Investigating Mysterious Encounters from Randonautica

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[Music] the world can be a strange confusing place uh the top iranian general has been killed in an airstrike while leaving the baghdad airport now to australia where they're facing those massive fires already among the worst in that country's history the mystery virus started here in the city of wuhan chinese authorities pinpointing its source to this food market life in italy has officially crawled to a halt another night of chaos and unrest as anger over police killings spread to every corner of the country of course we all know that all too well by this points [Music] what was supposed to be the year of positivity change in unity has devolved into consisting of nothing but tragedy mundanity and it's been isolation shitty year to say the least in the midst of everything a trend had emerged that gave people the outlet to get out to go explore and to experience all the natural wonders that they likely wouldn't have seen otherwise trailblazed by an app named randa nautica players all over the world have been sent on adventures to allegedly random gps coordinates within a few miles radius of them what could go wrong [Music] well quite a bit actually quite a bit [Music] on the 20th of june 2020 a tech talk user by the name of henry would upload a video with the caption something traumatic happened that changed my life it involves the exploration of a gps location given to them by the randonica app and at first it doesn't seem like anything that we haven't seen before if it weren't for the creepy scary horror synth tension sound production gin stock effect that they added to the video then the beginning of its would honestly be pretty light-hearted the initial vibe that i gathered from their discovery was interesting but not malicious however i was wrong let's watch it together it stinks y'all it washed out okay so she made okay so she's calling the police so we can see if it's actually a dead body or it's just food here's the crime scene you saw the end of that video so you know where this is heading as it turned out the contents of the suitcase wasn't food or anything innocent like they were hoping they were actual real world human remains and the investigation was on while police and detectives were working to identify the bodies the tick-tock video blew up on social media it seemed like everyone was talking about it and there was a clear emphasis on the app in which the teens located the suitcase from randonica was there more to it were they hiding something how are they determining the gps coordinates that they feed to their users let's come back to this ten days later tonight we are learning we are starting to learn more about the two people whose remains were found in bags along the shoreline in west seattle on june 30th seattle detectives would identify the remains as those of not one but two people thirty-five-year-old jessica lewis and 27-year-old austin winter were killed by gunshots in undetermined amount of time prior to their discovery the killer and motive have also not yet been determined and according to police this remains an active and ongoing investigation it's a tragic and disturbing situation that's typically the work of nightmares realizing that these people had lives jobs loved ones and aspirations with their fate reduced to being stuffed inside of a suitcase and discovered on tick tock of all things is one of the more depressing turn of events i've looked into may they rest in peace no one deserves that this bothered me something about a random group of teenagers stumbling upon a dead body through a supposed random gps adventure app rubbed me the wrong way this had to have been an isolated incident though let's be real this entire situation happened through mere coincidence right wrong i opened up tick tock and scoured the randonica hashtag as it turned out there were quite the hefty few that also encountered strange discoveries when they were out exploring since the phenomenons become borderline mainstream we unfortunately do have people exaggerating like some of the boss baby calling 3am channels that we've seen in years past you know who you are but we also have a ton that seem entirely legitimate let's take a look at a few notable ones this was weird but it gets weirder we found a huge bread's nest like what is this or at least that's what i thought it was and then there was this path i don't know what it is if you know what it is or what it means comment down below i don't know if it's like witchcraft or something i'm scared and then there's like a bunch of random stuff inside in the middle and a bunch of rocks so basically it led us to a big bird's nest okay if you have seen any tech talks about the rando nautica app i am shook you need to keep listening my boyfriend and i were supposed to get this kitten today my mom said no so of course we're really sad about it and then i saw a tick tock about the random nautica app and i was like we need to do that because i really want a kitten so this is the location it gave us as you can see it's five minutes from where we live um we're kind of in the middle of nowhere but there was easy roads to get there and there was a gate blocking us from getting where we needed to be then when i was turning the car around i kid you not come here buddy this kitten was there so i just went rando nodding i just went rando nodding and our intention was death we were on our way to the spot and i look out my window and there's someone laying in the gutter with their wife literally like on them holding them and so i parked and got out and he got shot and then she gave me that phone and i had to go the cubs and darius was he wrapped his jacket around the wound and then the cops came and we got questioned and i just had to leave and i just dropped okay so this rando nodding app just brought us to this creepy town and honestly when we saw this we should have turned around and left we continued up the mountain though and there's always abandoned cars and nobody around at this point we're definitely trespassing we couldn't even really turn around at this point because the road was so narrow and it's such a steep drop off on the other side we were kind of intrigued at how creepy this was even though it was getting dark really quick and next thing we know the sun had gone down and the moon came out giving it just more of a creepy vibe but we had the pin pulled up we were so close to it and this happened i gotta explain this the only ones around and a random rock falls i think that was a sign that we should leave but we uh we kept going everything about this place was just giving me really bad vibes and when i looked into here and saw this as soon as i realized it's some sort of face we took off running i don't know what it is with this town why there's all these abandoned cars and no people and mannequins in the window but i'm deleting so as we can see results can heavily vary some people stumbled upon what appear to be ritualistic sites strange people clingy animals and even old friends it definitely is interesting seeing all of these discoveries coming to fruition it's almost like the world's a bit stranger than we all thought who would have known with this in mind though how are these people able to stumble upon