COMPLETE ARLECCHINO GUIDE! Best Arlecchino Build - Artifacts, Weapons & Showcase | Genshin Impact

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everybody stand back let's Lu oh wow okay hey what's up guys welcome to a complete and detailed arlino guide arino is one of the longest awaited characters at least for me a five-star pyrro poar main DPS with some very unique mechanics and has been surprisingly strong in my experience in today's video we're going to be covering everything you need to know about arino her best builds weapons artifacts teams constellation as well as a showcase so everything you need to know in one video in as much detail as possible I get to give you guys a complete guide so early thanks to a media server where I got to play her a bit before she came out in case you're wondering how this was possible before we begin I want you guys to know that I do stream most nights on Twitch Link in the description if you're interested and with that being said let's get right into it all right so starting things off let's talk about AR Lino's kit what she actually does and how to play her I want to start by saying that her kit may seem overly complicated she has three passives and abilities that have sort of walls of text as well as some Unique Mechanics that make her very interesting character but also one that I believe I can simplify as while there is a lot of depth to her kit and Nuance to her play style she really isn't as complicated as she may seem at first so let's explain what she does and then I'll simplify it as best I can first of all arlino has a unique passive that does not allow her to be healed inside of combat except through her own Elemental burst the trade-off she will get for this is getting a 40% pyro damage bonus which is nice it'll increase her damage and while she can't be healed she can obviously be shielded so other forms of defensive utility like a shield can be used to make her more comfortable or you could just dodge a bunch and then use your burst for some healing which I'll explain shortly additionally to sort of make up for this arlino also gets up to 20% Elemental and physical resistance from another passive Talent which will just make her tankier take around 20% less damage and help her be a bit less squishy this passive isn't enough to sort of be relied on you still need to dodge or run a shielder but it is a nice bonus that definitely adds up now for arleo's abilities first of all let's talk her Elemental skill her Elemental skill will make arino sort of disappear deal power damage to enemies in front of her Dash cleaving against one and applying a blood debt directive Mark onto the enemy's hit this Mark will last for 30 seconds and will deal a little bit of pyro damage this skills damage itself isn't very impressive but this Mark is actually very important what this Mark does is that when you clear it by using your charge attack arlino will gain a bond of life based on her Max HP and then also Infuse her normal attacks with pyro and give them a much larger scale something important to note though is that these marks you apply will actually sort of evolve into stronger marks they will go from blood debt directives to blood debt dues if you wait for 5 seconds thanks to another passive Talent of hers 5 seconds after you apply a directive it will be upgraded to a debt due and then when you absorb it the bond of life you gain will be doubled it will go from a 65% as you can see on her base skill to a 13% one which is very important as a larger Bond of life will translate to more damage this is because one once you have enough Bond of Life typically by charge attacking after marking enemies you will not only have pyro infused normal charge and plunge attacks but it will also buff your normal attacks in particular by a large amount scaling with your attack multiplied by a percentage of your bond of Life the higher your bond of life is the more damage you'll be doing so getting a 130% Bond of Life instead of a 65% one is a big deal so you should definitely wait for 5 seconds after using your skill during which you can swap characters by the way and use your supports before then detonating these marks typically with your charge attack to infuse your attacks with pyro and deal way more normal attack damage additionally every normal attack inside of this state will consume some of your bond of Life 7.5% to be exact meaning that as you attack on arlino your bond of life will go down constantly meaning that your hits will progressively do less and less damage generally speaking your bond of life will drain passively as you attack as well as reducing your skill's cooldown which is a big deal because without these attacks your skill has a cool down of 30 seconds so low ing it with your normals actually can make a difference additionally regarding your skill it's worth mentioning that while you will gain 130% Bond of life when you absorb a blood debt due which is the stronger one and 65% if you absorb the weaker ones your skill caps out at a bond of Life of 145% which you can actually get if you clear multiple marks on multiple enemies this means that in a single Target situation you can gain a bond of Life of 130% value by Skilling waiting 5 seconds and then charge attacking but in an AOE situation you can gain up to 14 5% by either doing the same thing but on multiple enemies or even just consuming three of the weaker marks giving you 65% three times which will cap out at 145% so just know that you