Is it worth playing Paladin in Phase 2 | Season of Discovery

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Paladin in Phase 1 has been solid maybe not quite as high on the damage meters as some people was hoping or as they looked like they was going to be in the first week or so but still been an all around enjoyable experience retribution probably being a highlight for me in Phase One but what are they going to be like in Phase 2 well I've said it in the past couple of videos where we've looked at Mage and we've looked at Druid you may be like me and you've leveled multiple characters in Phase One and you're just not quite sure which one to take into phase two to get to level 40 first but I'm going to give you a breakdown of any key abilities that you're going to gain on your way to level 40 which are just going to come from the trainer some key talents that are now going to be available for each spec what runes you're going to have available on your belt and your boots now we know there's been head runes and even wrist runes that have been data mined but we know blizzard previewed some belt and boot runes so we know those two slots are definitely going to be available so we're only going to have a look at the runes that have been data Min for those two slots and looking through all the classes all of these runes make sense we're also going to look if there's any big key items that might sway your decision in going Paladin in Phase 2 what you're going to be able to get from professions for your class and just how I think they're going to perform at level 40 before we get into the abilities remember if you want the fastest way to level to level 40 in Phase 2 grab yourself a rested XP guide there's links in the pin comment and the description it's an affiliate link so any guide you buy goes towards supporting the channel so thanks very much enjoy so now starting with the abilities I'll be completely honest as a paladin the toolkit don't expand that much you're going to get a lot of good utility abilities that are going to help your party or your raid but in terms of actual personal gain you're going to get new ranks of heals of course you're going to get new ranks of different seals but there's nothing massively exciting that you're going to get like when we looked at Druid and Mage and most of the reason for that is you've got the key abilities already for each spec that you play but you are going to get blessing of Salvation at level 26 and this is probably going to be one of the go-to blessings that a lot of people in your raid are going to want so get used to spamming it in P power as you make your way to level 40 you're going to start unlocking the resistance auras as well so you're going to get Shadow at level 28 you're going to get Frost resistance at level 32 and then you're going to get fire resistance at level 36 you're going to get divine intervention which is on a massive 1H hour cool down in classic the biggest one quite honestly for me would be divine Shield so up until this point you've only had Divine protection where you're immune to physical attacks and spells but during the time you cannot attack or do any physical abilities well now you're going to have Divine Shield you can actually attack it does increase the time between your attacks by 100% But ultimately 10 seconds where you can take no damage but you can still now deal damage you're also going to get two new seals so you're now going to get seal of Light which gives you a chance of healing yourself while you've got this on and seal of wisdom which has a chance of restoring Mana when you've got it on but I don't think either of these are going to be as useful as they are in let's say classic era because of the access to the seals you've got and the ways of getting Mana back anyway so while they still may be used for soloing content like if you was a protection Paladin Solo in dungeons you might switch to these occasionally but I don't think they're going to see as as much use in season of Discovery as they would have in classic era but whilst everyone gets their mounts at level 40 you get your very own warhorse so yes at level 40 you will be able to summon your Paladin specific Mount if you're holy you might be interested in blessing of Light which you're going to get a 40 as well but I don't really think anyone's going to want blessing of light on them when you could put something more useful on them I thought it was worth a mention but quite honestly outside of that there's not really anything worth mentioning now for Talons as a Holy Paladin you are now going to be able to get all five points in illumination so when ever you crit now you are going to get the Mana cost of the spell back up until this point as a Holy Paladin you would only have one point in this making it so RNG it's fairly lackluster you're also going to get Divine favor where you can now every 2 minutes guarantee a nice big crit on your Holy Light you can use holy shock and Flash of light as well but really you're going to do a big Holy Light but honestly outside of increasing the duration of your judgments or even just getting some more crit the big one's going to be holy shock we're on a 30C coold down you can blast the target with holy energy causing 204 to 220 holy damage or 204 to 20 120 healing to an ally now obviously this is instant cast it's got a long cool down but there are going to be ways that you can reset that cool down which we'll get into shortly when we look at the runes now while you might think the holy talents were a little bit boring protection