Level 40...Now what | Season of Discovery

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so you've slaved way and got yourself to level 40 I've been hearing the same thing a lot over the last few days people complaining in guil chat in general or even on Discord about having no idea how to spend their time at level 40 outside of the obvious of doing nomon every reset while I do think that for many reasons season of Discovery does get to the raid loging quite quickly and that's of course because of the low time investment needed to reach the level cap in each phase which is obviously even more noticeable if you played in the previous phase because you'll have XP stacked up from quests or items or whatever on top of that no matter what pre- b list you look at there's always plenty of easy options which you can obtain for many slots with minimal amount of time investment so these could be boes bought from the auction house or even crafted items so the investment needed into dungeons at max level as well it's pretty low so let's have a real good look at what you can do at level 40 which is either fun rewarding or preferably both and hopefully there'll be something for everyone the one thing you've got to bear in mind at the moment is for the first couple of weeks if you was quite quick at getting to level 40 neron's been on a 7-Day reset like all raids in normal classic when I say all raids all sort of max level raids like ICC for example so we've already pretty much half the amount of content that we've got anyway because we can only do it once a week instead of twice a week so nron of course is one of the big things that you should be doing at level 40 and even the preparation that goes into do in nomon is quite time consuming both getting well Buffs and farming for consumables when B 2 seems pretty expensive at the moment especially for the amount of consumables that you need across those six buses and if you're using consumables on trash so when it is only on a 3-day lockout and you have only really got a couple of days between each time you go in to be able to start stocking up again this is already something that's going to keep you busy don't get me wrong that'll get old pretty quickly and just become a complete chore but fortunately getting well Buffs isn't too difficult and actually the consumables will probably come down in price the more people that are running neron and the longer the phase goes on obviously but on the basis everyone's best gear comes from noon and the bses are pretty accessible even if you was in a fairly casual Guild where you haven't got loads of time you're not going to have the most prepared players or maybe even the most skillful players you still want to get in and get the first four bosses done at least and then start working on the last two CU they're definitely the hardest but really the last boss is the hardest the fifth boss which is managerie once you all understand exactly what each one does and what you should be attacking it is very simple but ultimately you don't really want to miss a reset of nomon next up would be PVP and really I'm going to break this down into two points because there's a couple of ways that you can go about this now the reputation's tied to Warson goch and arfi basm which is what we've got access to at the moment always have a really strong epic item so for example the braces from the waron go reputation so in downtime doing the odd Warson go or Ari Basin is definitely going to be worthwhile but also you're going to be getting ranks and whilst we know the ranks are capped each phase in this phase you're going to be able to get a PVP trinket there's some nice bracers you'll be able to get belt and boots from a rafy basin reputation ultimately some of the items that come from PvP will either be better than what you can get in noron or they won't be that far off so it might be worth going and grabbing them now I do personally feel that if you don't enjoy PVP I think there is a severe lack of content in season of Discovery and I don't want you to take that as a massive negative it's just an observation I personally am really enjoying PVP in Phase 2 both in Warson goch and a rafy Bas and I'm even starting to warm a little bit towards the STV event now there seems less lag because a lot less people are taking part every time but if I was like I was in phase one where I absolutely hated PVP as a mage at level 25 because I just didn't have enough of my toolkit I think I would just be completely raid loging already and this is where I see a lot of the complaints coming from it's from the PVE players that occasionally like to dip into PVP because as I say getting those ranks and getting the reputation gear from PvP is going to be important some of the strongest PVE items even come from the STV event so that's another thing you should be doing at 40 obviously at least until you get your items cuz the STV PVP event you don't actually have to PVP there's loads of ways to be able to get blood to then turn that into coins the fastest way at the moment that I've seen absolutely is finding the big Angry MPC and pvping around him in a group you can get 1K plus coins very very easily in the 30 minutes but on the other hand if you weren't really that into PVP but you want to get your gear you could tuck your somewhere nicely out in the middle of nowhere just killing mobs because every mob you kill you're going to get a blood which you then need to get to an alter before the event ends and trade them in for coins but you don't even need to do that alone there's plenty of options when it comes to the STV PVP event of going solo duo trio five of you it doesn't really matter it's entirely up to you whether you PVP or whether you do PVE of course doing PVE and just mindlessly grinding mobs is going to be a lot slower because you get a much bigger multiplier when you're around the big Elite NPC pvping and you also get more blood anyway naturally just from killing a player so maybe even mixing it up a little bit but again if you completely just hate PVP and you don't even want to do it then just go find yourself a nice little spot and just kill mobs because odds are if you find someone in a spot around you and they're on their own they probably don't like pvping either and will'll just leave you be now the next one is professions and quite honestly grinding materials that sell really well but this does also open up World PVP potential I'm laughing because it's what I do I like working on professions farming stuff crafting it selling it on new auction house which is actually then enabling me to get honor and do World PVP because well PVP as an Arcane Mage is actually really fun having a quick scam through all of the best gear for each class on