Is it even possible to beat Pokemon without Glitches?

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I think this is the first time "glitchless" has ever been a meme run.

👍︎︎ 141 👤︎︎ u/Captainpatch 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

This video could be a pretty great argument to present against anyone who claims that using glitches in speedrunning is "cheating". Not only can it be quite difficult to define what is and isn't a glitch in a lot of cases, but sometimes glitches can be extremely difficult to even avoid. A true glitchless run might not actually resemble a casual playthrough any more than an Any% speedrun that deliberately uses glitches.

👍︎︎ 125 👤︎︎ u/MChainsaw 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Here’s another example of an almost impossible-to-avoid glitch: Final Fantasy 6’s evade bug.

SNES FF6’s “evade” stat is broken. The game uses magic evade instead of evade for physical attacks. So any time you’re attacked, whether the enemy hits is decided by the wrong stat.

Also, this famously results in the “blind”/“dark” status having no effect because that affects physical evade checks. It’d be hard to get through an ordinary FF6 run without getting “blind” status.

So naturally, the community doesn’t consider the evade bug disqualifying for “glitchless” categories. But this choice means that speedruns stack magic evade in the endgame to become mostly invulnerable.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Myriachan 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

this video is a really good lesson in semantics and what you really define as a glitch. hopefully opens up a convo about glitches and their place in running in the future. edit to add: I think things like the audio "glitch" are sure more to hardware limitations than anything else and is that really a glitch then? lots to think over here but great video as always

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/littlewormie 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

The person who wrote this isn't very familiar with key details, a 1/4 enemy status effect miss that is intended behavior is described as a gen 1 miss at the 1:15 mark.

Another particularly odd omission is that while badge boost reapplications are mentioned, the badge boosts not being what they say they are isn't mentioned. Surge gives you a defense boost while saying that he increases your speed.

👍︎︎ 65 👤︎︎ u/tikevin83 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

I don't do speedruns, neither do I follow the speedrunning community or a specific game/run. But, all these quality videos being posted on this sub are really enjoyable. I watch one per week at least.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/DharmaLeader 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

I like the video as a showcase in general and it does a great job displaying the sheer amount of oversights in the game. Some stuff is debatable though, e.g. red bar and the lift animation. I haven't looked at the disassembly but is red bar not simply a technical limitation of the sound engine of which the developers could have been completely aware? Calling the lift animation a glitch is quite a stretch. If the design decision was to play an animation every time someone uses a lift, that could be absolutely intended behaviour whether or not it mirrors the real world.

The definition of glitch in the pinned comment honestly baffles me: "the definition of a 'glitch' is when the game performs in an unintended way". This contradicts years of arguments and is not consensus at all. Often speedrunning communities go to great lengths to define what is a glitch and what is merely an oversight or abusing intended behaviour in unintended ways. There are just so many edge cases like abusable level geometry or damage boosting that a simple definition like this is unfeasible. In addition to that nobody can read the developers minds and sometimes things just fall into place without a developer even thinking about all implications a design decision has.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Quidrex 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

I get why this video was made, to be an absolute hard-ass to anyone saying glitches invalidate the achievement of anything, or that speedrunners don't know how to play without glitches.

The fact that every glitch, big or small invalidates the run is just to nail the point; glitches happen, sometimes whether we want to or not, and that avoiding them to the point of insanity is just not feasable in some cases.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/LordHayati 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is informative, entertaining, and pedantic.

