Could Arlecchino Be The Best DPS In Genshin? | Post Release Analysis

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guys today we'll make the casee that in some scenarios arino can arguably be the best DPS in the game by this I mean that she can reach quite surprising levels of Excellence but there are some prerequisites to this that are important to understand so let's check it out there is no secret that I really like AR leino um maybe I like her a bit too much but in this video I will analyze her different levels of investment so I can give you the full picture of what she is first of all in a constellation zero no signature weapon scenario her being one of the best DPS in the game is not extremely obvious this is because arino is a very interesting experiment from genin they made a unit that can be healed by other characters so is not very durable but as a trade-off her offense is very explosive it's pretty much a kill or be killed situation with her so you have to kill opponents before they deal too much damage to you this means that there must be a lot of focus on executing the correct defensive rotations with to end the fight as quickly as possible of course this becomes much more relevant if your level of investment on our Lino is not the highest and so even in the smallest mistake can end up stretching the fight by 10 seconds or more putting you in a much riskier situation the bright side here is that even at constellation zero with no signature AR Lino is able to achieve pretty impressive results and also while the execution of her team rotations can vary in difficulty depending on the supports you're using her Windows themselves are pretty simple as she's just a normal attack spam character in my experience this made themes with tricky setups much more bable with her than they are with somebody like huto for example specifically I'm talking about the Vape teams with Bennett and one between sucros and kazuwa this composition are typically called tricky because of the difficulty that comes from swirling the pyo element while still setting up your hydro support for the rotation I wouldn't say they're hard to play but they can definitely become annoying if you have to follow up that setup with a main DPS whose attacks can be mechanically hard to execute like a huto not only that but huto being a single Target oriented DPS makes these compositions very trial and error for her unless you're facing a boss meanwhile arino pretty much goes on autopilot for her Combos and their attacks also have more range than HUD house so she's definitely easier to play for this composition anyway the correct rotation if you're playing Yan kadu and Bennet is to use our leino skill at the start then going with Yan to use her burst then use a quick normal attack to trigger the coordinated attacks and set up the hydro application then go in with Benet burst to vaporize it then another normal attack to set up the hydro application again and after that you go in with kazuwa at this point you need to use the hold element to skill with kazwa to S the hydro around the opponent and remove it from him thanks to the self pyro infusion that's coming from Benet bur you will also Infuse pyro with the skill and swirl it right after then you go in with Yan to use your Elemento skill it's very important to use it here because this way you can remove the Pyro AA that Kazu applied and set up the hydro application before alino comes in after that you go in with arino use the charge attack to claim the bond and proceed with your Flawless Vape combo which in joint instead of Gan it's pretty much the same with one difference that his hydro's word surrounding him can apply additional Hydro on the opponent basically in this scenario if you stay too close to the opponents you will apply more Hydro than you'd like and this will ruin your pyro wor there is also a simpler version to this the one where you avoid triggering Yan ando's coordinated attacks during the setups this way you want to swirl Hydro but you still Z pyro which is the most important thing here since you want to magnify your Lino damage first and foremost it also allows you to use Bennet skill to apply more Pyon opponents which means it's better for energy on top of that since sugr isn't kwine can't swer Pyon Hydro in a single instance this is much more viable for her and overall this is the team where arino per formed the best in the first few days she's been in the game let me remind you that if you enjoy my content but you haven't subed yet please consider doing so because it really makes me notice your support it's more dominant in single Target because in those situations it's easier to control the oras on opponents but even in AE scenarios it has done better than other teams for arino part of the reason is due to the presence of pyro resistant opponents in the first two Chambers like the Pyro B Mage in chamber one that make the playability of alternative compositions like monop pyro a bit rough I expect other teams to get a bit better in future abuses but as right now it's Vape all the way and as I said earlier with Vape even a cellation zero no signature orino has been able to achieve very impressive results other than the total damage itself there are two things that differentiate our leino's offensive potential compared to most other carries for one her damage output is very front loaded because her HS scale off the Total Bond of life she has and as it gets lower so does her damage but right the start she will deal a lot of damage and that's exactly where most of their Lino runs are decided that's the reason it's very important to use the hydro character skill to set up the hydro application and allow our Lino to vape the first hit because the first hit is her strongest one if you can optimize that first