can get more Bond of life in AOE situations and waiting for your mark to evolve will no longer be as necessary now to explain the bond of Life mechanic just a little bit this isn't a new mechanic but it's a rare one that's typically only found on Fontan weapons or against certain enemies and no character before arino has really made use of this mechanic all you need to know about it is that it's effectively a reverse Shield it won't damage you but it will cover your HP bar by a certain amount and then anytime you receive healing the bond of life will sort of absorb that healing so instead of your character being healed your bond of life will be decreased by that amount until it's gone and then you can be healed on your normal character with arlino however this healing will not happen thanks to her passive Talent as long as she is in combat outside of combat you can heal her but in combat your bond of Life won't be reduced from healing and your healing outside of your burst will be useless now what your burst actually does is what I'm going to explain now it is a hit of AOE pyro damage that will clear all of the blood debt directives around you reset the cool down of your skill and most importantly heal you based on your bond of Life value as well as your attack effectively her whole kit will scale on attack and also your bond of life but what's most important to note about your burst is that while the damage can be pretty decent especially if you can proc a reaction like vaporiz on it the main situation where you want to use your burst is going to be to heal your arlino it is effectively going to be a panic button where you get some eye frames effectively 50% of your bond of life's value it's 150% but the first 100 will be clearing the bond of life and then you'll actually get healing on a 15-second coold down and a 60 energy cost in practice not only will you get your burst back often because your skill generates five pyrro particles when you use it and it also resets the cool down of your skill after you press it but also what you really need to understand about this ability is that in it of itself it's not going to be your most insane form of damage your normal attacks already have a very high scaling when you also add up this mask of the red death increase to where your burst often times won't even be better than just doing normal attacks on arino as far as your damage is concerned it will also clear any blood de directives effectively making your rotation reset meaning that your burst is typically going to be either a panic button or a I need healing so let's do some damage heal up and then sort of reset my rotation if you're taking damage low HP you can press this button boom you heal up also resetting your skills cool down which you can then use immediately after and restart your entire rotation other things you need to know about aro's kit though before I move on and talk about that in more detail is that first of all if you kill an enemy that has a blood debt directive on them before you sort of claim it before you charge attack and remove it arino will gain a 130% Bond of Life helping her if you kill an enemy before you properly set up also it's worth noting that you will only be in this mask of the Red Death state if the bond of life that you have is greater than or equal to 30% of your max HP so you need to have a 30% Bond of life in order to actually deal more damage and have higher normal attacks so just keep that in mind lastly for aro's priority her normal attacks are by far the most important to level as they are the strongest part of your kit by far if you're low on mats because she needs new stuff I would focus on a normal attacks and neglect the rest but then afterwards you can also level your skill and burst as they do some damage as well also worth noting that arino has a unique charge attack if you hold it where you can rapidly fly across water or wherever cool for exploration but not really used in combat all right now to simplify her kit and tell you about what rotations you should be doing her play style and kind of how she's designed to be played here's what you need to know as I said the main part of her kid will be her pyro infused normal attacks these will scale off your bond of life and so how do you get this well what do you want to do on our Lino is very simple first of all you want to use your Elemental skill and then you have to wait for the mark you apply on enemies to sort of Evolve level up before clearing it and gaining a bond of Life the best way to go about this would therefore be to one use your skill swap out use your support characters set up on everyone else in your team and then swapping back to arino using a charge attack to consume this Mark and gain your bond of life and then just Spam normal attacks that is generally what you need to know in your standard rotation but with that said where does your burst come in well your standard rotation won't necessarily need to use your burst outside of a panic button if you need to heal or need the eye frames this can be nice to dodge attacks or end your rotation if you need the healing and want to go again if you don't need healing though maybe you're running a shield your arino might be full HP then there may not even be a need to use your burst at all because of its long animation while using your burst is cool and comfy it's nice to use you get healing whatever it isn't needed for your optimal DPS as normal attacking on our Lino will be more