I Read Onision's Second Book

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KrimsonRogue (He is a YouTuber that does really good in depth book reviews) did a review on all of Greg’s books. If you liked her video you should really check it out, granted though they are very long.

Here is the link if anyone is interested https://youtu.be/_GLag3Q0sAM (first book)

https://youtu.be/na0918kBX9M (second book)

https://youtu.be/WiJfGq-iyp0 & https://youtu.be/djTgW-1HHKg (third book parts 1 and 2)

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/catlynskeetr 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

How does his fans read his books and think that there is nothing wrong with this man???

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Desert_faux 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

His books didn't age well...

and they weren't born well either lol

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

I agree they are disturbing that’s why I said “To say the least.” I wasn’t trying to downplay any disturbing points in his book but more so wanted to focus on the video I was mentioning ; my bad if I came off a certain way

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/catlynskeetr 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Yeah his books are pretty odd to say the least. Hopefully you aren’t too scared and get a chance to watch the vids though! He skims over anything too bad if that helps as well.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/catlynskeetr 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

Her voice just grates on me.

So adorable tho...

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/turdlover666 📅︎︎ Sep 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
alas poor Gregory [Music] hello friends and Gregory welcome to the long-awaited part 2 on easy on second book is called this is why I hate you it's commonly thought to be worse than stones to Abigail however I will say that the writing itself is definitely better it has much less of the just bad fanfiction sort of writing style that characterized the stones for Abigail at times I would even call it slightly below average which I don't know about you but I'm pretty impressed by coming from him however that is where my credit towards this book ends it's absolutely horrendous as you would expect stone see Abigail at least had a concrete storyline and themes and was a cohesive thing this one is really just garbage spewing in every possible direction constantly contradicting itself I really do think that he set out to write one book and then at some point got bored and started writing a completely different book that is the only explanation for this so let's begin our protagonist is yet again Greg this time his name's Arthur the protagonist Estella Abigail was named James this one is Arthur we don't care it's Greg I believe that the most accurate reading of these books is that they're Greg's fantasies his protagonists are just very obvious self inserts and I will refer to them as Greg for that reason this book is supposed to be his journal which he keeps because nobody understands him they're all just sheeple who could never understand how deep and enlightened he is basically the exact same she does at the first book opened except worse honestly this one is worse it's better written but it's overall a much worse experience you'll see why he's just he's just such a tortured soul it's so sad and I'm willing to bet he has absolutely no problems except for the ones he has created himself by being a narcissistic [ __ ] that nobody wants to talk to I'm an [ __ ] so hard for me is basically um what I'm getting from this right now so now we segue into a tangent about her life is meaningless and happiness disgusts him which segues into a tangent about how he's a big rational atheist and praying is dumb and if you pray it makes you dumb if you find joy and happiness in life you're a big dummy this is supposed to be a private journal but we're already into in the introduction and he has spoken directly to the reader multiple time's so which to me just points to the fact that this there's no way this would exist if there wasn't an audience for it like I don't think he's capable of genuine self reflection like this is for an audience so chapter what Gregg hates pretty much everything he hates his room he hates sunlight he hates his father a lot he hates Christianity again because that's a really important point to drive home apparently big rational atheist smart man galaxy brain he hates the English language itself I got a little quote here for you verbal communication is key to committing genocide you want world peace stop participating in this pointless social game commit yourself just silence statistically you likely have nothing of value to say anyway this is so [ __ ] edgy I am physically in pain it sucks because I really do feel for teenagers who have social problems or feel like weirdos in a kind of close-minded environment because that absolutely was me it does make you sad and angry and hostile towards normal people but you grow up and you realize that the world is so much bigger than high school and that there is a place in it for you but I feel like the problem here is that Greg has never realized that the world is bigger than high school and if you're unfamiliar welcome to this video I don't know why you're watching me suffer but this man is in his 30s so this is real sad and not him like a genuine I cry like no he's a horrible human being I'm it's sad isn't like oh god yikes now he fantasizes about murdering and torturing this kid he doesn't like he calls people a lot of really horrendous things he mentions this girl the first thing that he tells us about her is that she has huge boobs and is destined to be a stripper hatred of women for their sexual power interesting and the next thing he mentions is that she has the mind of an 11 year old so that's your big yikes of the day not that it'll be the last we have found one thing that our boy Gregory does not hate ham sandwiches he also tells us that he is not concerned with his health because he's then and he hates his father who actively tries to better himself and his health it considers himself superior to his father because his father is heavier than him interesting Greg nicely acknowledges for us so self-aware he acknowledges that he has a what does it say a relevant first world white boy life but here's the thing someone truly nihilistic is not gonna write an entire book about how everything in the world is just disgusting and beneath you except for ham sandwiches apparently basically I'm reading from notes that I made as I read the book