Now I say "pedantic" not as a derogatory term, but to highlight how dodgy the concept of a glitch is.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/herosshadow 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
glitches appear in almost every game that have ever been released they can range from minor bugs such as graphical glitches or you could experience something that breaks the game completely some of these glitches can actually be very very useful forming the bass for a lot of speed runs in this day and age it's very common to see developers push updates to their content to fix anything that wasn't intended you'd think that would make modern glitches fairly uncommon but that's not always the case pokemon red and blue being the first games in the pokemon series are notably some of the buggiest games to exist i'm sure you've all heard of missingno for example there are hundreds of documented glitches across these games a lot of these glitches are never experienced in regular gameplay but you might be surprised to know that you've probably stumbled into a couple just by completing the game yourselves in fact i can almost guarantee the large majority of you experience at least one glitch during your playthrough that being said what would it take to do a true glitchless run of these games like no glitches at all you might think that'd be easy right you'd be wrong you see while they may be small there are a lot of very minor glitches that you see frequently in normal gameplay that you probably didn't even know were glitches here let me give you an example in these pokemon games if you ever move with 100 accuracy it's supposed to be a guaranteed hit unless your accuracy drops or the opponent's evasion is raised but there is a one in 256 chance that the move will still miss due to a programming oversight these are the type of glitches a regular playthrough may encounter if we were to do a true glitches run of pokemon red blue or yellow we would have to make sure that even the smallest glitches never occurred and let's not forget this game is filled with them is it even possible to beat the game without experiencing a glitch i'm doing a run to find out of course like every other game you start at the title screen after selecting new game you are thrown into the introduction nothing strange here now that we've started a save file to prevent us from having to get through that lengthy intro again let's just save the game be careful here though holding the a button for too long will actually cause a glitch if you hold the a button while the game is saving the menu will not disappear until you release it so make sure you're quick every time you're saving i know some of you like to be rebellious and will try to leave without collecting a starter but if you're not careful you'll cause this very strange glitch to occur the invisible professor oak glitch attempting to leave too many times when choosing your first pokemon will cause this strange glitch causing oak and the middle pokemon to disappear pressing start will then pull out some really glitchy text on screen and then exiting that menu and put everything back to normal so make sure you go straight to choosing your style of course after choosing your starter we are thrown immediately into our battle against our rival there are a lot of small glitches within the battle system of these games but i'll explain them as we encounter them one glitch that you can encounter in this first battle is a glitch that i did explain before the one in 256 miss charlemagne's scratch is a 100 accuracy move alongside growl and alongside squirrel's tail whip if any of these moves miss it's a dead run i hope you're starting to understand how difficult this kind of run could possibly be after defeating or failing to defeat your rival the adventure can finally begin however there is one glitch you may encounter if you decide to root your game a little differently after leveling up a bit you can fight your rival on the west side of meridian city after delivering oak's parcel defeating your rival here and then returning to the lab without catching any pokemon will have oak gift you five pokeballs how kind however we're not allowed to use these pokeballs as you can see one of oak's lines wasn't scripted correctly and actually overlaps on the final line of text this counts as a glitch and therefore ends the run no free pokeballs for us now i know we're trying to get through this game as fast as we possibly can but you'll have to make sure you don't accidentally skip the first badge how would we do that well on the east side of pewter there's an npc that will take you to the gym before interacting with them if you open your menu and hover over the safe without selecting it then attempt to walk past the npc close all dialogues with the b button specifically and immediately press start to save the game and reset the conversation will happen again but the npc will have disappeared and you will be free to walk onwards to the root ahead of course this is a glitch so don't do this okay we're trying to do this glitches of course remember how i said the battle system is broken in this game well after getting the first badge brock will mention how his badge increases the attack of your pokemon in battle oh boy you see when you collect the badge in this game it will correctly increase a specific stat in brock's case it's your attack however due to a programming oversight if any one of your stats are ever modified during a battle in any way the game boosts all your other stats in the example i have here you can see exactly how much damage scratch does to this caterpie it's about half after it uses string shot reducing our speed the attack boost the badge gives us is applied once more so that when you attack this next caterpie the damage output is higher basically