Exploring Onision's Terrible Music Career (and regretting it)

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hello friends and welcome back to my little corner of the internet yet again so I have been a youtube sensation for about a week now and I am already diverting from my usual content was making fun of lesbians it seems my channel this is a video so nobody asked for this video is completely unnecessary it is almost as unnecessary as calling out eight-year-old clickbait from someone who will never give you the time of day so since we are being completely ridiculous and unnecessary here I am going to be reacting to anis eons original music not to the many comedy and parody songs he's put out over the years but the ones he is serious about yes those exist and I am expecting them to be one good good spicy mean oniisan drama is a guilty pleasure of mine why hi I guess I might hate myself now I first came to the conclusion that this man was an irredeemable dumpster fire of a vaguely human shaped thing many years ago when I saw the video that he put out responding to a letter that he had gotten from a fan talking about how she was suicidal and he responds basically by telling her to get over it because it's all her fault and she should just decide not to be upset by the fact that she's being abused by her parents which is probably the stance that he will maintain when his own two children inevitably grow up to need copious therapy after having this as a parental figure but alas I had not heard even a whisper of our dear onion for quite some time until about a year ago when I saw Blair White's video criticizing the series he did where he judges and rates the scantily clad bodies of his fans young teenage girls and ever since I have seen a new world I have embraced the drama so I have all of the videos that I'm going to react to open I have organized them from oldest to newest so that we can go on a lovely journey through history but besides that I have not really seen these videos so I'm I am resigned to whatever atrocities end up singed into my retinas by the end of today ok so I have my laptop right here I have the first video it's called I'm so military song and it was released in 2009 you fear me making the call you're afraid of the truths I tell you wish I would just go AWOL first thing the editing ok the ridiculousness with the IM of the effect is excusable because it was mm aight but the fact that he has words on the screen that are not the lyrics you physically can't read that analysts like why i'm so military this is so dramatic so this video is basically his response to his time in the military but johnny is now a murderer your real son died in iraq you know I'm the only person in the military with integrity sir he's the only one he's he's the only person with any decency and we should all listen to what our lord and savior onion boy has to say a pure soul Oh me see on is a pure soul guys just can't can't you tell so he's basically challenging Americans to really think about the morality of the military and he has some points I just I feel like he could say it in a way that doesn't make him sound like such an insufferable pretentious [ __ ] he just talks as if he is above everyone else and he is trying to educate us in his morally superior pure soul ways ok I said the effects we're excusable cuz it was 2009 but this is almost too much this is probably how I would have edited a video in 2009 but I was 11 that was not an enjoyable viewing experience this next one is called it's over and it is from 2012 maybe he's released things between the last video in 2009 and this one in 2012 I don't know and dug up what I could this is what I have in the beginning we were so happy I loved you and you loved me is this a nursery rhyme did I believe your lies give us 14 tries what do you care it's not your heart that dies no he's literally just talking me he's not even singing like in the other one it almost worked like it sounded like it was a kind of spoken word thing to music more than a song but like it kind of worked just another guy to fall and die no questions asked he's a psycho oh it's so bad apparently when you are a morally pure being of superior intelligence you're right shitty rhyming songs and sing them in a trench coat in sunglasses my absolute favorite part of this video this was man like this man looks so confused he's like what the [ __ ] is this crazy man in a trench coat doing screaming about whose acts on a boardwalk this is all you need to see this is this is all you need to understand this video is this screen cap right here this next video is called you're beautiful and the description says you're a beautiful swan song slash music video by oniisan about his now spouse and this one was posted a little later in 2012 in the last video so your boy onion moved on pretty quickly rejection like an infection breeding victims of disaffection so pardon my interjection but we must go a new direction and this is a natural selection rather a warped projection women don't need your objection they deserve on influenced introspection I'm a musician now he's literally holding the camera himself side she does she cannot feel the love I said despite my Honest Hearts intent I love how his facial expression never changes that overexposure though does he have lips he's trying to be one of those like cute Tumblr email boys you're 30 again this doesn't have a core message that I can disagree with but it's the presentation it's just his it's his presumptuousness that he knows better than this that he's in a relationship with frustration consuming me how could she not see he's going around smashing some logs in a forest because she doesn't agree with his perception of her nope you're just a [ __ ] your body's basically perfect stop being stupid you are idiot your body looks awesome so stop being so stupid you [ __ ] does not exist this was in January of 2014 it's called no one will remember your name little face you think that means the throne is your place but let's be honest or a little disgrace you're all walking yes but you think you're an ace if he bitter that hot girls on the internet have self-esteem yes we're all gonna die and be forgotten one day revolutionary he's turned to this kind of fake deep existentialism into just expressing his sexual frustration I guess the earth is not in fact hurtling through space its we'd all be dead who said look at me I'm me you see well guess what honey that's not good enough for me he's talking to girls if you were just gonna go with the whole existential message of we're all gonna die one day whatever why is it not a reflection on your own life why is this about you criticizing other people oh right because it always is you can hope for heaven all you want most of us are still going to hell and that's okay cuz it doesn't matter anyway so it's okay