wellow head let's say and then seeing which crafted items there are such as for a mage dream weave gloves then looking at what materials are required for these gloves and then going out and farming them obviously there's plenty of crafted items that are B and there's plenty of crafting materials that will make you a lot of gold but if you just want something to do and like maybe what encourages a bit of well PVP at the same time just go in and find in somewhere to farm such as swamp of Sorrows is a personal favorite of mine getting heart of the wild because these are needed for both the dreamweave chest and dream weave gloves but I'm doing it again as a way to make a bit of goal but also just to have fun in the open world again if PVP is not for you then really you're just doing this to farm gold so I mean we're only like four points in and most of it is revolving around either going into nard or doing PVP and that's why I think those people that are not enjoying PVP especially getting one shot probably not having a great time of season of Discovery but cataclysm bait run the away soon let's go I've got to mention this as something to potentially do at 40 because most of you probably are doing this at 40 to farm one particular item or maybe even two at this point but dungeons now the only downside to the dungeons is you'll most likely just be running them for Pure fun as in there's not that many items that drop in each of these they've got quite small loot tables unless you're after a specific rare in let's say SM graveyard that could take a little bit longer but overall actually farming full pre-raid bis gear from dungeons with an half decent group isn't going to take you that long at all so then really it just leaves doing these dungeons for something to do just for the actual pure fun of doing the content itself this is why I've said before I'd like to see quests associated with them in the form of like a daily dungeon where it gives you some reputation with the logistics rep so or even just gives you the reward as a crate a crate for the logistics rep or even going down the tabard route where you wear a tabard and when you do max level dungeons you get small amounts of reputation with maybe Warson gch which is being run less than a Rafi Basin now and I know it's not PVP but maybe you have to get honored or revered with Warson gch before you can buy a tabard just something I mean that's not a perfect example but you know what I mean just something that sort of gets more people doing dungeons so it feels like there's reason to do them and I hate to say this but then the other thing really is to level an Al and the reason I hate to say is cuz I'm actually really struggling with leveling an Al in this face I don't know why but I just can't be bothered I'm happy with my Mage I don't really want another Al but I am slowly leveling a shaman not completely no life in it just trying to do a little bit as and when I can be bothered but what makes this really fun is getting your friends to help you go around and get the runes because I had all of the runes That I Want from level one to 40 at like level two and being able to oneshot mobs and get really cool procs and even go in in Solo dungeons for big XP because I've been doing that in RFC at the moment on my level 12 Sharman I believe it is going in and killing each mob and getting like 400 OD XP a kill yeah I'm not saying it's the fastest way to level but it is actually fun and quite a challenge if you set yourself a challenge that you're going to level yourself a character you're going to get your friends to help you get all the runes you want but then basically from Level 10 or 12 you're going to solo dungeons the entire way it'll be challenging and actually give you an end goal which just leads to more content for you I suppose and the final one which is definitely too early to really be talking about but if you really are struggling for things to do prepareing for the next phase and again I know you're thinking bro this phase is only just launched and you're talking about the next one I mean I get that but honestly if you want to know about things to do doing big Quest chains now so you get the big quests at the end of the chains to stock up in your log or even farming materials to speed up professions in the next phase it's just something to do but doing it now probably is a bit early but I'm kind of clutching straws here for things to do and I'm personally I've been preparing a little bit for phase three what when Phase 2 had first launched you know certain quests that I didn't want to complete whilst getting to 40 or while I've been going around afterwards getting ruined and making some gold there's certain Quest chains that I've just left and I don't want to touch them yet but on the basis each phase is only going to last 8 to 10 weeks I mean really the preparation should start almost immediately if you're looking for an easier time at the start of the following phase like I said earlier I do genuinely feel if you don't enjoy PVP or farming in the open world for gold and your enjoyment comes from PVE content like Dungeons and raids season of Discovery is lacking in that department I've said openly before I'm a sucker for having a reason to go to places be it daily dungeons daily quests that give rep a daily BG Quest that gives honor and rep that kind of thing I know a lot of people hear that and go oh my God go play retail we don't want that repeatable garbage in our game I mean that's a good point I'll just keep doing my STV event every 3 hours even though I don't enjoy it all that much just so I can get my gear and then farm six bses in nron every 3 days and be happy that I'm not forced to do any content I don't like a daily dungeon Quest would be pushing it a little bit too far I guess but that's it that's everything you can do at 4T with a little bit of sarcasm thrown in if you enjoyed the video be sure to like And subscribe and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Scottejaye
Views: 53,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wow, tbc, classic, wotlk, wrath, of, the, lich, king, scottejaye, world, Warcraft, Blizzard, mmo, new, fresh, server, Druid, PvE, PvP, feral Druid, feral, item, raid, guide, how to, dungeon, heroic, resto, metagoblin, rogue, hunter, priest, shaman, Dk, ulduar, servers, hard, Raiding, Feral, DRUID, dps, Resto, healer, best, items, glyphs, aoe, max, farming, beta, news, Hunter, pet, warrior, mage, druid, class, tier, paladin, 10 man, 25, phase, launch, before, Pre, pre, fun, most, lock, dk, Secret, farm, grinding, spots, gold, xp, p1, season, discovery, phase 2, p2
Id: Efb3Ug4nYnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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