Paladin in Season of Discovery: Is it Worth Playing? (Classic WoW)

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I recently cleared black fathom deeps for the very first time and I got my epic chest piece for my paladin on season of Discovery and since then on the side I've actually been leveling up a warrior trying out a new class in sod but you know I've seen a few comments popping up here on nium of people asking so how is the Paladin what is it like playing a paladin in s so is it a class that I should level up next guys with this really fast video I would like to talk about the Paladin The Good The Bad my experience es playing this guy doing dungeons doing the raid leveling him up I want to share with you all my thoughts on this class in sod and then down the road maybe I'll also do a similar video for the warrior and the other classes that I intend to level up real fast though we do have to thank this video's sponsor today's video is brought To Us by Wukong m a thrilling new fantasy MMO that brings you into The Monkey King's epic expedition to the West it allows you to explore an expansive 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thank you to Wukong M for sponsoring this video so before we talk about the good and the bad of playing a paladin we first have to address the question of why Paladin why would you play this class in season of Discovery as opposed to the other ones well I can't speak for you guys I can only speak for myself but these are the reasons why I decided to make Paladin my first character in this new iteration of classic Wow first of all if you remember my video my plans for season of Discovery I said that I was going to most likely play a rogue I wanted to play a melee class but I do admit that as I thought about the Rogue more and I looked at the RS that you could potentially get for that class I thought to myself you know Rogue doesn't really look as interesting as let's say the Paladin paladins had Crusader strike seal of the Martyr Divine storm it just looked like a more interesting class overall at least I thought so there was also the fact that I personally really enjoy paladins in classic wow but one of the things that I've always wanted for the Paladin class in you know vanilla wow is a proper tanking opportunities so the fact that paladins could be proper tanks in season of Discovery dude that was like a big a big draw for me what can I say I'm a sucker for Avenger Shield man it's such a cool ability also I admit I've been talking with a few guys recently in the Cigar Lounge about Warcraft 3 and I've been very tempted to replay Warcraft 3 lately you know Paladin is just that class that perfectly brings those Warcraft 3 Vibes into World of Warcraft after playing as arthus all through the story line in Reigns of chaos and Frozen Throne who wouldn't want to play a paladin in classic wow I mean come on in the end I decided to play this class over the Rogue now let's talk about the experiences so far I'm going to begin by talking about the good and specifically let's talk about the Rune system that you will experience as a paladin the biggest con for paladins and classic wow the thing that everybody criticizes this class for is the fact that it's the auto attack class in classic wow you apply a seal you attack the target you judge it after a little bit you reapply seal you attack the target you you know hit him with the Judgment rinse and repeat over and over sometimes though things get a little spicy you know if you're in DUS Sid or something or you're in the play lands sometimes you press exorcism and Dam you know really shaking up that gameplay paladins are notorious for having you know not the most engaging gameplay when it comes to Classic wow but that doesn't mean they're not a fun class to play just ask San for example he'll go on a three-hour freaking rant about why it is objectively the best class in classic I personally don't find Paladin to be a boring class in classic wow I personally really enjoy it but I will say that adding Crusader strike as the very first runee that you can get really spicy es up the game play in a whole new way Crusader strike helps with tagging mobs more quickly this was especially very useful at launch and it's just really cool having this ability that you can use every few seconds that makes you feel just that much more powerful when you're questing in the open world now I will say that although it is a little bit predictable there are several runes that you can get as a paladin that are connected to the Cathedral of the light in Stormwind so if you've never played a paladin in s so yet you know it's not really a spoiler I will just say that you know go to the Cathedral of light and uh keep your eyes open dude I loved finding that first little secret quest line that's located in the cathedral just just keep your eyes open fellas if you play the Paladin you'll see what I'm talking about and don't you be looking up no damn guide telling you what to do or where to go okay don't you cheat okay seal of the Martyr you're going to get it pretty early hopefully and I will say that once you get seal of the Martyr you are going to feel insanely powerful combine that with Crusader strike and you are are just going to be ripping through the world but I will say that as a paladin yes you feel powerful playing this class but you don't feel so powerful that the world becomes easy but we'll talk about that more in a second the Divine storm quest line though is truly the highlight of the Rune experience if you play a paladin the fact