Is This Food Or A Drawing? (Game)

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- How hard can it really be to spot an illusion? - Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) "Good Mythical Morning." - I think one of the coolest talents out there is mouth trumpet, followed closely by drawing images that are so lifelike, they make you question your reality. That's what we're exploring today. (Rhett mouth trumpeting) - Yes, sometimes art can be so hyper-real, it can make you wonder, are you just a drawing, or a human, or a drawing? So you might wanna write your name and address on a little sheet of paper to remember that you're real. - Oh, I've already done that. - Oh. - It's time for, Losing Our Grip On Reality Has Never Been So Fun! I think I've Gone Mad! Wheeeeeeeeeeee! Stevie. - [Stevie] Yeah, I think you've gone mad as well. - How we gonna do this? - [Stevie] All of the incredible art we'll be looking at today is by the uber-talented artist Howard Lee. Here's an example of the kind of hyper-realistic things you'll be playing with. - Howard Lee. - [Stevie] In this clip, One donut is real but the other is an illusion. - Good Lord, Howard! - Okay. What? - Oh! And then. The one on the right is real. - Hold on, the one on the left is just a, a draw-ring? - It was just a flat. - It's a draw-ring. - Look at that. I mean, it does have a little bit of, it does have an actual hole in it. - You can kinda see the difference now that one is cut. - 'Cause it's elevated and there's a shadow. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Howard, you stinker. - Oh yeah. - [Stevie] So you're gonna see a series of videos just like that one, and you'll compete to guess which item is the fake one. The video will pause right before the answer is revealed, and not only will you write your answers on your whiteboards, but you'll also be placing bets based on how confident you are. So you'll each begin with 100 pieces of invisible Mythical fool's gold. - I love it. - I just caught mine. - I love, well, I don't know. - [Stevie] Whee! (crew laughs) - Don't do anything in post for that. - Whee! Whee! - We can't start that. - Is it, well, she said it was invisible. - [Stevie] The whees? Oh, the fake, yeah, graphic. - You can do as many whees as you want. - [Stevie] Whee! You may wager up to 10 pieces of fool's gold per round. The winner will be hyper-realistically inserted into the poster of the hit 2006 film, "The Illusionist." - Oh. - I like insertion. - [Stevie] Oh boy. Whee, let's see the first one. - What? - Oh. - What is? So the ketchup is real. What in the worlds? So we can wager up to 10? - [Stevie] Yep. - Fake monies. - [Link] Whoo, that's tough. - It's amazing. - Period. Period. It's amazing. - That you just put ketchup on both a draw-ring and a real hotdog. - And it didn't help me at all. - And it did not help. I went on something else. I'll explain my reasoning as soon as I hear your guess. - I wagered half of my top bet and said it was number one on the left. - Okay, I did the exact opposite. So when I first looked at them, I was like, one is the drawing. And then I looked at two, and two was more contrast. - More contrasting. - And I thought, and then I was like, oh, you know what? He compensated when he drew it and he made it more contrasty. I could be wrong. - [Stevie] Let's see who's right. - See the contrast on one? - Eat the one on the right. - Yes! No! - Yes Yes! - [Stevie] Okay, here's how- - So he fooled me. - [Stevie] Fooled you. - He sat there. Yeah. Look at that. - See the contrast? - I want you to look. - See the contrast? He compensated. Compensational contrast is what they call that- - So the one that looks the more- - In the game. - Real is the one that's fake. - I wouldn't attach to any pattern here. Because you know how that happens? Every time we try that, it doesn't work. Don't attach yourself to- (Link mouth trumpeting) - That's a mouth trumpet. What you did earlier? (Link scoffs) - [Stevie] All right, let's see the next one. (Rhett mouth trumpeting) - I'm like a mouth trumpet with the thing over it. (Rhett and Link mouth trumpeting) I can lead a whole, I can lead an army in a battle. (Rhett mouth trumpets) Wait, what? What? - [Stevie] Are you ready? - [Rhett] What is the thing that we do? - From the second seat. - [Stevie] Here we go. - I mean, they look freaking identical. (crew laughs) 'Cause what he does is he puts the Dorito down and then he draws a fake Dorito next to it. So he has the advantage of knowing which one is real. - Yeah. Yeah. But I did see something in that. Again, not sure if it's, hmm, actually, you know what? Maybe I need to change my answer, because I'm gonna go with what- - And can anyone viewing play along? - No. No, no, not today. - Don't. All right. What'd you bet? What'd you say? - I said $5. I said the second one, and it was for the opposite. - So did I. - It was the opposite reason. - No, I did it for the same reason. - I thought that number two was less contrasty, and I think that when you get down to those little details, it actually becomes harder to maintain the realistic contrast. - [Stevie] Okay. Let's see. - Yeah. - Okay, so we were both wrong. - No, we were both right. - We both right? