Don't Do This To Soda Cans (Experiment)

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- Release the carbonation! - Let's talk about that! (upbeat music) (upbeat music fades) (logo crackling) - Good mythical morning. (snaps) - Okay, here's a scenario. You've just purchased an ice cold soda from the vending machine, but the can took quite a tumble through that machine and now you've got to do all the classic moves to avoid the fizzy explosion while opening it. There's the booty out technique where you scoot your bums away from your reach. There's the crack and run where you lightly crack the soda and then run away with a gentle scream. - Ah! - And my personal favorite, the... - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. - Which does absolutely nothing, it's more of a prayer to the universe, but it feels good. - I can't believe that one didn't explode at all. (laughs) As you may expect, the internet has all kinds of answers on how to avoid this kind of CO2 catastrophe, but apparently, and you're gonna want to sit down for this. - I am sitting down. - The internet is full of lies. - No. - So let's shake things up a little bit to find out the truth, shall we? It's time for... - [Narrator] "A shaken soda is such a disgrace. What's the best way to avoid this sticky bidet for your face?" - First things first, why does soda that's been shooketh gotta be messy like that? Well, we did a little, boobidi boop boop boop boop boop boop boop, research and discovered a thing or two about all that fizz that's trapped up in these cans. - Yeah, as it turns out that all CO2 wants is to be free and to be a gas. But when it's trapped inside of a small pressurized space, like a can, it can't be either one of those things. - Nope. - But carbon dioxide knows who she really is, and that's why she stays floating near the surface just waiting to be released when that can is opened, which by the way is the most satisfying sound in the world. (soda hisses) (can crackles) - Ah! - Did you just open that or was that... - Oh, that was Twinkie Fingers. - Ah. - And when you shake a can of soda and all those little CO2 bubbles at the top are moved to the sides. - Oh, okay. - So once that can is opened, (tab creaks) (soda hisses) ah, they come rushing back to the top, creating a sort of traffic jam of carbonation, which is likely to erupt all over your fancy new Gucci gloves, and that (thumping) is not Gucci. - I've never seen you wear those. - That's 'cause I, I don't, I'm not around you without sodas. - It's now... - The two don't mix. - Mix. Many lunchroom urban legends and internet experts disagree over which tricks and techniques best prevent this kind of explosion from occurring. And even some legitimate publication seems to have a tough time coming to a consensus regarding the actual science behind these alleged hacks. So today our goal is to finally declare the actual best way to stop these sticky eruptions from ever happening again. - And by the way, if you want to hear more about sticky eruptions, join us for "Good Mythical Evening" on October 28th. - That's quite a plug. (sodas hissing) - Welcome to the explosion! - We are ready for anything as you can from our apparel. - Yeah. - Now the first thing we need to do is we want to determine which can of soda makes the biggest explosion. - Yes, and so the Mythical Crew actually started with 10 popular brands of soda and they determined through testing that these, Coke, Pepsi, diet, Pepsi, and Mountain Dew had the most potential. If you want to see that entire testing process, you should be a member of the Mythical Society, - Now I'm told that Makayla has made a video for us to show the most scientifically consistent and controlled way to shake each of these so that we can compare them correctly. - We like science. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (soda hisses then spurts) - All right, so it, yeah, it's kind of a shake-wait thing and we got to have the same number. So let's both grab a Coke and let's just go through these and we'll just compare them relative to one another. (Rhett mumbles in agreement) - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (soda hisses then spurts) - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - How did... - That was pretty good. - How did that happen? - That was a double. - Ooh, look what, you know what? 'Cause it didn't pop. - Mine didn't pop either. They were so shaken they wouldn't even pop open. - Huh, well, that's a good thing. Let's move on to Pepsi. - Go. (both inhale) - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (soda hisses then spurts) - Now those opened all the way, and that was quite a, I mean, it wasn't as high of an explosion, but it was more, I think it was more of an explosion because they opened. - This is so strange than what the Coke is. It's the same, I don't understand how that happened. I'm so confused about cans, right now. - Maybe we just got scared. Pepsi is our best candidate. Let's keep going. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (soda hisses then spurts) - A little less than the actual Pepsi, when you go diet. (both talking indistinctly) I call Pepsi actual Pepsi. - Actual Pepsi, diet Pepsi. - And Mountain Dew... (both inhale) - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. - Oh, I did 11, but whatever. (soda hisses then spurts) (Link grunts) - Oh, nothing. - That was underwhelming. - I've got bad fingernails. You might have to be the opener. As we move forward. - All right, so we have determined... - We're going with Pepsi as the official, not a sponsor, but it's the pride of the Carolinas and that's where we're from. - And the most explosive can. (sodas hiss) (upbeat music) - Now, most people don't just shake up their sodas before they drink them. - Ha! - I mean, some people do, but you, - Speak for yourself. - you don't associate with those people, I don't associate with those people. So what we want to do is we want to establish some more real world scenarios for how you're usually dealing with shaken cans. - Yeah, and there's actually only three of those. - Three. - Can can roll around in a car. It can tumble down the treacherous path of a vending machine. - Right. - Or it can be tossed around the room from buddies at a barbecue or bridesmaid or bachelorette party. Those are the three ways that cans are shaken. - Okay, so let's test the car technique first. - Yeah, just rolling around on the floor. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - All right. I'll roll you first. - Okay. (can rumbling) - There it is. - I'll roll you. (can rumbling) - All right. - And then we'll roll each other? - Yeah, sure. (cans rumbling) All right, so now it's rolled around a little bit and you got... - I'm using a knife technique to save my fingernails. - All right, let's note how explosive this is. - Three, two, one. (cans hiss then spurts) Whoa! - I mean, we got a one for two here. Mine was a dud it's completely open and nothing but a little pool of Pepsi. - I think it was my technique. - With you and your knife? Let's try the next one which is the tumble down the vending machine. - Okay. - I mean maybe about this height. (can clatters) - Pepsi, please. (can clatters) (lady laughs) - Okay. - Okay, and that's all. - 'Cause you hear that kobida kobida kobida, and then it makes you kind of nervous, nervous, nervous. - Three, two, one. (soda hisses then spurts) - Whoa! - What? - That was bigger. - Whoa! - That was... (Rhett speaking indistinctly) - You just ordered a Pepsi? - I'm telling you, man, it's the machine's problem. - Hold on, but there's something about the way they designed those machines is better than what we... - Clumpity, clumpity, clumpity. No, no, we simulated that exact... - Look at the bottom of my can, man. - Yeah, you hit pretty hard. - Okay, and now the third scenario, which was what? Buddies at a barbecue. - Bridesmaid party. - Hey, hey man, I love this bridesmaid party. - Man, I love being here... - It was cool to me you and this bridesmaid party. - I'm thirsty, can I have a drink? - Yeah, man. - Whoo, yeah! - Hey, man, I'm also thirsty. Can I have a drink? - Yeah, here's one. - Oh, this is exactly what I just threw you, but different. That's cool, man. I actually think I want mine back. - I actually think I want mine back, too. I mean, when in Rome... - We'll get a little bit further. This is a big bridesmaid party. (lady laughs) - Here we go. (Rhett groans) Oh. - Man! - All right... - Oh, sure, oh, oh! - Did you see that? He's got a little miss... - Man, this is a crazy bridesmaid party. - We need a new can. - Look! - We need a new can. Okay, all right, forget that. - How did I do, I don't even understand. Man, this is the craziest party I've ever been to. Point it, that way. - Ha. - It's like it's peeing on the other ones, look at that. - Do you wanna do the whole thing again? - Yeah, just we do with the... - Hey man... (both speaking indistinctly) - And then I want it back. - No, you want it back? - Oh. - Best you want it back. - Yeah, no, so that's the same. All right, here we go. Three, two, one. (sodas hissing then spurting) See in mine it been delayed. I should have gotten a new one, too. But again, that one wasn't as much as the second one was. - The dropping is the best. - The dropping is popping. - The dropping is the best. - That's what we're gonna use. (sodas hissing) (upbeat music) Quick reminder, if you haven't heard, we're gearing up for the first ever "Good Mythical Evening". This is a live ticketed event that will be very mythical, but also for mature audiences only. - Uh-oh. - It's going down on October 28th, tickets are on sale starting today. So go to - Or is it going up? - To gobble that up. (claps then rubs hands) - Okay, now this is what we've been waiting on, okay? Everything so far is