such odd phenomena does the app know something that we don't is it made to inherently disturb you how does it pick its locations it's something that's actually really starting to fascinate me and so i embarked on a hunts to figure out exactly what a random is and how the app works i eventually stumbled upon an article on that dives into the subject matter part one what is a random knot a randonaut is a person who explores both the application and impact of randomness in the experience of everyday reality this exploration into randomness can be carried out in several different ways the two primary experiments that rendanats are currently exploring are blind spots and mind matter interactions a blind spot is a place in the real world that you would never normally encounter through any chain of causal experiences we as humans tend to live structured patterned lives our everyday experience throughout the social and geographical world is guided by our internal mental makeup which may contain some share of determinism on the other hand mind matter interactions encompass the other side of rain denoting this is the idea that the human mind actually has a statistically significant impact on the output of quantum random number generators the fading bots can generate what are called intention-driven anomalies which are coordinate locations that are calculated based on the density of qrng outputs and which are often explored through the use of intention what this potentially means is that your mind can have some influence on the location and subsequent experience that's generated by the bot interesting while blind spot interaction is mostly cut and dry mind matter interactions are where it can get a bit confusing from what i gather the article is essentially explaining that when you set what they call an intention for your use of the app then the bot can adjust the location it gives you accordingly i'm not entirely sure how specific it can get or how strong the effect is but i have a funny feeling that it relates a bit to confirmation bias an example being if you set out to a location with the intention of finding a stray cats then you'll be more hyper vigilant on finding one and if you do then well this is why the article continues brand nanika is known to track your location and log your ip address to assist the bot in algorithmically determining specific locations for you to visit it's also known to perform retinal scans using the front camera of each user's mobile device at any given time with or without explicit consents the gathered data and footage is then logged by deep web hackers to docs you instill your passwords they then take your passwords to hack your bank account and slowly siphon money so they can fund the random nanika app and get more users after they've taken all your money and sent you spiraling into a deep crippling debts they utilize our previous dog's information to hunt you down oh my god i'm just kidding it doesn't do that the confirmation bias thing though i think there's some believability there if you think about it the effect is stronger than you think if you don't believe me then i want to test that with you right now after you finish the video i want you to go back to your daily lives and do whatever it is that you do when you're doing that though remember the number twenty one anyway enough messing around the science behind brain danica clearly is strange people have been stumbling upon weird phenomena for months and that's not even including the incident in seattle and with that i know what i must do we've got to try this you and me so i downloaded the app and was a bit surprised after opening it the ui is nothing like i expected it to be i shared my location with them and now i'm at a crossroads it's our choice now we're given the option between choosing if we'd like an anomaly an attractor or a void according to the app attractors are dense clusters of random points voids are the opposite anomalies are the strongest out of attractors and voids [Music] wait what strongest relative to what screw it let's give it a shot i'm curious choose your entropy source uh it's been a while since i've taken physics give me a second entropy a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system huh all right let's just go with anu since i'm still unsure well looks like we got it so let's go so i met up with the crew mama max and night docs and we hit the road in hopes of finding something when finding you a location the app asks you to set an intention for each trip and it's basically what you hope to find wherever you go we said our first one is death and this is what we found oh oh uh absolutely nothing maybe this wasn't a good spot let's try another max set the intention this time and it was satanism let's see what we got so like i'll admit it is a bit creepy being out here at 2am but satanic symbolism seems to be escaping me i hate to say it but there doesn't seem to be much here either maybe i'm just not looking hard enough or maybe this spots another dude let's try one more intention cults [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh i really really wanted to find something here that cult symbolism's got to be somewhere [Laughter] of course as you might expect we also left this one empty-handed it bothers me because in our experience tonight's the app didn't give us anything we didn't find death or colts or satan or what have you it was just ordinary with that i don't think the apps connected to serial killers like some were claiming i think it's either all massive confirmation bias and coincidence or most of the popular random oddity tick tocks are fake i'm sure there are some legitimate ones out there but like we hinted at the beginning some honestly do seem heavily exaggerated i don't have concrete irrefutable proof but in my opinion that's what it appears to be randonica isn't creepy it doesn't have a conspiracy behind it it isn't some serial killer logbook it's just an app that's had an unfortunate coincidence and sparked a wildfire of conspiracy theories around the world tonight's we didn't find anything creepy but we didn't leave empty-handed maybe the true random otica were the memories we made along the way uh as we've seen the randonica app is an incredibly interesting one that sent people on local adventures all over the world the seattle situation by far stands out as one of the most disturbing discoveries ever made due to the app however to me everything else about it just stands out as nothing but massive confirmation bias remember trepidation is relative if you set out to randonica looking for something to freak you out then chances are you just might find something for the most part though the app seems to be relatively safe get outs embark on an adventure just remember always bring someone with you and never ever give the app the intention [Music] b [Music] [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] so [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 2,845,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: randonautica tiktok, randonautica creepy, internet mysteries, internet mystery, tiktok seattle
Id: Dyz9VzNSF60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 46sec (1606 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 10 2020
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