is going to get a bit more interesting as you get access to your blessing a sanctuary which reduces the damage you take and when you block you deal damage you're also going to get Reckoning you got to remember with Reckoning it does mean you need to be the victim of a Critical Strike though it's not like future versions of Reckoning where it's just a chance on damage taken the big one's going to be holy Shield where it increases your chance to block for 30% for 10 seconds and Deals x amount of damage each time you block the damage from it also has an increased threat generation and each block expends a charge and it's got four charges on a 10-second cool down now I think for me personally someone who's played a paladin for a very long time you actually start to feel like a real protection Paladin once you get holy Shield so this is going to be really cool now you can actually get down to getting it for Retribution ultimately you're trying to get down to repentance but on a one minute cool down for a cc yes it's going to be useful in PvP outside of that nothing really to get excited about however the earlier talents like Vengeance where when you deal a Critical Strike it's going to increase your physical and holy damage or even just a Flatout damage increase by using two-handed weapons is worth getting excited about you're also going to get sanctity Aura which increases holy Damage Done by 10% by your party and you'll even now be able to fill out some of these earlier talents where you couldn't quite get full points in them and still get everything you wanted missing out on pursuit of justice so you could get all the points in conviction to give you more crit kind of sucked a little bit now you're going to be able to get everything that you want I really feel like there's some good additions that you're going to get during phase two from talance and you're not massively penalized for going deep in One Tree and what I mean by that is yes there's some really good things in the secondary tree so you'd go R and let's say prop there are some classes that really want 11 points in their secondary tree for a specific ability like Omen a Clarity for Druids for example so whereas yes it would be great to go down in Pro to be able to get Precision if you was a Paladin or even get down to consecrate for more AOE I do feel like it's less impactful so overall they're the new abilities there're the talents that you're going to now unlock which hopefully will just get you pumping more or healing more or a bit more of a tanky boy what about the runes starting with the feet runes we've got guarded by the Light where each time you hit a target with your melee weapon you gain 5% of your maximum Mana every 3 seconds for 15 seconds but the amount healed by your flash of light Holy Light and holy shock spell is reduced by 50% during this Mana Reg now this is basically Divine plea but permanently as long as you got the Rune on and as long as you're hitting something you're getting this massive Mana regen going to be absolutely amazing for protection paladins and if it weren't for one of the runes we're about to look at it would even be really good for rep paladins but unfortunately art of wars going to exist where your melee critical strikes reset the cool down of your holy shock and exorcism now it's interesting it's got holy shock in there as well so as a healing Paladin you can be up close and personal you could be using this and every time you crit with your melee weapon you're now going to be able to do another instant heal with holy shock or help out by doing some damage obviously for rep to be able to reset the cool down when you crit on exorcism is massive cuz it just keeps you having buttons to press the problem is the more buttons you press the more manner it's going to cost and without guarded by the light and getting loads of crits you could be going home pretty fast and the final one's sacred Shield which we're all familiar with sacred Shield if we've played rap of the Lich King and Beyond each time the target takes damage they gain a sacred Shield absorbing 500 damage and increasing the Paladin's chance to critically hit with flasher light by 50% for up to 6 seconds in addition it causes your flasher light to heal a target with a sacred shield for an additional 100% over 12 seconds they cannot gain this effect more than once every 6 seconds and it lasts 30 seconds this spell cannot be on more than one target at a time now obviously this is a great one just to keep on the tank using flasher light with it so every time you press flasher light it's essentially doing double cuz it's going to do the initial heal and then 100% of it over those 12 seconds it's really nice really nice addition for Holy paladins not really going to see it being used by anybody else not with the other Rune options that you've got and then for the waste we've got enlightened judgments which increases the range on your judgment by 30 yards and your spell hit with all spells by 17% now that's absolutely amazing for well I'd say all paladins actually I mean I would say it's really good for protection paladins because having more ranged abilities for when you're tanking and knowing they can't miss because you're getting spell hit caps from this as well is absolutely amazing but even think about it in PvP for r or for or for holy or whoever really having more range capability as what's predominantly quite a slow clunky Meely class most of the time is absolutely amazing and I think we'll see some cool stuff done with this infusion of light increases the Damage Done