The $20 Million Dollar Deal with Jeffree Star

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Hello everyone apologies for not making this thread. Thank you to OP for posting it. This will be the official thread for part 4. Any thoughts, updates, tweets from others should be put in here for the next couple days. We do not want to clutter the feed with Jeffree Star and Shane Dawson. Any other posts related to this topic will be removed and will be redirected here.

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

I gotta be real here, they're dragging this series out way too far. Like I don't know if I'm gonna finish it. With how long they said they were working on it and how much it was hyped I expected more structure. Get the editing and whatnot done before starting to release then every other day or something. The sporadic scheduling kills it. Then there's so much time between videos that I don't really remember what was in the last video. Idk. This isn't his first series so he should have it worked out a bit more. Makes me wonder how smooth this launch is gonna go.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/guitarz928 📅︎︎ Oct 25 2019 🗫︎ replies

This has been my least favorite episode so far. What was the whole visiting their old house montage? No correlation with the series whatsoever. The cutting scenes were also out of control. I can’t help but think that the whole drama regarding James Charles was abused by Jeffree (and Shane) to tank James’ next release with Morphe. No, I’m not talking about the mini palette. Maybe something different was in the works and after the whole dramageddon II happened, it got pushed or cancelled. This episode just proved how vicious and how far will Jeffree go to buff his own sales at the cost of someone else’s career.

On a lighter note, the phone call with Morphe had me gagging. The “Hi!”, “Hello!” bit was so awkwardly funny as Jeffree rolling his hair out of the blue in front of his employees. I can’t wait to see how the palette turns out (rip the green shade).

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/001mcmc 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

I was yellong at the screen for like two minutes when the market researchers came in and took away that intense limeyellowgreen shade, it was the one i wanted most. -_- she just turned it into blood sugar volume 2 with some pops of colour.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/Charlie398 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was the best episode of the series but why are they so long? The editing is poorly done. The dramatic music is too much. The episode had the best content and the insider beauty industry stuff is dope. Why do we need all the cuts to Shane’s old house? I get they’re trying to show Shane’s growth paralleling the palette’s production but that’s not really how the series was marketed. That’s not really the point of the series.

What I’m most impressed by is J*. He blocked me forever ago on twitter and I rarely watch his videos BUT he is a business man. There’s a reason why he has such a thriving line of influencer makeup and has inspired so many to follow suit- ex-friends Manny and Laura and the rest of beautube. I wish there was more focus on that rather than Shane’s personal/financial growth.

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/katdani 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

what really impressed me was the ease and speed with which the j* and morphe team pros crunched out the numbers and decisions. yes, to be expected but still impressive how snappy the process is considering the $ amounts involved.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Menega_Sabidussi 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

For every fan saying he deserves a Netflix show. Girl, no. This is a fine series and I'm enjoying but it's so poorly edited. They keep in these dumb long tangents, like episode one with Shane being afraid to fly. I get it but it's not relevant to the series. Just show entire moments! Give us the Morphe call and then go to the next thing! The back and forth to other minor and inconsequential moments is infuriating. It leaves every episode feeling unsatisfying.

👍︎︎ 153 👤︎︎ u/SucculentFire 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

I think Shane feels like he has to use every bit of footage taken. The editing in this series is choppy and confusing. It breaks up what could be a really dramatic moment.

Side note, the montage of Shane experimenting with makeup with that fire hoodie allen song was amazing. I feel like that's all of us at some point. Just trying anything and everything to get better. I loved it!

👍︎︎ 100 👤︎︎ u/girltalkwsteph 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

I feel like the lady on the conference call thought the call connection was shaky whenever J* said, "helLO~!"

