Top 5 Must Do Quests in Season of Discovery Phase 2 - SOD P2 Guide

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hey everyone welcome back to ratchet Goblin today we're diving into the season of Discovery Phase 2 with the focus on five must do quests completing these quests will score you some seriously awesome loots items that stay valuable all the way through season of Discovery as stick around as we guide you through the quests you definitely don't want to miss let's Jump Right In let's dive into the fifth Quest the prior instruction completing this Quest will bag you the mark of the chosen trinket a game changer for both tanks and AOE farming Mages this trinket increases all of your stats by 25 for a minute when you get hit of course for a 2% chance now why is this essential well it's not only great for dungeons but also a solid pick for leveling in upcoming phases however a word of caution this shet is super overpowered at level 40 please might have some changes in a store preventing us from obtaining it in phase two but even if we miss it now it remains a be Trinket in later phases for situations where taking hits is part of the game this Quest takes a bit more time but stick around and we'll speed things up for the next one to start this quest You'll need to get it from an NPC name Center prior in Des in the video you can see the NPC patrolling in this specific area to help you locate him more easily I'll provide a mro in video description this mro will Target and mark the MPC for you to begin enter the moradon area and obtain the quest item located at very beginning of the moradon area once you have the quest item your next objective is to defeat five spirits to collect five gems two of these quests take place inside moradon dungeon one in the purple entrance and the other one in the orange entrance the the remaining Tre gems can be obtained in the areas preceding the dungeon entrances all right let's make it quick in the video upon entering madon area in desolat go left to defeat an elite and obtain the quest item follow the path towards the purple and orange entrances choosing the middle one follow the pass until you find the elite and then use Quest item to kill the first sprit for the second sprit back check and choose the purple entrance this time you can also opt for the orange one it doesn't make a significant difference picking the purple one follow the path in the video Until You Reach two Bridges jump from the middle path and behind you there's a small cave inside you'll find two platforms where the sprit moves between use the quest item again to defeat the second sprit all right let's move on to the third sprit head towards the purple entrance which is nearby after entering the small cave we just entered take the left side for the shortest pass to the dungeon entrance as demonstrated in video follow the PA to the dungeon it's crucial to note that once you enter the dungeon there's a brief window to quickly get in and defeat the spirit at very beginning if you miss the opportunity it's best to reset the dungeon as you can see the spirit will start patrolling from the beginning of the dungeon and you can clear the first pack and get into the first Spirit ASAP I believe it should be soloable by many classes like Mages or hunters or some other classes like warlocks but I'm not sure everyone can actually solo this all right let's proceed to the fourth spr this time we need to enter through the orange entrance the easiest approach is to intentionally die inside Maden and walk to the orange entrance as a ghost avoiding unnecessary encounters as demonstrated in the video enter the orange entrance but remember just like the purple entrance there's a brief window to get in and defeat the sprit if you miss the opportunity it's advisable to reset the dungeon as you can see for this one I pretty sure you will need a group because you need to kill two Elites and also cast on a street so yes for this one you will definitely need a group now for the fifth sprit exit the orange entrance we just used turn to the right as demonstrated in the video and utilize the previously mentioned marro to locate the last bre at the end of this pass and defeat it that's it click on one of the gems you obtained from the sprits and your quest is complete hopefully this Quest will be available in phase two all right now let's dive into the fourth Quest title this is going to be hard requiring a minimum level of 35 this Quest is part of a chain Quest that leads to a rewarding Chet called the Nifty stopwatch this Exquisite trinket enhances your run speed by 40% for 10 second providing a valuable advantage in various situations keep in mind however it comes with the 30 minutes cool down to start start this Quest First Complete some initial tasks mentioned on W head make it simpler by buying a jro coronatum and frost oil from the auction house knocking out two quests at once after that handle three more quests in the Badlands they are easy and just involve farming some Elementals this makes getting your trinket a straightforward I notice having completed this quest in my classic era Mage that in Wrath of the Le King the first Quest is coolant heads prevail although it doesn't really matter whether it's this Quest or Gyro what you still need two items I mentioned earlier by now you have your Trinket if you are interested in some free experience points and