efficient because of that some rotations may not need to use your burst at all and you can just stay on AR Lino normal attack for as long as you want or until your bond of Life is starting to get too low and then use your skill again reapply the marks swap back your supports and restart the same rotation if you need to use your burst however then your rotation will look a bit different either in an ideal situation you will use your Burst when you're done normal attacking on arlino you've spent enough time on field with her and your skill will come back up off cool down in which case you can use your skill to instantly get five pyr particles then use your burst immediately resetting your skills cool down allowing you to skill again right after and then swap your supports restart the rotation do all that stuff while the Mark is building up and go again from there the benefit of doing this is that you get to heal from your burst while also getting bonus energy bonus particles by using your skill twice in quick succession if you've managed to reset its cool down before bursting also another advantage of using eqe is that you will reapply marks on enemies your burst will consume it give you a bigger Bond of life and therefore a bigger heal with that in mind it's also optimal to stay alive so the third rotation option is just using your burst whenever you need to if in the middle of combat you're low HP even if your skill isn't back up you can just press your Q heal up so that you don't die use your skill again after as it will be reset swap to your other characters and restart the rotation like that using your burst whenever you need to another reason why using your burst for healing is cool but not using it if you don't have to can actually benefit you is because when you use it as we mentioned it will clear your bond of life completely with that in mind typically at the end of aro's rotation you will have some Bond of life left over even if you normal attack on her for as long as you can until your pyro infusion wears off this pyro infusion from the mask of the Red Death state will stop when your bond of life is 30% of your max HP or less this means that no matter what at the end of your rotation you will have some Bond of life left over this Bond of Life won't clear even by swapping out or anything and so you can effectively start your second rotation with a bigger Bond of life just by having some left over from your first one if you don't clear it with your burst and so using your burst is nice and comfy and it's a great panic button a way to heal up but if you don't have to it can be nice to just keep the leftover excess Bond of Life instead of just dealing a small amount of burst damage and I say small relative to how much your normal attacks are doing and then just pressing your skill again and moving on to your next rotation immediately it is worth noting that your maximum amount of bond of life you can get in genin general is 200% of your max HP and so even if you get 130 or 145 through your skill there is still room for a bigger one lastly regarding arleo's normal attack combos it's not that strict you can kind of do whatever on her and perform just fine but in my experience I found that you can cancel her third normal attack very fast as it does a sort of jab right in front of her that you can just Dash cancel if you want to as soon as it goes out with that in mind as long as you're normal attacking on arino you can't really go wrong so don't worry too much about it lastly to briefly cover my thoughts on arino I will say that I've been pleasantly surprised she's a strong pyom m DPS with a lot of different viable teams given the fact that she's not really riing on vaping because of her internal cool down on pyro application meaning that a lot of her team options are strong and perform quite similarly since she's a normal attacker with internal cooldown on her pyro application meaning she can't vaporize every single hit of damage this makes other teams competitive giving her a lot of teams that perform at a high level a lot of teams that perform similarly not just vaporize which is still good but also mono pyro as well overload with Chev or even some other teams that will cover vaporized pyro and overload as well as some others that I'll cover in this video are all very strong in the team comp section later AR Lino also has a lot of room for skill expression as well I typically recommend running a shield for comfort for most players if you can dodge well and don't need it then your teams can actually deal a lot more damage by running offensive supports making your arino feel even stronger and she's also a character that just benefits well from having high investment she has a lot of front-loaded damage which is great can be swapped in and out of freely and is a strong DPS overall but I also don't want anyone to feel forced to pull for as she does have weaknesses and isn't inherently gamebreaking if you want a new DPS character then you can feel free to go for her but if not don't feel forced to get her all right now moving on let's talk about how you actually want to build your arino to get the most value out of her first of all for your artifact sets it's pretty straightforward AR leino's new signature set fragments of harmonic Whimsy will give you 18% attack on the two-piece and then up to 54% damage bonus on the four piece which is really big this will increase all of your damage from every part of your kit provided your bond of