Ranking Every Boss in New Super Mario Bros

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here comes the onslaught of Koopalings with the worst being Roy and new Mario Bros - his main attack is the worst attempt at tackling I've ever seen in my life he's so bad that he gets stunned by ramming himself into the wall that's just pathetic Roy also shoots magical flame balls that are really easy to avoid 36 Larry Koopa weed so this fella shoots flame balls like Roy but the stage has gaps on the sides and Larry also jumps those are his two attacks and tera joke you're not gonna have any trouble taking him out the second fight has a bunch of pillars moving up and down but it's still pretty painless 35 Larry Koopa - it's basically the same fight but the stage has two pillars that randomly rise up and down on top of additional platforms this makes everything a little more interesting but not by much these two battles could be interchanged honestly 34 Bowser jr. d/s that's right Bowser's son is actually a better boss but that's not saying much it should be noted that you can annihilate him with fireballs before he even comes close to you but if you don't have fire Mario then he either runs from side to side cowers in a shell when you get close jumps or throws green shells which you can knock right back at them so at least there is a progression of difficulty but it's really not much 33 Morton Koopa - the big lad stands on a platforming creates giant spiked balls the only problem is that he takes three centuries to do this and you're given plenty of time to smack his head and easily avoid his projectiles when Morton returns after getting hit his slam can stun Mario but that doesn't matter because he takes too long to get a spike again anyway 32 lemmy koopa - instead of a deadly fireball or spike letme shoots bouncy balls that you can bounce off to help hit him now granted these balls can knock you off the stage but their patterns are very predictable in their bouncy balls the only true obstacle here is the conveyor belt floor there's a switch up top to flip it in Lemmy's direction but you don't even need to bother doing that since the conveyor belts move so slowly 31 lemmy koopa you this is somewhat similar to the previous lemme fight but now he throws bombs Wow an actual attack it doesn't really matter though since there's no longer holes in the floor and he remains stationary making him very easy to hit really these two fights could be interchange based on preference 30 lemmy koopa we the first fight is the easiest and most boring but the second one makes the Wii version of Lenny the most interesting and challenging magic koopa makes lemmy's ball huge and the floor is slippery with holes on the sides so that means that you pretty much have to bounce off the balls to hit them it's nice that we have to put some effort in unless you've got the propeller suit on of course 29 mega Goomba I'm kind of surprised they didn't just use goombas here but either way this is a cool take on fighting a Goomba you'll hit the switch to make these green platforms appear standing on that makes them go up and you have to ground pound the Goomba for the hit to count well this is a neat idea it is stupid easy to do and you don't even need these platforms since wall jumping gets you the same amount of height Oh 28 boss sumo bro you'll take on a giant sumo bro which seems intimidating but he really isn't his stomp spews a wave of electricity which can be tricky to avoid if you aren't careful but once you hit them one time you basically already won now at least he gets up faster than boom boom but you're given a lot of time to knock him back down without any chance of him attacking again 27 Ludwig von Koopa - so we've got an interesting twist here Mario has to take a pipe and shoot himself up to knock Ludwig off the chains then he can finally get a chance to jump on Ludwig it's not really challenging but I do appreciate that it's a little different and uses a type of pipe that we almost never see 26 Petey piranha what's funny is that Petey can fly just like he does in Mario Sunshine but without the puking attack the battle is actually a little disappointing because the plant kind of just dives down at you misses and then is stunned afterwards sometimes will get up quickly from a fall but usually you're golden and won't have much problem with this fight 25 Roy Koopa you thankfully his fight is much more interesting in the 3ds version he shoots full of dolls and some flower form spawn in the only hard part is hitting him initially you basically have to wait until he goes up Tom after that you can pretty easily chain hit him since he takes a while to respawn the platform's 24 Roy Koopa we your first battle with him is nothing special he just slams the ground hard and then you slam his head harder the second battle however introduces these pipes and Roy will randomly fly out of one making it hard to predict where he's gonna land it's an interesting take and keeps you on your toes 23 Larry Koopa you this Mohawk gamer is still throwing fireballs and stuff but now we have to deal with giant geysers of water when Larry spins around with these on it makes it very hard to track where he's gonna end up and it's just really fun hopping around in this setting 22 more in Koopa we the first battle has you dealing with a smaller stage and spikes on the sides it's already more interesting than most Koopaling fights but then the second fight is surprisingly worse morn ground pounds and the pillars surrounding him rise up temporarily this isn't really challenging or fun it just feels like a waiting game but overall Morton has some decent fights in the Wii version Oh 21 mummy pokey it's a pokey but mummified and can shoot spider balls at you he quickly digs himself in and out of the ground to attack but it's easier than you would think despite having a small head as a target you see mounds of sand pile up before he comes out giving you ample time to hit him still though it's a pretty fun boss to tackle 20 when do Koopa 2 so instead of using the iconic Rings Wendy raises the water up and just jumps okay I mean there's also cheep cheeps coming out of the pipes but I have to wonder if for wand is just broken or something since this is water-based it is a neat way to fight her but it's just strange that she doesn't use the Rings at all 19 lucky thunder you know I've got to ask why does a Bowser hire a bunch of these guys and get rid of like it - he shoots freakin lightning out of his cloud for crying out loud on top of throwing spy knees and wearing the stick his pair of shades I've ever seen despite how awesome this boss is he's a bit on the easy side when he swoops down to hit you it's fairly easy to jump on them and you probably won't get hit by his attacks 18 Iggy Koopa you so eggy shoots lots of flames and runs from pipe the pipe and can somehow stand on the ceiling do you have to deal with that but char var pops out of the lava to cause trouble - this is another rare Koopaling fight where I sometimes struggle with it because of how many obstacles are in the way 17 Warren Koopa you so instead of using spikes a giant pokey flies out of the ground and Morton swings his hammer for a hole-in-one and you can't use fireballs to