I Read Satan Was A Lesbian

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hello friends and welcome back to another video i have been reading a lovely book called satan was a lesbian i encountered a picture of the cover a couple of weeks ago when i was doing a video on the men writing women's subreddit and it's literally like a five second clip of me being like oh that book looks lit and then someone in the comments was like um you should read satan was a lesbian and i was like oh my god i should first things first a word from our sponsor thank you so much to trade coffee for being that sponsor with trade you can discover new coffees from the nation's top roasters trade matches you with your own personal selection of coffee and conveniently delivers it straight to your door that means no more dealing with the limited selection at your grocery store and no more going to the store in these trying times trade is honestly kind of perfect for me because i love coffee i drink it every morning but i've been going through a very shameful phase of drinking instant 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were printed on like really cheap wood pulp paper they were essentially the sensational trash literature of various different genres but romance and erotica were very common so pope novels ended up being the platform where lgbt stories could thrive and be published freely ish for the first time ever but not without a catch never without a catch the first part obviously is that they were relegated to the realm of trash literature the second is that these publishers obviously still had morals what were they supposed to do let the homosexuals corrupt people's minds tales of gay romance were obligated to end in tragedy if if the gay people won at the end then people might think being gay is okay and it's not so this is where we get things like the barrier gays trope if you're getting one of these books you're going to end up dead or miserable and alone pretty much a universal rule for all early gay novels and that rule goes for pulp novels as well you can write all the raunchy gay sex you want as long as the moral at the end is that it's bad but hey it got stuff past the publishers and that was really good because pulp novels were often like the only type of media ever that gay people could see anything at all resembling their own lives in especially especially lesbians despite how ridiculous and dramatic these types of stories tend to be despite the overt gay's bad messaging at the end a lot of people were still able to take the good things that they saw and find a meaning and a comfort in that which is completely unsurprising because we still do it good gay representation is still hard to find how many of us have latched on to fictional gay ships that aren't actually canon watched a tv show just because we heard there's one gay couple in it watched a movie that kristen stewart said even if she's not even gay in it we are still piecing together stories that we like from the scraps of representation that we get hope novels are bad and they suck and they're a really interesting part of our history which informs the way gay people interact with media to this day in this essay history over book review time so this book stars an evil lesbian menace named charlene no relation right off the bat first scene we know that she's dangerous in a sexy way because she's a unsafe driver her passenger is a petite blonde woman who is literally terrified and like clinging to her while she drives which sounds even more unsafe but okay also she has boobs and charlene looks at them and thinks gay thoughts ahead casting only a ghostly glow into the car because of the distance and the rain a solitary streetlight a black glistening world out of a dark dream and the black short cropped hair and the black eyes of charlene duvall were in perfect keeping with it as were the black thoughts that moved behind the finely sculpted features of her haunting face so that's what we're working with here i was reading this and i was like i'm picturing charlene as like as someone like i that her face that is happening in my brain as i read this is like it's familiar i'm picturing her as someone who is it and then i realized it's my sim my sim named big boy bodacious anyway they're in a parked car in the middle of a storm and charlene is like she stops the car and she's like give me a massage and the other woman cynthia is like oh my god i would love to because that's a completely normal thing to do in a parked car in the middle of a storm so they're like lounging in the front seat of this car as cynthia gives her a massage and also she's trying to catch a glimpse of it titty cynthia's trying to catch a glimpse of a titty this time but charlene you have such a strange way you frighten me i can't understand you at all what makes you do such things i assume this is in reference to her extremely dangerous driving like 30 seconds ago oh god when you frighten me i charlene squirmed again i know darling i know wonderful isn't it you know it is you she devil cynthia is very like oh my god no like i'm so scared oh my god charlene you scare me but like in a sexy way oh my god you she devil oh my god this is so hellish like really on the nose with the whole satan theme i knew as i read this that