PALADIN LvL 40 GUIDE, BIS, SPEC: Season of Discovery Phase 2 | Classic WoW

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welcome back guys phase two of season of Discovery might be live by the time you watch this we are doing the level 40 guides for all classes guides where we cover overall best in slot gear updated professions multiple Talent specs which runes to use and some tips and tricks yesterday we covered the shaman the secret weapon of The Horde today you guys voted in large numbers for the Paladin Pride of the alliance the only class that goes to church the all year November class let me know in the comments which class you want to see next from the three remaining ones there's also an updated Armory Link in the pined comment if any changes or mistakes arise if you like the series Smash like and with that being said let's get right into it shall we the red Paladin as usual it's formed from letter mail and plate items we're going to start with the helmet which is the letter working helmet 14 strength 14 agility 1% hit one we need to go for this one we're going to black hit at level 40 as the BFD buff it's not going to work anymore and the new one doesn't have any hit we're going to have here 20% extra attack speed for 10 seconds which is going to be great for the necklace the piece officers torque with 16 attack power 1% crit into the truck slay shoulders 12 agility and 22 attack power five intellect drape of dismantling eight strength six agility and then we go for the two pieces of the left set and the two pieces will give us an extra per Critical Strike I hope Blizzer will buff a bit the plate set so far the plate set is inferior to the latter set when it comes to DPS the Berserker bracers from the exalted Warson Gul really cool stats 14 strength six agility however if you cannot get exalted just go for the next best thing which are the experimental aim stabilizer seven agility 22 attack power they're almost as good basically almost and then we go for the thermop plug rocket Cleaver the two-handed axe from ner 29 strength 44 damage per second or you can go for a second option here if we select is the PVP sword called the blood Avengers Edge 40 damage per second 15 strength but also 24 holy spells uh Damage Done by holy spells and effects or the 360 speed now if you're not lucky with a drop maybe you're lucky to get this one from PvP it also has a really great skin let me show if I can find one to put it on the screen for the gloves we have The Machinist gloves with extra attack power when fighting mechanical units but also hit we're going to have about 3% heit from Gear power assisted lifting belt if you're using the two-handed axe but if you're a human and you're using the twoand sword from PvP from the blood moon event just use the dark vision girdle which will give 24 attack power and one more per hit insulated leg ards for two set piece bonus which gives us um 1% critical hit and then we go for the cover and dipsa butons which are actually played and they give some nice stats stamina strength and Agility also some defense rating for the Rings we have the protectors band and the hypercharged gear of Devastation good stat strength agility is going to be awesome for the trinkets we have the Avenger void Pearl from BFD really easy to obtain in phase two if you got yourself the one for spell power I'm not sure exactly if you can change it let me know in the comments below and gyromatic experiment 420b another 18 AP but also use attack speed by 5% libram of benediction is the new libram which reduces the Mana cost of your seal spells by 10 more useful than the one from phase one now let's move to the retribution talents for talent we went five out of five improved blessing of Might 20% extra attack power to blessing of Might which I think is going to be 85 attack power about 20 to 25 attack power from those Five Points benediction 15% Mana cost reduce on seals two points into judgment 2C decrease coold down very it's nice when you solo do cuz you have very haste but but unfortunately in raids we're not going to p a lot since we're doing only DPS Five Points into conviction five% Critical Strike I'm going to take seal of command because we're taking Divine storm however I think recently they buffed seal of marom but I think only in terms of how much money I get back two out of two pursuit of Justice this allows me to move faster but also allows me to put on my boots an offensive enchant rather than movement speed moving into two-handed weapon spec 6% % damage to with 200 M weapons sanctity Aura 10% holdy damage to all party members and Vengeance five out of five gives you a 15% bonus to physical and holy damage you deal for 8 seconds after dealing a Critical Strike from a weapon swing spell or ability this is going to be probably a Perma proc cuz we have a lot of abilities to proc we're going to get soon into the runes and I took like repentance for the last spell I know it's not going to do much in PVE but it's nice to have overall for the runes we have Divine storm nice damage but also a bit of AOE damage Exorcist will have new ranks of exorcism I think rank three from rank one lots of damage Crusader strike free Mana 75% weapon damage and with the new weapons oh my God the new Rune it's the important one the sheet of Light which says the following dealing damage with your melee weapon increases your spell Power by an amount equal to 30% of your attack power for one minute so at a level 14 beast gear unbuffed I think you will have around 600 attack power maybe more fully buffed in a raid you'll probably reach even close to 900 or 1,000 30% out of this is going to be close to 300 spell power for 1 minute a Perma buff this is going to be huge spells like exorcism spells like the seals judgments are going to benefit from this and then we move to the next Rune the foot Rune The Art of War your M critical strikes reset the cool down on your holy shock and exorcism the melee Critical Strike so basically exorcism will be able to proc more than once per fight the only problem that I see here is that we're going to struggle a bit with Mana probably let me know what you guys think about the red palen Phase 2 I think those new two runes are going to make a huge difference on how the red Paladin is going to be played in phase two now let's move to something new something exciting the shockadin quick disclaimer here I combine the shockadin with the Holy Paladin based on my own preference we don't know exactly how this is going to work as it hasn't been tested before so take this with a grain of salt if