of wood all right so we popped into the Russo compound for some fresh pizza homemade pizza tour we're doing here uh which has been killer this those cars were a complete letdown this one is not uh that's 69. from the pictures online man it looked pretty clean and pretty solid on the ask the guy hey what's the rust like he's like a little bit here a little bubbling here but as soon as I walked up I was like this is too much for us a 69 Firebird with a 427 and the Turbo 400 and a nine inch at one point that car that car was awesome that car was super cool but right now that was just too much for us I knew it the thing was like we showed up the second I walked in I'm like no I'm not buying it it's too much it is my brain was like how long do I have to stand here and pretend to look at this car that I'm definitely not buying until I go get some pizza at Rooster's house but the pizza is delicious look mushroom pie yeah delicious earthy Rich delicious so it says pop slinging pies back there we're watching the fills where are they from yeah we are back on the hunt for an affordable muscle car it is harder than ever to find something decent and cheap that you can get your hands on these days we've already failed twice looking at those two different Firebirds one was super super Rusty one was just kind of a mess and we wanted to take it to the track and it just was too far away he had some holes in the floor so we failed on finding a car but we did we did succeed on finding some killer pizza at Russo's house his dad is insane and if you ever get a chance I recommend the restaurant to sell back at her house 10 out of 10. um so I've just been scouring the internet and here's what I've learned number one you can force it okay these deals come and go really quickly so like you're not gonna be able to sit down and go there's a hot one out today I know it it's like just kind of check every day be consistent and try to find what you want and then the other things these are the big tips number one be flexible you think you're gonna find or you want to drive a 70 Chevelle it might be a 77 Chevelle you want to buy Anova it might be something totally different uh I wanted a Firebird guess what we're not going to look at a Firebird today it's just not the way it goes number two be willing to travel a little bit because the farther you make that area when you're searching online it doesn't seem like a big deal you're like oh 250 you know 100 miles let me just bump it up and bump it up and then your butt has to go 250 miles to get a car so if you're in it to win it that's what you're gonna do and the last thing is move quickly okay if something pops up I don't exactly know how people are doing it but it's going up and going down so quickly I think the best move is if you like a car at all try to get some money in that person's pocket that's just a deposit hold it until you can get there and put some eyes on that thing and then go from there so that's the deal we are about five minutes away from a guy who has a sweet Body shop Big Dodge guy and he's got a bunch of cars that have to move that's the other thing if you happen to find someone who's really looking to unload a car or a bunch of cars in a short amount of time that's a pretty good scenario to be in as a buyer and that's what we found we have just arrived this is a body shop where the owner of the building told this guy he had about a month to get out he said he's been here 18 years he's a big Mopar guy he's got a 64 polara and another parts car that comes with it I'm very interested in it's supposed to be a 383 car that runs it or ran pretty recently the last couple years and my favorite part about all this he's got four or five or six Dodge trucks d150s and there's a guy here named Barb who really is hot for a d150 or D100 but he swears he can't he doesn't have the space in his life for it right now and that his wife will murder him if he brings one home so we'll see that might happen we'll see because there's one oh and there's one they're everywhere that thing is gorgeous didn't you say this was like 30 000 miles or something yeah that's like a 19 000 original mile farm truck he said man if only that had more bed on the back I'm interested in this Ram charger that thing is that's not even online Ram Chargers the battery's in the trunk okay um okay um you can pop that valve look in there and see the Butter's like brand new in there as clean as it whistle okay yeah no it's been it was just rebuilt this is the guy told me he just he never ran it so I said I'll take the motor okay for uh somebody started putting Quarters on this car and they didn't know what he were doing okay and so I finished the quarters on it so it's got and that's a 383 yeah okay I mean it really needs quarters you can see here it's certainly got some Rust it's not the worst and Mopar is in this part of the world definitely rust pretty hard I really just wanted to kick around so I'm not super worried about it what I do like is that engine under the hood 7383 that's pretty hot piece I like the polara my motor is sick perfect the body is it's all right you know the frame is good but it's rust on everything the frame yeah it's unibody but like the important parts are good the frame the integrated rails and stuff the torque box the torque boxes like yeah that stuff's good and it may looks clean the cowl is Rusted underneath where he painted it and behind the rear window it would be like get it maybe mob around in it for a while take that motor and put something else get that motor running top you know yeah I hope it doesn't rain it's gonna rain through you know it's got holes in it yeah so what about these trucks though which one of these you want to leave with I don't think I want to leave it come on let's make a package deal let's get you a truck let's do it that red one is sick that's a pretty good deal what do you want three three four four three I'm so confused three for that four for that that's a painted that one painted for four is yeah