i was going to see some things that would make me wish i never learned how to read a few moments later a few moments later i see we are subscribing to anime titty physics a few moments later there's foot stuff i thought i was ready i thought i thought i knew i i was like i've read i've read about lesbian pop novels i've read bebo breaker i i know some things it's gonna be like that it's gonna be fun right it's gonna be so fun i want your eyes to talk to mine baby i want them to tell me how you feel how much you want me again came the lazy smile you do want me don't you sweetheart oh my god charlene i can't tell you how much please please don't torture me like this i'm dying for you and you keep me hanging back driving myself crazy please darling charlene completely ignored the plea let your eyes tell me how much baby let your every slow slow movement tell me this [ __ ] this shit's gonna turn me into a born-again christian sexy things to whisper to her in bed the gates of hell are waiting cynthia enter and be internally damned i'm so confused is she literally possessed by satan is that the premise of this book charlene refers to cynthia as her play thing and goes on a tangent about how it's all a game to her and she can manipulate anyone she knows how to get what she wants from people and then we flashback to the day they first met yesterday so charlene works at a drive-in which is very unexpected and humanizing considering the everything cynthia rolls up to said drive in one day like hello i hear you are charlene and i have come to inquire about some homosexual activity as one does i suppose her her eyes caught the swell of magnificent breasts distorting the front of a button front sweater she wondered with an inner smile what the penalty might be for violating the laws of gravity as this chick was doing so what you're saying is you acknowledge the anime titty physics going on in this book cynthia orders two coffees and invites charlene to drink coffee with her in her car wow is this what getting a girlfriend was like in the 60s you hear some girl in your town is possessed by satan so you show up at her work and go so i've heard and then you drink coffee romance cynthia blinked again she was to blink often in her relationship with charlene you've got a a fateful look about you as if you looked into the depths of hell and still remember vividly what you saw there you've got a look of tragedy about you charlene if that's weird she's then like i've been watching you i've been watching you from a distance for so long and i'm fascinated by your darkness and charlene charlene just plays along with this like yeah baby we we all live in a crazy world no such thing as normal baby tell me more baby like she's such a [ __ ] boy she's such a [ __ ] boy she's in the presence of an anime titty and it doesn't even matter that it's attached to a complete psycho and cynthia's like hey wanna come to my house my parents aren't home and charlene is like i would love to and they drive off into the night together cynthia laughed nervously charlene you're trying to be corny but you sound just like the devil himself i am honey how do i how would i do charlene's voices like i am honey i am just call me lucifer her eyes fell once more and cynthia's bulging breasts and vivid pictures came into her mind yup honey i feel like i need like a cigarette right now yeah honey i'm the old man himself lesbians were described by sexologists around like the beginning of the 20th century as sexual inverts or like men trapped in women's bodies which was very cringe of them feminine women who were into women they were just they were just confused straight women they were just confused the real lesbians or real sexual inverts were these big scary masculine women who preyed on the confused straight women because they were actually creepy old men inside little did we know that man inside was literally satan cynthia's most important character trait so far is that she's afraid of everything and charlene is dangerous and oh she's seduced by the danger but no she's afraid they go to cynthia's house and they get soaked in the rain running from the car to the house it was raining in the first scene but that's just that's the next day this is the flashback still so i guess it's just been raining for like two days straight cool so so they get soaked in the rain which means they have whoa crazy i guess they have to change into something warm now another thing i love which makes charlene like really scandalous and masculine is that she's five foot eight that's my height everyone out there that theorizes that i'm short you're wrong tall satan possessed women unite so do you want it do you wanna hear you wanna hear where they go they go into cynthia's parents bedroom and cynthia's like okay so i'm gonna wear my mom's robe because she's tiny and petite like me and you can wear my dad's stop i'm already dead charlene studied the robe a moment and then stroked her chin thoughtfully well uh rec and i could be your old man for a while with that i'm already dead this book is is so ahead of its time cynthia's like so you want to take a shower we have modern plumbing you ever just take a girl home and show her your modern plumbing i like you just did uh i initially construed that as i'm taking a shower together but