you're looking to parse 99 this is not the guide for you so let's get right into the best in slot gear the letter working seems to do magic and wonders for the Paladin as you can use for R the helmet but if you're playing hly or if you're playing shock you can also make a variety of other helmets that can benefit you in other encounters here we choose the one with 100% of your Mana regeneration to continue for 20 seconds but also 50 spell power buff for 20 seconds nice stats as well 11 stamina 12 intellect 11 Spirit pish and pendant nine spell power into the synthetic mantle with 12 spell power lots of stamina and intellect as well blood rot cloak damage and healing done by magical spells and effects up to 11 into the shock Forge breastplate which has great stats intellect stamina Critical Strike with spells damage and healing but the set bonuses are quite great it goes for two set bonus are 12 spell power and three set bonus are 2% critical hit with all the spells for bracers the dark iron Bangles nine spell power and 1% hit and then I found a sword with 15 spell power and also a shield with uh 12 spell power so we have good stats here we have on the shield stamina and intellect spell power and on the sword we have only 15 spell power there is another option from the PVP event the eclipsed blood light saber which has stamina intellect and also 14 Damage Done by holy spells and effects both of them are nice the second one I just think it looks a bit cooler for the gloves I went for fighter Ace gloves not sure exactly why I chose those ones because you can get U the dreamwave gloves which have 18 spell power for the belt we got the girdle of reclamation which has strength stamina intellect and 16 spell power and then we have the last two pieces from the shock Forge battle gear and the leg plates have eight stamina 12 intellect 22 damage and healing done by magical spells and effects oh my God this looks like level 60 Gear boots have seven stamina 11 intellect and 13 spell power and obviously those juicy nice set bonuses which are great for both healing and DPS for the ring we went for the spell power ring with 11 spell power for MP5 and then we went for the Warson Gul L Keepers ring with nine spell power and some MP5 as well the invoker Pearl and the miniaturized combustion chamber into the libram of benediction which reduces the Mana cost of your seal spells by 10 one thing I want to point out the difference between getting this set and a full healing set is about 60 more heal healing spell power so with a full set I think you have 287 healing power and this way you have 223 I think this is going to be much more fun to play you're going to be able to do a bit of damage during fights you're going to be able to grind outside in the world it's a level 40 C if you're not going to parse 99 as a Healer just get a set like this and it's going to be much more fun now let's move into the talents and runes for talent we basically have a full holy spec with five points into Divine intellect and % intellect Five Points into spiritual Focus which gives you a 70% chance not to interrupt your heals three points into healing light increases the amount uh healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light by 12% and then we have Consecration and I'm going to have up to rank three consentration I'm really curious how it's going to scale with about 300 spell power I took one point into improved lay on hands two points into unyielding fate Five Points into elimination after getting a critical effect from your flash of light Holy Light or holy shock heal spells gives you a 100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell two points into to improve blessing of wisdom when activated gives your next flash of light Holy Light or holy shock spell a 100% critical effect chance you're going to see how this is going to synergize with the runes soon and then we have increase the critical effect of your holy spells by 5% finally we go into the creme deeme into the holy shock which is the the only spell that P rely on for this for this entire spec that we talked about here for runes I went into Divine storm as you saw earlier the Epic one-hander from the blood moon event in strangle T Veil it's pretty cool it's still going to hit for a lot however if you go for seal of martydom recently they buffed the Seal of martydom so you're getting twice the amount of Mana back now so if you have any Mana issues this is going to be a quick fix into the leg run which is going to be Exorcist Exorcist is going to be rank three uh now we have rank one at level 25 it's going to be at level 40 rank three for the hand run we have Crusader strike which is a free hit 75% weapon damage the cool thing is that it's giving you a bit of Mana back so you can keep on going as a paladin and then we move to the waist run the infusion of Light which increases the Damage Done by your hly Shock by 20% and your damaging critical strikes with holy shock reset the cool down on holy shock and exorcism and refund the the cost so you can see how this build is a bit focused on crit and 20% for the holy shock damage at this level is going to be close to 50 damage holy shock it'ss in a 30 second cool down if you manage to reset it a couple of time you can really do a nice burst also we don't know exactly how holy shock is going to scale with spell damage so it's yet to be discovered it's yet to be tested but then we move into the next Rune which is the Art of War and if we use the Art of War on red here we get double benefits because your mle critical strikes reset the cool down on holy shock and exorcism oh my God so any melee Critical Strike can reset the cool down of your spells I'm not sure it still feels like this is an R spec but hey in the past paladins were used with RNG and I think the spec is going to be based on RNG in the future but at least is going to be fun to play let me know in the comments below how you feel so far about the red Paladin and the shockadin now let's move to the tanking spec ho ho ho the tanking spec and how I would play it this is the B I would choose the helmet would be the black smithing helmet with 16 strength 16 stamina 1% crit and an interesting onuse effect which increases your resistance however I think the letter working helmet might still be best even for tanking although it's l it might still be best the necklace I went for the DPS neck because I think attack power is going to be important in protection paladins as well then we went for the plate shoulders with 12 Strength 11 stamina into the drape of dismantling into