so there is this whole big reveal at the end we'll get there there's this whole big reveal about his relationship with his father at the end which is supposed to recontextualize all of us and make it impossible to criticize him but it's just such a cop-out and just such a weird thing tacked on at the end I wrote all of this down when I didn't know that and I have a bit of a feeling that Greg wrote this book without knowing that either he just tacked it on at the end to make it harder to criticize him so we're gonna keep reading this entire book until like the last page where they revealing we're gonna keep reading this book as if that's not a thing that he says chapter 2 he has a dead mother and he doesn't hate her apparently so so far we've got dead mom ham sandwiches um he then fantasizes about bombing a sports event because human life is worthless and it would be a laugh I guess um sports are another thing which are apparently beneath him geez dude it's not our fault that you have no talents or hobbies in life and other people enjoy things like wow people are successful at sports and millions of other people find joy in watching them sounds terrible what's empathy but no he makes sure to assure us that he's not a sociopath because he he would never actually murder anyone he just loves fantasizing about it all the time which sounds totally legit he's also dating this girl named Ashley for the sole reason that she seems to like him and he has a physical need and we quote Ashley is a good-looking girl she is pale skinned okay there's a lot to unpack there but we are just gonna throw away the entire suitcase also free will doesn't exist because teenage boys are morning love is fake your body decides to pursue relationships not your big boy galaxy brain of course if I had free will I could choose to be gay and I just [ __ ] might he then uses the word impregnate repeatedly which I he's up there with moist in my opinion I had love in quotation marks to multiple times in quotation marks to describe his feelings towards potential children that he might have which he wrote this as a father so that's just take that as you will no no no he also likes about Ashley that she is healthy read thin and has good facial proportions and wait for it this is the time to call on your knowledge from the last book How well do you know Greg's [ __ ] his favorite thing about her is that she has no opinions that could possibly challenge his worldview in any way this all sounds so incredibly ridiculous but I promise you I'm not doing any interpretation here this is what he says I'm literally just reciting a summary of this book I almost feel like he's doing my job at making fun of him for me it's quite convenient honestly he's decides he's gonna attack this jock we're back to jocks apparently he decides to attack this jock for touching Ashley's hips without consent which is a creepy thing to do I will give you but apparently like we've already we've already been over the evils of language so I assume like the only other way to solve your problem is by fighting him so a good big boy galaxy brain logic there Greg acknowledges that starting this fight is primitive and marking his territory which is absolutely disgusting but it's again this like fake self-awareness is he's obviously gonna do it anyway because he wants to and he has like some like [ __ ] attempt at rational explanation for it but like really he's just super hyped to hurt someone like that's it he threatens to stab another jock friend of the guys in the throat and then breaks the guy's arm and we quote the snap of his arm was rather loud surprisingly so I might just have felt arousal from how tremendous it was so yes now our boy Gregory onion gets real horny at breaking the arms of men who threatened his territory this is our romantic hero who we are meant to root for thanks our reasoning for why he knows how to break arms is that his mom taught him this before she died which you know sometimes you just teach your son how to break people's arms I'm gonna teach my son that soon too the principal shows up and Greg pretends to be the victim and the police show up and he apparently convinces them too that it was self-defense even though there was a witness there who saw him start the fight who he threatened to stab in the throat but that's not important right now because he needs to be this big manipulative genius who has control over every situation Ashley won't talk to him but that's okay because every girl is the same and he can just find another one exactly like her human life is worthless the usual this is honestly getting tiring Chapter four Ashley likes him again big surprise buckle up my homosexuals because this next part is gonna get real in Sully a lot of people wonder why girls like jerks why are a lot of women into guys with attitude problems over the friend-zoned nice boys if you appreciate reality over fantasy it takes one look at the animal kingdom to figure out yeah it's that bad for male special Cu you know what else is absolutely necessary to survive in both human and animal society social bonds where are you gonna get by throat punching everyone in your path also just glazing over the fact that the whole alpha male study was complete [ __ ] anyway but so I've written down I've written down here in my notes he's like if an in cell managed to touch a boob once and decided he was the ultimate enlightened Chad which is that's that's pretty much how I'll put it yeah he's at home and he gets irrationally offended by his father saying that he's gonna pray for him because of his school troubles and his father is out with his girlfriend a lot lately so Greg uses that time alone in the house to masturbate constantly he's very proud of his big boy self for getting around the parental blocks that his dad has on his computer to block the porn sites Greg then shows up to school wearing a bloody trench coat with half his face painted like a skeleton this is where the cover of the book comes from I guess I like to read this moment like one of those bad fan fiction scenes where it's just fortuitous description of their outfits like my immortal has so many of them every other person in school has them looking at me nervously for the past few days today their looks could be in response to the fact that I painted half my face like a skeleton it could also be that I wore the same trench coat I had on when I broke John's arm I didn't even wash my own blood off of it yet it could also be in the silver tooth I got to replace the one John knocked out of my face my name is Gregory darkness dementia Craven way so Gregory gets called to the principal's office for his interesting fashion choices and is greeted