we're all going to hell but if you've served in the military you're a useless piece of scum and I'm morally superior this this he's just a walking contradiction you basically just said nobody matters and we're all gonna die for God yeah that's emotionally crippling naw I mean not really though it's kind of just a obvious fact of life like there was nothing there was nothing incredibly deep about this in this little sketch I guess he's trying to anticipate the criticism that he will get for this song but he's still finding a way to make it into oh I'm so deep and thoughtful and you can't handle you can't handle like my criticism next video okay this one is from 2014 as well when I was organizing these videos I noticed he was sort of on a roll with shitty original music in 2014 so we will see more 2014 but for now this one is called I could never run [Music] why literally why are you exercising I'm so uncomfortable I don't want this in my life this is you are making me care [Music] [Applause] this is the only lyric and this entire saw he's also taken to auto-tuning himself instead of awkwardly talk singing is it a step up I don't know okay so this song is clearly supposed to be an emotional thing about his family and his children and whatever but his facial expression literally never changes like he has he has no emotions in this video he's incredibly monotone he has no facial expressions throughout this entire video I'm not sure if that's an indicator of him being an incredibly untalented musician or a sociopath but my money would probably be on both another one from 2014 this one is called I'll never stop loving you and in brackets a song for my son that's so sweet when I first saw you I nearly passed out I just couldn't believe you were a part of me okay again okay creepy are you trying to intimidate your son into believing you his voice is just so awkward he's just like you couldn't you couldn't have written poetry or something please do your dad and you'll always be my son concede you're falling it's crazy because you know how just not accepting and not understanding of a personal nice feelin is like you know he's going to be terrible to this kid if this kid ever disagrees with him in any way okay so this one is called black ink and it says Death Note themed music video tonight you mind so broken means your [Music] okay so in this one the fact that he is creepy as hell actually works this doesn't sound like it's a give me a moment I'm looking I'm looking at the lyrics to this your minds so broken and that means your mind numbness surrounding your senses I coil around you [Music] [Applause] like black ink [Music] yes excuse me that is the creepiest most manipulative thing I watched Death Note many years ago but I don't see the link between that show and these lyrics obviously the music video is Death Note themed but it's Death Note themed sounds quite a bit like it was performance art to me at the moment one of the comments says I love this so much it would be even better if you use less auto-tune girl no.1 have you heard this man sing without auto-tune okay next one is actually from this year it's from April 2017 and it's called my boyfriend beats me song think you can beat me you want to beat me this is how you treat me do you even love me everyone will see what you did to me and of course it would not be an uneasy on side without rhyming says I wrote this song for women who suffer domestic abuse at the hands of their boyfriends I hope this is meaningful to you know women who suffered domestic abuse do not need oniisan to speak for them what woman is going to look at this gross man in a dress in a green wig and be like right there that's my icon that's I am inspired to survive by abusive relationship by looking at this man pretending like he understands my struggle no like he is literally just trying to appeal to the fact that feminism is popular now this is in such poor taste and it's so badly done and it's just no this one is thank God our final video and it came out less than two months ago it came out October 25th 2017 I just want to cut myself all the cool kids are doing okay as much as I am repulsed by a nice young why does he look like a cute goth lesbian here Charlie you know you shouldn't cut yourself you get lifelong scars people will look at you like you're a freak because it's a horrible thing to do to yourself but because other people will think you're weird the hard times will pass but you shouldn't make them last forever with these scholars a lot of people find that their scars remind them to be stronger and to not go back to the horrible place that they were in but sure oniisan again understands all of these struggles that he's never been through himself and he has the right to just tell you how to solve these problems that he's never experienced yeah just just forget about what if you have a chronic depression you don't just go outside for a walk and get happy and cure yourself this is these last two are the worst they're the most recent and they're the worst did the bully slide the knife across your wrist before we forced you to do this technically and whose fault is he still believes that victims of abuse and people who hurt themselves are just they're the only ones to blame because they choose to be hurt put the knife down lose that frown why does anyone need years of therapy and medication just just lose that friendless those are just the magic words they just flip a switch in your head just turn off all your mental illness you know let me take you down to town get some ice cream and maybe drown what and then there's a suicide joke in there if you needed any more proof that he does not take this seriously he is pretending that he is making this video to try and help people who are going through something real but it's a very thin disguise for him just wanting to make fun of people who he sees as weaker than himself these are just weeding thoughts kid these are just fleeting thoughts kid what have we learned nothing oniisan is a garbage person we already knew that okay now if you love to hate him you have some more reasons to hate him without actually having to subject yourself to these horrible videos on your own and if you are either young and impressionable or mentally impaired enough to like him then but hopeful hopefully you like him less now or or you can just like leave me a hate comment and leave me some anon hate on tumblr you know that would be fun too I think I'm done thank you so much for watching I will see you in the next video subscribe if you like my face leave me a like all that great stuff bye
Views: 1,881,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: onision, drama, original music, music videos, analysis, strange aeons
Id: Qe7TayI3uTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2017
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