Are Version 3 Characters Still Good? | Genshin Impact

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hey guys welcome back to another Gan impact video and today we're going to be doing a tier list for all the version 3 units so similarly to version 1 and two this will be a retrospective analysis on all the version 3 characters seeing how they've developed in relation to the meta and comparing where they are now to where they were before now originally I was not planning on making this video for a little bit while longer since the idea I had was to wait a full version after the version in which the units came out before I made that video so for versions 1 and 2 since it's been a very long time I could make a video talking about them where for version 3 I was going to wait until version 5 to make the video but by the time you see this I'll actually be in Japan and this past week I've been frantically running around trying to make sure everything's in order for vars 1 2 and 3 because this is the first multi-week long vacation I've taken in probably like 10 years and while yes I'm at Liberty to take a break whenever I want to I do still want to have content out for you guys cuz I don't want to go 2 weeks without uploading anything so I don't think this is the worst time to make the video a fair bit of time has passed and as you know version 4 has been very transform it for the meta they've released a lot of new characters and has resulted in a lot of meta relevant parties plus I did get quite a few comments in my version 2 video asking for version 3 so that's what we're going to do for today the tiers are relatively identical from the first two episodes with the exception of me just changing the top category cuz I think it was better by the way just a footnote the niche category is not meant to be taken as a bad category I understand it's at the bottom half of the list but I if I could have my way with it just because I want to preserve the rainbow kind of spectrum color uh I would have just given it a colorless box I suppose so the niche category is not meant to be bad people had that misconception that if I put a character Niche they are quote unquote not good no they're it's just a neutral category right like I just didn't want to put it down at the bottom or at the top I kind of just put it in the middle so we're going to begin with djo traveler djo traveler is benched out of all the playable elements we have so far djo traveler is Barn away the most usable even to this day but I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that there were only three playable dentro characters for a sizable amount of time at the beginning of suo and naturally so the element just came out so they had to release new characters and then expand more on the dentro roster but as new units got released I think many people benched the D MC because other units are more Specialized or just straight up better be that as a mate they are still usable if you're a new player or if you let's say took a long break from the game you just came back and you don't have any dentro units you can still more than use dentro MC all tenture units for the most part with the exception of one are usable if not better by mention that applies to Kay these two are kind of twopiece in the Pod they're more or less the same I find dentum C to be a bit better but Kay and dentum C are kind of in the same position where they served as the training wheels for dendro and then after you got into your more advanced characters or higher grade characters that's some people stopped using them tigna is still pretty good I think he's one of the more I guess respectable dento characters in the game people have always had a relatively healthy opinion of him and that opinion has either stayed the same or matured over time I think out of all all the standard Banner units we have so far he's the best one to lose your 50/50 to even though yes you still don't want to lose your 50/50 one thing that I think works to his Advantage is that because he's a standard Banner unit eventually if you play the game for long enough you will unlock in C6 it will take an extremely long time if you're a free to play player but there is the potential for you to lose 650 50s on him and get him maxed out at which point ady is actually an extremely powerful character I think compared to the version one five stars with middle of the road constellations like D cing or um like let's say Chi-Chi tiga's constellations are actually very very powerful and if you do get him to that point consider yourself lucky the one downside to him is of course because he's a standard Banner unit he's probably never going to get a rerun and as a result his signature weapon is unobtainable I'm pretty sure I don't believe it's actually in the standard Banner weapon pool which is kind of unfortunate but as a character he's held his own pretty well and is still very valuable next up is sinos soo has always been a pretty ambiguous character people have very high expectations of him when he came out and those expectations have been bluntly speaking let down he's not a bad character by any means I just think that people were expecting him to be a lot better than he turned out to be but he's a overall very useable character he's nowhere near close to the top but I think if you do have him built already you might as well just keep using him cuz you can never go wrong with them dendo teams are going to stay relevant until the end of time so if you have S already built to continue using him I wouldn't say that he's exactly top priority if you ever gets rerun but he's he's okay he's a pretty solid unit all right next one we're going to have Dory Dory was never good I it's a meme on my channel next to YULA she's my most hated character ever and I'm going to be perfectly honest with you I have no idea what she does no I'm kidding I know what she does Dory basically got power crept the moment she came out because there's shinobu and shinobu is everything Dory wishes she could be so basically there was never a point in which Dory was actually relevant and because she's one of the most forgettable characters in ginin Impact people will never give her the T deservedly ctis unfortunately is in a similar situation where she's one of the the best characters in terms of design visually