with the question are you a psychopath we've been through stones to Abigail we know that none of the adults in this book are gonna converse like normal mature adults so the principal is like I bet you're just being rebellious cuz your parents are stupid which is obviously because they're religious because religious people are stupid Greg is like no wrong my mom's dead and I liked her and the principal's like okay cool I'm gonna expel you because you're a psychopath which makes total sense Greggy tells us the reader that this must be because he looks like a school shooter acknowledges the Columbine reference with the trench coat but he also takes deep offense to this because even though he looks that way he would never hurt anyone just because he felt like it even though he literally just did that and then Greg goes and cries about it but it's okay because he's ashamed of it so he's still manly this is this book is at this point just goth stones to Abigail so Greg goes and takes off his makeup and wallows in self-pity and oh he's such a tortured soul the world is so cruel to him so tragic he must experience consequences for breaking people's arms and implying that he's a school shooter so yeah Greg doesn't have any friends so yes we go sit with Ashley's friends at lunch her friends are brain dead and he wants to stab them the usual why in the legitimate [ __ ] is this girl still dating him there was no explanation as to why Ashley was even hanging around these people no there's no explanation for why she's still hanging around you he tells her they have to leave immediately cuz her friends are stupid and she picks her friends over him like a normal person should so these storms of weight flips them off what are the chances that she's gonna change realize he's right and that she should worship the woke alpha male that he is the chances are a hundred percent she calls him that night big shock and he gives her an ultimatum that he will take her back if she becomes Goff Ashley stood where she knew I'd see her as I walked in her hands wearing to walk in front of her thighs her butt was slightly perked out I noticed this day she was wearing black tights as her eyes came clearly into view I can see her purple eyeshadow plum colored lipstick and purple glitter on the black jean jacket she was wearing I was overwhelmed by her gesture of loyalty I never Greg's type continues to be girls who do whatever he wants mindlessly cute he talks about her loyalty a lot which is totally not creepy and doesn't sound like a cult leader in any way but I don't think we have to worry he's already pursued that career path and it didn't work out so well they decide not to use a condom and it's super romantic apparently and he's like you know before I thought it was fake and I still do but our relationship is different because I'm hashtag deep and different as a writer he needs to reconcile the protagonist being an ng cool psychopath with her also being a brain-dead love interest that he can bang chapter 7 so Greg is real mad that his dad is taking them on a family trip that his dad's girlfriend wanted to go on because his dad is taking his girlfriend over him and that's so unfair because it impedes his ability to hang out with Ashley instead of his parents how dare you pick your girlfriend over me that impedes my ability to pick my girlfriend over you he uses really horrible degrading language for his dad's girlfriend again basically just because she's chubby so Greg decides to blast some anti-religious screaming music to piss them off refuses to turn it off like a little [ __ ] he's so proud of himself because now he's the big alpha male in the cut and they can't do anything about it so uh again like a rational adult a normal person his dad decides to pull over and start choking him obviously Greg fights back with epic moves at his dead mother and explicably taught him and his dad's girlfriend tries to help by like pulling off Greg's boots so he can't kick as effectively and then Greg just runs off into the distance and gets stranded because they were on a road trip I'm just bit okay this is like this is a bad fanfiction quality scene it's not as saturated with bad fanfiction quality scenes of stones to Abigail but they are absolutely there do not get me wrong according to Gregg his father completely screwed him over in life because he never told him to be himself my dad wanted me to grow up and have the same values of him no [ __ ] parents are like that sometimes my parents wanted me to grow up to be straight and look how that turned out but you know what Gregg sometimes people can deal with their differences in mature ways and come to an understanding anyway Greggy poo gets arrested and put in juvenile hall according to him teenagers are like actual slaves just the property of their parents with no rights he's so oppressed even though his father decides not to press charges or even impose any of his own punishments it seems like literally his life just goes exactly back to the way it was before except Tina's father don't talk anymore what you'd think would be a positive for him chapter 8 Greg's life is falling apart of tragedy Greg makes the interesting claim that he has slept with Ashley more times than his father has ever slept with his own girlfriend probably because he's the real big alpha male in the house yeah also his father doesn't want him and actually seeing each other because he's afraid that she'll get pregnant which considering he's secretly red Greg's Journal and knows that they don't use condoms it's a completely valid concern but he's still bet because he's a chubby beta male who believes in God like some kind of [ __ ] I've done my fair amount of criticizing religion on this channel but specifically for the harm and depression it causes I've made a video with one of my friends who is religious talking about our mutual problems with the Catholic education that we had growing up I don't criticise religion because I'm personally offended that people dare believe something I think is illogical and I gotta flex my big galaxy brain on them but no this is absurd and childish and ridiculous also the only good thing in life is having sex with his girlfriend as usual Greg then foreshadows additional tragic stuff which he has not mentioned but it happened in the past and he will mention it in the future because good storytelling this next passage is probably my favorite part in this entire book prepare your mind body and soul as you do as for the madness that went down recently the other night I was called down to consume a meal that was prepared by frog face and I just happened to not be hungry the dish of curse he meant of course but it's