life is increasing or decreasing which will happen been all the time on arlino so there is no need to worry about this effects up time 54% damage bonus and 18% attack is a lot making it your best and Slot option overall it is typically around 10% better than the alternative options sometimes a bit more sometimes a bit less making it the Clear Choice and most recommended option for AR Lino with that in mind it's in a new domain that just came out and not everyone will farm for it so here are some Alternatives that you can use first of all Gladiators finale is a solid four piece that you can get just by farming bosses that will increase your normal attack damage by 35% on top of giving you 18% attack while this won't be as good as your signature set it's a solid alternative being good for a normal attacking polearm character like AR Lino alternatively you can use gilded dreams if you are vaporizing and need Elemental Mastery it can be a solid and pretty similar alternative as well or even four-piece lava Walker any team that's applying a ton of pyro typically a mono Pyro Team for 35% damage bonus Alternatives include mix and matching two-pieces of sets like Crimson witch Mar chose for normal attack damage an attack perc two-piece or even em if you are vaping all of which being pretty strong allowing you to choose based on your substats fores Echoes gives you normal attack damage and attack percent so a viable set that's better on low ping although I don't recommend farming for it four piece Crimson Witch is also viable even though you can't really stack up the last part of the four piece set effect you will still get power damage bonus and it increased your reaction damage like vaporize once again which can make it a viable Choice pretty similar to mix and matching two pieces regarding four piece Magus Hunter this set is fine if you're playing arlino with finina as it will will give you a ton of stats with that in mind a lot of your teams won't be running finina and this set can make you want to use your burst more often to make sure your HP is constantly changing but for the most part it's just a viable set if you're playing finina with arino set choices generally being very straightforward you want to use the fragment set as her best in slot go-to Choice with other sets being viable if you've already farmed them and have good substats on them such as glad as the standard alternative Guild the dreams or mix and matching twopiece sets Also regarding the reminescent set I do not recommend it as while you will gain a lot of normal attack damage not only are you losing 15 energy which is annoying but you also don't have great up time on this set effect as you typically need to use your skill and then wait 5 seconds on your other characters before going back to arino and actually doing damage which means that the Buffs that this set will give you won't even have very good up time and just generally won't make it an efficient set to use at all all right now for the artifact stats you want on AR Lino once again I'm going to make this very simple for you as a sort of standard pyro DPS carry she's going to want the same stats as a lot of other pyro DPSS or just DPSS in general what this means is that to maximize your damage you'll typically be looking for crit rate crit damage and attack percent anywhere you can get them this on top of damage bonus will give you as much damage as you can so you'll be looking for them on your main and sub stats regarding the other stats I want to say that Elemental Mastery can be good if you are vaporizing or melting but primarily vaporized as that will be much more common reaction for our Lino getting around 100 to 200 Elemental Mastery can be very efficient and makes it a solid option regarding energy recharge since her burst is mainly a utility burst that you you're using to heal and it's nice to have it's not the central part of your damage at all on top of the fact that you will typically get your burst back when you need it basically every rotation anyways assuming you're running AR lino in her optimal teams with either other pyro characters or just supports that generate a lot of energy making it to our building energy recharge will not be needed on our Lino to clarify on this it's not essential to burst every rotation on our Lino and so even if you're a bit short on energy it's fine but generally even if you want to use your burst every rotation you want to make sure you're healing and just have it available then you really won't need a lot of energy recharge anyways and so it is not recommended to focus on building ER for AR Lino and to Instead try to maximize your damage for all those reasons I generally recommend going for attack percent on your Sands pyro damage bonus on your goblet and crit rate or crit damage on your circlet whichever one you need more of regarding your Sands as main stat it is worth noting that Elemental Mastery can be viable in a vaporize or melt team if you're melting consistently although that can be more difficult and so you can choose based on your sub stats generally though attack percent is the go-to standard option which is good in every build regarding your goblet power damage bonus is the way to go but note that if you have a lot of sources of damage bonus not just through arlino but also through your team Buffs and potentially your weapon and attack perc goblet can be a viable alternative if your sub stats are better but typically power damage bonus is the way to go all right