Is it worth playing Druid in Phase 2? | Season of Discovery

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the Druid has been in a really good place in Phase One both in terms of DPS the ability to tank its healing capabilities and even as a boomy possibly balanced Druids are one of the most irritating classes to come across in well PVP but like me you may have leveled multiple characters to level 25 in Phase One and you're not quite sure which one you want to go to distance with and get to level 40 first because you're probably going to get multiple characters to level 40 but which one's going to get the majority of your focus on the 8th of February well I'm hoping I can help you out with your decision we're going to look at the new abilities that you're going to get by level 40 and these are going to be the ones that just come from the trainer we're also going to look at what new abilities or potentially really strong passives that you're going to get from talents now we're going to take a look at the boot and belt runes which yes while they've been data mined we know the belt and boot runes are 100% guaranteed because blizzard have shown us a couple for each class their s so the data mind belt and boot runes I don't expect to change but we're not going to talk about any of the head or wrist runes that have been data mine because I doubt they're going to be in in Phase 2 we're also going to have a look at key items that are going to be available at level 40 which might get you excited enough to want to make your Druid your main we're going to have a quick look at what Druids can get from professions and then finally how do I think they're going to perform overall and then ultimately is it the right class for you to focus on first in Phase 2 before we get into the abilities I just want to thank the sponsor of today's video which is rested XP now I can't imagine you've not heard of rested XP but with Phase 2 on the horizon if you want the fastest possible way to get your new Druid potentially if you decide the druid's the right class for you to level 40 as quickly as possible then following the blue arrow around and letting the hard work be done by the add-on is definitely worth the investment the add-on is absolutely free to download and includes the guide up to level 20 not only that it also includes the runes that are available in the current phase and of course it will be updated for free in Phase 2 for all new runes that are going to come so you literally just have a quick look and go I need this Rune and then it will guide you around how to get it no need to alt Tab out of the game and read a guide thanks rested XP for sponsoring the video a link is in the description and the pin comment if you want to pick yourself up a guide it is an affiliate link so every guide you buy does help support the channel so thanks very much let's get into the Druid abilities now for every Druid spec in phase one you've probably felt like you've missed some real key abilities that you didn't realize you really missed until you didn't have access to them well come Phase 2 every spec of Druid is going to get multiple abilities that are going to be extremely useful and you've probably missed starting as early as level 26 so you're going to get your first level and then you're going to have access to dash now I don't know about you droids but me personally I've found myself pressing the dash key bind on numerous occasions and then I'm like oh yeah I I still haven't got it which can be quite annoying but as soon as you ding you are going to have access to it so 5 minute cool down and obviously increases your speed by 50% so at level 30 you're going to have access to travel form and we know you're going to have your Mount at level 40 but this is going to make a druid so much quicker to level from 30 to 40 especially if if you're out questing if you've bear tanked at all you'll know if you start losing aggro to random little mobs they're incredibly hard to get back well at level 28 you're going to have access to challeng in raw whilst it's a long cool down it's extremely useful whilst you may look at Tranquility and think oh I only really want that as a Resto Druid no this is absolutely amazing for every Druid and it's one that I've missed personally when I start seeing everyone in my group taking massive damage in BFD and having no Tranquility to help the healers by topping everybody off so definitely a really good addition for the phase 2 to Kit level 32 for feral Druids is absolutely amazing because as a feral Druid you'll probably know you've been spending a lot of your time sat on five combo points not wanting to consume them on anything other than Savage raw because the damage of rip is pitiful but at 32 you're going to have ferocious bite which while the damage probably still won't be that amazing it is actually going to be some nice instant damage and even when you're running around questing actually having a way now to just finish a mob off very quickly has definitely been something that that I've missed not having ferocious bu it so really cool but that's not it you'll also get access to ravage which is basically the feral Druids version of Ambush so if there's a pesky little cloth wearer sat and a drink you can stealth up behind them and bang them really really hard at level 40 as well don't forget Druid tanks are going to get even tankier with access to dire bear form here's the key differences between just bare form and dire bear form if you are wanting to tank in phase two as a druid it's going to be amazing once you get to level 40 beine Grace at level 40 as well is worth a mention purely if you like jumping off things really high at least if you transform into cat form you're going to take a lot less damage from Fall him level 40 is actually a really good level because not only have you just got Dia