take these out either so you have to wait for the wall of pokey to settle down before jumping on him wow this is a novel concept he moves too slowly for this to really be too difficult 16 Iggy Koopa - and it's not just him he's joined by a giant Chain Chomp that chases us around the stage the Chop is a bit slow and is easy to read but it's still a really unique battle if he didn't move in increments I'd say this be a lot more intense 15 Iggy Koopa we'd the first fight is nothing special with just some platforms that move up and down but the second one is essentially the same from New Super Mario Bros 2 but the level is more enclosed you have less room to move and on the last hit the chomp gets faster 14 when do Koopa you so she's actually using her rings but they're only to activate the giant icicles that crashed down on the stage this one can be tricky simply because when Dee moves fast and the whole levels on ice and you gotta love that she's got her own pair of rollerblades for the occasion - 13 cheep skipper this is Big Bertha but gone wild cheep skipper swims back and forth and will randomly flop up top to snag a hit off you while dealing with this there's also random cheep cheeps that fly out to make your scenario more challenging this fish will fly at you fast and you really got to be careful of your spacing or you'll get knocked up this one may take a few tries to get used to 12 Ludwig von Koopa you the one tooth magician soars into the air and then splits into three the clones all shoot fire at you and come down one at a time with a goal of Korus is to find the real Ludwig it requires you to react fast and this is one of the few Koopaling bosses that could be hard to chain attack because he gets up so quickly after spinning in his shell 11 magic koopa we we've seen him enhance the Koopalings powers plenty of times and now we're fighting him once and for all the big gimmick here is magic koopa makes the stage scroll which is actually really cool then he teleports around and shoots beams of death which when they collide with the stage it disintegrates it takes some time to find the right place to not magic koopa as he always seemed to get out of the way at just the right time 10 magic koopa you this has similar vibes to the other magic koopa battle except he creates the stage this time and still destroys it with his beams of death the added layer of having less room and the donut blocks appearing on the bottom makes this one feel pretty frantic and that's only a good thing 9 monte tank we're diving into war territory with monte in his tank he throws the bombs at us and bullet bills are fired as well after each hit the tank gets taller and taller making it harder and harder to hit monte i love the sense of progression with this one and you have to be creative for that last hit by bouncing off a bullet bill to reach the time 8 when do koopa weed finally after all this time wendy uses her rings of power in the first fight but they're way slower than a mario bros 3 and even disappear after a bit but then the second fight makes up for all that when the water rises up so now you got to worry about the rings her jumping at you and the water all at the same time it is a lot to deal with and that's what makes it so satisfying 7 bowser you this starts like the DS version where you simply have to hit the switch behind bowser after that you'll run up some stairs and find peach in a castle but surprise surprise bowser comes back as freaking Godzilla so now you have to lure Bowser jr. down to you not come out of the clown car then fly up and smash the car into Bowser's head do this three times and you win it's a fun way to finish although this is like the fifth time powder has grown giant for the epic finality six Ludwig von Koopa we this is by far the most interesting and fun Koopaling fight you're rushing up a castle on these three little platforms and have to defeat Ludwig this feels very action-packed and it can be difficult too there's a real sense of a rush trying to stay alive while defeating the Cooper Lane Oh fine Bowser jr. you the clown car finally got what it needed a pair of arms Jr throws the bombs and either rapid-fire punches or goes for a snipe punch when he misses the snipe you can climb up the arm and sock jr. in the face you constantly have to be on the move for this one by throwing the bombs out of the way making sure the ground doesn't get too torn up in avoiding the fists of fury 4000 like the Wii U version you fight normal Bowser by hitting the switch and then he grows into a big boy this variant is a lot better though because the floor is rising lava and all you can stand on are a few platforms that float up above to make matters worse Bowser swipes down and destroys the platforms and when you get higher up Bowser statue starts spewing fireballs making the action even more intense it's really impressive that a boss like this was put onto a handheld three dry Bowser - there's really not much to add is this boss is almost the same besides a couple differences one fireballs don't hurt dry Bowser as you'd expect - some of the platforms are tinier in three dry Bowser straight-up looks cooler - dowser jr. we there's actually a lot of creative battles in this version the first requiring us to pick up a propeller block and snipe him from above next you take hold of your own clown car and plow Bowser jr. into electricity and finally he throws giant spike bombs at you see you half the ground pound it back up and hit them all three of these fights are extremely fun and varied I really wish that the other Koopalings did crazy stuff like this instead and one is Bowser for the Wii boiling it down it is the same formula of fighting small Bowser and then a giant one but holy crap did they get creative the game tricks you into thinking the room you're in is small but then the camera pans out and it's actually an entire level and you got to get through it before Bowser burned you to smithereens you basically want to stand in front of walls so Bowser will breathe fire in that direction and open the path up and this is a long fight by the end the pace picks up with lava waves and lots of narrow pathways to squeeze through it's without a doubt one of Bowser's greatest battles you know I never realized how different some of the Koopaling fights were until I made this video there's actually more variety than I would have expected with that let me know down below what you think the best bosses are and why thank you all so much for watching and I hope you have a great day until next time [Music]
Channel: Nathaniel Bandy
Views: 1,511,607
Rating: 4.9125819 out of 5
Keywords: New Super Mario Bros, New Super Mario Bros Wii, New Super Mario Bros 2, New Super Mario Bros U, New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe, super mario all bosses, mario all bosses, New Super Mario Bros OST, lastpass, lastpass login, password, password generator, lastpass chrome, lastpass download, lastpass premium, random password generator, generate password, password manager, recover, lastpas, laspass, lastpass premium features, lastpass.com, how secure is my password, last password
Id: NdJ53CmONuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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