and is a very interesting individual but her play style is ultimately Superfluous it is unique in the sense that hydro and view is something that we've never seen before and it raises a lot of interesting questions on what kind of play Styles you can go for but when you think of the hydro category and how stacked it is compared to if you're trying to get hydro application which is ultimately the default purpose of infusing your weapon with an element you might as well just use shinga I know it's not fair for one unit to completely eclipse the other especially when they're not exactly the same in the sense of candis's infusion and shincho is followup but one major problem with infusion units like chongyun and cantis is that most of the time you don't want to give an infusion to your other characters since they have their own like Hut gives herself pyro uh Shogun it's not really an infusion she replaces her weapon attack pattern but she gives herself Electro things like that alh them gives himself dentro Candis giving Hydro will almost never be productive because it's usually overridden by the main TPS units in fusion and to part apart from that she doesn't do anything else she does have a hydro shield quote unquote but as soon as she lowers her stance that Shield is gone it's not like she continues giving that Shield to an active character like jungi or diona in essence despite having a very beautiful design and a very interesting premise to her gameplay practically speaking there's no place for her to fit into next character is going to be nuu nuu is fantastic one of the best characters in the game but she is by definition a niche character in order for you to build it correctly you are exclusively restricted to hydro and denter units that's not a negative thing because there are plenty of good dendro characters and hydro ones but the point in this category is that she is very specific if you get the conditions correctly you have one of the most powerful team comps in the game that can handle both AOE and single Target and it's very easy to play as well so if you have Neu continue using her you're never going to find a reason not to use her and that's about it I have nothing else to say about her other than she's good if you play to her strength as that's the only way you can play her next character is going to be nahita she is the goat she is the goatest of goat she would be a tier like right up here if they even was one I would argue she's in the top three best characters in genin Impact overall and probably will be that is archon privilege for you but yeah no seriously if you're asking anyone what's the best character for Deno teams it is her it starts and ends with her this torp broke the entire game when she came out and is still continuing to do so and as a result unfortunately because of how broken Nita is any denture unit that comes out that's trying to do a similar thing to her which is like off field application and stuff is going to get completely overshadowed so I think o kind of screwed up by making her too strong since now the dento roster is kind of kneecap she does do the D roster what Bennett and shanglin do for the Pyro roster so I don't know what's going to happen to dental unit going forward but if anyone had to be the best dental character it would make perfect sense that the archon is next character is going to be Lila Leila is okay I have an issue with cryo fourst star characters in that I think there are too many of them you have diona you have K you have Rosaria you have Leila you have um where is she uh Charlotte you have this one more I think there's one more right uh you have mik like these characters are all really similar really similar because of how uniform cryo is as an element and it kind of makes them all blend together for me in the case of Leila she's a decent character she's not the best by any means she does have I guess a few issues where she gives you a shield but for you to generate energy you basically have to act as if she doesn't give you a shield which might be a little counterintuitive and that's why if I had to choose a cryos shielder I just rather go with diona but ultimately I don't think she quite deserves to be put in bench actually I don't know maybe I might because ah this is tough on one hand I do think that she's more useable than these two characters but on the other I don't think she's relevant enough to be in this category either so maybe for the sake of being conservative I'm going to put her here that's what I'm saying that's the problem with crry units it's like you there's so many four-star crry units and you have some people who say oh these four star cry units are up here these four star cry units are down here I would probably say say that she does work decently with a lot of the newer comps like net and wander and such in that respect I might put her up here but yeah that's sort of a dilemma I have with the cryo roster where cryo as a whole is probably one of the weaker elements in the game right now and they have a lot of four stars who sort of all kind of playing to freeze to some extent just in their different ways like you know they either they heal they Shield they do a little bit of damage they battery but that's all kind of lumped together in one category I'll just put it there for now next character is going to be wander and I guess by extension Faron similarly to nuu if you have them built in a specific way they can be extremely powerful specifically C6 farzon with wander then you have a fantastic team composition that's about it these three characters are the definition of Niche you play into it you have a fantastic team if you don't then they're underwhelming next unit will be alh them Al haem is the goat he's one of the few main DPS on fielders that I consider top tier he's just nahita but on field that's the best way you can put obviously they're different in terms of play style but I think uh I'll would be one of only two on fielders that I would consider the best of the best he's so easy to use he can work for any kind of team composition with any kind of support you can do any kind of rotation timing you want to and just works really well what else can I say next up is yao yao yao yao is one of the few new four stars who can compete with the power five in terms of pressure she's