SoD Phase 2 Holy Paladin Complete Healing Guide | Season of Discovery

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this is the only Holy Paladin guide you're going to need for phase two of season of Discovery hello my name is Javier and I am here to make your life easier in World of Warcraft both over on Twitch and YouTube starting off with the stat priority in phase two of sod we're going to want crit chance as our number one MP5 or Mana per 5 seconds in second healing power coming in at third fourth is intellect and fifth is Spirit going now onto the talent tree that we're going to take it's all quite straightforward for Holy paladins but actually really exciting at the same time so let's have a look first of all we're going to put five out of five into Divine intellect something I want to get my hands on that is going to increase your intellect by 10% overall which is a huge just right off the bat there second row isn't too good we're going to go with spiritual Focus five out of five giving our flash of light and Holy Light spells a 70% chance to not lose casting when you take damage quite good if you're leveling however in raids Etc it's not going to be that efficient but hey ho here we go next line going right left from left to right we're going to go three out of three healing light increasing the amount healed by some of our core healing spells here one out of one into consecration we can slap this on the ground and do some damage to those dirty nomigan trogs or trolls or gnomes whatever those people things are down there and then we're going to be putting two out of two into improve lay on hands lay on hands is our super duper Whooper heel and basically this is going to give the target of our lay on hands 30% bonus to their armor value from items for 2 minutes which is fantastic cuz we can hardly ever even use Layon hands the cool down is so insane luckily however this is going to also reduce the cool down by 30 minutes we do need another point and therefore we're going to put one into unyielding Faith increasing our chance to resist fear and disoriented Effects by an additional 5% not the most amazing but we do need it to get further down into the tree two out two into improved improved blessing of wisdom this is a blessing you can put on people yourself Etc and it helps with Mana regen so this is going to increase the effect of it by 20% Which is quite a big Increase five out of five going into illumination after getting a critical effect from your flash of light Holy Light or holy shock holy shock is down below in the talentry further this is going to give us a 100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell meaning we're going to get a lot of Mana back when we are doing that crit remember I said at the start that the stat priority is going to start off with crit this is one of the core reasons why we love it so much one out of one going into Divine favor when we activate this on a two-minute coold down that is also then going to give our next spell a 100% crit chance which paired with illumination is of course really really good we're skipping lasting judgment no judgment here thank you very much and we're putting five out of five into holy power increasing the crit chance of our holy spells by 5% again crit crit crit that's what we want one out of one into holy shock and boom Bobs your uncle we're level 40 this is going to be on a 30C cool down blasting the enemies of holy energy or blasting your allies with holy healing I guess going onto the runes then we're actually going to be going with Divine storm on the first one an instant weapon attack that causes 110% of weapon damage up to four enemies within eight yards and it's also going to heal free party members for 25% of the damage caused making this absolutely fantastic as an AOE heal and doing some damage you can also go for Horn of lordon if you would like Palin blows into the horn increasing total strength and Agility of all party members um by six for 2 minutes and it is exclusive with blessing of might however I personally go for divine storm because I love the AOE healing on the next one it is again going to be up to you you can go for Exorcist meaning that exorcism can be cast on any Target and has 100% increased crit chance against Undead demons however I like to go for rebuke meaning that us paladins are going to get an interrupt which is of course very useful for interrupting spellcasting which we don't otherwise have on the hand really obviously it's going to be that Beacon of light one of the core Paladin spells that we all know and love the target it becomes a beacon of light to all members of your party any heals you cast on anyone in the party or Raid is also going to heal the beaconed person for 100% of the amount healed obviously you can only have one of these up otherwise it' be out of control but this is fantastic of course you can just shove this on the tank set it and forget it you can have it on somebody else that may be quite squishy Etc it's up to you or you could be quite nasty and selfish and put it on yourself but generally that isn't the done thing again regarding doing some attacks as a Healer we're going to go of sheath of light dealing damage of your melee weapon increases your spell Power by an amount equal to 30% of your attack power for one minute addition to that then our critical healing spells heal the target for 60% of the amount healed over 12 seconds further increasing how much we want that crit lastly on the feet Rune we're going for sacred Shield this is a really fun one as well each time the target takes damage they gain a sacred Shield absorbing damage and increasing the Palin's chance to critically hit with flash of light for 50% by 50% for up to 6 seconds again increasing that crit chance which flows into everything else we're talking about in this build in addition it's going to cause your flash of light to heal targets with sacred shield for an additional 100% over 12 seconds they can't gain this effect more than once every 6 seconds and it