by your holy Shock by 20% and your damaging critical strikes with holy shock reset the cool down on holy shock and exorcism and refund the cost of holy shock now I find this one quite weird cuz this would be really targeting a shocker in so someone who's using a two-handed spell power weapon but being a Holy Paladin at the same time which shockadin is absolutely something you can do but really for there to be any choice here exorcism should have also had the same effect so I would have liked to have seen it increase the Damage Done by holy shock and exorcism and your damaging crits with holy shock and exorcism have a chance to reset both and refund the cost this way it would be more useful just your standard rep Paladin I mean it's still great for Holy if you're wanting to put some damage out while you're healing but that is really about it and she of Light which dealing damage with your melee weapon increases your spell Power by an amount equal to 30% of your attack power for a minute and also in addition your critical healing spells heal a target for 60% of the amount healed over 12 seconds I mean this would be great for Holy cuz when you're up close and personal you're just hitting the BS or you're hitting the ad or whatever you're doing you're then getting spell power which you know is going to help you do more damage and then at the same time 60% of every heal you do when it crits not only are you going to get the Mana back from your talents but then it's also so going to do 60% more over 12 seconds I mean that is actually amazing but primarily I'd say this is to help your rep paladins get more spell power because there's a lot of abilities that scowl from spell power but overall they're all six runes that I would say are more or less guaranteed to be in the game in Phase 2 like I say we won't look at any of the others until we get some form of confirmation that there are going to be more than just belt and boots and then when it comes to data mind items that it looks like are going to come from the STV PVP event or even neron pal has got some interesting ones starting with a PVP event having a two-handed sword which increases Damage Done by holy spells and it gives you strength and stamina this goes back to what I was saying a second ago about potentially shockadin builds you have now got a weapon that gives a substantial amount of holy damage and it's a two-handed weapon I'm quite excited to try it out and there's even a onehanded weapon that increases the Damage Done by holy spells so you could go shocker him with oneand and Shield or a shocker him with a twoand or ultimately you get both and you switch depending on what's attacking you and then when we look at the gomon loot there's absolutely tons and I don't want to go through every item that you can get I just want to talk about the ones that really stick out to me as quite interesting items that might make you want to play a paladin in Phase 2 all four necks are really interesting because as a protection Paladin the neck is really nice with Dodge defense strength and stamina you got a nice attack power neck for Retribution and then of course as a Holy Paladin you got pendant of homecoming increasing healing and MP5 with intellect and spirit there's also Al access to some really nice new rings with a really strong holy ring or even a nice retribution ring some super interesting trinkets which I've been talking about in every class video mainly because of the use effects on them the primary stats are to be expected but the use effects are really interesting being a tank and reducing your movement speed by 60% but giving you a th000 armor increasing your attack speed as melee DPS or even being able to remove allies IM mobilizing effects and making them immune for 5 seconds now they're all on a 10-minute cool down but they are just super interesting trinkets no matter what spec you are for Retribution or even protection it will be amazing for having access to a belt that not only gives absurds amounts of strength and stamina it gives you weapon skill with two anded axes swords and maces being able to get weapon skill this early is just huge and as I say I would use this as either protection or retribution and the thing that I absolutely love about the plate healing gear is the fact that they know it's only going to be a paladin that uses it so they've made Paladin specific set bonuses so the two set's going to increase damage and healing done by 12 but the three set increases the critical hit chance of holy Shock by 2% there's a lot of emphasis being put on holy shock both from runes and from gear so like I say I think we're going to see some interesting things come out of holy far more than just healing there's even been a nice librum found now it's not humongous but it's still at least a useful item to have in your Relic slot where it reduces the Mana cost of your Sil spells by 10 now this will be useful for all three specs and whilst I don't know where it comes from or even if it is really going to exist that's a pretty cool addition if it makes its way into the game now they're pretty much the only items that I really wanted to talk about that come from Nome Ron or PVP because as I say there's absolutely tons of items there that you can go and look through I just wanted to point out the ones that I think are quite unique so now looking at professions if you have looked through the nomon loop what you might have noticed is there seems to be a severe lack of heads in there as in I've not seen one but that is more than likely because the new profession recipes