👍︎︎ 83 👤︎︎ u/happycharm 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] do you know what it's gonna be do you have any idea did you tell them that you wanna hold them like but we really want to talk about Shane go ahead leave for a minute I'm nervous wait why would what what yeah what I'm a little nervous let me call my office yeah okay let's come out [Music] they're pretty legit I mean I don't know about the logos but so far they've been really legit with everything I don't think they'd send you over anything that was like whack but then again who knows well the only thing that that's concerning me on this entire project because I want to make sure we have like a really easy simple sickening logo yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah I don't know about that that looks like a sports center logo [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I'm gonna steal football literally what is that oh right [Music] I'm sorry even thought all of them were bad for okay you know when you see something of course but you need to not care about feelings and just like yo sorry I wasn't really enough I thought I feel the more sick but if you don't like him you don't like him miss it is what it is oh yeah I gotta get a picture [Music] it's the time of the season where love run is high in this time give it to me easy and that be tried with pleasure TAS take you in the Sun to Promised Land show you everyone it's the time for the sea yeah so we're selling our house right now we haven't been back to this house since the day we moved months ago though we haven't seen it since they like everything no and we're literally only here to pick up Shane's car [Music] Wow whoa Wow it's what this is so weird wait what is going on I am like this is this is crazy [Music] possible yeah oh my gosh I love the red dining room oh yeah they repainted it oh my gosh [Music] this is so weird [Music] oh my god this is where you saw me break down I want to look over there do they put anything that they staged any [Music] [Music] yeah thank you if there's a spirit [Music] Wow [Music] [Music] oh this bad home does have some character I do love it I love our new house like I'm so happy in the move but this is like really weirding me out like me oh yeah boy years of our lives this is weird I guess like I never say goodbye to [Music] so kind of don't let her house yeah it just feels like it's likely just put makeup on but like it's just it's so weird it's just things seeing about like a new I don't know it's crazy yeah wait this is like we're like different bronzer yeah [Music] [Music] the demons [Music] we're [Music] like I knew it would I didn't everything to actually [Music] [Music] now somebody might just end up keeping yeah technically we have still yours [Music] we humped me of our house often enough to take care of another instrument what if I tried it's like a weird sad Museum of like all of our wheels [Music] nice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so oh my god okay are we filming uh we have our camera so this way today I guess we're gonna be talking about like how many units were behind or something he said it's like a big thing and I'm gonna have a panic attack we're [ __ ] placing massive purchase orders that you're gonna bout to shoot yourself you were anywhere that you're right this is kind of yet to project how much you think you're gonna sell so that they know how much to me right yeah yeah that's a big deal so I really want to get more feet the opportunity to talk to us on the phone and go hey if you want the exclusive Shane collection for just our website and Morphy stores in more free calm then you have to be magical so what incentive are you gonna give Shane where he's like yes Geoffrey let's go explicitly with them because if not what was to my website and will do full [ __ ] profit like no one's ever seen so show us what you're gonna offer or we pour it out to everyone there's three options so we're just gonna do a little conference hall and go hi girl with good some ideas you have hurricane Shane and that was so cool in your story I know to be able to go and drive see in person and have our displays all over there and then Sacramento will be ro mean green yeah so we'll see what they have to say yeah so I guess my thought on this reveries other partners are gonna be sad that they can't carry it so do me Morpheus to really step up the overall quantities and like that wondrously would you only want 20,000 units oh no baby yeah and I got one guy in Europe that would take 30 right time so I mean to me if they don't commit to a decent six-figure number it's not impressive to me but even beyond that with everything you're doing with the series it needs to be beyond just cool by this much stuff but they need to support the videos do do other stuff for you guys and for the actual collaboration as a business right you've been [ __ ] by everyone having fun everyone so more for you you're the exclusive we're cutting out all these people running make them miserable what are you gonna offer Shane pretend I'm not even here yeah which I'm getting no kind of nothing to do with me what are you offering this man in his channel because that's how I see more of these sponsors an episode of the series you know morphing maybe you're even sponsoring episode 3 you know where's the coin girl so the reason why we want to call him first we won't engage their interest before we talk about how many units we should start off with others hanging out yeah I need to walk on anxiety I need to walk out of this today with very close to initial numbers yeah because we need to start worrying about those long lead items that we talked about the ingredients that take forever and we're gonna get thrown these state that we want so we need to start ordering that stuff theoretically three days ago so look at that house here we are I haven't seen British music video sitemap does that pull the owl it's out no it's not I will pause this meeting in three hours ago [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] robbery [Laughter] [Music] [Music] today's crazy because you guys right here what I'm like sneak peeking a reveal of like my next palette oh right why I wasn't like the kitchen probably like five minutes ago almost like attending one tears let out it's really hard I was just sitting in that chair like shedding a tear kind of like you're here will I sneak peek the palette so like tomorrow is their YouTube reveal obviously I