does last for 30 seconds the spell cannot be on more than one target at any time so again sacred Shield is phenomenal I really really like what they've been doing with paladins in phase two what about you do you think they're better in phase two do you think the other healers have had it better or worse Etc obviously as Druids we've had some Nerfs but that's more on the balanc side let's not talk about that and while I'm on the subject if you do have any questions at all whether it's about the class the rotation what spells to use retail classic add-ons UI please do join my Discord Community we're very beginner friendly very veteran friendly as well of course and we are there to help the community is exceptional in this Discord we've really built it to make sure that it's a very welcoming place where people can actually get help Etc especially if they're new to wow or just have any questions Etc and if you'd actually like to see it in practice I do also now stream over on Twitch at havy heels there's a link Down Below in the description for that looking at the gear we're going to get as a Holy Paladin in Phase 2 is really interesting I would advise that you go for tailoring for this neurolink arcano filament monocle on the head when you use this on a coold down it's going to reduce the cost of your spells with Mana but obviously but also increase the spell power that you do as well well and therefore increasing healing as well as giving you some MP5 and some intellect Etc a lot of these be from nomun and I'm going to if I don't say it's from PvP Etc you can assume it's from Noman pendant of homecoming healing increase MP5 nomigan synthetic mantle Noman healing increase on there intellect Etc it's all quite straightforward cloak of invention for the same MP5 on there now one really interesting one is the shock forged breastplate this is going to increase our crit chance which I keep banging on about for what 1% and also increase our healing don't forget you can enchant this with 100 mana and the set bonus is going to be on the chest legs and Boots so you want all free to get that set bonus um it's quite nice some other classes they don't have the greatest um gear set that's for their kind of class of gear as in you know Druids in leather Chans in mail paladins in plate some of them still wearing cloth Etc like we are on the headpiece and the shoulders Etc but at least we've got the set piece that is going to be actually in plate tinker's wrist wraps on the wrist and then the gear Menders Grace on the main hand with the dialectric uh safety Shield increasing healing done by 22 and four Mana per 5 Seconds both again from nomigan silk slick fingerless gloves are actually going to be best in slots still and these are from phase one in BFD increasing healing done by 22 obviously the nature spells we don't have to worry about but the healing increase when I've simmed this with other items these are still just coming out on top Mech Menda sash again with more healing gun MP5 on the Belt we've already spoken about the set piece on the legs and Boots hypercharged gear of Innovation is from nun it's a unique equipped um ring increasing healing done and MP5 also giving you some nature on Arcane resistance on there lke Keepers from phase one we're keeping again on the other ring and same goes with the acolytes void Pearl increasing healing done by 20 which is the void Pearl you'd get from aame and then obvious you hand that question gine pill bottle on the other trinket restoring MP5 and you can make an ally immune to snares and immobilizing effects bit spirit and nature resistance on there so it is actually quite a nice utility trinket we can get and then the Li of benediction reducing the amount of cost of your seal spells by 10 on the last slot there if you are looking at what where these are coming from and you want a lot more in-depth Gear review I am going to be doing a pre Biz Biz and leveling Gear S um kind of recommendation video where I go a lot more in depth shortly on my channel for all classes make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on that lastly let's have a look what we're shoving in our Gob and enchanting our Gear with in Phase 2 as a Holy Paladin so Sage fish delight over here is really really fantastic for MP5 in a bit of Mana regen if you don't want that you can get a lovely tasty SP of sausage off the auction house or codo stew increasing stamina and Spirit by 12 both retrospectively um very easy to farm yourself um or just buy off the ah greater man of potion self-explanatory these should be a lot cheaper this phase lesser Arcane Elixir is going to be doing any spell damage which isn't going to be like amazing for us um you can also use lesser wizard oil increasing spell damage again for any spell damage that you are doing and there is elixir of strength Etc as well for when you're increasing your attack power regarding the other profession you should take obviously I have suggested tailoring due to the head that means of course without a gathering profession enchanting here goes perfectly with it and this seal of in Sigil of innovation is fantastic you can see here it's increasing healing by 20 for 30 minutes doesn't persist through death so if you do die you're going to lose that buff but it's really really good if not and you've got you know it's a Rags to Riches story from Phase 1 to two for you you could go for Alchemy uh assuming that you're going to be buying all the materials of the auction house yourself and not Gathering them they could have a herbalism alt who's to say what you're up to I don't know and that's it guys that is everything you need to know for Holy Paladin in Phase 2 of sod let me know how you're getting on and I'll see you in Noman
Channel: Javier
Views: 11,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow, wow classic, Paladin, druid, hunter, priest, warlock, warrior, raid, m+, classic wow, sod, paladin
Id: c3C0vXiAKTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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