hilariously fitting the dish of curse was vegetarian it wasn't even the kind of bearable vegetarian rather the type of vegetarian food you eat that makes people wonder if there's something wrong with you let me elaborate on that please do if there are some vegetarian foods that I found somewhat decent tasting they're called vegetables then there are these fake cheeses vegans invented that taste essentially like your grandmother crapped into a jar of flour sprayed it with a hose put it in the oven ran over it with her car put it back in the oven blended it up and put it under the Sun to dry and then slapped it on a veggie burger do you understand where I'm coming from I mean vegan cheese is kind of bad but you can just not need it I don't want to eat the fake cheese just because they want to try something different than cal pasta Dairy of course someone with a spine would object so I did what happened as a result insanity I'm picturing they just served him like an entire plate of cheese like come down for dinner son it's just vegan cheese so Greg guys have to leave this apparent feast of vegan cheese and his father calls the cops this is just not a real person and neither is the officer who shows up and threatens to arrest him for having a bad attitude about vegan cheese that's my favorite part that's the best part you may as well click off this video now that's the best part so Greg's new life plan is to join the airforce which sounds familiar he decides to leave and Ashley takes that as him abandoning her she seems to be upset by it but he doesn't really care because all girls are the same and he can find another soulless person to [ __ ] I guess he makes fun of all the guys who don't get accepted in the military because they're not alpha enough and they must be victims who feel bad for themselves all the time you know like I do constantly but I'm completely unselfish M they're all running from something but Greg situation is by far the worst definitely the worst of all of these people he doesn't know at all and for certain the most hashtag deep he describes the process of traveling to the military facility in a lot of detail and very clearly probably because this is something that our esteemed author has experienced himself we soon meet a woman called sergeant Johnson the first thing Greg tells us about her is that she is emotionally abusive to the troops and the second thing he tells us about her is that he wants to gratify himself to her over all he doesn't take very well to military discipline but he complies with it to prove what an alpha male he is compared to all the weak others is everyone is a stupid animal slave to emotions except for him god this [ __ ] is tiring I cannot stress to you how much of this book is just him going on about what a galaxy brain alpha male he is the most frustrating thing is that at this part where he's talking about the military there there are glimpses there are moments where he does seem to know what he's talking about and it it's frustrating because if you weren't such an insufferable narcissist and this weren't all interpreted through the lens of how great he is he could actually make an interesting point about some of these experiences there's this one scene where as a punishment for something he did he has to taunt these other trainees that are doing push-ups and he watches them gradually start to hate him and turn against him because they're in pain and he's taunting them and he has this realization about manipulation I guess I just found this scene weirdly believable in a way that I've never found anything in his books believable before um so I don't know I wouldn't be surprised if it was based on a real experience this would be an interesting scene if the point of it weren't all men are weak slaves who went below me you know this [ __ ] is tiring is basically where I'm at with this book at this point chapter 10 so Greg decides to call Ashley and she's like wait who are you again and he's like I haven't gone that long and she's like all right how could I forget that man I lost my virginity to cuz this is a normal conversation that two people would have that is definitely not contrived by a creepy old man to prioritize sex at every moment so Ashley has moved on since he left but I mean how long do you think that's gonna last look we have not seen the last of her others there's no way she could stay away from Greg the ultimate alpha male who she lost her virginity to no she's coming back so they have this like surprise hostage situation drill where someone comes in and pretends to like take the Trainor hostage and none of the trainees do anything about it Gregg reflects on it what a coward he was and hell he wants to be a big brave strong man my life is meaningless but my existence can have more significance than this cowardly state if I let it these things mean the opposite thing and I'm crying I'm just I'm clearly just too dumb to understand this absolute moral enlightenment chapter 11 okay so at this point I doubted my certainty about Ashley coming back because we have a new love interest I'm sorry I mean love as Greg would say so they're paired up for an exercise and Greg immediately knows that they were meant to be together cuz they're the only real people and it seems and at this point my eyes are gonna [ __ ] glaze over so the exercise is like this Suicide Prevention simulation where they have to talk down a guy who wants to kill himself and all the other trainees failed because there are big stupid it's not like Greg who just repeats know you have so much to live for a few times okay but wouldn't it be more in character for him to morally object to the whole exercise on the basis that human life is worthless and the guy deserves to die for being a week beta male like just putting that out there just saying so later he's talking to Cory this is our new female specimen and they're talking about their backstories I guess and she mentions that she once where she joined the military so that she could pay for college and in response to his backstory she makes a joke that he's an uneducated delinquent or something and then she's like me I'm just kidding love you you're so deep uh girl no you had it right the first time to run so Greg concludes that this is where he belongs his his paradise even because one he gets to sadistically enjoy everyone else being miserable and two he has acquired a female we enter Chapter 12 there's some drama because Greg confronts a sergeant for violating a military code against using emasculating language on troops I'm sure that does exist however is pretty funny how he gets so enraged at a woman he must clarify to us that is he's not attracted to he gets absolutely