showed you the inside of this before but just doing like that ignore it fresh jet oh yeah he likes in just forty five holy wait one that's a holy [ __ ] oh my god this is gonna be I think the biggest wow that's - I love it i've been wearing makeup I see residual mascara and oh yeah [Music] oh I'm so excited [Music] my babies my babies what a crazy day blueblood sleepy we're off to revise your shadows play with lipsticks for the first time I think they have everything done so this is a laboratory yes this is the same lab we went to her secret oils where they're making blood sugar [Music] we have Shane here John and remarque hi amazing hi so where should we start I mean I what do you want to dive into we just wanted to make sure that we were really understanding you know the plan look at the product yeah I think the time constraint or you need to jump off you just let us know oh no we're here we're ready for you awesome okay cool so John I think you have the agenda yeah pretty to get a sort view hi I do we wanted to kind of talk through what they form it is okay amazing art so the the main big Daddy is the conspiracy pound it is a teen chase it's like blood sugar where it's very safe with a lot of danger it's very wearable number two more games oh really what is she into mission 5 yeah and she only uses like you said like news slack 1 and like the ye ok and like the brown yeah you want a majority of people to be able to wear it but you also want to be able to inspire people to dip in the color which I think that's in my brand's all about it's gonna be quite like oh yeah the design why yes this is Shane it's gonna be a black and white spiral like a very hypnotic spiral it's really gonna yeah so how it was like black and white oh yeah yeah great so it's really unique and then we'll move on to the mini controversy palette I named after awesome you know crazy moments at anicon and funny stuff so you should be my apology I'm thinking when people are like okay I'm gonna be dipping into my apology oh my god now I'm just dipping into my apology and then oh my god of decease I have for you so there will be six new velour liquid lipsticks the shades are really strong whoa you have a lot of lipstick which ones do you use none of them like it never ever looks good so I can do like a gloss but any of those have literally never been used but the last kind of hero item is is we're making a pure clear glass lip gloss gloss [Music] exclusive for Shane yeah so there'll be a big mirror just like the star but with different shapes [Music] wow these are all really cool makeup bags oh my god dude this is this is [ __ ] that's crazy like you have dope stuff oh my god oh my god onesie but a [ __ ] chain on that's an over party but like David kind okay so that's like the bulk of the collection yeah that's a lot more than we expected and have you talked about the timing is itself a member or did September late September well did we say November first ideal yeah I didn't find like it's not just a Halloween palette it's an iconic palette that's yeah every year we were thinking I'm doing a ful fayn collection November first we left something we left some jobs I think Shane is the holiday collection BAM Shane's ending a year I think it's like holy [ __ ] yeah yeah do you think that there might be possibly moving that up a little bit into October or now I think so I for me personally anything conspiracy in October feels cheesy to me and I think it makes it feel like it's a October specific like all experience I've ever dated I think getting past October and being like no this is for everyday all the time you know whereas if I really something scary in November it's like year-round you should almost got it got it I think they're paying some things they have a child on a launch or another big influencer now they're like it's over time for prayers done this is Shane and edger sorry Jamie - OH we're gonna suit up [Music] whoa the blue blood isn't both [ __ ] for Mama one day [Music] I promise you because saying that I kept over like it's crazy to like Miki and then we're here what's being made it's just like a live my baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] nut hi ladies I can't wait to come when they're manufacturing here pal you imagine just seeing your name there and then running I have an exact rate and then they talk about like species in range name is also in genomics big traffic success significantly lots of shopping and there's a lot happening and is there and this is just because I'm new to this world but I'm also curious how does it work as far as like other things coming out around the same time is that something that's concerned like is there other other people other youtubers putting out stuff maybe that's good maybe that's bad well I think this is what we're just trying to figure out we would definitely want to make sure that you have a whole moment you know being showcased and the stores and the light boxes ie the homepage take over social take over and I think that you know that there will likely be an anniversary of the James Charles how do we launch last November so that that was the reason frankly I asked we haven't clarified the exact timing so us you know takes away business from pallets that just long this isn't Shaitaan about the other light at the end of the day they felt theirs first because it became mine coming I don't want his name the big players oh boy to go to regional and they're competing with it should be yeah anyway maps are everyone for holiday will be tough to hear at the trophy it would likely be another activation I we don't have the timing on it or even what it is but there was likely these I'm saying so on our end we'll need to figure out exactly what that isn't follow up with you but I just want to be really transparent about core timing yeah we would of course want to make sure that we did all the right things until we really supported Dutch in the biggest possible way so you would feel good about it of course yeah and you know Halloween is very cheap so Anna and I get it and I'm sure there's a lot of other things going on in the waters threatened with filming the process and letting people follow the journey and then finally being able to buy it is so unique it's going to be insane totally agree totally agree you know obviously you know is there an opportunity to have the exclusive on this collection and what would that essentially look like for you guys yeah interestingly enough I mean I think