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Yeah. Yeah. - [Stevie] You're guessing the fake one. - We're guessing the fake one. Hold on. Did you think you were guessing the right one? The real one? Because- - Yeah, I was guessing the real one. - Okay. Well, you got lucky and you got it right. - But so did you. - [Stevie] Yeah, the whole time, guess the fake one. - I was trying to guess the fake one. I thought the one on the right was the drawing, and it was. You thought it was the real one, but you were somehow right. - Yeah. We gave the same answer but our hearts were in a different place. - My heart was in the right place. - You believe me. Is it easy to be deep, that I got confused? - Ask that question but do it only in mouth trumpet. (Link mouth trumpets) No, it didn't work for me. - But you are letting me have the- - You can have the point. Yeah. But just know that, hold on. What did you do in round one? - That's a long time ago, my friend. - Because when the, here's the thing. Here's the weird thing, is that in round one, when it was revealed, you were immediately upset as if you were wrong. You're hard to follow, man. - So I'm gonna choose the fake one, right? - Yeah, yeah. - [Stevie] Yeah. Yeah. I'll remind you each time. - I'm gonna refer to this note that past Link made to future Link. - [Stevie] Let's take a look at how Howard drew the Dorito. - Oh, we're still doing that. - [Rhett] Yeah. So again, you're right that there are darker tones in there, but look at the detail on the left, that it feels like he couldn't completely match. - [Stevie] Okay, for this next one, you're gonna find the fake one. - Yeah, I'm gonna choose the fake one. - [Stevie] Here we go. - Good Lord. Good Lord. - Okay. Okay. - I'm gonna go ahead and tell you that I wagered 10. - I'm gonna go ahead and tell you that I wagered 10. - What? Okay. All right, and I chose- - Full confidence. - I chose the fake one. - Full confidence. I said it was the second one. - Oh, okay. - [Rhett] For $10. - [Link] I said it was the second one. See number two. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yes. Yeah. Look at, look at that. And it's impressive. - I mean, it's very good, but you think we've cracked the code, Link? - Well, I think that the reason why I chose number two. Oh, good God, now I can't tell because of the glitter. - The contrast. - Yeah. - Slightly. - Yeah. - Slightly higher contrast. - Mm hmm, mm hmm, mm hmm. - You can't fool us. - But you didn't. You didn't gain any ground on me or vice versa. - That was a, hey, that was a big bet. Hey, we both did a big bet. I'm proud. I'm proud. I'm proud of both of us. - Yeah. We put our monies where our mouths are. - I'm also proud of the "Sporked" team, because they have a newsletter. - Why would you want to sign up for any newsletter, you ask? - Hey, newsletters. A lot of people, a lot people are like, what's up with a newsletter in 2023? And I'm like, yeah, newsletters are what 2023 is all about. - This is a helpful newsletter because "Sporked" is constantly archiving our opinions on things we rank here that you want to remember later without having to look up the video. - Exactly. - They're also ranking so many other things that you need to buy at the grocery store while not buying the things that you shouldn't buy. - Exactly. - But you know, you may forget to keep going to the website. So this is a roll up every two weeks of things on "Sporked" that you can get excited about going to the grocery store and buying. I kind of go from grocery store visit to grocery store visit. - Yeah. - That's just my life. Just what am I gonna be excited about getting this time? - Get excited about the grocery store again. - [Both] - [Stevie] Okay, you ready for the next one? - Yes. - [Stevie] Here we go. - Oh my gosh. Y'all. Y'all. - Okay. I didn't see, I didn't, did you look at the the lid of the cereal? 'Cause I was drawn so much to just looking at the cereal that I didn't look at the lid, and I think that's where I should have looked. - Man, I am, there's something, I feel like there's a part of me that thinks that the rules just reversed on this one. That's all. - [Stevie] Well, I've just been updated that it was a good technique, Link. But you're actually looking only at the cereal because both of the bowls are in fact real. - Well, thanks for telling us that now. - [Stevie] I get it. - I hope you were just looking at the lid. - I was only looking at the cereal. - That's quite a, quite a hint. A little too late in the game. I am still- - I'm less confident. I only did seven. - And I did, full confidence. $10 on number two. - And I think, yeah, I also went with two, for the reason that we've established. But I have my doubts. That's why I went to seven. - For more contrasting. - That's why I went to seven. - [Stevie] Let's see. - How did he paint cereal? Yeah. Number one is fake. Now that I've seen it. - Oh, dang it! - Yeah. - Dang it! See? - I got a sheen over it. - I almost, hey, the fact, the thing I love about this, Howard Lee? Is that his name? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Is that you don't stick with the same technique, man. You know what I'm saying? That's why I went to seven, 'cause I was like, I feel like Howard's got some tricks up his sleeve, 'cause he knew that we would pick up on this contrast thing, and he says, you think I always do higher contrast? You think I always do higher contrast than reality? Hold my pen, friends. - I just lost $3. - More than I did. - You know, I just lost $3 ground to you. I'm not loving that. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Stevie] Let's see how he pulled that one off. - See what he did there was drew some cereal and then he cut it out. - Wow. - And then he put it- - It's kind of crazy. - He put it in a bowl, he put it in a little cup. - I feel like I could live in a world that was just drawings and probably never realize it until I touched things. - Well, you'd probably starve. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, but I'd make it, I'd make it for a few minutes or hours, possibly, until I touched something or got hungry. - [Stevie] A few minutes? - Well, it depends on what you're doing. You know what I mean? - It would not take you more than a few seconds to touch the food. - If I'm in, listen, if I'm in the shower- - With cereal. - And then I turn on the water and paper water comes out, I'm gonna realize it's a drawing immediately. It's gonna be very alarming. It's not gonna go down the paper drain. The next thing you know, I'm filled up with just paper. I'm covered in paper. I'm not clean. That's a few minutes, man. - Right, you're like a gerbil now. - Right. But if I'm sleeping? If I'm sleeping and I drift off, I might not, when I grab my drawing comforter and I pat my drawing wife on her head, I might not realize it 'cause I'm half asleep. - You pat her on the head every night? - But if things get hot and heavy, I'm gonna find out she's a drawing real quick. - A little heavier patting? - Because the friction, you know. Paper friction's different. Okay. Okay. Okay. - Sorry. - [Stevie] Okay. So we're gonna make things- - Paper friction. Just a tad bit more difficult here. - Okay. - [Stevie] The next clip, there's gonna be five things on the screen. - Oh no! Why'd you go from two to five? - [Stevie] And only one of them is fake still. - Link, you're trying to choose the fake one. - The fake. Choose the fake. - There's only one fake one, though. - Right. Out of five. - [Stevie] Here you go. - I'm tracking. First of all, none of those look real. Is that a real thing? - [Stevie] Those are called grasshoppers. - Do You need more time? - I would love more time. - And I want you to talk. I usually talk- - Okay. - While this is happening. I'd like for you to talk. - Okay. Grasshopper. Grasshopper. Grasshopper. Grasshopper. (Stevie laughs) - Okay. So I'm down by what? 13? - [Stevie] Yes. - How confident? - Not at all. Not at all. What'd you say? - I only wagered $2 because I could not figure anything out, but I went with number four. - I wagered $10. - Okay. All right. - Because I've gotta try to catch up even though the odds are against me. I'm pretty sure it's number two. I went totally off the psychology of where he would place the fake one. - And you thought it would be within those three? - Yeah, within the- - I agree with that, but- - Within the grouping. - There was something a little bit different about the fourth one. - And what kind of grasshopper is that in general? Is that like some sort of albino? Jumping? - It's a locust. - [Stevie] No, it's an albino jumping grasshopper. Okay. I don't know. I don't know what kind of grasshopper. - All right. I'm being patronized right now. - It's a locust. - You know what? You're all gonna feel stupid when there's a discovery of the albino jumping- - Grasshopper. (Stevie laughs) The jumping grasshopper is a little redundant, just so you know. - Yep. But he doesn't actually jump, he walks. - Right, which is because it jumps and hops. - The only jump he's got is in his name. - Cancels each other out. Stevie? - Do me right, Stevie. - Let's see. - [Stevie] Let's see. - Oh! Oh! Whoa! Whoa! They're alive! They're freaking alive. Oh my God, that scared the crap outta me. - Oh, hold on. So which one is that? Three? - I think that's two. - No, it's one. - Oh, it's one. - So you were right, but you were wrong. You were right that it was in one of those three. Hold on, so those were real? - Apparently. - That's wild. - You know what? One of 'em wasn't. - And then if you extend the video, we had to cut it. He cuts one with a knife. You know? - Yeah. - Yeah, he does that. - All right, let's keep going because I gotta- - [Stevie] Well. - Let's keep going because this is, the longer we go, the better it gets for me. - [Stevie] Okay, let's do it. We're going to crank it up twofold. More than twofold. 