bare form but you're also going to get hurricane which unfortunately on a one minute cool down in the classic era version of the game sucks a little bit but we have seen data M runes that will probably help this out I don't think in the next phase but we'll find out soon also being able to get innovate is amazing because you'll be able to innovate your Mages I might be a bit biased but innovate just being able to to get massive amounts of Mana back on a 6-minute cool down of course is going to be absolutely amazing and they're pretty much the main abilities that you're going to learn from the trainer and as you can see as a druid you're really spoiled we looked at the Mage and there weren't really a mass amount maybe four or five abilities maybe not even that that was actually worth talking about for a druid you get so much by level 40 that you just probably have missed a lot during phase one and as I say the big ones for me is ferocious bite definitely innovate and 100% travel form and then talent-wise what you're going to be able to get for every spec again is just absolutely amazing the unfortunate thing is while you can get all the way down to the bottom of the tree now so boom is are going to get access to moonin form ferral is going to be able to get leader of the pack and Resto is going to be able to get Swift men there are a lot of specs that sort of rely on the 11 points in a secondary tree as well when I say rely on obviously it's just a lot lot better to be able to get all the way down in one tree and 11 points in another so well yes you're going to be able to get down to the bottom of the tree three an example for this would be as a feral Druid you can get leader of the pack but you're going to lose 10% physical damage and of course the big one being Omen of clarity the same would apply for power shifting you can't take leader at a pack and be able to get Five Points in fural to be able to power shift so I think phase two for Druids talent wise especially for feral is going to be one of the more irritating ones because you do have to sacrifice something whereas when we get to phase three and we can get to level 50 that is going to be alleviated a little bit but balance are going to now be able to get all five points in Vengeance which increases the Critical Strike damage bonus by 100% of your Starfire Moonfire Raph you'd also be able to get five points and improve Starfire reducing the cast time of it by half a second and also giving it a chance to stun which obviously in PvP is amazing Nature's Grace where all your spell crits reduce the casting time your next spell by half a second 10% more damage with Starfire Moonfire and Raph and finally obviously Moon Kim form now Moon Kim form in classic era is not the greatest it is only going to give you and your party members 3% crit because let's be fair the armor contribution is kind of neither here nor there in PVE obviously in future iterations of moonin form you would get Mana back when you crit it would have been nice for that to have been baked in as a talent but we do know blizzard can only really make radical changes to these abilities through the use of runes FAL Druid are going to be able to get all the way down to leader of the pack now giving their party members 3% crit chance you're also going to be able to get that 20% extra intellect all that extra stamina in bare form and the extra strength in cat form fairy fire feral which is going to be very nice honestly when you go down the tree some of these things you've had access to but only been able to get one point in for example improved shred being able to get both points in this now is going to be huge the same way as being able to get both points in blood frenzy where when you crit it gives you an extra combo point the problem is without actually looking at what people have been Fury crafting at the moment just purely of what I know about feral Druids you're probably still going to want the Five Points from fural so people are probably going to be annoyed that you're not bringing leader of the pack and you're not going to go all the way down to the bottom of the tree but I suppose time will tell and quite honestly Resto Druid is pretty boring of course you're going to get increased healing from different effects you're also going to be able to get swiftmend swiftmend is on a 15sec cool down and does consume the reu or regrowth effect which kind of hoping to see a rune that changes that at some point you're also going to get nature swiftness I probably should have mentioned that because that is very nice to get that instant cast ability on a 3 minute cool down overall the talents are really good across the board as I say some of the specs have got more difficult choices to make but talent wise I would say Druid is going to be in a really good place in Phase 2 now like I said the feet and the waist runes I would say are 100% going to be in the game some of them very well could change between now and launch but I think they're pretty safe to look at like I genuinely feel like even if any of them change it might be the odd one for each class but I don't see him changing that much but then when you look on Wellhead there is also head runes which we're not going to talk about and there's wrist runes as well but I want to stick to what we know and we know we're getting feet and waste so for the feet the first Rune is dream state where you're damag in Spell critical strikes Grant you 50% of your Mana regen while casting for 8 seconds and it also increases nature damage dealt to the Target by 20% for 12 seconds now look this is a bit of a stretch but the way that reads it increases damage taken by the Enemy by 20% rather than increases your nature damage by 20% that sounds like it could be a really powerful debuff that actually goes on the target so other people are going to benefit from that 