I Found The WORST of Tumblr | Tumblr Deep Dive

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I don't have any lipstick on my face perfect hello friends and welcome to another episode of tumbler deep dive I get a lot of requests from people asking me to do certain subcultures problem is I get a lot of the same requests over and over again they're usually the same scandalous tumblr subcultures that everyone knows about they're all things that I'm well aware of so it's not super exciting to me to make a video on but I get that you guys want to see my opinion on things so this video is about a tag I've discovered called paraphilia which combines a bunch of things there's they touch on the true-crime community a little bit um necrophilia and mine are attracted people aka pedophiles also fall under that so a lot of these tumblr subcultures that you've been suggesting to me sort of meet under the tag of paraphilia so that's what I'm gonna be looking at today it is thoroughly terrible from what I have glimpse so far oh [ __ ] gonna throw my screen capture on audio is recording screen is recording everything is fine ah here we are paraphilia tag you got a lot of here we have a post that says list of paraphilias true-crime edition collab OSIS the desire to mutilate male genitalia consuming a victims flesh slash slicing off portions desire to eat feces that okay off to a great start love it the definition of paraphilia which i had to look up today when I discovered the tag just to be clear it's a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires typically involving extreme or dangerous activities you can't call Hebrew stuff Elia idiotic it's like being gay or trans it's natural and I can't help it and I happen to love being a being a Hobart Ophelia it is nothing wrong with it and I can be in love with school shooters and you can [ __ ] yourself oh boy this is this is what this is the kind of video this is gonna be oh boy I think a lot of people who identify as Huber's to feely acts don't understand what it means for example they fantasize about the Columbine shooters because they are decently attractive are troubled and mysterious Eric and Dylan gets depicted as rebel bad boys but with a secretly broken heart who were misunderstood and so they develop crushes on them not because they killed people but because they find them physically attractive and they fantasize about saving them that's not really what Hitler's to philia is that's just finding someone attractive despite being a killer conversa philia is defined as a paraphilia sexual deviancy in which you can only be sexually aroused or attain orgasm by people who have committed an outrageous outrage crime like rape or murder outrageous I think you might have a gist homosexuality is a sexual orientation of being transgender is a gender identity Hibbert's de philia is essentially a fetish comparable to let's say a shoe fetish or pedophilia speaking of fetishes there's you just you got a you got a foot right there yep that's a foot beautiful morning wouldn't you say this there's just Oh everything about this is see at least foot fetishes are funny I know this is this is gonna get real bad but at least that the foot fetishes are funny lol at all the miners who think maps are attracted to them like dude you're 13 you're way too old for me to find you attractive maybe when you turn 23 but even then I would never be attracted to some kid off tumblr who want runs a blog where they cry about how much they hate people like me my age of attraction I'm guessing that's what that stands for is 0 to 7 and 23 plus myself being 18 kids on tumblr I and I am pretty sure no other map on here is interested in you and your hatred so if you are truly a non-offending anti you should stay the [ __ ] away from us so this guy 18 year old ma p is mad that 13 year olds are wary of pedophiles because that sounds pretty reasonable to me so yeah this guy's butt hurt that 13 year olds would dare have the audacity to think that he's attracted to them because they're too old for him except now he's into adults so he's into like young young children and adults that's the thing okay apparently that's the thing there he is still young as hell like what what this user has a paraphilic disorder great I have come across this debate of whether pedophilia should be considered an orientation or a fetish I mean I don't I don't know any pedophiles I don't know what it's like to be a pedophile so I can't but I just I am inclined to say that it should be a fetish I want it to be a fetish because I don't want it to be compared to being gay like I am I don't want it to be part of the LGBT community okay so there's a blog called paraphilia positivity and the title is attraction doesn't define you positivity blog for anyone with strange paraphilia skanks fetishes you're uncommon sexual orientation or paraphilic thoughts do not automatically make you evil nor they ever will only your actions define you okay you have to have some kind of sympathy for people who can't help being attractive to children or something like that or I have some sympathy because they can't help it but at the same time