'Cause there's gonna be 11 things on the screen. - Are we choosing the fake one? - [Stevie] You're choosing the fake one. Here we go. - [Link] Okay. All right. - [Rhett] We're gonna need time. - What? Okay. Okay. - Hold on, but the maximum bet is 10. (Link shushes) Okay. I'm betting $25. - Well, that's illegal. - I've never known you to turn down money. - Well, I don't get your money. - And I'm saying one. I was between one and five and I'm going for one. - I think it was Shredder, number 11, but I'm not that confident. - I don't think he would do that. I don't think he would do that. - I don't disagree with you, necessarily. - [Stevie] So we're just, the 25, we're just- - Going with it. - Well, why don't we see what the result is? - We gotta go with it, you know. - Well, I don't think you should be able to go up to 25 and all of a sudden in a round. I think maybe the last round, we can play around with big wagers that violate the rules. - But I've written it. So hard to erase. - [Stevie] Okay, it's up to you, Rhett. You wanna go with this? - You know, keep it interesting. I mean, how many, there are so many up there. The odds of me being right are so small. - Well, not necessarily because there is rhyme or reason in it. - I did play with the Ninja Turtles in my younger days. Ninja Turtles were like the last toy that I played with. I remember waking up one day and realizing I was too old to play with toys, and everything around me was Ninja Turtles. You know? It's like, geez, I gotta get rid of these Ninja Turtles before my girlfriend comes over. - Okay. So if you end up being right and I end up being wrong, then you will take the lead, I think? 'Cause there's a difference of 22 here, and I'm up by 21, so you'll go up by one point. - I knew I was too old for 'em when I was buying 'em. - So going into the final round- - I was looking around, everybody else was still in middle school. - Okay, whatever. Sure. - [Stevie] All right. Let's see. - So number one is the far left, Raphael. Or was that right? Donatello? Is that number one? - [Stevie] No. (both laughing) - Stevie. That was the best no I've ever heard! - I wish many paper cuts on you and your family. - [Stevie] What! I think that Rhett's gonna be the one with paper cuts livin' in his drawn world. - That's right. Right. I'll tell you, a paper wife, you gotta watch out! - All right, let's do it. - Okay. Yeah. - Why are you so? Put, put it away, Twinkie. - How many are you betting? - How much do I have? - [Stevie] 65. - You have 65 and I have 108. So I have you covered by what we said was 48. - All right. All right. All right. All right. All right. Okay. I wagered $64 on number two, baby. - I wagered $23 on number five. - Come on. - [Stevie] Let's see. - Come on. Number two is the second one. Number five is the last one, I assume? Yes! Yes! Yes! - Dang it! - Yes, I knew it because it was brighter and hazier, Howard. - Number five was very contrasted. - So where does that bring me, Twinkie? Into the winning circle? - I believe it does. - Do your math! - [Stevie] It does in fact bring you your very own hyper-realistic version of "The Illusionist" poster. It will be revealed in More. Whee. - I'm not shaking your hand 'cause the rules changed in the middle of the game. (crew laughs) Okay? - I just feel like, I mean- - You know what? That's right. - I agreed to it. - It did happen. - But I'm not gonna shake your hand. - It did happen. - Yeah. - It happened. Thanks Howard, Mr. Lee, for letting us use all your incredible works of art. Please make sure to check out his YouTube channel, where he gamifies his amazing talent for your entertainment. Lots of awesome stuff like this and more. - And thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - My name's Dylan. I'm from Boston, Massachusetts. I have never had a peach before and I'm about to move to a new job in Macon, Georgia. It's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. (Link laughs) - We just saw a first peach moment. - And you know, he gave you that Macon nod, like knowing you were born in Macon. - I was born in Macon. I've had a peach as well. - I could tell that he knew that. - Click the top link to watch us guess who horribly drawn celebrities are supposed to be in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality is gonna land. Subscribe to the "Sporked" newsletter for all the latest food rankings and reviews of new snacks and drinks so you'll know what to buy.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,475,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: opJ9i86vodA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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