that's something that we're open to we kind of want to hear what your take on that would be well we we've never done anything quite this magnitude either okay so these right here are your redirects next week they'll have improved versions of everything that we could know it's back on thank you so much let's play with the silver one first okay anyone yes okay I want this been a little bit more metallic already off the bat I think it's there but it needs to be a little bit more like funk like whoa yeah Wow signature the house wait I don't even talk about work everything yes yeah yeah he's been buying a bunch of he's gone out into the trenches and bought everything oh no I'm too ashamed to give away this one was Illuminati remember we have wine at a little bar you could pump up to do from effect so it has more of an alien shift [Music] so yeah and we would expect them to order a lot of units and step it up it expands to make those it'd be good to know if you have a certain minimum quantity that you would want to be able to hit ma I suspect we will be able to do that but obviously we want to make sure that we reliance naira see feel like it worth your while have one partner and put really all your focus on everything that we're going to do together from event activation to any kind of content creation all of it it's just you got to let people know we're worth it it's the same thing that we just talked about you don't want to give us what were worth okay also just on my end to you for the series because I'm always thinking with both hats for the series the morphe thing is a huge I mean it's gonna be a huge part of it I would love her to be kind of like showing all of this right this whole process this phone call literally everything and kind of making a be like cuz I've never really I've never worked with a store and array of only I've never even sold stuff so making that a big thing going to the store for the first time seeing the display going to the big meeting grid the same location we did for just Jeffrey pronounced me and Jeffrey like really making more Pete I mean and we can talk later about that I would love to involve you they're more than just like a random store I wanted to be like oh this is like a big deal you know I think nothing change being modest on the end there if this will go for it as an exclusive there is some sort of expectation of being involved beyond just the sales of the product but being involved within the series this is this is a true partnership not just an exclusive for you guys to sell the product yeah 100% I think that every level let's grow together stop just hit just hand this just finish first turn on shades change [Music] [Music] wait that looks crazy why is season 12 of drag race 7 I have a new winner Wow are you filming Jesus oh that's brave [Music] this is actually really flattering to the work usually I'm online reading every comment like our I know yeah I kind of cried in my kitchen is Bronson so parity health happening okay if I go to Instagram in my blue blood palate doesn't have a million legs already it's gonna flop beat it it's crazy to look over the Android lipstick it's kind of cool I look forgot it was on there it's not totally like not a base metal I love that because I should actually a real person that doesn't want makeups feedback it's supposed to be weightless so you really don't notice it can't really give me fifty to a hundred knots of balance and they wouldn't even blink an eye was that a two-inch shader the nine-nine pan oh no together don't you that's really great okay not to just pile on beyond that but any chance you have an insight on liquid Lawson oh my god that's [ __ ] sickening so we're gonna be when out of the game and we're so excited we have every color done everything's turned in so we are ready to roll [Music] all right so exciting we're so thank you guys I'm so excited thank you so much across the six shades yeah I think they fully grasp look Shane was saying like hi you guys can say all that but also know might work you know you mean like you're being a part of this huge thing as well like it's so cool even more stressful part in this figuring out the second half of those numbers which is what we're going to order for ourselves and why we called you here yeah did you like any I'm not gonna play let's call a wall we're working on the logo do you want to look on this sheet and tweak one sitting here cuz I'm playin over here well we may need to swap a few colors and just keep the name come over here it's really a while but it's getting there did we want to do tanah Conan both because it's a really nice transition like we talked about or we just do 10 ikonn in here oh that's right we have to cook it one shade can you repeat I may imagine you want but I think giving the customer as many new color than a palette as possible it's great do you want quick market research okay Kimmy what do you think about a palette Darrell I'm like living I'm living for the peach colors and this purple and this [ __ ] orange is there anything that you feel like is throwing in offers like I feel like well the only ones that I wouldn't really use is maybe this cream but I like the other two greens I need to take their projections plus our projections and that tells me roughly how much ingredients we need I'm curious how many would I have to sell like in the first day or something for that physics that's because that's what I'm nervous with their projections and I would say even sticking to you know trying to stay on for an initial launch for us alone between 250 to 300 thousand per pallet for just accom that's an initial launch during the holiday I just under a million oh that's scary why I know yeah I know everyone for me to hear that would be my biggest purchase order like a long shot like when we launched a blood sugar we had a hundred thousand units never going instantly it's like that was such a big moment cuz I was my biggest launch to date has won or money order light up your we're ordering a year's worth of last resolution and one [ __ ] day it's like insert volcano Oh so yeah what are we feeling [Music] I've never sold that much anything [Music] Carell seriously I've never cuz that's like his scariest that thought about many people actually finding something is like my camp ah I literally okay so what is people don't buy it or what if it doesn't come from the warehouse I get scared of colors like this but I feel like it's really cool like if it's too neutral