putting a bunch of little heart emojis around it and like celebrating it in a way also seems kind of wrong because I agree it doesn't automatically make someone evil as long as they don't act on it but like I also don't think that I also don't think there should be a community of positivity around it because it's not a positive thing deriving sexual pleasure or arousal from murdering or imagining they are murdering and there's a cake that says I'm horny and some little colorful knives like what and a little rabbit motivational poster that says necrophilia is okay with like a woman reaching up to the moon so wholesome and it's reblogged from necrophilia positivity oh boy queer minor not a necrophile I love and support everyone demonized and unfairly treated ok so just starting to necrophilia positivity blog just just to just to support necrophilia that's the thing people do should necrophiliacs get therapy to stop their attraction no attractions can't be stopped that is the oh that is the thing conversion therapy doesn't work paraphilias aren't something different to other sexualities they work exactly the same way a paraphilia is just a variation of sexuality that is taken as weird or wrong in specific cultural context really do you need a cultural context to know that having sex with kids or dead bodies is kind of [ __ ] up like I feel like that's inherently [ __ ] up like I feel like that's common sense to be honest I feel like the answer should be yes yes if you are into incredibly [ __ ] up violent things that is probably something that you can get therapy for and it is I want to say different from a sexual orientation all types of love deserve respect okay there here it is I found the difference between a an orientation and a paraphilia or a fetish a fetish has absolutely nothing to do with love it's a it's a purely sexual thing there there is no love involved in any of this stuff I think same-sex relationships deserve equal rights because they are relationships they are a constructive good positive part of life whereas pedophilia is not so and there's you can't have a relationship with a tiny child or a dead body or you can't it's not it's not it's different it's there's nothing to do with love involved in any of this [ __ ] okay there we go logic is happening Yorick supports necrophiles okay Yorick I don't I don't know everything has Beauty necromantic asexual who made these rules is it what okay so you're romantically attracted to corpses but you're not sexually attracted to corpses I don't like it alien moodboard for trans minor attracted people why though like who who does this apply to I've defended tumblr a lot on this show but I'm honestly see why why we might need to reconsider tumblr as an invention okay I'm gonna click on this blog it's called map serenity yet one more minor attracted person positivity blog see this is this is kind of cool this is kind of my aesthetic I just hate that it's about supporting pedophiles dumbass anti okay then go to a stranger on the street and tell them you're a pedophile me and intellectual okay then go to a stranger on the street and tell them you want to commit genocide I feel like if you did go to someone on the street and tell them you want to murder all pedophiles I mean it's not really that outlandish of a statement it's not that hot of a take to murder all pedophiles honestly a lot of people a lot of people are on board with that which I guess is why man these people these people must feel really shitty about themselves I mean maybe maybe that's why maybe that's why they're on tumblr making cutesy murder mood boards because it is something that is just so universally hated by society must be a weird must be a weird position to be in I will give them that this is maps deserve to feel safe I guess I guess as long as I guess like I think the term that I see on here a little bit like no Maps stands for like non-offending minor attracted person which means like people who are attracted to children but don't actually act on it which is I think that's the distinction between like pedophiles and like minor attracted people which well I don't there's nothing in the word pedophile that like distinguishes it as a word just for like offending pedophiles it's the word pedophile just seems pretty universal for these people like they're just kind of putting the distinction there to make themselves seem less bad cuz pedophile is such a like I am I am starting to empathize a little bit with just maybe someone is a decent person and is very dedicated to never breaking the law in their life but just happened to have this [ __ ] up part of themselves and in that case I don't think that they should just be murdered on the street by people who hate pedophiles not only should killing pedophiles be legalized it should be considered a sport maps are gross maps need help stay away from children so this isn't the map support tag I've seen some posts that are like go flood the map positivity tag necrophile positivity tag with hatred like just make sure they don't have a safe space on tumblr basically so it has been a little bit difficult to find actual posts I'm supporting