now moving on let's talk about AR Lino's best weapons for every type of player do keep in mind that throughout this section while many weapons will be good for every type of play style the weapons that give you Elemental Mastery will obviously be a lot better in reaction based teams like fa prise and naturally a lot worse in other teams like mono pyro where you aren't focused on your reaction damage with that out of the way what are AR Lino's best weapons well starting things off AR Lino's signature weapon the Crimson Moon semblance is her best option overall by a pretty decent margin this weapon will do a lot of things for AR Lino first of all it'll have a high base attack of 674 while also giving you 22% crit rate Additionally you will also gain more Bond of Life equal to 25% of your max HP when you charge attack up to once every 14 seconds on top of getting more Bond of life you also get more damage bonus based on your bond of life value in fact you'll get 12% damage bonus just for having a bond of life and then another 24% for a total of 36% damage bonus if your bond of life is equal to 30% of your max HP or more which will be the case because of this you get a ton of stats from this weapon a bigger Bond of Life which will mean more damage from your normal attacks up to 36% damage bonus 22% crit rate and a high base attack this weapon will therefore be your best in slot overall and how big of an upgrade it is will depend on what your other weapon choice is while there are some other really good five star stats s that arino can make use of which will cover very shortly compared to her freet to-play options or some of her worst four-star options the damage increase that this weapon will give you is going to be pretty significant while I will include a weapon ranking coming up shortly for Now understand that how strong this weapon is how big of an upgrade it is for your arino will depend on what other weapons you have being her best option overall typically around 10 to 20% better than a good option like another five star or a high refined fourstar and an even bigger upgrade like sometimes 30 to 40% better than some of her free-to-play weapon choices this is therefore a very good signature weapon for arino but don't feel forced to get it as she has many options with that in mind there are some things I want to point out first of all this is a very specific weapon it is a lot less versatile and flexible than a lot of other signatures as while you can still use that on other pole arm characters since no one else can make use of this Bond of Life effect and get that additional 24% damage bonus it will inherently be less flexible of a weapon than something like staff of H or many other signatures I do also want to mention that there is a chance that they add future units that use Bond of Life maybe a carry that can make use of it or even a support that might like give you a bond of Life effect I don't know this could happen and so there's a chance this weapon is more versatile but as it stands right now it's mostly just for arlino as no other unit has this Bond of Life mechanic lastly while this isn't really relevant to her damage or anything and is purely cosmetic this signature weapon does turn into a scyon arlino and I think that's really sick I I'm sorry I find it cool so that's an incentive if you care about the visuals but it obviously won't change its performance at all with that in mind here are the other options you can use on our Lino first of all Jade spear is a relatively comparable option a solid stat stick with the same base stats but a different effect that will give you attack percent and damage percent as you are in combat staff of H is a similar Choice giving you crit damage instead of crit rate as well as some attack on the effect staff of scarlet sand is also a solid stat stick and potentially your second best option performing not far behind AR Lino's signature weapon in vaporized team specifically as it gives you a lot of crit rate and then will convert your Elemental Mastery into attack making it great in Vape teams if you're building em for the stats that it gives you it's also a fine option if you're not vaping but it really does shine in those Vape teams when it becomes a really solid stat stick other five stars like Calamity queller or Vortex vanquisher are fine for a lot of attack and regarding Skyward spine it's the worst five star option as you can't really make use of energy recharge too well on our Lino but it still has a high base attack gives you attack speed and some crit rate on the effect making it not useless if you have it leveled but not a weapon that I typically recommend just a viable one that I wanted to at least point out as far as arleo's fourstar and free playay options go she does have a lot first of all the battle pass options deathmatch and Ballad of the Fjord are both very strong giving you a lot of crit rate and either attack percent through deathmatch and ballot of the Fjord which will give you a lot of Elemental Mastery making it particularly good once again in vaporized teams Dragon B is okay in Vape teams for em and damage bonus but keep in mind that generally a weapon like even missive wind spere that gives you a lot of stats can be more valuable given arleo's damage distribution so Dragon B isn't like the best but it's viable lithic spear if you're running characters from Leo alongside of her like Singo Jang Le or yolan and as far as her freeo playay options go she does have some