20% extra damage it's taken as well I could be wrong it could be purely for the Druid but ordinarily if it was your damage that is increasing it would say your damage not the damage dealt to the Target so I'll be interested to see how much this is going to help out enhancement shamans for example now they're going to have access to malstrom weapon so they're going to be using things like lightning bolt a lot more because even though enhancement gets something similar in the form of storm strike that is only increasing damage of the next two nature damage spells against the Target by 20% whereas the Druid one sounds like it's just up for 8 seconds no matter what as long as The Druids PR in more than once every 8 seconds it will be on the boss all the time so yeah for boom is that's got the potential of being really nice king of the jungle is absolutely amazing so this turns Tiger's Fury from this useless piece of sh junk I was going to swear but I'll be a good boy into an actual useful ability which is amazing so Tiger's Fury air increases all physical damage you deal by 15% and instantly grants you 60 energy it's no longer on the global cooldown it now has a 30 second cool down so every 30 seconds you're going to be able to get that 60 energy but also you're going to be able to increase your physical damage dealt by 15% now this could actually make rip worthwhile because even when the 15% damage buff drops off from Tiger's Fury you've snapshotted it onto the rip so the rip will benefit from the 15% damage for the entire duration so it might be ferocious bite when there's no tiger Fury and rip when you've got tiger Fury up we'll see how that plays out and then finally survival instincts which I thought was a bit of a strange one I'm not going to lie cuz we got a balance room which is dream state which is absolutely amazing we got King of the Jungle which is a Feral DPS Rune which is again absolutely amazing then survival instincts kind of sucks a little bit so when activated this grants you 30% of your maximum health for 20 seconds after the effect expires the health is lost and this is usable in any form now we know about survival instincts and it's typically what bears use as a cool down now what they've done though is in addition you regenerate five rage every time you dodge while in bare form or die be form and energy while in cat form or 1% of your max Mana while in any other form now what seems weird about this is It's increasing Max Health but then you're gaining stuff when you dodge now wouldn't this have been better if it gave 30% Dodge so then even when you're in like your normal human form when you're dodging you're getting Mana back I feel like it would have made it more useful because let's face it in human form Dodge is going to be pathetic amounts I feel like it's really weird and neither of the two synergize together particularly well but looking at all three of these you can see it just sucks a little bit for Resto Druids because Boomie and feral and even feral tank are all getting something pretty amazing then Resto are like oh great I'll just use dream state I suppose at least then you can be pumping in some rafts to get it to proc it's helping the raid keeping the debuff up and you're going to get Mana regen while casting it's still a bit lackluster though in my opinion but next up we've got waste and this should get everybody excited no matter what spec you are so first up berserk which is an absolutely amazing cool down so when activated this ability causes your mangle bear to hit up to three targets and have no cool down so you can just keep spamming it and it reduces the energy cost of all your cat form abili is by 50% now this lasts 15 seconds and it requires bare form cat form of course or dire bare form to activate it also clears any fear effect on you and makes you immune to fear for the duration so for feral Druids this is absolutely amazing in both PVE and PVP and it's this and the Tiger's Fury Rune which actually make me think there is a world where deep feral works really well and you don't worry about power shifting with fural because you've still got no access to wolf head Helm either but it will depend on how long the fights last obviously if it's a really short fight you've got 15 seconds of Berserk you know you're probably going to get two tigers Fury off one before berserk one after berserk and now you start worrying about energy a bit more I think it will completely depend on how long the fights last but yeah berserk is awesome now this is one blizzard showed us theirself so Eclipse now Starfire increases the Critical Strike chance of your next two ref's by 30% and Raph increases the Critical Strike chance of your next Starfire by 30% both of these effects stack up to four charges and both spells also gain 7 % chance at all times to not lose casting while you're taking damage that bit about not losing casting while you're taking damage is absolutely amazing like just that on its own is a really really good Rune but you can see they're doubling down on crit and when you look at the other Rune we was talking about earlier where when you crit it's going to give you a Mana regen and it's going to put that debuff hopefully debuff on the target as well this is going to help you make sure that you're maintaining that at all times while I find it quite a boring Rune if I'm completely honest it's still a really good addition to boomies and then finally nourish where it heals a target for x amount of healing and it does an additional 20% if you've got a reu regrowth life bloom or wild growth effect on that Target and this Spell benefits from and triggers all effects associated with Healing Touch it's good don't get me wrong but I don't know the direct heal from a rune when you could just use Healing Touch anyway even though nourish is going to be a little bit quicker and it's