if your stats are ever reduced or increased in battle the run is dead yeah that's right all right are you keeping up here great here's another weird quirky glitch you shouldn't do if you headed to the pokemon center and somehow forget which of your pokemon are fainted and which ones are well be careful not to accidentally deposit a healthy pokemon and leave yourself with nothing but a fainter poke on your party taking one step in this situation will cause you to black out immediately and yep that's a glitch this next glitch actually had some really useful application in regular speed runs of this game and was accidentally discovered by a speedrun named swap during one of his runs swap went to the bike shop to use a bike voucher that he didn't actually have yet and when you don't have a bike voucher the game sets a flag for text to be drawn instantly instead of character by character this obviously makes the tech speed go way way faster and is actually a glitch make sure the only reason you go to the bike shop is to get a bike with a voucher here we go another battle system glitch you are never allowed to be in red health you heard me correctly if you're ever in red bar the game will play a constant sound let the player know that their pokemon is in low health and close to fainting this sound has other unintended side effects that cause other sounds not to play correctly as well as the animations this speeds up the game substantially as spamming a through dialogue in the battle system will be much faster than before so make sure you have your potions at the ready and don't hit red bar this next glitch is something i wanted to include for a little bit of fun i don't know how many of you know this glitch or whatever try this but don't ever attempt to fish in any of the gym statues trust me it'll end your glitchless run [Music] if you ever need to save and reset your run never do it on a tile where you've cut a tree down you see when you reload your game after saving on this tile you'll continue your game on that very same tile you save from but the tree will be underneath you this is completely unintended and is considered a glitch be careful where you save hey guess what here's another battle system glitch this game is incredibly strange when it comes to dual type pokemon if you were to use a move that was neutral on a pokemon due to the fact that it's super effective against one of their types and resisted by the other the game will display the wrong effective text for the attack you used for example on oddish since it's a grass and poison type ground type moves are neutral grass resists ground but ground is super effective against poison the damage is calculated in neutral damage and calculated correctly but the text that appears will tell you it's super effective when it's not the move you choose to use is important here and can be applied to many pokemon so choose your attacks wisely personally before making this video i had no idea this glitch even existed when heading into lavender town and going into the pokemon tower without a self scope you'll encounter the ghost pokemon this thing still gives me nightmares if you check the status screen of any of your pokemon during the battle it will actually reveal the pokemon it's meant to be but it will still act like ghost it's purely a visual glitch but a glitch nonetheless speaking of the still scope when we've headed to the cylinder rocket hideout to collect it we have to get the lift key to get to the floor giovanni after fighting with the rocket to get the lift key interacting with him after the battle will drop the key to his left if you just happen to be standing on the same tower the key drops it'll be underneath you you can walk off the item but not back on it again and that's a glitch with said lift key you can now hop on the left to reach giovanni i know we're trying to go fast but be careful if you jump on the lift and accidentally select the same flaw you're already on the lift animation will still play even though you remained on the same floor yeah that's considered a glitch anyways now that we're done here we need to pick up some beverages for the saffron city guards when headed up to the top floor the southern mart if you have just enough money for a fresh water you'll still be able to purchase a lemonade or soda despite not having enough money i don't know if this is a glitch or if you're stealing at this point so please make sure you have enough cash since we're inside on i'm sure there's time in the run to check out this weird building down here right well if you do make sure you don't hit the a button on this spot right here you see this building has almost the exact same layout as the pokemon center and this tile typically has the pc on it as the pokemon center was used as a base here you can still actually access the pc even though it's not there this next glitch is a little confusing and yep it's to do with the battle system again this time it's about catching pokemon in the formula used by the game when attempting to catch a pokemon great balls for whatever reason aren't given the correct value if a great ball is ever used that's a glitch also if a pokemon is ever at or below a third of its health then the formula also miscalculates some stuff so no catching pokemon that have low health i would love to go into more detail about this glitch but it is incredibly confusing but you can check out the link in the description which will take you to all the glitches in pokemon red and blue that will show you exactly why this glitch occurs okay this one is super interesting when you have a pokemon that evolves by stone for this example we have eevee if it levels up in battle but you end the battle with a pokemon that has an id number that corresponds to the same id number of the evolutionary stone it requires