Best of the Decade Lists | PKA

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I should have made a in in light of the the new decade I made lists of favorite things and like notable things I guess only one favorite thing list but I didn't do TV shows because that seems hard like where does it's always sunny fit that started in the previous one do you go from what if it's still existing now because if you go with like the Simpsons now it's trash Simpsons nineties quite good rate there's a little bit of this going on yeah I got rid of a poo and I lose so fun it was very close-minded boomer I'm told that they went you know they started up here and then they ended up down here for like a decade now I'm not gonna watch you said they went to South Park did that I feel it's possible making it six days for two seasons there yeah yeah but uh anyway I could do I could do some some top movies see if you guys agree with me or not what are your favorite mass shootings from the last decade ah there are too many to count I don't know there's like I mean I I'm gonna give you know hot taking this might get me some hot water I'm anti school shooting oh you have to have a favorite I give it two thumbs down I would I don't know I was watching this thing like most impactful like events of this this ten years right you know in lots politics ones etc and one guy chose Sandy Hook and they're like with Sandy Hook as a nation we decided that we'd rather have guns than fewer dead kids it was like just like don't take my guns all right I get it the worst of the worst happened it was literally a kid in a garden school shooting right that's like can you find anything worse even the Russians from the cod campaign would be like be seized pretty [ __ ] it's the worst worst but the preemie place at the hospital really so I actually disagree with that I I might be crazy but I feel like if it's hot take here but I feel like if the kid is at right here Chris Kyle but if the kid is a few hours old doesn't it seem like there's a little less invested I know you guys have actually agreed with that opinion before it feels like a five-year-old not only are you fully invested in bonded and like know that person what I'm not doing if they still have a whole life in front of them it's more it's more about like how horrific the incident is I feel like you've yet you kill some five-year-olds at least they had five years but you kill the the preemie like he hasn't even had the full nine months yet yeah all he's done is be born and lose dick skin that's all those are his threat of experiences so you left out his shooting entirely you know what I stand corrected yeah I don't like no I know exactly what you're saying like great parents you know those left behind like like I I know it's really sad to lose like a young child's like SIDS or whatever but you know if the kids six seven years old like it is it is meant it never happened well not really happen to us but it's mentally traumatizing to have a miscarriage right you're all excited etc etc but I still grant losing a born kid as an even worse trauma than a miscarriage yeah a preemie is just somewhere in between those cheaper to it is cheaper nope no pert you don't get the kid though which I guess is why it's cheaper that's the bonus in its own right did you have a list you made Kyle yeah I made a few lists which one would you like to do I thought that you said you made a school all right temples churches shopping malls grocery stores wherever Kenny Chesney concerts well that was a big one was that the Vegas one yeah I may have made it up those one of the country guys like him okay so stray Leah couldn't name it he's Australian yeah Australians do a really good twanging for for country music and they're into it because they're basically like the rednecks of I've got these [ __ ] retards believing I'm from Wyoming accidentally talked about how much water I was drinking in the metric system in [ __ ] up my whole career the other day it must have been six eight meters over the back yeah yeah no mass shooting list we could do movies of the decade but man it's hard to do movies of the decade you know like if I think back to some of the most memorable ones I think Mad Max fury road was right up there it's on my list that was huge for me that was huge me I felt like it was it was one of those instances where like a great filmmaker like got his way we're like there's no Studios like [ __ ] with him it took him so long to make it that originally had Mel Gibson cast that's how long he's been working on that really no Gibson's like 60 all I have right here well I'm right here Mears actually uh quite knowledgeable on the matter of mere minutes throws him I'm here think about it no rush chill there just where it hits you let me know what the best movie of the decade was okay yeah of the decade that's so I've got like I have Mad Max lemony