leading to this moment of figuring out which technique... - Can diminish the explosions. - And everything that we're doing is based on the stuff that we've found on the internet. You know, people have all these theories about what will cause a drink to stop being carbonated so you can open it up. So we're gonna go through all the ones that we could find. - Let's start with the tapping. You've heard about this. You're fumbling with your can, and, you know, just a little tap - Just a little tap. - right on top's gonna take care of it. - Now there's two different, I just did three, but there's two different techniques for this. One is a little tap on the drinking hole, just like three taps on the drinking hole. - Don't go... - Well, I'll pick another can. And then the other one is tapping all around. And so I'm gonna do the around tap. - [Link] I'm gonna do the whole tap, three, just three. (Rhett laughs) - And I'm gonna grab one from the back. So as to not have influence at all. - So we're gonna drop it down the vending machine and then, taking the least amount of time possible, drop it, pick it up, and three, two, one, to well... (lady laughs) We'll be, it is tap, tap. - And I got to use my knife. I'm like the crazy uncle who just... - Drop it, pick it up, tap, tap, tap, open. - Tap, tap, tap. - I'm gonna say that. - Yeah, okay. - All right, here we go, and drop it. (cans clatter) Whoops! Pick it up and tap, tap, tap. - Uh, oh, hold on. - What? - My, look, my whole bottom, look, my whole bottom is busted so I can't set it down. (beeps) - Three, two, one. (cans clatter) Whoops, and tap, tap, tap, open. (soda hisses then spurts) That's not great. - Whoa! - That was not great. - Okay, all right, that didn't work at all. (beeps) - All right, the next one we try is not tapping the top in any formation, gentle or hard, it's tapping the side. - Which makes more sense because again, the whole thing we're trying to do is we're trying to get these bubbles dislodged and back to the top so they come out instead of the actual beverage. - And don't raise it this high. Let's start it from here, that's more of a vending machine simulation height, I think. - Okay. - Three, two, one. (cans clatter) - Whoops, all right. And then tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, and open, ah. (soda hisses then spurts) (beeps) We're all tapped out. So let's move on to the next technique, which is the old waiters technique. If you've ever been talking to the old waiters, they're like, "Well, you know, what you would do is you would take it and you would go upside down and then go back right side up, and you're gently coaxing - Wait, what old waiter - bubbles - did you talk to? - back to the top." - Did you go to like Musso and Franks and like talked to the oldest waiter you could find? - I got him on speed dial. - Speed dial. Okay, here we go, three, two, one. - Whoops. (cans clattering then hissing) - Got to pick that up then - Pick it up and then - just turn it and then - just turn, turn, - turn it again, - back, I come - and then... in here and... (sodas hiss and spurt) (both groan) - Okay, old waiters don't know Jack. - I mean... - Old waiters don't know Jack. We just made it worse, man. (laughs) - We gotta go back to, it sprayed all over my face. - I'm very excited about this one because this next technique is called "Lady and the Tramp". And believe it or not, this is an actual award-winning technique from a Seventh Grade Maine Science Fair, which by the way, is the only kind of science fair that we're interested in. - Ha. - We have to take this thing and we have to put it in between our mouths. We both put our mouth on it. - Should we practice? - I'm gonna admit, no, I think we should do it in the moment. - I don't know if my mouth goes around that. - No, not yet, no, you don't have to do your whole mouth around it, just put your mouth on it. - Well, that's why I want to practice. - Okay, well, see if you can put the whole thing in your mouth. I am interested now just for my own entertainment. - But I would like to hold it if I'm gonna do that. - Okay, you see if you can get your whole mouth around it. I don't think this is... - Oh, I've got a cramp. (Rhett laughs) Oh, oh God. - I can't imagine - Oh, God! - what some seventh grade Maine student... - Oh, I got, oh! - You need to rub it? - I got muscles here, oh! - You don't have to put your whole mouth on it, around it. - So just... - You put your mouth on it like... (both whimpering) And then I'm gonna do a low note, you do at a high note. (both humming in different notes) - For how long? - For how I've seconds? - Okay. - And the reason you do this is because it's, some kid in Maine figured it out. I don't know how he won an award. How hard is it to win an award in Maine? Not too hard, apparently. - Let's do it up here, okay? - Okay, we got to do it fast. We got to get in there, we got to whoopsh, fast. - And