going to get the benefit from having a hot on the target as well I'd have probably have rather seen like a rune of men where it doesn't consume the hot on the target for example or maybe it don't consume the hot on the Target and reduces the cool down of Swift men so it's not as long as 15 seconds I think they could have done something a bit better than nourish I don't know what you Resto Druids think and that's all the runes on the belt and the boots now don't get me wrong we absolutely could see head runes or wrist runes and I'm sure we'll find out more leading up to launch but for now they are the only slots that we know are guaranteed to come so we'll just focus on those now when it comes to Big items coming for Druids in the next phase feral Druids should be extremely excited because the weapon choices are just nuts from the STV PVP event it looks like you're going to be able to get bloodb Crusher which is basically an earth warden from TBC they've even used the same icon where it's increasing armor giving big amounts of strength agility stamina 80 attack power in forms and it's got a really interesting useability which adds five storm strike damage to your melee attacks damaging the Target and its nearest allies so it's a little cleave as well and it's only on 3 minute coold down it hits up to three targets and causes additional threat and that lasts 20 seconds I mean that's a great initial sort of snap threet or just helping to get you some snap threet when you're multi-target tanking but also extra damage as cat as well so that is really really nice now like you can see there's been absolutely tons of items data mined from Nome Ron and I'm not going to sit and go through every single item I just want to point out the ones that I would personally be excited to get as a druid of all specs now even though it's only a blue quality weapon and we've just seen an amazing epic that you can get from the STV event the automatic crowd peler has to make it on the list with big amounts of strength being 22 eight agility 69 attack power so not quite as much as the other one which had 80 but it has got a use effect on it which increases your attack speed by 50% for 30 seconds now we know feral Dage used to farm Lots well I used to farm lots and lots of manual crowd pomas for raids this is just you get it once and you've got it forever because it's just a cool down that you've got to wait for but it is still a really really nice use effect and this would definitely tide you over until you got your hands on the big one from the STV PVP event because we don't know how much time and effort that's going to take there some really nice necks across the board and these are going to be amazing for literally every spec of Druid with a nomon peace officer torque giving you six stamina a decent amount of attack power being 16 and 1% crit the healing one's really nice with intellect and spirit and increasing your healing and MP5 and then the Piston pendant for boom is giving nine spell damage and stamina intellect and spirit and you could even argue the case for justice badge for Bears i' just use the attack power one personally there's also an assortment of nice rings that you're going to be able to get as well with damage and healing for the boomies extra healing for your Resto Druids and then a really nice trifactor stat ring with seven strength eight agility and 10 stamina just ignore the resistances but the trinkets are really interesting so for the Boomers you're going to be able to get one that gives damage and healing but then he got a use effect where for 10 seconds you r randomly Channel between 1 and 150 Health into 1 to 150 Mana now I don't think boomies are going to have the Mana problems some of the other casters alive in fact I think a lot of casters are going to have their Mana problems alleviate a lot in phase two it's still quite a cool effect for the ferals you're going to be able to get an attack power trinket which also increases attack speed then it's got an interesting piece of text on it it says you may be able to push this experiment further now I have no idea what this means yet but I'm sure that will be made clearer during phase 2 I'm not a massive fan of the Resto d one because I'd have much rather seen some plus healing on this but with seven spirit and four Mana per five and then an interesting usability now all of these us abilities are on a 30-minute cool down by the way but this makes a Target Ally immune to snare and immobilizing effects for the next 5 Seconds it also removes existing snare and immobilizing effects now remember this is Target Ally so you can use it on your friend so if you're doing waron go you can bang it on the flag carrier I'd imagine you can also use it on yourself as well but it's quite cool that it's not actually just a personal Trinket you can help somebody in your raid and while we're talking about interesting items idle of Raph increasing the Damage Done of your Raph spell by up to 2% where it comes from who knows but actually getting an idol that's going to be beneficial for you as a balance ruid is pretty insane and then the tanking one's got seven stamina it gives you 1% Dodge then on use 1,000 extra armor yes your movement speeds reduced by 60% but still if you're stood tanking a bus what a huge cool down this will be I didn't mention the sets in the Mage video because I didn't think they were particularly unique enough to worry about but actually the Druid sets really are part of the three set bonus is getting another 20 attack power in cap bear and D bear form and for boomies you actually get an extra 2% critical hit chance with Raph and Starfire so I love the fact that for Druids you've got very unique class bonuses instead of just the generic set bonuses that the cloth wearers get for example where it increases damage and healing done by 11 and this is