premieres at Mad Max Mad Max okay that was I was on some good list I just went through like random lists on the internet and like a lot of like the oscar-winning ones I didn't know that max yeah but Mad Max was good I also had I had to like look up like best movies of 2010 and go on like old Rotten Tomatoes list to try and remember when they came out for some reason I thought the departed came out in this decade it did not came out in 2006 but I did put of the most recent movies have come out I put the Joker and Irishmen in my personal top 10 I thought those were both exceptional those are great I put 10 Cloverfield Lane shutter island' wolf of wallstreet Moneyball the Martian Nightcrawler and I wanted to put like one comedy on there that I thought was like unique and funny and like I think probably the most at least unique comedy and it's style I've seen in the last 10 years is what we do in the shadows by Renoir so that was so funny I was actually talking about what we do in the shadows today that keeps coming up I mean I got a revisit to the movie and I gotta watch the show I have watched the show yet yeah I was too high when I watched it the first time I haven't I mean that's probably a good way to be when you're watching right I don't remember much of it at all the same thing was with Super Troopers - no [ __ ] this is Peeta he's 7,000 years old it's a rod chicken from a living chicken yeah so any of those ones I put Dunkirk and is a little like as a side you know there because it were too many I also put limitless on there but that's even lower than that I thought limitless is real good but I liked Dunkirk more so it looked like the Dark Horse ones I don't think most other people would putting this I think 10 Cloverfield Lane I love that movie very strong movie it was a real like come out of nowhere like wow John Goodman kills it amazing actor he can't he can and and that whatever that girl's name is I'm missing it that she shows her ass and one of the Fargo's and it's she's a good actor - yeah a great actress big fan of her I loved red alright cuz I'm a big fan this this kind of goes back still love it love it this goes back to the reason that I love the Mad Max movie so much is I feel like this is a movie that like most Studios probably like would turn down because there and and like fans out there think it's some sort of Sylvester Stallone sequel movie they don't know about the comic they don't know about the graphic novels they don't know about like all of the cool [ __ ] that Judge Dredd is about and what what his society stands for what if they did it's not you're the universe building in that in that one movie they never left that area it was like the raid I love that movie yeah I think it's got me too I think if it came out a year later or two years later it would be part of the superhero mix and we'd be getting more of them they did like they didn't think it was gonna be good so they just completely like [ __ ] did PR wise yeah but I just like that he had it signed in his contract that he'll never take his helmet off not taking that [ __ ] off hello it was in the contract that he won't do it and he had like a bonus in incentive in it as well I loved that they had like those those corrupt dreads that scene was so sick the slo-mo shot is warmer you're getting cersei from Game of Thrones the the movie was so good Dredd is amazing I watch it so much you watch it all the time me too what a badass movie and it was the first 4k like Ultra blu-ray that I bought I was like I gotta have read on that's a good one of those slow motion those slow-mo scenes yeah but what was funny about if you go look at the original drug Judge Dredd movie was so bestest alone and Rob Schneider oh yeah Rob Schneider around here after the movie um if you watch it at the beginning it says like costumes designed by Giovanni Versace really and then when you look at Judge Dredd he's kind of dressed like Lady gaga he's kind of unfabulous like yeah once you notice that he's wearing like leather he looks like a lady gaga and a lady got video he's got like gold zippers everywhere zippers for nothing it's like her man I want I want a rillette it of like every time he gets off the motorcycle and throws the kickstand down but it's like pop pop pop pokerface mama pokerface it's just him like styling and that stupid [ __ ] bright ass gear and that he takes the helmet off right away yeah that that movie was such garbage but yeah Dredd with Carl Keith Urban right there's a car learn it's Karl Urban turbans the country music singer word is discussed yesterday yes yeah excellent [ __ ] movie I love that one and notice she was spitting on the street there that's a bit of a daisy not meaning it no doing this decade I think Django Unchained was whatever I do my list I have it written down yes all right so inception whoa I'm just messing around yeah go Unchained nightcrawlers