I know good that for four is killer is Polaris for five I don't know I don't know about all that's three for the polaro yeah well I was gonna come in and be like listen we'll give you 4500 I'm leaving with the Polaris and one of these trucks it's not the worst deal I guess that one will drive us home you wanna drive that home why not it's clean dude I know it's cool you could leave at this shop you don't have to tell your wife you bought it yet unless you watch does she watch the channel yeah she'll see it all right yeah just kidding it's mine okay we have a plan turns out I cannot peer pressure Barb into buying a truck he doesn't want it's fine uh the Polaris I like I don't want to make him get that one that's been sitting forever all fired up with an old garbage gas and with no Cooling in it so I'm gonna try to do is make a deal for him around three grand I'll take the parts car now we'll come back in a couple days with a new battery yeah and see if we get that thing fired up on our on our own terms put it in gear and kick it out of here that'll be that'll be the deal let's see what happens all right all right okay so after a brief discussion we came up with a program I'm gonna buy both of those 64 Polaris for 3 500 bucks and that sounds like a pretty good deal to me feel good about it one of them has a 1970 383 motor he says it's out of a roadrunner it might be like an HP uh it's a pretty Burly looking motor it looks very clean everything under that hood looks good out of the other car um but here's what I said I said let me take the parts car home now okay I gave him a little bit of money take the parts car home now and then we're gonna come back with fresh battery and a new carburetor and probably Prime that motor get it fired upright so we don't do any damage to it because we sit for a long time I'm very excited about it we'll be back in a couple of days and uh we're taking that thing home right now we loaded up the polaro parts car and then headed home it'll be fine it's a new day and we are in the truck heading back to pick up the good Polaris and unbeknownst to Barb we have a little surprise for him yeah another thing you should be aware of is like the way the market is right now you're just not going to get them all yeah unless you're like literally anytime a good deal there's plenty of mediocre deals on Facebook when a good one comes up it's you got to be like immediate immediate and like yo you're just not gonna there's you're gonna be home with your kids or you're gonna be at work and someone's going to just grab you should be in the truck all the time [Music] yeah this was a good deal the Polaris a great deal but like yeah Barb wanted has been looking for a D100 for a long time he had one and sold it yeah yeah and there was a white one that came up cheap last night it was gone like nope yeah so I found it I was like literally walking out the door yesterday it was like tell me five this came up which is exactly what I want two-door short bed red interior manual transmission the body I want for 800 and it has a really Grill 72 to 80 all have that so I mean there's like yeah yeah I feel like everyone's been fine it's just like Grill what I really like about those trucks is I love the dash yeah I love the interior Dash is really cool my 7300 this is so sweet is that excuse me what happened you were fast enough yeah I messaged him it was up for two hours I messaged him tomorrow I texted Johnny I was like yeah I just messaged this guy and he goes so did I yeah but it was like you know sold in three hours yeah you gotta be really banging on the floor these days two hours I thought I was banging on the door it was listed for two hours no but it was also like a five thousand dollar truck it was a money shot like with the money yeah I'm on my way there's like 800 singles bark was about to hook up sold so quickly last night and I ran out and I bought it for him so later on and maybe after we pick up this polara we'll show it to him here he comes all right we're back at the body shop to dig out this 64 polara we've brought a bunch of supplies we're gonna try to get it fired up make sure that motor is nice and happy air in the tires see if it'll drive and we've got to drive it out of here because it's not we're not pushing it down this this Lane so yeah it's too much so the goal is get it fired up get out of here Marx where is it run I'm ready to do it you ready to do it let's go I'm very excited about this thing all right so we started this party looking at like Firebirds and GTOs and like you know real typical muscle cars because I want something to drive around that's really fun and pretty cool we went up on a 64 Dodge polara but here's the thing you may not know why I'm so into this car is that Polaris 63 64s were all essentially like Factory nasty super stock Racers for Dodge there were Max wedge cars there were four speed cars they were all through wheelbase cars these things really have like a nasty lineage believe it or not as boxy and kind of like old man style as this thing sort of looks 64 and 65 and 63 these were really really as hot as they got so it's pretty cool when I stick with that Vibe obviously it's got the 7383 in it I can't wait to get that fired up but this is so this is your grandpa's racer that's what it is and I'm gonna drive it right now I'm gonna air the tires up when I had seven pounds in it we'll put 28 in all of them and then try to get this motor repressed and revive this thing won't run again we're gonna lose the shot I'm wearing the wrong shirt we're gonna lose the shot so the best part of this car is this 1970 383 he says came out of a roadrunner so it could be like an HP motor it could be pretty Burly uh and we don't want to damage it Reviving it it hasn't run in many years at least three maybe more the cars basically never driven well he's owned it for 15. uh and so what we're going to do is number one change the oil out put in fresh oil pre-lube it so manually spread it all around the motor by just priming the