count to five? - Count to five. - Can you guys count to five? - [Lady] Yes. (other staff agreeing) - But do it in a Maine accent. - Everybody doesn't have to. All right, here we go. I'd like to order a Pepsi from this machine, whoops. (can clattering then hissing) (both humming in different notes) (can pops) (both groaning) - Now let me tell you what just happened. - Oh my gosh, it popped out. This is to, did it take a tooth out? - Uh, did it, did it? - It popped so hard. - It smushed, - It popped so hard. (laughs) - It smushed my lip against my tooth. (beeps) I'm afraid to go again. - Okay, I think I hit the resident frequency of the can and that was the mistake. (staff laughing) I hit a G, I'll hit a C this time. - I mean, see that thing right there, throw it back, Makayla. - I felt it. (can clattering) (can hisses) - Oh, no! - Ah! - I'm back at the bridal party. - Oh. (beeps) - Okay, okay! - See that right there? - Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop it. - What? - Stop it, stop it, man. (beeps) - I'd like to drink this Pepsi from a vending machine. - This is my last dollar. - Whoops. (can clatters) Oh, that... (both humming in different notes) - [Staff] Two, three, four, five. - Pop it, pop it, pop it, pop it, pop it, pop it, cheese. (soda hisses) (soda spurts) - You didn't pop it right. - I didn't pop it right. - We gotta do it again. (staff laugh) - I didn't pop it right, I'm sorry. - I would like a beverage Pepsi, preferably, from this vending machine, whoops. (can clatters) - Found another dollar. (humming in different notes) - Alright, here you go, oh that's... - Oh, man, that's all over the place. (soda hissing) (both groaning) - Wow. - Sorry man. That was a fountain situation. It was because it was bulbous. We need another one. - That technique did not... - Well, hold on, we gotta do the... - [Lady] Guys, I, so we, this is the weird thing, this is the weird thing. You've been doing this show for over 2,000 episodes, almost 10 years at this point. We put something on here that says the "Lady and the Tramp", where you got to hum and we made up a thing about a freaking science fair. You did the whole thing, you did it multiple times. It was all a lie made up by the writers. At what point, at like do you think at maybe 20 years that's when, that's when it's gonna click that... - Come on CD, I believe in the children of Maine! - I coulda lost a tooth over this! - Yeah, that's true, he's hurt. - Look at my lip! - He's hurt. (staff laughing) - Let's do it again. - So you're saying that won't work? - I'd like to have this Pepsi - We will prove to you that this will work. - I'm gonna share this with all the seventh graders from the middle school, whoops. - Yup, here we go. (both humming in different notes) - This one's the one, this one's the one. (Rhett groans) (soda hisses) - Yay! (Rhett laughs) (beeps) - Last technique. - Rhett talking about how much he loves science projects. (staff laugh) - Simply waiting 30 seconds. You don't have to go to Maine to figure that one out. - All right, so we got us a Pepsi here. - So you got a 30-second timer for us? - Here we go, I'ma, I'm gonna order this Pepsi, whoops. (can clatters then hisses) - Oh, uh, that one, that one just, that one's open. (beeps) I'd like a Pepsi from this vending machine, whoops. (can clattering) - [Lady] And time starts now. (can thunks) (can crackling) (Rhett and Link whispering) - Kinda need to pee. (can continues to crackle) - [Lady] 10 Seconds. Five, four, three, two, one. (can hisses then spurts) - Ha, it worked. (staff laughing) Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - Well, hold on now. (staff continue laughing) Hold on now. I didn't think it worked though. I mean, it basically didn't spray, I didn't quite get it all open, but it didn't spray anywhere, so... (can thunks then drips) You know what time it is? - Hey, y'all, I'm Ben. - And I'm Christine. - And we just got married and are on a honeymoon here in against, Tennessee. - And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - At least they're not lost. You know, you never know when you see people in a hammock next to a river. - Well, maybe they are lost, but at least they have a hammock. - Do you know what, I think they made it back. They made it to an internet connection. Click the top link to watch us judge which vintage Coca-Cola bottle is the coolest in history in "Good Mythical More". - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - [Narrator] Join us on October 28th for the big one night only and mature audience only, ticketed event, "Good Mythical Evening". Get tickets at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,395,274
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: 944cu1HNWn8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 7sec (1087 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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