enraged at a woman he's not attracted to insulting his masculinity and I find that just hilarious really I'm surprised you didn't just store him over to her and insist that it was all because she wanted to [ __ ] him the whole time but anyway all the other troops side with the sergeant and he gets punished kind of they make him read the military code and see that it is allowed in a training environment and he only read the excerpts in his booklet but he doesn't himself wrong he considers him such an unjust situation that he only read excerpts in his training booklet instead of the whole code in fact it's the military's faults for setting him up and deceiving him and for not treating him like a man so everyone is a drone and he's oppressed for being punished for calling someone out for violating a code that he didn't read anyway the solution is to fantasize about murdering people with chainsaws well being a raging narcissist sounds tiring imagine being this offended by [ __ ] so he gets humiliated and socially ostracized and the only person in the world who cares about him is his newest female of choice you know the usual stop it I would find his romance stories less ridiculous if it wasn't just exactly the same [ __ ] every time there's like a bee in stones - Abigail Ashley Cory do they have distinct personalities no but that's clearly his ideal woman because they just they just stroke the onion you go endlessly without ever having to bother him with their own thoughts or feelings or opinions so inconvenience you know chapter 13 nothing romantic has actually happened between him and Cory yet but he gratifies himself to her literally every night literally he has to use the word literally twice in a sentence to get this across so they're stationed in Oklahoma now but Greg keeps volunteering to be sent overseas because he just he has this deep desire to help people and protect people now definitely not to commit mass murders because human life is worthless like character development is a thing that happens but it hasn't happened here like in what situation did he realize that his previous worldview was flawed and develop in any way he didn't miss he just started saying the complete opposite of what he said the entire beginning of this book and then he goes on for a while about the gross social rejects because he's socially accepted at this base now so he has the right to [ __ ] on the losers now even though that's bent him his entire life okay so he says that some people are deliberately failing the tests to be sent overseas I like the physical standards you have to meet and he's just disgusted by that because they're clearly not brave alphas like him there's also a focus here on women who get pregnant to avoid service but totally not because he hates women or anything definitely not so Greg gets sent to South Korea and as I was reading this I thought that I vaguely remembered hearing somewhere that he had served in South Korea so I looked it up and yes he did and he was also an Oklahoman so this is very much based on his life Cory gets that somewhere actually dangerous referred to only so eloquently as the desert so she's really upset about it because obviously she only joined the military to pay for college and this is probably gonna be terrible and traumatic she's very upset about it but also totally totally in love with Greg even though he's the one who convinced her to apply to be sent overseas in the chances that they could be sent away together they we've really glazed over the fact that he's the one responsible for this so he tries to kiss her and she doesn't want to but instead says that she loves him okay chapter 15 so Corey's being a little more distant now after what happened between her and dad Greggy poo but because we can't go two seconds without talking about what a Chad he is he gets an email from Ashley that says I need you so he calls her and she tells him that her brother is dead and he's like what and then she just yells at him for not knowing about the deadly mass shooting at their high school listen my dudes my friends I think at this point we have to acknowledge as a fact Greg's disgusting fetishization of violence and tragedy like these sorts of violence and tragedy such as school shootings that the media makes glamorous in a way so he immediately flies home to see Ashley okay because he we have definitely established how much he deeply cared about her so she picks him up at the airport and immediately starts making out with him and he feels bad about what was it he feels feels bad for taking advantage of her sadness I reiterate at what point did this character and develop human emotions he just he just cares so much about Ashley now and he wants to do whatever he can to ease her pain even though the last time they saw each other he didn't give a [ __ ] I'm never seeing her again and has since moved on to some other bland female with no personality wait nope he's back on his [ __ ] evolution must have created the concept of love our relationships with other human beings were biologically invented to get us to live on and multiply well have is simply a vessel used to deliver us a false sense of purpose and you congratulations human species you tricked us all into out living our reproductive organs that's all you wanted right stick around till your junk stops working then die cute problem is the entire books been sold us and I am bored by this garbage edgy fifteen-year-old [ __ ] Greg looks at Ashley his brother's girlfriend who's speaking at his funeral and crying it's like he looks at this girl mourning her boyfriend and is like yeah she liked [ __ ] other guys in like maximum of a month but like totally not because he hates women interesting Holly's opinions of them always come back to his approval or disapproval of their sex lives and how attractive they are to him so Greg says that actually is basically just using him for sex as a coping mechanism and he still thinks that love is fake but he also doesn't care if he gets her pregnant and she says that he loves her and he wants to take care of a family this boy is gonna give me [ __ ] whiplash so now we've got Ashley hand we've got Cory but he can't seem to make it work with either of them Oh whatever will he do what if Cory doesn't find him physically attractive okay I'm reading this with the foresight of what does happen and what I wrote down is basically that you won't see him actually get rejected in this book at any point and that still holds Yul's you will see the the [ __ ] that he pulls but that absolutely still holds well what do you know it's chapter 16 so we're in Korea now I made it for about a page and a half without making any notes which