oil pump with a drill getting it everywhere we're going to put a fresh carburetor we're not going to try to run any of the gas that's sitting in a tank it's probably just varnish and turpentine at this point we brought some fresh gas and a little pump after that's going we're going to crank it see what it does brought a new battery we're gonna give it tons of juice and just see what this thing does when you have an engine that's been sitting a really long time oil drains out of where the bearings are oil drains out of every place that you need it when you're going to try to start it up and you know it's probably not going to start right up so if you're cranking it and cranking and cranking it you can do real damage we're going to try to avoid that right now I don't know why I put my hand in the sock I found on the ground a minute to win it baby so much I'm like you're gonna win something okay how dirty do we think this is all right you think I can get uh there we go I know this is definitely some dinosaur juice I'll tell you that cobwebs but it's got long tube headers three inch exhaust all the way out I bet you it sounds pretty good I'm pumped to get this thing fired up boy yeah just dirty Standard Oil Change okay the ecosystem has become part of me a little yum yum juice going in the hole here yeah a good dinosaur juice buddy good one all right this engine has a distributor in the front which is nice because we're going to pre-lube it which means spinning the oil pump which is underneath the distributor the distributor we're just going to Mark where the rotor is and where the housing is and just put it right back in spot so once we got it back in hopefully we won't have to mess with the timing at all so we're gonna go here motor there housing also there so I'm gonna line up the rotor the housing and this Mark I should go right back at the same spot fire right up assuming that the timing is Right which is a pretty big assumption but let's do it just one two wire connector here yep that good yeah and we don't own anything in the 60s no car by far now too yeah I'll do it now two of them all right so I'm gonna slide this out over here that looks good the pickup looks good there's no garbage in it okay lay in there let me see the camshaft you can see the lifter bores oh man they look really good okay so now we're going to pull out the oil pump drive shaft which connects the camshaft to the oil pump and then the distributor sockets right into the top of the thing so now the Distributors out we're going to pull that out go right to the oil pump which is actually external on this engine spin that thing with a drill and hopefully pump a bunch of oil all through the engine and get it ready to fire up you know it goes back I took a picture looks good how much weight not much wear on her all right you know it looks just like that this contraption you made look at that thing cut up a little 5 16 uh Allen key welded a piece of threaded Rod yeah priming tool they sell these but why not make it yourself I guess all right anytime you do this on an engine you have to make sure you're spinning it the correct way to the oil pump on this one spins counterclockwise just like the distributor so I'll be essentially loosening the drill I'll be going backwards and it will find some loads already and it's moving stuff let's see if we can find a gauge and read some oil pressure I was gonna say there's no way to see it yeah six eighty pounds how much 80 80. that'll do 70. I'm not going as fast I'm just going to hold it for a minute or two yeah yeah yeah so it is gonna live just about there this is gonna slide as it goes in it's going to rotate so you have to lead it a little bit I don't want to go in the middle yeah okay perfect nothing I didn't know if you were gonna have clearance on the side of the yeah spin in yeah too much okay I gotta go back you can see though it's right there see all right in there I can all right let's see if we get everything lined back up I marked the valve cover can you get that junk out of there without putting it in the motor yeah I'm gonna hold it like that that all right yeah it's got that quirky attitude we'll do for now grab that carburetor and let's rock that piece of art on here yeah there she is she rides on everything Old Faithful Old Faithful right here it was just the back one okay I don't know okay yeah I'm good and see how tight this is well I'll just uh bend it a lot okay like over the top I'll just kick it up boom I think his motor is bone stock which is fine still I'm molested man if it's an eight so that that makes me happy because it's got an iron real Mopar four barrel manifold on it that means it's probably the better motor the HP from a roadrunner because if it was a leader you know like an aftermarket aluminum floor Barrel then you don't know if it was like a low horsepower low compression small cam 383 that somebody just slapped a four barrel and an intake on this is maybe the real deal later I knew that a big cam let me see that kid on the road with Dorman this kid is solid keep you out of trouble much water we need like two feet we going over there oh you can go into that I believe that's gonna pick up 12 volts or right onto the right onto the main relay okay that's it that's an offer that'd be fine the clippies huh other side that's the technical term God I get it yeah it sounds it's sounded cool when you said it yeah you know exactly what I meant it's like an Unwritten word okay I brought a fresh battery so we have to mess with trying to find some around here and charge it up hell yeah perfect science fuzzy I just flipping around couldn't start a fire yet that's good okay one hour photo oh this is really good oh my gosh is it on Disco bro let me see no for real yeah that's this yeah this is sick I'm coming around I got to see this this is so cool dude and that comes with this car that's so cool wow wow what year I couldn't say all right let's run the pump got it really is brought a little Holly okay myself I'm fine