these kinds of things because people are so dedicated to countering them so I don't want to talk about this like oh the pedophiles are taking over tumblr this is actually a huge issue this is like a subculture that's gaining support like it's not like there is so so much opposition to this it's just interesting it's just an interesting little phenomenon going on on tumblr I think I get a lot of comments on my tumblr deep-dive video saying like Oh tumblr isn't a good representation of this subculture or that subculture and that's kind of the point of the video is almost is to look at how things manifest on tumblr to look at the culture of the site as much as each individual subculture and how they shape each other and how you know like this user supports sue files oh man that's that's that's that's the nice tumblr word for bestiality if you were wondering let's I mean we haven't looked at that one yet and if you support gay marriage but you don't support a parent marrying their child a pedophile marrying or having a relationship with a child or human marrying an animal you're a hypocrite love is love right they have no choice right the heart wants what the heart wants right so shut the [ __ ] up with all your preaching asses the key here that you are missing Jermaine Simpson is consent healthy relationship dynamics ever heard of them they're at their thing tumblr is basically a trash can yes I agree I agree very much right now pedophilia and being gay is not comparable cannot believe I have to spell this out gay people were demonized because they were being pathologized and accused of being predatory towards boys for a threatening for threatening traditional values homosexuality was D pathologized in 1974 being gay is not inherently predatory being a pedophile is pedophiles are demonized because they are inherently predatory for being attracted to someone who cannot under any legal circumstances consent pedophilia is not a mental illness it's paraphilia transvestite fetishism whereas fetishism is the sexual arousal by inanimate objects transvestite fetishes and a sexual arousal by clothing more by the opposite sex in most cases this most involves female clothing okay so we're getting into some harmless fetishes here there's a lot there's a lot of posts about serial killers as well - like mutilated the bodies of their victims or did weird sexual [ __ ] because that relates that's part of paraphilia I guess so we have some overlap with the true crime community of people who glorify this kind of stuff so that's great love love seeing that Wow today is such a great day to support people who have thought the fantasy sexual or otherwise and it should go without saying that this post doesn't support harmful actions but that an Thais never stop assuming so I guess that it needs to be spelled out for them this user will not participate in your transgender peevish okay as a young teen I had a fetish for inflation I don't know what that means but that went away after I started HRT hormone replacement therapy the fetish always bothered me to be honest it felt more like a ball and chain than something sexually satisfying and I'm glad it's gone and wondering what your thoughts are and where it came from I had a normal childhood apart from a few bullying episodes in my opinion a lot of fetishes on ironically start while watching TV as a child cartoons of our full of bizarre fetishistic material here's an example of a group of people who tracked all of the kidnapping and hypnosis instances on the cartoon Totally Spies interesting I watched that as a kid okay I guess that's a theory so there is a position that fetishes are created and can be gotten rid of via Sara be or other life developments are girls who have a fetish for being captured and prodded by girl aliens valid asking for friend me me scrolling through this tag right now so that was my little venture into the paraphilia tag hopefully it was a little different from how these topics are usually explored I would love to hear always always slapping my microphone I'm sorry I'm sorry I would love to hear your opinion in the comments I will read them all as I always do I mean my channel is tiny of course of course I have time to read every comment what it's not like I have a wife or anything I don't I don't have life thank you so much for watching as always remember to follow me on social media if you would like to have some more of my wonderful face in your life you can support me on patreon as well if you want to help me improve my videos I haven't gotten around to adding any real rewards on there yet except for the credits at the end of my videos um but maybe I will if more people start supporting me I'll probably start doing some kind of patreon specific content and I will see you in another video next week next Tuesday I post on Tuesdays now apparently [Music]
Views: 1,595,091
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: strange, aeons, STRANGE ÆONS, tumblr, deep dive, analysis, subculture, map, true crime, cringe, sjw, feminism
Id: B06fv4NZQE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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