the hazard set three pieces here and I think blizzard should slightly buff the set so people won't go in wearing like leather all around into the Berserker bracers uh I would assume you won't have probably enough reputation to get those bracers you can get the PVP bracers they'll have a lot of stamina strength will be just great and for the weapons we have a set of Epic weapons here the eclipsed blood light saber from the strangle torn event I really like how it looks I think I'm biased to this I would use it into the engineering Shield which looks pretty cool and also has really great stats and really nice equip proc the gloves the gruby gauntlets nine strength 1% heat for the belt I went for the engineering belt since I already have the shield from engineering you can make two items nine stamina one heat one crit and also you have a gamble use effect on it hasard leg plates with heit and stamina and strength great for paladins and then we have the boots as well with strength and stamina and then if you see the set bonuses we have defense plus seven 16 attack power and one more per to heit protector band into the Epic no more ring protector's band into the N More epic ring Avenger void Pearl with gyromatic experiment lots of attack power here and libram of benediction this way I'm going to have a lot of attack power around six 600 with this setup now let's move to the talents and ruins for talents we went Five Points into redout into five points to toughness armor value from items by 10% three points into Precision 3% hit huge Blessing of Kings three points into Shield specialization increases the amount of damage absorbed by your Shield by 30% I went into blessing of sanctuary immediately into five points in Reckoning this is going to allow me to pull multiple mobs and stack some of those extra attacks is going to be really really nice we went into four points in one hand weapon spec 8% damage dealt with 100 hand M weapons into holy Shield which increases your chance to block by 30% for 10 seconds and deal 65 holy damage to each attack blocked while active four charges now let's move to the runes for runes here I went not for martydom not for ages I went for divine storm I guess I'm biased with this spell I just like it so much does a lot of damage and also heals it's going to be great for AOE threat as well so why not Exorcist so you can pump more threat but you can also go if you prefer for Avenger Shield it's not going to be a big deal kind of Reckoning obviously and then we go to the waist Rune and we chose the exactly the same runes as the red spec now I don't know but 30% of your attack power converted into spell power seems like a lot and it's going to help you pull more threat and uh it's just going to be better overall the gear you just saw on the Paladin was about 600 attack power unbuffed that means this buff is going to give you about 200 plus spell power every time it's quite great and then for the foot Rune your M critical strikes reset the cool down on your holy shock and exorcism that's why this is very good Synergy with Exorcist it's going to allow you to pull a lot of extra threat and also to burst down some mobs when needed the first thing we see here at level 26 is Blessing of salvation I'm not sure if you're going to buff blessing of Salvation in a 10man raid but if you struggle a bit with holding threat and so on you can buff the high DPS with blessing of Salvation and then you're going to be just fine a new rank of blessing of Might is going to give you attack power by 85 but also if you have five points into improve blessing of Might as red is going to be over 100 you get consecration as a shockadin which is rank three and is going to get more out of it and then you get at level 40 a free Mount summon War Horse it's not quite free you have to pay a bit at the trainer but compared to other classes it's almost nothing other things we see here is a new rank of hammer of Justice rank three which stuns a target for five seconds new blessings such as blessing of light a flash of light rank three but the most important thing here is exorcism rank three which is going to be spammed a lot by a lot of specs chadin red paladins and even tanks will use exorcism with the new runes and it's going to be pretty cool 245 damage to an undead or demon Target which obviously doesn't have to be like that if you have the runes Divine Shield rank one and also divine intervention not to mention the Seal of command which is rank three and you train it at level 40 it's looking quite great for the paladins let me know in the comments below which spec intrigues you the most so far if you're looking to get into season of Discovery or return to rat of the L King level some new alt and so on I highly recommend getting rested XP addon the add-on is free with all its features and the guy are available up to level 20 making your leveling fast but also efficient since now it incorporates Rune guides it's this addon a necessity not necessarily but if efficiency is your goal resid XP delivers it has the potential to accelerate your leveling speed by 30 to 100% ultimately saving you valuable slpl time that could be better spent elsewhere personally I also use it to quest for gold at max level in each phase because it gives me a good route to follow for maximum gold per hour and if by any chance in the future you think about making an upgrade to a full version use my code frostadamus for 5% off links in the description down below hope you enjoyed the video guys if you did Smash like and given the fact that you're still watching the video you might be interested on my second YouTube channel radamus TV there's going to be a link right here on the screen and you can easily find it in the description of the video right under the twitch link thanks for watching hope you enjoyed Phase 2 and may you be blessed by the gods of RNG until next time stay frosty [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Frostadamus
Views: 27,308
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Keywords: Frostadamus, burning crusade classic, burning crusade classic guide, tbc class pick, tbc gold, best game, console game, xbox, ps5, expensive items, best arena gear, official release, patch 2.4.3, black temple, guide for tbc, classic era servers, how to prep for tbc, tbc items, Season of discovery, best mmo 2024, new games, gold guide, classic wow, world of warcraft, New PC game, wrath of the lick king, what class to pick
Id: hg6U1xlaTp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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