no charlene just takes a shower she just takes a shower and she gets out of the shower i don't really know what the point of that is except to show off cynthia's modern plumbing she gets out of the shower and cynthia has also changed into her mother's robe and charlene is wearing her dad's robe i hate this and um the role playing continues cynthia started a headlong dash down the stairs but charlene dragged her to a halt hey kid you're forgetting your old man's advanced age take it easy we'll get there whatever there wherever there is sorry daddy cynthia smiled impishly up at charlene's stem face stern face i assume obviously this book is full of typos um she slipped an arm around charlene's waist and charlene felts the brush of a solid breast against her arm let me help you poor old dad yeah quick question about all of that am i having a stroke so downstairs they sit on the couch and charlene wants them to drink scotch which is too strong for a delicate flower like cynthia but she keeps drinking it because she doesn't want to like act like a [ __ ] even though she's been doing that constantly she's been doing nothing but that so anyway charlene does not care that she's uncomfortable because she wants to get her drunk cynthia took another gulp of her drink well uh what should we talk about first charlene remained completely motionless your breasts cynthia she remained completely motionless your breasts cynthia your breasts cynthia let's talk about your breasts my breasts why in the world should we again charlene cut in because you're beautiful because they're beautiful we shouldn't why shouldn't we talk about them are they real cynthia gay rights cynthia's like oh my god what do you mean of course my boobs are real and charlene is like what a coincidence so are mine and like flashes her a titty and then immediately changes the conversation to her mundane day at work but not before getting cynthia another drink and then once cynthia's tipsy charlene is like how about you tell me your secrets and i'll tell you mine apparently she's got got some real dandies and cynthia's like oh my god no i can't i can't can't tell you you'll laugh at me well all right here goes it's not complicated it's just just that when i get scared i get sexy here her giggle was a little embarrassed sexy the embarrassment deepened yes you know passionate aroused like i said maybe it's because i couldn't defend myself physically anyway against something of any size at all so i just throw myself on the mercy of whatever it is that scare me scares me and i suppose it's the old female coming out when the sex bit enters the picture fear of death is supposed to make some people real sexy from what i've heard well any fear makes me that way utterly indecipherable thank you well cynthia that's quite a situation you don't [ __ ] say so the night continues they talk they dance in the middle of the living room and um charlene starts to think that it's almost time to enact her plan for the evening which is here we go okay step one she gets real quiet and creepy starts pacing around the house until cynthia is literally screaming at her to stop being creepy and act like a normal person for 30 seconds that's my phrasing charlene then turns the lights out so cynthia can't see anything uh lets her wander around in the dark for a little while and then sneaks up behind her and starts choking her the writer is really trying to make it sound like charlene is this criminal mastermind who had this all plotted out my question is was this your plan before you learned that being terrified made her horny or is this just like your go-to cause um i have some notes and then charlene rips off their clothes and corrupts cynthia and her parents bare skin rug because what did you expect anyway since all of that was a flashback that happened yesterday it's time to skip back to today the day that they're having awkward contorted sex in the front seat of a car in a storm that day cynthia tells charlene that she's in love with her and charlene is like okay chapter two uh they've now known each other for a whole week and charlene is vaguely disturbed that they're not bored of each other yet and also that cynthia keeps saying she's in love with her like some kind of gross person she then has one of her spooky recurring dreams about the time that she was a small small child and followed a man into the woods and then saw him drown some kittens in a river and then when he notices her watching he's like it's fine but internally he's screaming because now he has to explain death to a toddler said kitten murdering was apparently ordered by his employer who is charlene's dad who is bad so daddy issues are going to strike again i guess and from that convenient backstory dream we now segue into just talking about charlene's backstory she was fascinated by death as a teenager because she's just so dark and brooding and edgy she failed everything in school but you bet in her spare time she was memorizing the rubio i know what that is from a buzzfeed unsolved episode wait okay so her parents died in a plane crash when she was six so no daddy issues i actually have not finished the book yet i've finished like half of it and i'm filming this half they're gonna they gotta bring that back somehow you can't just imply vaguely that her dad