a useful alchemy recipe for armor consider buying healing poer lesser invisibility potion and bronze bracker from the auction house for the next two free quests the third Quest on my list is exclusive to Mages titled Celestial power available at level 35 completing this Quest rewards you with a potent off hand item called the celestial orb showcased in the video One remarkable advantage of weapons is the versality you can switch weapons during combat so it functions as an extra monop potion and offers powerful stats making it valuable asset to keep until the end of classic the chain Quest begins at level 35 and is available from a specific Mage trainers located in Capital Cities as shown in the video start with the quest return to the marsh and head to dust ball Marsh to complete it with tabeta Once done pick up the second Quest The Infernal orb Mor to desolat and defeat burning blade Summoners to obtain the quest item infernal orb for the third quest in the chain the exorcism defeat a level 40 Elite demon of the orb summon it by Tabitha near her house it's manageable solo with a level 40 character in season of Discovery moving on to the force quest in chain power in Old Dem man you'll need to defeat the obsidian Sentinel located inside old demand dungeon right next to the back door for the final quest in chain pick up Mona surch defeat a bunch of Mona ad summoned by taba within the allotted time now grab the Last Quest Celestial power and choose the orb over a staff I mean even if you are a Healer the staff will get replaced so please make sure you will get the orb moving on to the second quest in our list designed specifically for warlocks it's called the completed orb of no orill or the completed orb of Dar Orel available at level 35 from minara void rendering ratchet both quests give you the same reward but here's the deal no orill gets you the cool fire spell damage weapon and dar or Hill gets you Shadow spell damage your choice depends on the pass you pick in the first quest of the chain this Quest is pretty much like the one Mages do for their orb with different names and one less quest in chain it all kicks off with the first Quest called fragments of the orb of Orel in Ratchet as a hord player swing by the Warlock trainer Z Rost in orar and for Alliance chat be Bri thorn in Iron Forge to grab the quest knowledge of the orb of raah once you've got that head back to ratchet to start the chain once you accept the fragment of the orb of Ora Hill you'll find two Quest options inside the house Shard of an infernal and Shard of a f Hound here's the deal The Infernal gives you fire damage and the F Hound gives you Shadow damage items hold off on pecking until you're sure about your build because there's no turning back once it's done now depending on your chosen path head to desolates like Mages did use your quest item on F hunters or infernals snag their souls when they are dying once that's sorted return to do pick up the next Quest eslay the level 40 Elite similar to Mages and that's it the next two quests are easy XP head back to ratchet and claim your item at the top of my list is Forbidden Knowledge completing this Quest next you the scull of impending doom it must have off hand for casters or anyone who uses an off hand with a 5 minute cool down that can be cancelled it's a life savior in both PVP and PVE remember you can switch weapons and off hands during combat giving it a significant Edge over trinkets the chain Quest kicks off with the solution of Doom in Badlands follow the path in video to find and loot the chest near old man this leads to a new Quest sending hord players to under City and Alliance players to Iron Forge the subsequent Quest thear the hand and the Heart requires you to take down three Elite foes note that you might need to Green for a while as the quest item drop rates aren't very high hun gror the meiser at ruins of Altra Mo the undying at strangle Thor Veil and that dag the ravenous at do follow Marsh for dag Farm the quest item from more likes shown in the video use it at the spot and sumoney that's it complete the quest to obtain Forbidden Knowledge and your powerful of hand is ready in Badland as an honorable mention on my list let's talk about the guardian Talisman in season of Discovery Phase 2 a special item that's great for tanks and mages who enjoy farming I did go into much details in this video because acquiring it involves a different Quest chain for horde and Alliance and I feel like my video is long enough already so uh if you are curious about uh this item you can find more details by searching on Google and vad also provides details about the quest chain requirements thank you so much for tuning into this guide on season of Discovery Phase 2 I hope you found the information useful if if you like the video uh don't forget to hit the like button share it with your friends and consider subscribing for more content like this your support means the world to me and it helps the channel grow until next time happy gaming
Channel: Ratchet Goblin
Views: 4,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SOD P2 Quests, Best Season of Discovery Quests, Season of Discovery Phase 2, SOD P2, Season of Discovery Phase 2 Quests, Best SOD P2 Items, Mark of the Chosen, Skull of Impending Doom
Id: zNpn6eIRUak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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