Elliot Rodger (King of the INCELS) | Mental Health & Personality

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hello this is dr grande today's question asks if i can analyze the mental health and personality factors that may be at work in the case of elliot roger just a reminder i'm not diagnosing anybody in this video only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this if you enjoyed this video please like it subscribe to my channel and consider supporting me on patreon i'll put the link to patreon in the description for this video so here i'll look at the background of elliot roger i'll move to the timeline of the crime and then i'll talk about the mental health and personality factors elliot roger was born on july 24 1991 in london england he had one younger sister he was biracial his mother was chinese and his father english when he was five years old his family moved to los angeles california his parents divorced when he was seven they had joint custody of roger and a sister that same year roger was described as shy and received therapy for lisp which was corrected after several sessions roger had mental health difficulties early on he was treated by several mental health professionals starting when he was eight years old i'll cover more of that in the mental health and personality factors section roger did not play any individual or team sports or participate in any extracurricular activities he earned poor grades in school but his grades improved significantly during the last three years of high school he graduated from high school in 2009 and attended college for a short time in 2011 not long before he dropped out of college he moved to isla vista that same year he took karate lessons he said that the ability to fight better is power and boosts confidence in december of 2012 roger bought a glock 34 semi-automatic pistol it is believed this was his first overt act and furtherance of planning his attack he would eventually purchase two sig sauer 226 semi-automatic pistols as well roger had several contacts with law enforcement prior to the attack none of which resulted in a criminal history on february 6 2013 he called the police and said that the owner of a white bmw dented the door of his vehicle on july 20 2013 roger consumed alcohol and went to a party where he climbed a 10-foot ledge and sat down other people climbed onto the ledge and started talking with one another but they were ignoring roger rogers started insulting the individuals and they reciprocated the situation escalated to the point where roger started pushing them his main target was the females unable to push anyone over the ledge roger ended up being pushed and fell off the ledge fracturing his left ankle he still managed to walk away from the party but he remembered that he left his sunglasses behind he returned to what he thought was the correct house but roger was intoxicated and had selected a completely different house the occupants of that house called him names and physically assaulted him roger reported the activity to the police but minimized his role as the aggressor january 15 2014 roger called the police because he suspected his roommate had stolen 22 worth of candles from him the roommate accused roger of moving his property around the apartment but after the candles were found under the roommate's bed the roommate was arrested the case was dismissed due to insufficient evidence on april 30 2014 a staff member at a crisis line called the police looking for a welfare check the staff member had received a call from roger's mother who was worried about the content of a video roger had published on youtube the police interviewed roger at his home but they found him to be shy timid and polite and they took no action may 6 2014 roger was involved in an incident where he blocked another car with his bmw and entered into a verbal altercation with the driver and later the driver's girlfriend when she confronted roger this brings us to may 23 2014 roger now 22 years old stabs three men at his apartment in isla vista two of those men were his roommates including the one who took the candles at 7 38 p.m roger buys a triple vanilla latte from a starbucks not far from his home at 9 17 p.m roger uploads a video to youtube called retribution a minute later he emails a 137 page manifesto to various people he then drove to the alpha phi sorority house where he shot two women and wounded another he entered his vehicle and started driving around shooting into a coffee house and a deli killing a man in the deli he continued his rampage by shooting at people and hitting people with his vehicle he exchanged gunfire with the police on two occasions he was shot in the hip during the second exchange he crashed his bmw at an intersection the police would find roger dead in that vehicle from a self-inflicted gunshot wound at 9 35 pm in addition to the six homicides roger injured 14 people seven from gunfire and seven from blunt trauma he had hit them with his vehicle now moving to the mental health and personality factors roger had a long history of mental health difficulties at age seven roger would make good eye contact with people when speaking but he wouldn't really talk unless somebody asked him a direct question he preferred to write information down on paper rather than talking he would hold his ears when there was a loud noise he demonstrated repetitive behaviors like tapping his feet and his leg and repeating certain words in 2007 roger was diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified this classification was available in the dsm-4 and was a type of autistic disorder the equivalent disorder in the dsm-5 would be autism spectrum disorder it is also believed that roger was depressed and anxious he took various medications to treat those conditions let's take a look at some of roger's behavioral characteristics it was said that he was possessive of his property he also appeared to be legalistic like that whole thing with the candles and obsessing over dents in his car he was a very picky eater he didn't like anything gooey when he was young he did not act out when he was angry rather he would tense his entire body and clench his teeth in this regard there weren't many warning signs that roger would become a killer he didn't get in fights hurt animals set fires or otherwise damaged property