is bad and murders kittens and then not in this book i refuse to accept it throughout her youth people found her unsettling sometimes in a sexy way if they were girls even though she has breasts firm as air cushions and men should be into her they're not they're actually all terrified of her menacing vibes queen after graduating high school she convinces her adoptive parents to let her move away from their small town farm and go to the city and get some real world street smarts so she leaves her small town goes to a slightly bigger small town and gets a job at a movie theater which is where she meets mary had oh no oh no there's wolf metaphors fred haley monica whoever you are my good [ __ ] how did you know her thoughts about wolves had covered only the male of the species however she had forgotten that there are females of all species including wolves it's quite likely that marianne adams had never thought of herself as a wolf before but she became very much aware of the tendency the first time she laid eyes on charlene duvall she saw in charlene the very essence of wolfish appeal and she felt her own wild urge to mate with it okay so i somehow managed to lose the footage for this part of the video i'm so confused i've been looking for it for like 30 minutes it's baffling stuff i have no idea how i did this but i'm here to fill in the gaps now so essentially charlene and marianne go on a cute date i feel like this is really glossed over that these two actually go on a normal date and presumably talk to each other like normal people i don't know there's only like one sentence dedicated to it but i'm really hung up on this so anyway they go on one normal human-person date and then marianne invites charlene to come over to her house and swim in the lake behind her house marianne simply stared at charlene's sleek body encased in its well-fitted but unfriendly two-piece nylon swimsuit my gosh charlene you look as smooth as a seal in that outfit i'll bet you swim like one too don't you you you're absolutely magnificent they are very horny for each other and like before the initial flirting involves robes and too much acknowledgement of their parents they have a fun romp in the lake which eventually results in charlene being like if you splash me in the face with water again i'm gonna have to spank you and it's all downhill from there i love how lesbians are like a secret society in this book like marianne teaches charlene the secret knowledge and she tells her that she learned it from karen and now charlie knows that marianne is going to be spreading her name around lesbian secret society too and she's right because two days later she's eating alone in a restaurant when karen shows up and sits down next to her and is like you me sex in the woods now it's like lesbian grinder but in real life charlene thinks karen is like really annoying and like complains way too much seriously you're not even gonna touch that one you're just you're just gonna leave that you're just gonna leave that right where it is okay like they like they hate each other they do not get along right off the bat but charlene gets in her car anyway this one is really something it's really something charlene is not she's not just gonna put her opinion aside for a moment [ __ ] annoying person then forget about it no she needs to psychologically torture karen into submission first a lot of biting this you know this book has the range i'll give it that you know that scene in the l word where shane is about to hook up with this girl and then they're like oh no we're both chops understandable have a nice day bro that is what should have happened here it is not but the next day charlene is to learn the error of her ways because karen shows up at her work and is like hey charlene want to go to a party with me and charlene is like okay and karen is like cool we're going now get in my car there's a third woman in the car named billy who has a firm handshake no physical description of her whatsoever just just a firm handshake what a way to introduce a character they arrive at a cabin in the woods and there's music playing from inside so presumably this is a real party and karen and billy are not going to murder her sure thought i yeah i spoke too soon on that one for once in this book someone actually faces consequences for following a stranger off into the night as soon as they're about to walk through the door billy immediately punches her and knocks her out and then she wakes up naked and tied to a bed i am trying to have a serious book review on my serious commentary channel and it's so much porn my eyes are bleeding so they have a vengeful threesome and the next day karen is like no hard feelings right dude and charlene is like of course not i love getting abducted and they all lounge around and inspect each other's firm breasts or whatever and once again we [ __ ] thought because charlene smashes billy over the head with an ashtray and starts choking karen and i'm like oh my god she's going to kill them tomorrow turns out she doesn't she just punches karen and knocks her out and then steals their car and drives it back to the city she gets home immediately packs up her stuff rents a car and leaves town which is a very reasonable decision considering the next escalation in this rivalry would