the pokemon will then evolve in our case onyx has the same id number as a waterstone so when the battle is ended with onix but evie has leveled up during that battle eevee begins to evolve into vaporeon this glitch is incredibly situational but it could happen depending on the team you end up using for your own run [Music] i know i might have scared you a little with the bike voucher story but i promise you nothing bad will happen if you actually own a bike and buy it with the voucher if you still didn't collect the bike though do not attempt to enter the cycling road i guess don't enter for two reasons i didn't expect this to happen when attempting this myself but for some reason when interacting with this guard sometimes the sprite will be placed incorrectly so i guess just don't ever go here if this doesn't happen to you please don't hold left while talking to the guard it's against the law to enter cycling road without a bike but if you do manage to slip past him though you will enter the cycling road and have a bike even though you didn't buy one just use the voucher i promise it'll be okay this next glitch is definitely one of my favorites after beating koga and getting the toxic tm you can pair it with a grass type's leach seed for the double stack you see in the game toxic's parameter increments every turn which makes toxic deal more damage with every turn that passes leech seed will also draw upon this parameter when toxic has been used so lychee will also stack the damage combining these two moves deals serious damage if you can let the turns pass oh also if a pokemon faints due to the poison first leap seed will still sap the health of the opponent even though it's zero hp so these two moves are definitely something to consider avoiding have you ever felt it was unfair that whenever you draw with an opponent they always take the win well don't force a draw in this game this game has an extra level of cruelty to the point where it plays the victory theme in case of a draw but you will actually still black out to the pokemon center how mean is that [Music] this is where i was supposed to talk about overworld sprite misplacement but it already technically happened in the cycling road gate i suppose it happens here too so you should be aware of it just never enter cinema island by surfing from the right side and attempting to enter the gym without the secret key this guy will show up again how have we gone this entire video without even talking about critical hits there are a handful of pokemon that can learn focus energy in this game or you could just buy a die hit they help right they increase the chances of hitting critical hits wrong they are intended to quadruple the critical hit chance but they actually quarter the chance instead due to an oversight in the code oops the exp share is one of the most useful items in any pokemon game when it comes to leveling up your team members in generation 1 you can't have pokemon hold items but the expl does exist if you have this item in your bag the expl will split the experience you get in those battles with your entire team the exp always intended to give 50 experience to the first pokemon and then 10 to the remaining 5 adding up to 100 experience however if you send out multiple pokemon in a single battle for example just two these two pokemon receive 25 experience adding up to a total of 50 and the five pokemon that are not currently in the battle then receive five percent experience each adding up to 75 meaning 25 experience is lost once we're in victory road there are a bunch of strength puzzles we must do one requires you to push a boulder through a hole and then follow it down make sure you do this whilst you're off the bike though if you fall down the hall while you're on the bike the music that plays when you ride it will continue but you will not be riding it anymore and that is definitely a glitch and to top things off this final glitch happens when you're fighting against the champion and your rival when fighting the final battle of the game make sure you're using a team of fully evolved pokemon if any of these pokemon evolve at the end of the battle the victory music for the battle will not play and it will be completely skipped and we don't want that now do we after carefully tiptoeing through the game never getting any stat changes low health leveling up or evolving your pokemon at the wrong time or getting into any other glitchy situations we've actually still lost the challenge you know the introduction of the game well the anita reno that you see at the start of the game actually plays nidarina's cry i can't believe didn't notice it's not actually possible to beat pokemon red or blue without encountering this glitch because it's completely unavoidable that concludes nearly every glitch that you could potentially encounter if you were to attempt a glitchless run of these games there are so many glitches in this game i i wouldn't be surprised if i missed a few so if i have feel free to let me know the ones i skipped in the comment section and maybe i or someone else could do a follow-up in the future if you did enjoy this video of course please hit that like button down below don't forget to subscribe to the lowest percent and if you like check out my channel please head on over to gameboy luke where i play a whole lot of pokemon thank you so much for watching and hopefully we'll catch you guys in the next lowest percent video [Music] cheers [Music] you
Channel: Lowest Percent
Views: 310,385
Rating: 4.8908525 out of 5
Keywords: can you beat, pokemon blue, pokemon red, glitches, no glitches, glitchless, speedrun, gen 1, pokemon, is it possible, challenge, pokemon glitches, pokemon glitch
Id: 07yzTiND30U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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