tells me that this is the least insufferable chapter so far he's describing the new trainer and the new sergeant and whatnot and everything is relatively chill until he decides to pull some more psycho [ __ ] they have this exercise where they have to fight a man in a big padded suit just as like a hand-to-hand combat sort of thing and everyone else fails to defeat the man in the padded suit so great you poo thinks up a fun little plan he goes up it's his turn to fight the guy in the suit and at first he just doesn't fight back like a smug little [ __ ] and then when he gets the opportunity he takes like a stick and jams it through the gaps in the faceplate trying to seriously injure the dude and succeeds and he acknowledges at this point that the fight is clearly over he has won but completely breaking the rules and actually hurting someone but no he decides just for kicks he's gonna break the guy's ankle this gives him chills of satisfaction but then he's like Olli I did a silly thing I should hurt people I actually don't like I didn't I didn't even know this random trainer oops I guess I just go a little crazy when I don't have anyone to [ __ ] you know I'm just a guy with needs hurting people feels great I had there gotta hurt people or [ __ ] to deal with my suffering just a guy out here with me it's just a normal guy so the other trainers hear screaming and show up and they order some others to like hold Greg down but they don't they don't even listen to the order because they're too scared of Greg to they don't want to touch him he's a big scary alpha male so the commander comes in and yells at Greg and he's like you know like don't you think it's a it's a bit of common sense not to break other troops tankles it should be common sense but we're not gonna acknowledge how right the other guy is of course cuz this is Greg's story the trainers and all the other students want him out of the army but he just gets sent to a therapist and he's like oh well obviously they can't kick me out for being a good fighter that would be stupid [ __ ] like an entire class witnessed him break the ankle of a man he'd already beaten in a fight when all of that was like all of what he did was against the rules and it's just like again common sense you have to be absolutely deranged or stupid to do something like that and he was just like well I'm just a kids fighter they can't kick me Greg is very clearly in the wrong here but it's it's subtext he's still our romantic hero tortured by the cruel world it would be especially unreasonable if my discharge were a result of anyone thinking I'm too violent to be enlisted is that not what we're here for the military is primarily just a weapon plain and simple did they really expect every airman to go through combat training and be unable to destroy the man hiding behind the Redman suit that's the big padded suit the guy was wearing we're only allowed to be killers in Psychopaths when they put their stamp of approval on it right otherwise there's something wrong with us yes literally yes he's like well that's just stupid military and logic for you it's there's a good amount of logic to don't break your trainers ankle because you felt like it chap 18 and he's got another one Oh Gregory onion he's like yeah you know I know that my entire life depends on a new girl every few months but like I have basic human needs be realistic so the first thing he needs to tell us the reader about her is that he likes her ass and the second important thing he needs to tell us is that she is not his race but he's attracted to her anyway what a saint so you know he had his doubts but he loves it in South Korea now because he's encouraged to be insane and violent even though he literally just got in trouble for taking that too far but okay and he has another thing to [ __ ] so we're all good basic basic human needs violence and a female we're set but then one day a senior Airman decides to touch his girlfriend's hip also he only refers to her as booty which is the totally endearing nickname that is not at all objectifying it's just weird I'm gonna call her his girlfriend so Greg's like that's my girlfriend actually and then his girlfriend takes the opportunity to walk out of the room without saying anything just just leave the situation cuz she's not important and the other guy's like well I'm gonna [ __ ] her anyway and Greg's like oh yeah really bro well I'll slit your throat so the other guy threatens to extra sleep with his girlfriend and then murder her and then Greg wakes up in a neck brace so this guy comes into Greg's hospital room the colonel hoss same guy who lectured him before I would it being kind of common sense to not break your trainers ankle but which was completely correct but now he's totally on Greg's side because we want murderers in the military that's the point silly I've been smelling some serious Greg [ __ ] for the past little while at first I was like yeah I guess I'm not in the military and these all seem like feasible situations not anymore this is we've we've gone full Greg [ __ ] at this point so Colonel Moss is like yeah Greg good buddy good pal you're completely off the hook your girlfriend explained everything to me and like I won't let anyone punish you also it's like real cool but you're not one of those beta males like all those guys over there you're like really cool Greg the colonel been aggressively defends him to some guy outside of the room and I don't know you you think the military would value discipline you know someone with enough self-control to not go full Hulk rage over some guy wanting to sleep with their girl friend just just a thought so his girlfriend comes in all like bubbly had hyped like oh my god Greg you Chad you ripped his eye out it was so hot um he touched my hip he deserved it and Greg's like OMG galaxy brain moment I am right I've been the moral one this entire time I never start fights I even though I totally do I just love them and take every opportunity I can to be as violent as I can't what's wrong with that chapter xix Greg gets signed up for all kinds of super intense training by his new guardian angel or Colonel Haas basically there's a rocky montage and then suddenly he's a dangerous professional but he gets back to Korea a new drama his girlfriend has a new roommate and it's Cory spicy but then there's actually no drama cuz it's totally cool and Cory just loves him so much as a friend and his girlfriend just loves him so much too and let's just have a session gushing about how much we love great cuz he's so great so the new girlfriend tells Cory about the eye thing and she's like oMG Greg that's so cool you're such a Chad I feel so safe from gross man