pretty decent ones like notably white tassel a three star weapon that you can get from certain chests refine it for free and get not only crit raid but also up to 48% normal attack damage bonus making it a solid choice or black lift pole and missive windspear missive windspear is similar in strength to White tassel being slightly better if you can make use of the EM that it gives you meaning for vaporized teams and regarding black pole it will either be slightly worse or slightly better than the other freeto playay options depending on how consistently you can stack up its effect based on the content you're doing with that in mind it's generally a solid choice and it also looks like a free-to-play version of arlino signature a mini Scythe kind of so that's a plus if you care but overall crit damage High base attack and a passive effect that will stack up as you defeat weaker enemies makes it a not bad choice also before I move on I want to point out that white tassel's low base attack will make it perform worse in teams without attack buffers like Bennett and veteran teams where you get a ton of attack percent and so your best freeo play choice will usually vary on your team which you will see in the weapon rankings coming up shortly before we get into that I want to recap by saying that arino does get a significant damage increase with a solid weapon Choice typically a fstar weapon or a good and ideally refined four-star option with her signature definitely being the best overall for a good visualization of this here are some weapon rankings on screen now showing you a rough estimate of how good each weapon is in certain specific teams keep in mind that these weapon rankings very heavily based on the situation your rotation artifacts stats and especially team comps that you're running so keep that in mind and take them only as a general ranking and not an exact one as I'm sure you noticed the ranking and performance of many weapons will vary based on different facets of your team such as the attack Buffs you may or may not have like if Bennett's present and if you can make use of Elemental Mastery like in a vaporized team where certain em weapons will perform very well but will be a lot more useless or less relevant in teams that can't make use of Elemental Mastery like mono pyro teams next up let's talk about arleo's constellations as while she's is a great character at C 0 she really does have some very strong constellations like notably her C1 AR Lino C1 is in my opinion one of the best c1s in the game at least as far as main DPSS are concerned first of all AR Lino's mask of the Red Death enhancement will be increased by 100% effectively giving her a higher scaling on her normal attacks another 100% which will typically translate to around a 25% increase in damage on top of that she also gains resistance Interruption while performing these enhanced normal attacks making a really loaded and Powerful constellation one this is for two reasons first of all not only is it convenient to have resistance Interruption meaning you will be less likely to be knocked around everywhere and have your combo interrupted but also it is typically just a 25% increase in damage as an increase to your normal attack scalings is very impactful on this character and so because of this it is a very strong early stopping point if you're wondering which is better between her first constellation and her signature weapon my opinion on this will depend based on a few different factors but for the most part her first constellation seems to be the better option this is because not only will the damage increase often times just be higher depending on your weapon but also the convenience from the resistance Interruption is something that I don't want to understate with that in mind you may still want to run a shield anyways as AR leino can't get healed and so you may want to Shield to just not die sometimes but overall it's still a huge damage increase and it will usually be the better upgrade with that in mind if you have a bad weapon or are using something like a white tassel and are shielded and don't care about the resistance interruption then there are scenarios where her signature can be better for you than her first constellation but for the most part if you were to only choose one upgrade I recommend C1 for most players over her signature weapon now for aro's other constellations first of all her C2 is pretty solid first of all blood Deb directives that you apply will instantly Be Blood Deb do which means that you no longer have to wait 5 seconds before they get stronger and they will already start as blood Deb dos additionally when arino absorbs such a du she will unleash a big hit of AOE pyro damage up to once every 10 seconds this hit of power damage is actually quite High it has a 900% scaling and you can do it effectively at the start of your rotation when you charge attack on our Lino what this means is that not only will you not have to wait anymore with this constellation but you'll also have a big hit of front-loaded pyro damage that you can also Vape or even potentially melt for a big amount of burst damage at the start of your rotation this can be very valuable at high investment and can allow you to finish off enemies or just as I said do more damage at the start of your rotation which can prove to be valuable especially if you manage to vaporize this big hit of damage next up arlino C3 and5 increase her Talent levels with her C3 increasing her