combo then your rotation is going to be very smooth and I will tell you from a tactical standpoint it's important for her to be so loaded damage wise because at the start it's where the enemies are the most harmless so if you can kill them before they start doing things that's better for her survivability and that's why while arino is fine at low investment she gets much much better at hi investment because at that point she can deal so much damage in that first window that the enemies just get vaporized completely quite literally the other thing that is very convenient for her is that she can swap out and allow other characters to come in Instead This is especially great in a multi-wave scenario where she can kill a wave and then swap out to a character like kadwa to allow him to group the second wave and then she can come back in and keep dealing damage now of course this is Old Situation specific because it depends on where the enemies are plays to begin with but as of right now it's working to add advantage in a massive way to the point that at lcal speedrun level alino is competing with numet in an AOE context which is pretty absurd if you think about it meanwhile in single Target situations I think alino might actually be the best in the game period at constellation zero I would say she's competing with HUD pretty evenly here but with her constellations that's where she gets her Advantage because her constellations are just much stronger than HUD house but honestly overall it's more that their ceiling is really really high and against bosses in general it's easier to play in a risky way because their patterns are easier to read compared to waves of opponents also sucros is very competitive with kazwa in this scenario so in a single Target scenario because her buffing capabilities with thrilling TS as a weapon are actually Superior compared to kazas for arino this is unless you have freedoms war on Kaza but yeah it's good to know that sucros is a very competitive alternative in single Target scenarios at least anyway the flip side to all of this is that if you can't match this level of performance in arino and you have to play with shielders for example then their offensive ceiling really decreases by a lot and rather than the damage itself it's more about the quality of life you lose from an offensive standpoint specifically if you lose kadwa it really puts a limit to her AOE potential because while range of attacks isn't small by any means it's also not extremely large so without kazas grouping she's going to suffer in multi multi- opponent scenarios so basically if you can suck it up and play the more offensive versions of our Lino teams then our ceiling definitely gets lower compared to somebody like nuet and that's where I feel like she's still definitely below him like net while he's definitely top tier for high level of play he also is for casual play unlike arino is a very durable character thanks to his massive HP po his range but attacks is much larger than arinos so it's much easier for him to handle AE scenarios and on top of that he can use Jung gon some of his best offensive teams so basically while arino needs to go bath naked in order to get the best results nuet can do that while still being all armored up and safe but in my opinion the trade-off is worth it for arino because at her best she can match and even surpass nuet I think that's not extremely noticeable at low investment but uh she might be the character that skills the best from investment in the whole game for one she's in the very unique position where characters on her team can hold the energy of the end and freedom sworn as you can take advantage of all the Buffs those weapons provide fully this is different from huto that doesn't benefit from Attack as much arino benefits a lot from attack a lot from Elemental Mastery and a lot from damage bonus their signature weapon is very strong especially when it comes to the front load because it increases the bond of life you get constant ations might be the best in the game period even stronger than uet for example a constellation one increases her damage output dramatically while providing her full Interruption resistance her conation to makes her deal nuke type damage at the start of her window comparable to most Elemental burst and when weped this is extremely significant as a result if you have all of this she starts doing so much damage that you can ignore the defensive issues completely because she just destroy opponents honestly I know this might annoy people her gaining so much from investment but suddenly it's the direction ho is taking with new characters and there is nothing we can do about it and even then if you want to blame arino for gaining so much from investment I assure you that most of the gameplay you see from new on YouTube is at constellation one furina constellation one or two and Net's signature so it's not like she's the only one to benefit from it but having said this I don't want you to lose track of the fact that I think that a cheap investment she can still compete with top tier DP yes like the offensive ceiling is still there but it's just that her defensive issues gets more noticeable at that point and it's worth reminding that at this point most people are still missing two Talent levels on their normal attacks and of course almost nobody has her signature set so uh she's still missing like 20% potential damage personally I love her I love the fact that ter is the character that trads durability for offense It just fits my play style anyway I'm done for today bye-bye
Channel: TGS
Views: 58,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin, Genshin Impact, Arlecchino
Id: r3lQYlA3amU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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