definitely be murder i'm i feel like i'm just i'm just surprised when people in these sorts of books actually make good decisions but that seems to be a good decision for now her whole outer world experience thus far as theater usherette and lesbian lover had lasted less than two weeks but she was happy with her progress in both activities everything's going uh everything's going great no questionable choices no regrettable actions whatsoever charlene decides that she's going to chicago but on the way she stops at a shitty drive-in to get food which we know is the drive-in that she works at when she meets cynthia now the book just refers to it as a drive-in and for like the longest time i was picturing a drive-in theater because i feel like that's that's the only drive-in that i anyone my age would know about but i looked it up in a because i started to be like this seems wrong and i looked it up and apparently drive-in diners were a thing i'm still unclear on exactly how these things functioned but it's a drive-in diner not in fact a theater so charlene is at the drive-in and she's like huh this place really sucks living here living here working at this place this must suck i got i got a i got a help wanted sign over there yeah terrible job sounds terrible for truly unclear reasons she just she just decides to actually she's gonna work at the drive-in and live there truly unclear reasons chapter three charlene wakes up and is vaguely troubled by cynthia exactly like the beginning of the last chapter this better not be the new edward watches bella sleep at the beginning of every chapter but this time it's different because cynthia is in bed with her honestly my favorite thing about this scene and about so many shitty romance novels in general is just trying to figure out these elaborately described cuddle positions like your arm is okay in her her leg your other leg her boob anyway charlene is like wakey wakey time to get out of my house unclear if it's morning or not or the middle of the night but cynthia asks her to go get coffee with her first so i assume it's morning or maybe they're drinking coffee at 2am i don't know their lives i should considering this is a book about them but i i don't know so they get into cynthia's car and it turns out intrigue you're not alone a familiar voice came dimly to her ears turn around little butch her glazed eyes caught a glimpse of an arm snaking around cynthia's throat pulling her sharply against the back of the seat and another familiar voice said not a piece small stuff one yap and you'll regret it then billy's hands were pulling charlene almost effortlessly backwards over the seat into the back of the car and billy's voice was saying okay karen get behind the wheel you know where to go they get kidnapped again charlene saw cynthia huddled in the front seat her eyes wide and she wondered if the small girl's nipples were tight they get to a secluded place in the woods you know the drill and cynthia's like no stop i'll pay you to let us go because i'm in love with her and karen is like is it true and charlene suddenly has to confront her greatest fear feelings and she's like yes it's true so karen and billy are like you know cynthia you know you know how you can stop us from beating charlene to death you want to know we already know every night i so skip ahead a few pages because we already know revenge threesome part two i guess foursome this time is abruptly cut short when charlene punches billy in the throat charlene and cynthia steal their clothes and then drive away scattering their clothes across the road and i that was so many different moods in a span of like one page charlene is like sorry i dragged you into this baby now let's get some coffee finally and cynthia's like okay oh my god charlene you're like such a badass nothing affects you at all even though i don't appear to be visibly traumatized by this experience either for some reason and charlene's like nah it's just it's a tuesday for me you know how it is and before they part cynthia's like oh my god is it true that we're in love now and charlene is like of course i love you so much baby and then uh in the middle of the night she drives off into the distance to go move to hollywood without telling cynthia charlene setting the healthy relationship goals as always chapter four it's been a few weeks charlene is now working at a different drive-in in hollywood and she's hoping cynthia's just forgotten all about her and all of that annoying love business by now so inconvenient charlene is not a very good character she has no real feelings because she's not allowed to because she's a stone cold badass and that's more important than her character being compelling apparently and she has no motivations for doing anything that she does except for i guess like curiosity and manipulating situations just to see what the hell happens which i guess is fine but like half a little more than halfway through the book now and it's gotten quite dull so working at this new drive-in shirley meets this girl carol who reminds her of cynthia because she's very tiny and innocent so carol opens up about this story where she meets this guy and she really likes him and he's all charming and whatever they go back to his house together and he makes her drink even though she's