normal attack Levels by far her best talent so honestly pretty good C3 and arlino C4 will give her some energy as well as reducing the cooldown of her skill anytime she absorbs a blood debt directive this can happen up to once every 10 seconds and as of right now it seems kind of whatever and then arino C6 will be a pretty solid one honestly first of all it increases your burst multiplier by quite a bit an additional 700% of your current life Bond percentage multiplied by your attack so a lot more damage especially if used at the start of your rotation if you do something like use your skill then use your burst and then use your skill again as a will reset while also gaining 10% crit rate and 70% crit damage to her normal attacks and burst for 20 seconds after she uses her skill this makes it a pretty solid C6 All Things Considered and overall our Lino does have honestly pretty good constellations I want to reiterate that she's a good character at c0 and doesn't need any constellations though so don't feel forced to get any all right now moving on let's talk about one of the most important sections AR Lino's best team comps in this section we're going to cover many different team options and supports she synergizes with and so let's start right now first of all I want to say that she has particular Synergy with certain characters whom you may not expect at first glance as arino is not a character who can be healed in combat except with her burst you might think that healers are bad with her but honestly that's often times just not the case while you won't be picking a Healer for their healing certain healers like notably Bennett have really good Synergy with her because of everything else they provide Bennett gives her such a huge attack buff that even without his healing he's absolutely broken as a support for her giving her Buffs like the powery resonance the nobless oblig set and the huge attack bonus on his burst and other healers that we'll talk about can synergize with her as well like chevis for overload teams or shenyun if you can make use of the plunge attacks with that in mind as I mentioned throughout the video a form of defensive utility is often times recommended in our Lino teams this is usually going to be a shielder with Jong Le being the premier option reducing the resistance of enemies and also protecting you well but virtually any shielder can work provided they fit your team comp other forms of defensive utility such as sing chos damage reduction and also resistance Interruption which I do believe Stacks with your C1 are beneficial as well and definitely help out other characters with defensive utility include b or DEA and shield options outside of Jong Lee include virtually any of the four star shielders provided they don't ruin any of your team synergies and we'll get into that when we talk about each specific team coming up shortly to get into some specifics here are the team archetypes you can use with arlino firstly you can play arlino and vaporized teams this won't be as mandatory as some other pyro characters who can Vape all of their big hits of damage as arlino is a normal attacker who will Vape some hits as I mentioned earlier but it's still definitely a really strong team option for a vape team you want to be running arino with a fast Hydro support an all field hydrop plier like yolan or SRO who are really strong or even finina can work although it can be more tricky as you're going to have to build your team around it make sure you're healing enough and also your arlino will be very squishy she can die in one hit if you're not shielded so just be careful but those Hydra options can work with the laning show sort of being the standard ones afterwards your team comp is really flexible you can run someone like Bennett for a ton of attack and then a shielder like Jong Lee but even someone like Lila or diona can work for some bonus freezes you can also run double Hydro teams with ar Lino with either a defensive or offensive support a lot of times if you see a shielder and think you don't need it and can dodge you can run an offensive option like kazwa or an attack buffer like Bennett a DPS like Shang Ling kind of whatever but just know that you're going to be squishier so I often times recommend defensive utility in a team like this you can also run someone like Shen Yun and you can do some plunge attacks in between your normals on arino while it's important to understand that aro's charge and plunge attacks are not buffed by her mask of the Red Death State they'll be pyro but they won't be as buffed as her normal attacks it's still not bad to weave in some plunges because of how much better the first few normals in our Lino's rotation are than the later ones meaning that if you're doing a bit less of the weak normal attacks and a bit more plunges instead you will end up not really losing out on damage and actually being able to benefit from shenyun and her different play style overall though vaporiz teams are very straightforward just running Hydro support and then the rest is flexible with the sort of standard recommended option being bennit and then a shielder but again double Hydro or other options can work for some other strong team options first of all you can play arino with chev's overload and while shev's healing is wasted on arino she gives you a lot of Buffs this is true even at c0 decreasing the Pyro and Electro resistance of opponents by 40% which is huge on top of giving you up to 40% attack additionally