obviously because it should only be balanced rids that want the DPS lever gear I just thought I'd throw that in there at the end because I do think that's quite cool the fact that you are getting your own set bonuses that are not generic with everybody else the same as Ellie Sharman get exactly the same thing which we'll talk about in the Sharman video like I say there's tons of items that we could sit and talk about here but I just wanted to pick out the ones that I think are really really unique so what about professions now we're not going to talk about all the small bonuses that you get from being enchanting or Alchemy or anything like that instead we're going to focus on the headpiece because if you've looked through the gome Ron gear that's been data mind you'll notice they don't appear appear to be any head pieces in nomon at all and that looks like it's because they want you to get the crafted head so if you're level working in your feral you're going to get this amazing head with 14 strength 14 agility 14 stamina it increases your chance to hit with spells and Mum range attacks by 1% and on a 10-minute cooldown it's got a usability that instantly deals 343 to 757 damage to yourself but also increases your medium range attack speed by 20% for 10 seconds now obviously it's going to be great seeing people this macro into I don't know random abilities maybe they've got it macroed into berserk they've got practically no health and they use berserk and this kills them I am looking forward to seeing it happen because you know it will but what an amazing cool down 20% attack speed for 10 seconds I know it's a 10-minute cool down so you're going to have to pick what bosses you want to use it on you're probably going to look at what boss you need to pass on that particular week but it's a really cool head and then boom and Resto Druid looks like you're getting exactly the same one so it's got stamina intellect and spirit it increases damage and healing done by 21 and you gain a neuromatic meditation allowing 100% of your Mana Regen to continue while casting and it increases damage and healing done by spells by up to 50 and this last 20 seconds again a really powerful cool down both for boomy and Resto Druids the 10-minute cooldown sucks a little bit but these are going to be amazing for both PVP and PVE now as a booy you would always have the option of being tailoring as well of course where that gives you stamina and intellect increases damage and healing done by 22 so it gives one extra spell damage than the lever head but you do lose the 11 Spirit but this time your usability reduces the Mana cost of all your spells by 50% and increases the spell damage and healing by up to 50 so really it comes down to whether you value The increased Mana region while casting or the flat 50% reduction in spell cost I'd go for the spell cost personally but both of them are just epic lit literally they're they're epic and that's everything you need to know that's going to be coming with phase two for Druids but how do I think they're going to perform and ultimately should you Main one I think feral will be better in phase three than it will be in phase two because at the moment you're not going to have access to furor and going super deep all the way to the bottom in the feral tree and you're also not going to have wolf head Helm but I still think with the addition of Tiger's Fury working as it should and berserk feral is going to be just they're going to be really strong they're going to have amazing burst potential and you just hope that the fights are quite short so that burst really gets you ahead quick and then as it slowly drops by the time you drop below other people boss is dead boom's had some great additions as well and I really do hope that the nature damage increased to the Target by 20% is a debuff on the Target and not a buff on the player and resto's just Resto I mean resto's done really well in phase one I think it'll do very well all the way through the game you're just getting stronger and stronger your toolkits getting bigger and bigger and honestly if you enjoy healing as a Resto Droid there's no better time to heal as a Resto Droid i' like to have seen a bit more love from runes I think the addition of nourish really not giving you much option on the other slot because none of them are really tailored specifically for a Healer I think sucks a little bit that's why I think there's going to be other runes that are found that we just don't know about yet but time will tell but overall I think if you're excited to play Druid don't not be excited to play Druid don't not be excited because I think you're going to have a really good time I'm personally going to have a druid as my main alt so my Mage is going to be the first to 40 then my druid and I'm definitely going to be playing feral but that's it if you enjoyed the video be sure to like And subscribe again thank you rested XP for sponsoring the video links are in the description below and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Scottejaye
Views: 31,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wow, tbc, classic, wotlk, wrath, of, the, lich, king, scottejaye, world, Warcraft, Blizzard, mmo, new, fresh, server, Druid, PvE, PvP, feral Druid, feral, item, raid, guide, how to, dungeon, heroic, resto, metagoblin, rogue, hunter, priest, shaman, Dk, ulduar, servers, hard, Raiding, Feral, DRUID, dps, Resto, healer, best, items, glyphs, aoe, max, farming, beta, news, Hunter, pet, warrior, mage, druid, class, tier, paladin, 10 man, phase, launch, before, naxx, fun, most, lock, Secret, farm, grinding, spots, gold, xp, season, discovery, phase 2, rune, runes, p1, p2
Id: fc8lKgfJz8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 28sec (1408 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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