the best character to happen for people who missed any of the Premier five star dentro characters like nahita I'll ha them baiju and stuff so if you're looking for a Bucher friendly dentro support she is exactly what you want she has healing she has application everything you need for dento and she's even compatible with nuu being the Healer for the team so yeah ya Yao is one of the best four-star characters in the game that came out after the power five or in some cases I might even argue she's better than the power five No actually that's a hard statement next character is going to be Dia I'm sorry but she was never good people have coped I have coped we've all coped it was a good effort but she was she is a disappointment next character will be M I'm going to say Mika is benched his kit definitely raised a lot of questions over whether or not he would improve physical damage to any extent or if let's say the healing component could help him out a lot in different teams but overall I think that Mika is just a very mediocre character he's not the worst character in the game just like the bench category doesn't necessarily mean that you should never use these characters it's just that they're a better options out there and I don't think that Mika really excels anywhere for example Mika's intended role was to be a physical damage support but then he sort of become a Healer for finina and I guess like a backup support for say wander or rley or I'm not even sure if he works with uh I forget who but point being the fact that you're trying to do RAR character other than their initial intended one would prove to you that they're not the best character out there next one we're going to have Vu Vu is a goat it's one of the goats D five star units are broken where what's the d foster unit that's not up in top tier D is a broken element in general people argue that he's carried by finina by but I disagree I think that even before finina baiju was a very very good character he's a Healer he's a shielder he's got great dendo application and can boost the damage of reactions he does practically everything you would want from a dental support and then he gets even better when you pair him with finina so he is very deserving of a top tier status I do understand why people skipped his first Banner because at that point in time most people had their eyes on starl and also because uh you know you had Nita I'll hate them y y and stuff like that so BYU felt mostly unnecessary and I myself skip him but I do think he's very underrated and I do think that after version 4 he's become one of the best supports in the game next up is cave you may remember when I was talking about K and DMC that I said every dendo character with the exception of one is either decent or better cave is that exception maybe I might be too harsh by putting him down here and I should instead put him here but Ben implies that you are good if not somewhat usable to an extent and I don't think C ever reached that point it might just be because D's more of a supporter Ro not really an on Fielder and I'll hate them kind of cheats by being really good in that front but uh yeah I just think that cave is relatively subpar he has a very unique interaction with Bloom but I think that it just makes it difficult to play him maybe I am being too harsh on him but I'll just leave him there for now final character will be kidada kidada is she's pretty good I think um she has a decent amount of defensive utility she prioritized the shielding not healing and I think that when it comes to dental healing is a bit better hence why ya Yao's a bit higher up but uh she's overall a very solid Dental support I think that if you have her compared to let's say kle or DMC it's better to use her I think she's a slight upgrade to them in that front and yeah that basically sums up version 3 version 3 has had quite a few Duds and uh quite a few metab breaking characters but I do think that one issue with nahita alh them and baichu is that they've kind of hamstrung the entire element these three characters do everything if you have these three characters or even two of these three characters there's almost no reason to use any of the units below them I think they kind of went a bit too Ham on these three units that if they release more five stars or four stars that aren't like either at least ya ya power level or better they're just automatically going to be down here so I don't know what's going to happen to dentro in version four 5 6 and so on but uh yeah that's going to be pretty tough for them to make new dentro characters that are appealing that don't either match these three in power or straight up Exceed them we'll have to see how things turn out but this will be the list for today you guys enjoyed if you have any disagreements with my placement you can share them in the comments down below just be respectful about it this is a fun opinion based video do not take this as fact this is just my opinion but in my defense I don't think this is particularly too controversial I think most of these placements make sense you could again argue if you want to put like Leila down here up up here C up here or whatnot but most of these characters I think where they are is pretty appropriate I think more people are going to jump to conclusions on the niche category they're going to be like why is soo above nuu but the niche categories of vacuum so if anyone calls me out on being like why did you puto or Lila above wander and nuu please just watch the beginning of the video in any case if you enjoy the video it would be great if you could leave a like And subscribe don't forget to follow me on Twitter at vsv on my Discord server and check out my version 1 and 2 T list videos if you haven't yet but till next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you after I come back from Japan take care
Channel: Vars II
Views: 94,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact sumeru, genshin impact nahida, genshin impact alhaitham, genshin impact nilou, genshin impact best characters, genshin impact version 3, genshin impact sumeru characters, genshin impact cyno, genshin impact tighnari, genshin impact yaoyao, genshin impact dehya
Id: S1-pXvSAcp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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