I gotta go in the wrong way let's try and go slower and aim it in the center important out of a bucket here champ yeah I got this cool bumpy button uh it's got some fuel in it I think I figured out how to hotwire the ignition we don't have the keys to it but we're gonna send her see what it does so if you want to get you're in there right I'm gonna clamp this with this button here it's the best I can on the main post okay ready watch the headers ready [Music] that's right she sounds good oh God okay so we forgot that part I think I thought we decided there was no old fuel in it it's like it really pumps oh it started up instantly hell yeah of course it did of course it did all right put that in your old milk jug bucket that thing was like a top dead center yeah it was like yeah I mean that was amazing amazing we didn't think that that really happened pretty sick okay take two we have the old fuel pump that was sucking old gas out and spraying all over our faces and right into the fan into a bucket now the fire back up started instantaneously good Mopar wood [Music] cut your hands [Music] good you got a game in there I think oh yeah yeah in the face [Music] I can still see I don't think it was gay so the when the gas the fans picking up the gas vapor has gone into the same as friend I'm gonna take the whole system the whole ecosystem there hang on it works together yeah the gas paper in my eyeballs my contacts are going to be permanently glued to my face [Music] oh nice yeah all right very excited sounds amazing I gotta stop revving it up because I keep getting gas in my eyes still dump it in the bucket hard to see a little bit that's it 383 fire right up boom 60 PSI oil at idle there sounds great yeah it sounds like a sounds incredible uh let's get something over the carburetor because this is disgusting um probably put the old air filter just light on there lay it on there or something yeah yeah totally find of the week right here footprint gas pedal you still want to take this 400 container is correct Bob can't wait to polish this thing he won't even wait till we get so much so that I found this correct bottle that's on the floor it's like 800 years of overspray from this body shop on here not one um okay put it down I think all right they're probably stuck solid yeah [Music] break [Music] there you go right yeah locked right you ready Tony yeah and again baby [Music] okay okay this one's good okay back her up baby all right so what do we want to do yeah direct me get as tight as you can and then we'll put it on the jack I can't see much come back a little bit yeah we may not be cruising this down the street tonight where once we get this over we'll try it hang on go one more okay [Music] wearing it out a little bit fence come on they're running [Music] look at that [Music] all right we got ourselves a little polaro here I'm in dude I am covered in filth disgusting old gross Body Shop 20 years of body shop grime top to bottom but I'm pretty stuck it feels good man it feels pretty good man look at her that was a fight here she is different in the sun boy it's gonna need a little quarter panel attention and front fender probably something whatever let's just make let's make it go fast all right let's go it does do a little bit of something what it'll hold the break a little bit is that where you want it tell me where yeah it's fine I got to put a strap on it there's no Park in this thing okay give me a second no Park let's get out of here there was a point and it was running in that tiny room and I had no breaks and no ability to turn it off and the wheels were stuck and everyone's like just floor it till the wheels break loose I was like this is the dumbest idea of all time if they break loose I'm going through this cabinet or somebody's face but we got it done eventually it was like spinning them in there spinning tires I can't see anything I can't even turn the car off 10 out of 10 experience I would recommend five star is that really what the GPS is telling you yeah yeah that says get out of here no way give me that thing here you go happy birthday I bought you that truck buddy no way I did oh my God on yours what do you think basically Martin looking for a d150 he really wanted an early one with this Grill set up this is the last year of it short bed short cab you found it online and he was stoked on it he messed the guy I messaged the guy and the guy was like I got a guy coming tomorrow to check it out and unbeknownst to him I was like it was super cheap so I hit him up and I was like no negotiations I can be there in like a half hour there she is Bud all right dude the best exactly the best this morning you're like that truck sold instantly he's in it you knew yeah yeah I came last night there it is I don't even know what's happening right now I know okay that is it for this episode of stay tuned uh what a crazy adventure we showed you how it's still possible to buy cheap old classic muscle cars you just gotta hustle you got to be flexible and you got to be fast we were all three this time Barb got a truck I got a couple of Polaris and uh we got lots and lots of work to do on these things so we will see you guys next time please stay tuned don't forget to like And subscribe we'll see ya thank you
Channel: Stay Tuned
Views: 161,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tony Angelo, Roadkill, Hot Rods, Drag Racing, Drifting, Muscle cars, Cars, Engines, Turbos, Turbochargers, V8, Burnouts, Hoonigan, TA96, Stay Tuned, Racing, Cleetus, Vice Grip Garage, Horsepower, Intercooler, Transmission, Taylor Swift, Performance, Porsche, German cars, American cars, classic cars, Ebay, Cheapest, Online bidding, Purchasing, turbocharged, AWD, Sikeclone, Syclone, Typhoon, All wheel drive, d150, polara, big block, 383, dodge, adventure, Polara, 1964, Dodge 440, Mopar
Id: BjFuUwI8KwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 44sec (2804 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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