around you which the [ __ ] irony of him being a gross man who literally talked about gratifying himself to her every night out of absolutely nowhere it's time to bring up the fact that his new girlfriend is vegan but he loves her anyway cuz he hated vegans before because of his dad but now he realizes that love transcends diet I want to die so the girls start talking more about diets you know how women do and Greg gets triggered cuz it reminds him of his dad's diets and he just they don't want to stop talking about it so he just sits there and angrily it's his steak thinking ha this is revenge all the vegans who don't want me to eat steak I'm just gonna really my steak so Greg is out here volunteering for every possible assignment that he could get sent on and finally he gets sent to an active combat zone again referred to only so eloquently as the desert Greg vomits on the plane there and then he just has a miserable time for two weeks not getting to murder anyone get back to Korea and he sees his girlfriend and Cory and they are immediately just like hey want to have a threesome oops just kidding we are gay for each other though and Cory's like just think about it Greg of course I'm gay that's the only possible explanation for a girl not wanting to sleep with you so at first Greg is he's hurt and betrayed by this but then his girlfriend's like no Greg it's okay like we're still together like it's fine I'm just into her too but like obviously doesn't count because she's a girl and Greg's like OMG you're right before I've had to fight everyone who tries to take my property but if it's another girl then it's hot and not at all a threat to me cuz same-sex relationships are nowhere near on the level that straight one's all right and then they all have a big group hug and everything is great they all love each other so much and then as Greg is leaving they immediately the two girls immediately start making out and Greg is like yeah you know gay rights like things must be so hard for Cory I just hate homophobia like my dad you know speaking of gay rights I fantasize about them every night I act like a gentleman but I can't stop my perverted thoughts demands pregnancy and Cory was just so touched by his acceptance of her being gay that just speaks to how evil and homophobic the rest of the world is compared to him on behalf of lesbians this entire chapter is disgusting and we do not want your fetishization masquerading as acceptance you I just you that's just I just feel you right now chapter 21 so they're in a polyamorous throuple now and everything is beautiful all the time if you're up on the onion lore it's pretty clear which era this came from it's also hilarious to me because obviously Greg never managed to achieve this beautiful harmonious ideal that he describes here because of course here they have an agreement that Cory is a lesbian they just both sleep with the same girl but Greg is a [ __ ] creep and just want to just sleep with all the girls his partner brought home so that didn't really work out for them did it but they do watch each other have sex with their shared girlfriend all the time the things that I read with my own two eyes for your entertainment Lord my own god my eyes are watering from that I'm not literally going to cry in this episode the idea that any woman who's gay would want oniisan watching them have sex is just so completely deranged oh my lord the guy whose eye Greg ripped out gets wind of the fact the two girls were holding hands so now he's got blackmail material on them because this is doing that Don't Ask Don't Tell area of the military so of course they could be discharged for being gay he confronts them by coming over to their lunch table and saying so y'all just orgy all the time or what y'all are gonna burn in hell so we have this moment of like oh Greg's gonna throw a punch him but not we we interrupt this scene for a very important message just a side note you might think I'm horribly fat from eating all this meat dot dot dot it's not true I weight 178 pounds and I'm just an inch size 6 feet tall some people like my dad will have you believe that if you eat meat that means you'll be obese who has ever said that's not always true obviously it's not the case for me and the paintings like that I was especially ironic coming from a doughnut obsessed be rebellion pile of lard like my father and then from that we just cut right back to the other guide storming out defeated after Greg flipped his lunch tray that's some storytelling 101 right there be sure to always interrupt an intense moment to reassure the audience yet again that you are not fat so and then when they leave the guy and three of his friends are like waiting outside the building for them and Corey's like no Greg I can't leave you and his girlfriend's like it's okay he's a combat expert and he's got throat punched them all then it's fine because security shows up and tells the guys to [ __ ] off and then turns to Greg and it's like not that you needed the help because obviously you're just such a badass this book started out like it was trying to be so edgy and now this is basically just the same narrator histones to Abigail basically the same concept of just guy walks around being a completely unselfish whole well everybody sucks his dick literally and figuratively and then he just has this hashtag deep moment of we're supposed to be fighting our country's enemies but really we're just fighting each other it's common sense that you shouldn't but here you are chapter 22 Corey is getting discharged for being gay for some reason the girlfriend is fine I guess if you calmly explain to them that you're by itself chill because they nothing know about Corey because they saw the two of them together it so it doesn't they're just okay whatever I don't do I really expect a plot that makes sense from Greg no I do not so what am i complaining about so Cory comes to Greg crying and has countless tears running down her face I your first instinct when someone comes to you crying is to count their tears that's interesting oh and Cory's like I can't live without you I need you to come back with me give this man the woke points for that believable gay representation I want to die there's some [ __ ] explanation for why the girlfriend isn't included in this apparently everyone believes she's straight because they saw her with him but they also saw her with Cory I don't think that homophobic military officials care if you're gay or bi if they catch you like okay so then he explains which this would be a way better explanation for why the girlfriend isn't included in this but he just tacks to this on as like a completely extra point that's not part of the [ __ ] explanation for that she's fine fine it's fine it's everything's fine I had this is all a coordinated plot by one eye guy in his Bros who apparently fabricated a bunch of stories about Cory being creepy and try to seduce girls and yeah so they're they're trying to get her kicked out all for the purpose of ruining Greg's life so Greg immediately gets up to go do an alpha male thing so he storms over to the guy's room and he's like alright so I'm either gonna assault him and I can't pretend it was self-defense this time so I guess I'm gonna get kicked out but then I can go home with Cory or I can intimidate him into admitting that he lies in which case she gets to stay either way I get to possess her so he just breaks down this guy's dorm room door that he doesn't even check if it's unlocked first I was just plan a is just busting kool-aid man style alright then I admired the dedication so he puts a knife to the guy's throat and is like haha I got a knife to your throat and the guy is like lmao dumbass you want to go to jail for life so then the guy's friend comes over and pulls Greg off of him and it's like haha your love triangle is over like some kind of cartoon villain whose entire life is dedicated to ruin a Greg's polyamorous military throuple then then Greg just sulks away like oh right no matter what happens I lose someone Casey what a cry for help my violence is i'm a tortured soul chapter 23 we're so the second-to-last chapter were so close so one eyed guy and his brow don't report what Gregg did because Colonel Haas that guy who's protecting Gregg won't even believe them anyway so they don't bother because we live in Gregg land where adults act like petty children but Gregg and Cory are just they're just closer than ever these days and they just have a bond like nothing else he's ever experienced the girlfriend is like kind of on the sidelines these days but that's okay cuz she just had to go and be like some kind of selfish weirdo who focuses on her life goals instead of basing every sense of meaning she has on a relationship what a weirdo Gregg just wants out of the army now so badly so that he can just go be with Cory and I just I [ __ ] hate this so much bleak literally just make her buy as a lesbian this is the absolute most [ __ ] absurd thing I've ever heard in my life so then Gregg comes up with this genius plan but if he had Cory get married then she can travel around with them in the military and it'll all be fine and dandy and the throttle can continue and then he gives her a good brotherly kiss on the cheek and everything is just beautiful so they're walking back to the rooms and one of 1i guy's pals is like hey Gregg Gregg II poo my boy my pal come help me with something for a second and Gregg's like all right I guess this doesn't look like a ploy to distract me from guys waiting to attack Rachel and Cory at all why are these guys so invested in ruining his life like I mean like maybe maybe the guy whose eye he ripped out has some sort of retribution motive but everyone else here is just just in it for kicks I'm just so there's no reason for any of us it's so [ __ ] dumb I'm just crying I'm just crying over this stupid book it's just so bad everything about this is bad and I want to die Greg gets away from the guy who was trying to distract him and burst into the girls room and is like well I guess I got a murder everyone in here now cuz they touched my property he takes a second to [ __ ] on one eye guy for solving his problems with violence as he murders an entire room of people himself I mean the final guy he even kills with his bare hands just as it looks like Greg has saved the day from bad guy mcbaggy again the guy who now has no eyes thanks to him gets up again even though he's been stabbed in the skull he gets up again he stabs Greg in the back of the head big reveal oh my god what a plot twist I am absolutely riveted Cory decided to finish his journal after he died cuz that's a normal thing people do so the final chapter is just like I loved Greg so much and it was so great and so smart and so honest and also she and Rachel are gonna name their adopted son after him because he was just such an inspiring person she also then reveals that Greg was sexually abused by his father and that's what he hated him so much and that's why he was so violent okay this is such a cop-out just tacked on at the end so that the character can't be criticized therefore I'm gonna do it anyways and Greg's gonna make a response to this video like wow you think abuse victims should be mocked do you think abuse is funny oh my god what an evil person who condones abuse and I'm gonna let him this final chapter basically exists to excuse every bad thing you did in this book and to obsess over how perfect and moral and good he was you know he maimed and murdered all those people honestly in the name of what he believed in and that's just inspirational he's also the only man she's ever loved put it back I changed my mind about wanting more LGBT representation in media put it away I don't want it this is garbage and that's that's basically how the stupid book ends all so that's that's it it's over what a journey my friends we got all of the narcissism and throw punches we love and expect from our Greggy foo with a little bit of fetishization of queer women sprinkled on top they're genuinely disgusts and disturbs me but you know what I can close my computer I can close my computer and I don't have to think about it anymore it's over and done and this video was filmed and he's gonna hate it and we're gonna have a good laugh thank you ever so much for watching my friends if you enjoyed this video be sure to subscribe to my channel you can check me out on patreon if you'd like to join my discord server and come hang out or design one of my youtube header images a video on the third book and however many books onion boy decides to write in his lifetime will be made video on the third book definitely coming at some point this summer but honestly these videos do take quite a bit of time so not guaranteeing anything yet especially considering at the time that you watched this I will be recovering from surgery just what a time oh god what is happening onion fan yeah no I don't like onions onion has layers just like a lesbian with many jackets hashtag deep I'm gonna clean this [Music] you [Music]
Views: 3,432,551
Rating: 4.9587097 out of 5
Keywords: strange, aeons, STRANGE, ÆONS, onision, review, book review, stones to abbigale, this is why i hate you
Id: 58GAB7-j_AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 22sec (2962 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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