people will hate it if it's like too crazy people is there any wearable color on this side that you that you gravitate to that I could put in both problems like just to make this even okay when she said that it was like oh yeah there's just girls yeah I mean I would just realistically never I would probably wear like this one maybe well like any of these like these ones now I've left my makeup life's not very interesting no it's actually what I needed to know because I I don't want to make a palette that's look too crazy but if you are really concerned about it you can take that Revere and put it over here you know what I mean like you take this out and everything changes like are you bored or that's very safe and you can actually sell million more I can see that it's born like if you know what I mean but that back there sickening the house what Kimmy's concern is is now gone do you think yeah it's weird cause it's like slightly deeper so I'm like I could put that outer corner or the dark purple one and then like you can do somebody looks with just that right yeah probably cheese that's just a theory type of organic on ranch my pills pig met food videos claimant electrician on effect what's a team conspiracy to die to call the event is that crosses my right ear flat earth crown my couch my boyfriend's purse controversy don't interfere my apology exposed can see this relationship you really don't know buy because they love you and like this is like a palette that like people can actually work I wanna have some fun stuff I don't wanted to be sure that where people don't use it think that's a waste of money really thanks I'm doing that like kind of change again yeah like wait oh my god your pallet all the colors might actually be done but we're not it's not sinking in because we're just like go go go go go waiting whoa yeah yeah you're like I think your pallet both they're done oh my god [Music] [Applause] oh wait I know it's wait that's kind of cool delegate I now take it to another dimension it kind of matches mine it looks a little more high-end that looks [Music] like people love the packaging man like to blue okay in my lap if they love that they're marketing a little nerve-wracking oh yeah oh my gosh really oh my god you're the first person that's a I mean take I'll take whatever of anything you ever want to do we just made right now well we've made zero until they pay so so all in both palettes liquid lips and lip gloss about seventeen and a half million [Music] word and plus you're not let me be clear on that that is that is the retail amount so let's just say we sold all of ours plus more people would be the combined give me one second sorry so what it's a variation but in the mid thirties what yeah sorry mark this collection could do about 35 million [Music] yeah the makeup industry it's greatly yeah I mean you could go home with like 10 million how does that make me feel it's I'm not you notice I'm not like a money person I'm like driven by money it's not like my thing no of course the idea of making that on something with you and something like that like to all of that it's like making more on this than I've ever made on YouTube like just all of that yeah is very easy and it's such a it's such a weird twist to it that YouTube and creating this will help get the end I mean yeah like it's crazy that's I didn't like YouTube never gave you this opportunity to make this amount of money but you can using YouTube as a vehicle to make that [ __ ] money and know your part you know I want you to remember [Music] [Music] you're immersing yourself into overall that you dabble them you know any meeting that I like I mean people are acting like like so much like kind of like a little bit making fun of me for really getting so into the makeup function actually [Music] Oh see this is what I was gonna give to you see it's your very own makeup and you can like pull it up wait thank you I'm gonna use it American first team [ __ ] yeah I got a fake ID in a checklist it goes never meet a girl on Craigslist and never spend your money on the necklace three square meals only got a hat breakfast real [ __ ] she'd be paying for the date I'd be on my Will Smith enemy state keep my friends close keep my enemies away but they don't repel in are they so jealous I'm a douche say you never hurt me it's go lost they biting on my freestyles they told me make more money fine on that we'd stop I tell I might be to all Freddie and they gave my brother my ID she independent that these [ __ ] never find me I hope they don't find him though is they be knocking on my door now they looking through my window tell me what you really want from me point-blank no discussion closed mouth closed mouth oh I'll give it to you no interruption and tell me one time that you want me I promise that I won't say nothing shut it up [ __ ] shut it up I'll give it to you no interruption and your home and your home [Music] you know [Music] in the place where the function do you know talking money I'll really give ahead man I got car like I'm a [ __ ] x-man married to the game but honesty [ __ ] all day s pics never been reunited by the sidekick oh you want my space that used to be my [ __ ] so who's killing the game who's the culprit I'd be working like I'm on this home pick now I got a bunch of new friends and they all rich lasers [Music] mouth closed mouth I'll give it to you no interruption and tell me one time that you want me I promise that I won't see my family shut it up shut it up I'll give it to you no interruption and your home and your home [Music] you know no it's hard to give you everything you are from me when it's hard to be the type of dude you wanna be maybe changing a little failure I wish you wanna though Oh [Music] you know let's just do it you just say [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] see every time I want to make a demo as a Polish Chuck by how much concealer they put on their face but then I realize like I kind of do the same so everyone's just a fraud that's not scary you like don't know what someone's gonna look like so true underneath at all whoa me with my hoodie even my road
Channel: shane
Views: 21,316,367
Rating: 4.9191604 out of 5
Keywords: shane, dawson, jeffree, star, journalism, investigative journalism, docuseries, documentary
Id: UdY2a3AHpBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 22sec (3082 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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