by Dark Horse Wow of Nightcrawler I'm surprised we both have that Auto yeah no I had Nightcrawler shutter island' clipper fieldname wolf of wallstreet Moneyball Joker Nightcrawler Martian Irishmen Mad Max I thought was better than Inception I love shutter island' so inception Django Unchained Nightcrawler the Martian honorable mention before we get to the number one is Toy Story 3 I movie moved me [ __ ] it and n game was my favorite of the decade Avengers in game oh yeah yeah I think I liked it more than average like a lot of people liked it I think I really liked it I liked it but like I'm the guy like infinity war better oh ok actually seen that one I didn't know what's going on if you go from Iron Man 1 and then you see Deadpool 1 and then you watch Avengers ends game many characters have been a Deadpool no I saw The Avengers I saw the first Avengers so I guess I was closer than I thought there was some guy with the ring just flying around casting spells Ironman oh can I tell you what a little pony like YouTube would be your review of that movie so here's big green he's coming in hot a little raccoon and Batista I think he's thinking of Doctor Strange with the ring that's my guess yeah Doctor Strange yeah yeah there were a lot of rings in that movie yeah yeah I definitely liked the joke it's so fresh it's hard to even give an opinion on that one I didn't allow inception yeah Joker big fan of Joker yeah Joker kicked I didn't love inception I I found it to be very cool and they you know they broke a lot of new ground I really like John wick I felt like John wick for a lot of reasons I'm a fan of you know not just I like that somebody finally put all the effort into like learning martial arts and gunplay to portray a character who's good at martial arts and gunplay rather we normally get which is just sort of quick shots of them pointing and shooting and like I he's just good I guess but when you watch piano do the stuff you're like no he actually is good I guess he'd kicked my ass he'd shoot me in the face he's good good because he didn't learn for that role his whole career has been building up to that role you know he learned martial arts for the matrix he probably learned some level of gunplay for the matrix and then just added to it for John wick he's been doing gun plays a hobby for like a decade now they always put up videos on Reddit of him doing like his target range things still doing it right now that's fresh videos right now of him getting ready for the next John wick movie like because he's upping his game every day he's like really good he does like those like obstacle courses yeah I could just imagine there's like a reload moment like all this and and like he kills it and you're like there's not even cameras they're holding a knife and he's kind of like oh you're filming nah I just do that for fun seems like a genuinely nice guy I love the mate and then you help someone change a tire for sure yeah for sure that helped a pregnant woman deliver a baby yeah then reloaded and finished the obstacle course his lady friend is not three decades younger than him which is admirable I think you know I feel like Keanu Reeves could get himself a 22 year old lady if he wanted to yeah I think you should if I can't eat kinda there you know yeah he's he is very famous I'd like to see Keanu Reeves change a tire I bet he's like super efficient it like swapping the sockets on his ratchet wrench I wants no wasted move it he's gonna tricks I want to make mushrooms that dumb thing really so much an in-room trip out yeah she won't see my insane I could see the code it was just a movie can oh no no no I can see it he just makes your bong levitate and you are in in the one he's like we're in your movie and you're the director what type of movie is it gonna be in you're like yeah a lot of good I had like the opposite problem of Kyle and narrowing down the movies because I think over the course of this of movies made in this decade if there were a thousand I know that just even number there were a thousand of them Kyle's seen about 910 and I've made me seen 60 and so like I had to really narrow it down I was like all right Oscar lists of every year and oh my god I haven't seen any of these Oh Mad Max you have seen haven't seen that already about 60 I haven't seen Drive no I hear it's good though are any of those 60 different from his 910 or if he watched all year 60 he's seen every movie that woody and I have been movie to be fair but still a subset of Kyle's I watch a lot of movies not not nearly as many as perhaps Taylor gives me credit for but I feel like I try to catch the really good movies I usually watch the Oscar lists movies if I can catch them just to see how terrible the opinions of Hollywood are I was the one where they [ __ ] a fish that was the shape of water the one with Rob know I think he's talking about the little Robert pass