though if you do have her C6 which I don't you get additional pyro and Electro damage by bonus given to your entire team which is really big for arlino and also the other damage dealers you may be running arino with Chev is really strong and then your last two options will be pyro and Electro characters you want at least one Electro like fishell bet or yimo and then your last option can either be another pyro typically Bennett for a huge amount of attack but you can also use someone like Shang Ling for a bit of damage or Toma or DEA as a defensive option on a similar note you can run someone like bet and just use her as a defensive option for not just the small Shield you get from her burst but also the damage reduction and her C1 which can help as well on top of being a pretty solid character in general you can also run a double Electro team with someone like yimo a lot you can do here and personally I've enjoyed Chev teams a lot either with Bennett or with double Electro just be sure not to overlook the value of defensive utility in these teams as you may get knocked around everywhere so having someone that can Shield you such as b or even a pyro shielder can definitely be a good choice moving on arino can also be played in mono pyro teams typically alongside Bennett another pyro character and then a flexible last SL often times this will be Bennett Shang Ling and then either kazua as an offensive choice or Jong Lee as a defensive one who will also reduce the resistance of enemies you can also run a pyro shielder as mentioned earlier like Toma C4 Yen or even DEA although she's not a shielder but she has defensive utility and they all can work so you can choose what's right for you personally I really like jangi for the comfort or Kaza for the damage if you want to be a little bit more risky moving on you can also play a sort of double Geo setup with arino you can run chori and Jang Lee with her either with Bennett or with a hydro character and you can use some other Geo characters like albo or even yunin if you want to instead and these teams can work just fine regarding a team like buron it's not the go-to for arlino not really recommended but if you want to do it characters like Nita and SRO or yolan are just so broken that you can make it work it's just that often times if you apply too much dendro you will end up burning and lose out on some vapes but the teamc can work given how strong all the characters are it's just not like the best option regarding melt teams they can work if you have fast enough cry application usually two cry characters or a an Nemo cryo infused swirl like Kaza with a cryo support and I managed to clear with this team it was surprisingly fun but it's not as recommended as some of the other teams I mentioned because it can be difficult to set it up and melt consistently but arino doesn't really apply that much pyro so it can be fine if you know what you're doing with that in mind I'm now going to get into an arlino Showcase of her in the current floor 12 I'm going to be including clips from a vaporized team as well as some from an overload team with shelers using both so that you can see my arino in action my arino is going to be c0 decently level talance and on the new set and for her weapon I'm actually going to be using two different ones so for most background footage I have my arino on c0 with her R1 signature with that in mind I will include One Clip with the white tassel a free- to-play option I'm going to level this to 90 it's only R4 though because I don't actually have anymore so there's room for improvement but I will have one clip with a white tassel and two with a signature weapon my arino is very well built she has a solid ratio some em that will help when I'm vaping and so I hope you enjoyed the guide and I hope you'll enjoy the Showcase let's go [Music] oh wow okay [Music] get [Music] [Music] [Music] my over and so yeah overall arino has been one of my favorite characters to play test out and just use in general she's a lot of fun a grade main DPS not a musle please don't feel pressured to get her but I feel like a lot of people that invest into her use her properly and also go for some key upgrades as I feel like a lot of people who made a character kind of will eventually will get a lot of value out of her as a pyrro hyper character I've had a lot of fun with her I hope this guide was helpful if there's anything new I want to add it will be in a pin comment because she is a new character I hope you enjoy the depth and length of this guide although I'll try to be faster with releasing my guides day one for new characters as they've been taking so long I kind of want to try to get them out earlier thanks so much for watching I hope you enjoyed and as always I'll catch you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 540,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arlecchino, genshin impact, guide, arlecchino guide, build, genshin impact arlecchino, arlecchino build genshin impact, arlecchino build genshin, genshin, zy0x, new, dps, c0, teams, arlecchino teams, arlecchino weapons, weapon, genshin impact 4.6, arlecchino artifacts, stats, arlecchino showcase, genshin impact arlecchino build, genshin impact arlecchino gameplay, showcase, constellations, bond of life, rotation, arlecchino build, the knave, kit, abilities, arlecchino genshin impact, arlechino
Id: jRytmsiL9nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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