he often mentioned how he envied other people because they were living a better life than he was he was specifically frustrated with romantic couples he would take cell phone videos of couples in his community who were bothering him and avoid restaurants where a lot of couples would be dining i'm going to guess he didn't have any special affection for valentine's day he stayed in shape he ate healthy and exercised he also wore designer clothing and expensive sunglasses he wanted to appear wealthy roger believed that entry-level jobs were beneath him he didn't want to get involved in any type of menial work for a time when he was a teenager he did work for a friend doing construction although much of his money came from an allowance his father gave him and funds from other family members he specifically bought a bmw because he thought it would help him find a girlfriend when all they really do is help you find your tools in a parts store or a mechanic he played a lot of video games especially world of warcraft and halo his favorite movies were star wars and lord of the rings his favorite television show was game of thrones i found this interesting because in game of thrones there was this group called the night's watch they were celibate always wore black it was always snowing at the wall that they guarded and they were cut off from society it seemed like a depressing job assignment also in that series there are many examples of violence-based problem solving based on roger's behavior here is a potential personality profile mid-range to above average openness to experience he was somewhat creative he did write a manifesto and he may have experienced emotions intensely we see mid-range conscientiousness he seemed to like order but at the same time he was impulsive like getting in arguments we see low extroversion he had few positive emotions was shy and analytical we see low agreeableness he did not trust people was not modest and usually people who want to kill all of humankind don't qualify as altruistic his level of neuroticism was high he was angry depressed anxious emotionally reactive and had difficulty resisting temptation in addition to the autism spectrum disorder depression and anxiety roger appeared to have some symptoms of obsessive-compulsive personality as indicated by the perfectionism being picky with food and being possessive of property he also appeared to have characteristics of vulnerable narcissism like resentfulness shame envy and hypersensitivity to criticism one could argue that other than the manipulation symptom which isn't really clear from the reports we have on roger his behavior did seem to align with the remaining symptoms associated with narcissistic personality disorder grandiosity fantasy envy entitlement arrogance believing oneself to be special requiring excessive admiration and having a lack of empathy a major theme of both his retribution video and his manifesto is this idea that he was rejected by women and extremely lonely looking specifically at his video we see a few of his beliefs and statements that stand out women passed over him and selected other men who were obnoxious roger believed himself to be superior to those men he called himself the supreme gentleman he was denied sexual relationships with women he felt this denial was criminal and society needed to pay for it he was going to give those offenders exactly what they deserved he talked about how people made him suffer and how now he was going to make them suffer he had an intense hatred of everybody but especially of women and men who were with women he believed that committing homicide would prove that he was an alpha male and it would make him a god he said that if he had the power he would annihilate everyone on the planet the content of his video indicates that he was extremely angry and despondent about rejection but his mannerism seemed unusual based on the content of his narrative he had this weird forced laugh and he was deliberate and spoke at a consistent rate throughout the video he was incredibly calm for somebody who was about to commit multiple homicides combining this video with other information there's this idea that roger was genuinely confused as to why women were not interested in him he really didn't understand why they found him unattractive and why they found other men attractive he believed he was doing everything that women wanted he had a bmw nice clothes 300 sunglasses i think what happened here with roger is that he looked at the world and thought that everybody had the same thoughts and feelings that he had he believed everyone was narcissistic it didn't make sense to him that there wasn't some materialistic formula he could use to connect with women it was almost like mathematics to him he would do certain things and women would be attracted to him he didn't need any depth or sensitivity his inability to see things from the perspective of others kept him trapped in a world of loneliness and rejection although his social awkwardness didn't help him either this is a pretty good example of how a lack of insight can lead to real problems what i find interesting is that roger had been treated by a number of mental health professionals who addressed his social awkwardness on many occasions i think that roger simply couldn't reach a point where he could see how others viewed him his vulnerable narcissism allowed the anger to stay inside him for a long time building up like a pressure cooker it was probably the decision to end his own life that opened up the possibility of revenge this allowed him to carry out the attack if he was going to destroy himself because of what he believed others did he was going to make them pay a price in that process elliott roger has become a hero to what is referred to as the in-cell community incel stands for involuntarily celibate it's frightening that his thought pattern would connect with so many people those are my thoughts on elliot roger please put any opinions and thoughts in the comments section they always generate an interesting dialogue as always i hope you found my analysis of this topic to be interesting thanks for watching
Channel: Dr. Todd Grande
Views: 664,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YfzFRauXlqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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