and masturbates onto him goes on a flash I [Laughter] really like dry drive I know you're a big fan of autism Taylor so you'll enjoy it as well the main character is like Loki autistic and played definitely definitely gonna drive this car room it's it's a beautiful movie it's got it's got this sort of 80s feel to it with the electro music the and they use like a pretty in pink [ __ ] font to like draw the the title the movie this guy plays a stunt driver who gets mixed up with his neighbor down the hall he's very attracted to her he has sort of a loving feelings for the son nothing oh is this that really hot actor that guy it is the hottest man yeah okay then I've seen posters through those layers haven't seen it oh it's a good movie there's a there's some Scorpion and the Frog references that are very undertow it's not a good soundtrack to by the way great soundtrack that's was it getting it with the electro listen 80% of description of baby driver baby driver so baby drives the cartoon version of drive okay first it's paired to pulp fiction okay okay I just I think I've seen both and but as Kyle's going through it I I was sort of waiting for a turn to be like ah you might like baby driver - it's a it's the same movie to remake it is not but but it's there are some similar aspects the Pixar version there are some driving of cars in the movie I mean you know and he's a nearly autistic driver with superhuman skills who falls in love for the girl and the diner and like there's a lot of overlap in there but the girl like there's not gonna be any love story and drive there's not because she's married and and there's blood all over him and she has seen the dark side of him and there is a very dark side of him and you know it there's there's no happy ending to drive it's it's a it's a blood-soaked reservoir dogs' type it's more like Reservoir Dogs compared to I don't know [ __ ] that's one of my favorite all-time movies Reservoir Dogs but similar yeah he pulls that [ __ ] hammer out and when there's an elevator scene like he says and kisses her and the music's play it and then we go to a little bit of the old ultraviolence it's another great movie another great more awkward orange yeah I made by my favorite director we do yeah it's uh it's been a great decade of movies despite what some people would say I I love movies these days I feel like the technology is catching up I feel like III think that the Planet of the Apes trilogy the new one is really underrated the the CGI and the word of Mandy circus is is incredible and I love that entire trilogy by the way yeah they're very good it's so funny how much credit that guy gets for like dude the way he runs around pretends to be a monkey you know nobody walks around like Gollum like he does and then you see him do I feel like the CGI artist he's a lot of creamy lived away from the unemployment line like I wonder if it's like if he was at a party in there like do the thing to the thing and he started doing it if you'd really be like whoa that is really good hi I've seen him with the mocap on his face acting and it's amazing like I believe in doing that like meeting those movements Luz is him doing it and and and they're just capturing it and they're painting him monkey style you know like he's doing it everybody he thinks they can act and then you give them some lines and they've realized how wooden they are and how difficult they are to remember and I'm no exception but I think I can monkey I think I could get out there did you see the one where mango had bound his brother and it was the rock dressed up like mango and the doing the mango bit with the Apple as well and he's also spitting it in the presenters face it's great helpful tips okay bend the legs more uh-huh and one point away from Andy Serkis I didn't hear a single or ah ah the talk of the town in Hollywood tonight is Andy Serkis out of a job yeah and this [ __ ] dude has dominated the dancing around like a monkey market for - time to get little diversity in you're also white sir you have but identifies a guy who makes a lot of money pretending to be a monkey in movies so [ __ ] you
Channel: PKA Clips
Views: 51,838
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Keywords: pka, pka clips, pka highlights, painkiller already, painkiller already clips, painkiller already podcast, painkiller already highlights, clips, highlights, FPS Russia, Woodysgamertag, Taylor Murkah, Dr Chiz, pka podcast, podcast, Decade, Best of the Decade, Decade List, Best of, Movies, Best of List, Best of Decade List, PKA 472 w Harley Morenstein - New Year's in St Louis, r/RelationshipAdvice, Harley Teaching Stories, Harley Morenstein, Harley Plays, FPSRussia, FPS russia prison
Id: REedjYcqNGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 28sec (1348 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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