uncomfortable with it and she doesn't usually drink uh they dance together and then he starts getting a little bit horny this is sounding extremely familiar already carol tells charlene that she ended up being raped by that man that night and charlene is like yeah men are men are horrible and disgusting that's this is terrible that this happened to you that story is literally identical to what she did to cynthia at the beginning of this book except that what happened to carol is very overtly classified as rape and what charlene does is i guess psychologically torture people into eventual consent so and then charlene is like just just like you know just for science reasons you know where does this guy work how dare you how dare you get me on board with a rapist hunting plotline while i'm trying to hate her charlene goes to the bar where this guy works i believe his name is jack or something so she goes to the bar where he works obviously to seduce him and then leave him to bleed out in the woods or something so she arrives and she's like so i've heard and he's like what he's he's not in the lesbian illuminati so he finds this to be a strange way to approach people what you heard about me oh our little carol's done some blabbing has she what did she tell you nothing not a thing the man's face was grim now come on what did she say charlene studied her glass nothing really i just got the impression from her that you were quite a swinger i thought maybe she looked around again it was just an idea what was your what was just an idea charlene looked up at him with a little smile well you know a gal gets bored with the same old routine real swingers are hard to find regardless of what you hear most of them talk she took another sip of her drink the hollywood influence i guess everybody's an actor i'm gonna vomit everyone in this broly sports bar is losing their mind over the presence of a titty so jack and charlene make plans for her to come back once the bar is closed so they can do some dirty heterosexual business i guess fast forward to then they're alone in the closed bar and jack is like that carol i know she's been talking charlene is like just forget about carol like she's she's harmless just don't like hurt her or anything jack leaned his elbows on the bar taking her hand in both of his you look baby you come in here tonight looking for me you want fun now i'm glad you feel that way i think fun for you would be much fun for me his grip on her arm tightened but don't tell me what to do if you're as hip as you try to make me think you are you know damn well that loose mouth is dangerous i was foolish to get mixed up with carol hayseed but i'm gonna correct that error i'm gonna leave a couple of boys waltzer around a little bit now how's that grab you that felt like reading those passages where like a bunch of letters are switched around and all the words are spelled wrong but you can still read it and you're like whoa that's how i feel reading everything that jack says anyway she stabs him in the chest with a nice pick which is the sexiest thing that's happened so far in this book two days later oh my god carol comes into work and is like charlene that guy got murdered in charlene's criminal mastermind that she is is like what guy might you be referring to carol what guy careless like that guy i told you about and charlene is like oh that guy of course that guy later that day we made a new love interest how spicy the girl wore no makeup that charlene could note her lips were naturally pink her eyes seemed to change colors as they moved they were pale blue pale green light gray and suddenly they seemed to take on a combination of all three whereas earlier shirlene had felt the urge to howl like a coyote she now nearly succumbed to the urge to emit a wolf whistle then with a slight start she heard a low throaty voice ask may i have the menu please how do you do a throaty voice the girl didn't know yet but she was going to be manipulated like a marionette on a string well thanks i hate charlene again she doesn't say a word to this throaty voice anime protagonist but like she makes a whole show of like staring at her for her entire shift staring at her anime titties very obviously accidentally grazing them when she reaches across her but then right before she leaves she's like my shift is over at midnight and then leaves she just walks away watch this woman calls the manager and is like so i've been harassed by your staff today but this is the lesbian illuminati and nobody has common sense so this girl of course comes back after charlene's shift and charlene has in fact waited to see if the girl comes back but she's hiding in the bushes instead just to verify that she came back because she's gonna purposely ghost her she's not gonna meet up with her she's just gonna be like yeah i sure got you from the bushes and then just watched this girl leave disappointed because she's been ghosted and obviously the girl comes back the next day too at which point charlene does talk to her but she's like you know i'm not feeling it really today either why do you come back tomorrow why does she do any of the things that she does why did why does she do it i guess that's the point that's the point she's just lawless and needlessly cruel because she's literally satan and lesbians