for each blacksmithing lever working and tailoring all give a head and these heads are amazing I love good head so as a paladin you would be expected to be blacksmith in and you've got access to the reflective true silver brain cage so this would be for holy or shocker in where it gives you stamina and intellect increases damage and healing done by 21 and it's got a really cool use effect on a 10-minute cooldown you gain reinforced willpower preventing silence interrupt effects and spell push back for 10 seconds now while this is not super useful in PV V and while I say not super useful there will be times when you use it don't get me wrong but it's not like it's increas in output it's going to be a very situational usability in PvP this thing is going to be nuts but then the strength and stamina version you're going to get 1% extra crit with Mele and ranged attacks and the use effect now gains intense concentration reducing movement speed by 20% but also increasing your spell resistance to all schools by 50 and increasing melee attack speed by 20% so this is going to be amazing for tanking and for Retribution obviously lots of strength lots of stamina yes you'll move slower but you've probably got yourself planted in front of a boss or behind a bus if you're R you use it and boom 20% increase melee speed so both as a tank you're going to get more threat as a DPS you're going to do more DPS and increases your resistances as a tank which is where that would obviously be most relevant so it's just a really really really cool head and as I say on the basis it don't look like there's many options from nomon one of these is probably going to be what you want I won't bother talking about any of the other professions cuz ultimately I would say the majority of people will be tailoring if they're a cloth wearer so they can get their head lever working if they're a lever wearer and they want to get their head and the same with plate users for blacksmithing I didn't mention ma but yeah lever working for them as well and then whatever profession you want to pair with it they've all got a little bit of an upgrade in phase two not the Gathering professions but enchanting has got an item that you can use now it gives you spell power and attack power and alchemy's got a potion so whatever you want to pair with it it doesn't really matter do what you want most people will still probably be engineering though which I should really point out that if you're engineering and you're a protection Paladin you can make this Shield where it increases your block Chance by 1% and unsuccessful blocks the whirling razor sharp gears on the shield inflict 5 to 10 physical damage and 2 to 10 physical damage to the bearer so quite a cool reflect damage Shield it's epic Everyone likes purples but that's about all I want to say about profession so ultimately how do I think Paladin's going to be I think holy is going to be incredibly good like actually out of all three specs looking at what you get access to as a Holy Paladin both from runes and talents I think holy is going to be super super strong does it really matter you know and I don't mean that in a super negative way but the content like nomon after the first clear not going to be difficult once you work out the tactics probably not going to matter what healer you've got so it's probably a lot more relevant on are they going to be good tanks are they going to be good DPS I think protections getting really really cool stuff as well with basically eliminating Manor issues with guarded by the light getting spell hit C and increasing the range on judgments and then obviously being able to get all the way down to Holy Shield yeah I think protection's going to be in a really really good spot and potentially a really really strong tank the only thing that does suck is to get holy Shield you're not going to be able to have consecrate which is going to your AOE tank in a bit but I don't think it's going to matter and then retribution I think in phase two it's just building on what is already a fun and quite rewarding spec to play I honestly don't think the runes got me super excited about retribution but Shea light's going to be cool art of is absolutely amazing I think I'd have like to have seen on Art of War that if it's going to reset exorcism your next exorcism would be free or something like that just to help with Mana but overall Paladin in a really good spot if you're looking forward to playing a paladin in Phase 2 hopefully none of this put you off and it only got you more excited and if you've got a paladin and you wasn't sure whether to main it or not maybe now you know you enjoyed the video be sure to like And subscribe check out the rested XP links in the description and the Ping comment I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Scottejaye
Views: 22,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wow, tbc, classic, wotlk, wrath, of, the, lich, king, scottejaye, world, Warcraft, Blizzard, mmo, new, fresh, server, Druid, PvE, PvP, feral Druid, feral, item, raid, guide, how to, dungeon, heroic, resto, metagoblin, rogue, hunter, priest, shaman, Dk, ulduar, servers, hard, Raiding, Feral, DRUID, dps, Resto, healer, best, items, glyphs, aoe, max, farming, beta, news, Hunter, pet, warrior, mage, druid, class, tier, paladin, 10 man, phase, launch, before, patch, pre, fun, most, lock, Secret, farm, grinding, spots, gold, xp, p1, season, discovery, phase 2, rune, runes
Id: xaoBupFI0ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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