that blizzard attached these like epic tier level Quest chains to these different runes you know Divine storm for paladins metamorphosis for the Warlock that was such a great decision on Blizzard's part and when you do finally get to do the Divine storm quest line you are going to love it let's talk about questing though as a paladin now I can't tell you exactly where paladins are at in terms of leveling speed to let's say warlocks or Hunters but in season of Discovery as I was talking about just a moment ago if once you get like seal of the Martyr combined with Crusader strike you are cleaving through the world at a very decent pace you don't feel as slow as a Original Classic wow Warrior but you also don't feel as fast as a hunter let's say you feel like you're in this kind of perfect Middle Ground maybe even above the middle ground slightly and that was a really cool feeling for me the world does offer great challenges yeah you are going to die a couple of times most likely as a paladin even with bubble even with lay on hands and once you get to do your class Quest dude paladins have some fantastic class Quest that you can do I'm of course talking about the vargan fist quest line you're going to have to go to deadmines you're going to have to go kill Elite ogres and lock Madan and you're even going to have to take the classic wow sfk run that's right you're going to have to go to Shadow Fang keep is that little human or dwarf Paladin and it is a very long run through some very dangerous territory I actually made a video all about the sfk run a few years ago if you want to check that out after this one once you get this twoand Ed mace though dude it feels incredible Varan fist is actually a best-in slot item outside of black fathom deeps if you don't plan on doing the raid so it is worth doing and worth pursuing one thing that I will say in regards to questing however is that because you do feel so powerful while playing this class because you do tend to rip through things with relative ease um I will say that professions almost take a back seat for the Paladin now professions have always been more of an optional thing when it comes to leveling in classic wow but you know that ability to keep up your blacksmithing and make yourself some new gear to really you know you know attach yourself more to your character and the gear that they're wearing that's a you know very valuable part of the classic wow experience at least in my opinion the thing though with the Paladin in my experience is that because of the runes that you get you don't really need to keep up with your profession so much even if you're in pretty bad gear Cru Crusader strike seal of the Martyr and stuff it'll keep you going just fine and you might be thinking that well that doesn't sound like a pro nickm that sounds more like a con it just depends on what kind of player you are I think a lot of you guys probably you're not trying to rush to level 25 but you're probably not as you know in love with classic Wow's profession system as I am so this was something that was not disappointing to me I mean I'm not complaining it's just something that you'll notice probably if you're somebody that likes to level your professions while leveling like I do not exactly necessary because of all your new abilities as a paladin I actually ended up maxing out blacksmithing after hitting level 25 to get that epic chest piece that plate wearers can forge for themselves I will say that when you hit Level 25 guys if you go the route of the blacksmith do this quest line getting this epic chest piece feels incredible it'll make you feel like you beat the game or you like you you beat the class like I don't really know how else to put it it's great talking about Dungeons I will admit I'm not exactly maybe the person to talk to about this because I only did one dungeon as a paladin tank but I will say that that run was a ton of fun Avengers shield is one of my favorite abilities in World of Warcraft you're like Captain America man you're throwing your Shield it's bouncing between targets you got a proper taunt now Paladin feels great if you're playing as a tank at least in the experience that I had mostly I did DPS runs considering I was specked into retribution and say that one of the things that at least stood out to me while playing the Paladin that was really enjoyable was the fact that seal of the marter if you know what it does it restores Mana every single time you attack to your various party members so it was cool being a DPS using seal of the Martyr knowing that by doing you know my auto attacks and stuff I was actually restoring Mana to my healer as well as the spellcasters in the group that was really really cool like just a uh just a little flavorful thing that was enjoyable for the Paladin at least in my experience in terms of rating very similar to dungeons Paladin is an absolute treat but I will admit that if you're going to do black fathom deeps it is very worth it to go and get the Divine storm Rune first for those of you guys that watched my previous video where I shared my thoughts on my very first time going through BFD you might have noticed that I did not have the Divine storm Rune and so the killus fight is a little bit tricky having a bit of AOE as a paladin if you're thrown into the dream state is a like you're going to be craving it if you don't got it Divine storm is a it's something you probably are going to want to get there's also the two-handed Epic sword that you can get as a paladin in BFD dude this thing looks absolutely incredible