bad that's the [ __ ] point i know but it still hurts what did i expect from a 60s pulp novel but the point is to be a giant hellhole of depravity that's the point that's the point the third night the girl comes back charlene gets in her car and is like take me to your house and i think this is like the third thing she's ever said to this girl but of course they drive off into the night together this is um this is once they get to her house oh god she had made an effort to keep her voice even but as her eyes fell on charlene her teeth closed slightly on the back of one hand and her eyes literally bulged charlene had already slipped off her coat and stood there with her faint smile dressed in her black stretch toread dressed in her black toreadors high-heeled black patent boots and her latest purchase along with the gloves a russian blouse with an eisenhower jacket effect at the bottom a black satin and a skin-tight fit julian once again does not care that everybody is uncomfortable she's just like it doesn't matter what my name is baby baby this part is a really horrible experience to read she is not uh terrified in the sexy way like cynthia she's just straight up being held captive in her own house by a psycho who is now going full satan growling at her charlene makes this girl go find her dead dog's collar then puts it on her and walks her around the house on a leash all of this against her will listen fred monica whoever you are i get i get that you want big boy bodacious to break into your house handcuff you to a radiator dress up as your dad and deep throat your foot and i get that 1960s publishers required you to depict gay people as depraved satan possessed maniacs but all like the last 50 sex scenes in this book have been written super uncomfortable and not consensual so i'm gonna do it i'm gonna kink shame you i'm a dead dog's collar i am not gonna lie i've started giving this the onision book treatment whereas which is when i don't look too closely at any of the sex scenes for fear that i go blind chapter six charlene is starting to get depressed and become even more of a loner than she was before she has all of this pent-up rage inside that tormenting other people isn't seeming to get rid of for some crazy reason and also she feels bad about that now she's starting to grow a conscience she also feels bad about murdering the bartender that's a little too much conscience can we go back or some girls to wear their dead dogs collar during sex bad murdering rapists good just as charlene is brooding about how miserable and depraved she is she sees a car that she hasn't seen before pull into the drive-in and what do you know the driver the driver of the car is cynthia charlene of course is like what in the heck how did you find me and then she realized that cynthia is looking rough like hasn't slept in four days and or just came back from the dead rough and i mean cynthia immediately bursts into tears so charlene jumps into the car and drives them off to a secluded place where she can find out what's wrong um and given that she's all about having a conscience now she's actually nice she actually tries to comfort cynthia she even sheds a single tear in solidarity charlene's lips felt as if they had been brushed by a blowtorch as cynthia's starving mouth took possession the burning was suddenly chilled to an icy sensation however when cynthia again drew back and looked up into charlene's eyes hesitated in a second and then said i killed them i killed karen and billy both of them i killed them with a carving knife charlene is like you did what you did what cynthia and cynthia's like i can't i can't talk and i can't and so to comfort her in these trying times to offer her some support charlene just like unbuttons her shirt and just grabs the titty just just grasps it firmly in these trying times all right charlie darling i'll tell you everything but first she arched thrusting her bare breasts forward kiss them please they've missed you back to murder so the story goes uh cynthia notices that charlene has disappeared wow um she goes to the drive-in where charlene was working to see if she can go investigate and who just opens her car door and gets in but karen last we saw her she was running naked through the woods but i guess she's decided to return to society and karen's like hey bestie how's charlene doing these days and cynthia's like i don't know she disappeared and karen's like wow that's crazy actually you know why that is that's because we got her in the sex dungeon cabin again like she's there right now with billy she sent me actually to come get you because she totally misses you and i know where she is so obviously cynthia goes to the cabin one deranged gay sex party later karen is like oops sorry we lied to you about that just a little oopsy daisy they let her go and cynthia goes home and her parents are frantic because she's been gone so long now of all times she has parents who apparently care where she is and actually she just can't resist and she goes back to the cabin this time we get our introduction to the murder weapon cynthia and karen are doing whatever it is that the dirty homosexuals do all this time billy was sitting at the table cutting slices from a big block of cheese with a carving knife and eating them between mouthfuls