and like I I don't have it yet I want to get it although I'm leveling up this Warrior trying to get him to level 25 whenever I can I will definitely be raiding to get this sword because dude I I mean who wouldn't want this right it's a worthy goal for a noble Paladin to pursue and last but not least we have PVP uh in my experience doing PVP in azen Vil as a paladin um again I'm retribution I'm not healing or anything I'm not holy but I will say that it has been very balanced it felt and what I mean by that is you don't feel overpowered as a paladin but you also don't feel pathetically weak a mage is probably going to be able to blow you up with all of their CC if you're a little I don't remember the name of the spell that damn like you know remove movement and pairing effect spell the paladins have if that thing's off cool down a is probably going to blow you up but at the same time if you go and encounter a shaman or let's say a rogue or something you're probably going to kick their ass let's put it that way it feels like the proper classic wow formula a beats b b beats C and C beats a and it feels like you're right there in the center as a paladin not too overpowered not too weak I really can't complain about the PVP experience of the Paladin so far you feel like freaking arthus leading your troops your units as you're running around in ashenvale like it's awesome but now let's talk about the bads of playing a paladin in season of Discovery there's not many but there's a few that kind of have stood out to me a bit so the first little complaint that I have is actually one of the first runes that you find as a paladin and that is inspiring Exemplar in elwin Forest now there's nothing wrong with this Rune I just find it to be a very odd Rune to give to players so early on in the experience this is a rune that periodically has a chance to remove fear and sleep effects for you as well as your party members and like this is something that's very useful in like PVP but giving it to like a level five like Paladin in Ellen Forest it's kind of like why you know like why do I have this it was a completely useless Rune at least for me until I started going to ashenvale and I started pvping there why give it to Paladin so early I mean I don't know why not give them the like a cooler room but maybe blizzard was like Hey you know we give you Crusader strike and seal the Martyr like you're already overpowered as so he probably shouldn't give you you know a third Rune that also makes you even more powerful early on so maybe that was the logic and if so I understand the second thing okay look here we go everyone and their freaking mom is playing a paladin okay you are not special playing a paladin in season of Discovery dude the groups that I would join the raid that I did you it's just paladins paladins paladins I thought I was special not joining the damn class that looks like overpowered as piss like the hunters and the warlocks and stuff no I'll play a paladin I thought to myself there'll be a few but it's not going to be like overwhelming numbers of paladins on the server I was completely wrong dude there's so many freaking paladins so just be prepared for that you are going to struggle to find a dungeon or a raid group unless you're playing that tank so you know just be advised and the third bad is actually what I talked about earlier in the video if you're someone like me and you like leveling up professions while you level because it you know kind of keeps you on par with the world it keeps you feeling powerful not feeling too weak or whatever the Paladin is going to maybe disappoint you a little bit because the power of the class once you start getting the runes is going to make that whole idea of keeping your blacksmithing up to par with your level a uh not a waste of time but not necessary so that might be very disappointing for you know some players but I already talked about that earlier in the video overall I'll say that I very much did enjoy the Paladin experience leveling up to 25 was fun doing the dungeons was fun one of my biggest highlights of course was getting Varan fist on stream in front of all of you guys of course doing the raid was great getting the chest piece was amazing Paladin felt very solid it was a good experience and I had a ton of fun so I'm very happy that I chose a class that is probably not one of the more boring classes in sod I'm not really sure what are the most boring classes in sod but it seems like like from what I'm seeing a lot of people are saying Rogue but I don't know maybe you guys can leave a comment down below and I can make a fun slot fun video for the sod classes down the road so there's an idea but I will admit that playing my warrior even though he's only level 11 you know I'm charging enemies I'm using Victory rush I'm cleaving through people with this two-handed sword and I admit that it feels a little bit more you know engaging than the Paladin so far but we'll see you know I'm very early on that character so let me know if you guys want to see a similar video from me for warriors once I hit Level 25 and do the raid on this class and also as a final note I do have to give a big shout out to Mr redeemed coups who said that my sweater looked very nice in my last video
Channel: Nixxiom
Views: 27,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Season of Discovery, World of Warcraft, Classic WoW, Classic WoW season of Discovery, Paladin Season of Discovery
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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