she was making suggestive remarks and offering advice on karen's technique with me sure feel like a murderer's just been foreshadowed besides the murder of my brain cells i was so fascinated with trying to please her that i almost didn't hear billy yell out something like what the hell do you want buster getting a good eyeful and then she laughed and i turned to see what had happened there it's there outside the window i saw my dad close computer put it away good night everyone going to bed for 200 years cynthia's father looks horrified and disgusted and runs away karen karen and billy keep laughing because obviously they think they've just scared away some random creep but this really gets to cynthia her shameful gay secrets have finally disturbed her real life she's probably disowned by her parents now it's just this moment where she hates herself she hates being a lesbian she hates karen and billy and she grabs the knife and stabs them both so now she is a fugitive with no life whatsoever to go back to which is quite depressing and it sends charlene into a spiraling depression as well because she's like this is my fault i corrupted you i ruined your life and they're both super defeated and crying and charlene has lost all of her power and badassery that she had before it starts raining outside just like the first scene of the book how poetic they see sirens in the distance and get scared and charlene drives away in her usual chaotic gays can't drive fashion and they ditch the sirens and they're gonna be fugitives together and everything is great but oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] they're going too fast they die in a car accident at the end i warned you at the start of the video did i not so that was satan was a lesbian i did warn you that the ending was going to be terrible and tragic but my lord i didn't see any of the rest of that coming but i do want to leave off on a positive note especially since i mentioned a little bit of history about lesbian pop novels at the beginning of this book if you are interested in lesbian books and lesbian history boy do i have some recommendations for you odd girls and twilight lovers a history of lesbian life in 20th century america get this um if you are a lesbian who feels like you do not know enough about lesbian history got to me at 14 googling like lesbians history am i lesbian gay this book is great one of my favorite things about it is that it refers you to a lot of like actual lesbian historical figures and books films music art like things from the the arrows that it's talking about so you can go and look at those things if a particular era is interesting to you i also just read this book which is called sisters sexperts queers beyond the lesbian nation it might be hard to find because i did get this at a used bookstore i don't know but it's more of a collection of essays that's specific to a lot of the discourse in the lesbian community that was going on in the 80s and it was really cool to trace back the origin of a lot of ideas that i felt like i was introduced to when i was coming out ideas of what the lesbian community is and what it is to be a lesbian that i completely took for granted when i first came out is it's just it's it's cool i love this book but i also feel like i got more out of it with the context from this book so read this one first before you do anything else read this one if you are interested specifically in pop novels and you want to have a stupid fun experience i recommend bebo breaker there is this is part of a series of books i believe that this one was actually written as like a backstory on this particular character so the author is she's got a lot of stuff if you get really into it um i will warn you though it is objectively not well written at all but it's stupid fun in the way that satan was a lesbian is not it's not it's definitely not it's not more realistic the the protagonist and her romantic escapades sexcapades if you will are pretty outlandish however it is the the setting and like the 1950s gay community is more true to life than like the lesbian illuminati that we have going on over there and then finally just because i always recommend fun home i recommend fun home it's the only like lesbian novel it's a graphic novel by the way it's like the only lesbian novel that i think i just unironically would vouch for as a good book most of them are bad like what is what is the most like iconic influential lesbian novel to this day [ __ ] the well of loneliness i couldn't even get through that fun home is good fun home is the only valid lesbian novel that i've ever read that being said i just also recommended bebo brinker i think the bad ones are worth reading too for the history for the fun for whatever except for satan was a lesbian that one is not worth reading at all at all please don't read it that's what this video is for i hope you enjoyed suffering along with me and i will see you in another video very soon my friends you
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Rating: 4.9846945 out of 5
Keywords: strange, aeons, STRANGE, ÆONS, tumblr deep dive
Id: u5BtLfn9-dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 36sec (2496 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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