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I have to say, I really enjoyed this video. Garrett was especially great in it. It’s cool that Shane has been doing more “serious” videos lately, but my favorite videos are the ones that make me laugh.

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/E__8 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

We already know this was entirely Ryland’s idea lmfao. I hate to be that annoying fan that’s stuck in the past but I truly miss watching Drew, Garrett and Shane get in his nasty Jeep and go to some cop-out “haunted” spot in LA.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/leavethecityy 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

While I enjoyed the video.... it was only 29 minutes because they put in like 10 minutes of them just walking from the house to the Uber.... it was like a funny joke that went in too long. Then another 10 just IN the Uber.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/EverydayKawaii 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2018 🗫︎ replies

Anyone have any ideas about where they’re off to?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PM_ME_UR_GLABELLA_ 📅︎︎ Apr 30 2018 🗫︎ replies
guys okay this is very exciting because this is something that we've never done before on this channel Gucci no I'm kidding but I really did get sandals but the reason I got sandals is because what do you need when you're going on a trip rap scream for my thighs but what else do I need comfortable shoes okay so let me spill the tea on this series I'm almost 30 so the squad I hate that I just said that has never traveled before together we've never like gotten on a plane or gone out of town we kind of just do everything in my house cuz I don't like to leave my house but then I got an idea and I got so excited about it that I decided to book us plane tickets and they have no idea what's going on so I want to keep this whole thing just a surprise because honestly I don't even completely know what's going on but I do know this everybody's on their way we are leaving it on a plane soon and I have a feeling that this is going to be something I cannot wait I'm also going to hide Rylands fanny pack I just don't want it around me actually I could put my pills in there all right we'll bring it squad are you guys ready that's me in every situation come in my window [Music] wow so crazy you went to a museum to explain all of that already so much [Laughter] there's some good team [ __ ] so here's a plan what's your girl sorry so here's the situation I'm not gonna tell you where we're going and I'm not gonna tell you what we're doing I want this to be a game you guys can guess what we're doing guess where we're going but I probably won't give you any answers but I will tell you this we're going yeah it was very expensive honey look every snack no this is not a brandy oh and I love you on me though last time we blew the first class there wasn't even a TV is like the pod experience or is it like the no TV set disappearing oh my god think about snacks she's like what a pod I'm just so excited to see you on if there is one there might be one pod where are we going [Laughter] [Music] when I planned this bit oh so fun though let's get the first don't worry [Applause] WWE msmr calm Shane Dawson well you forgot aw showcase that one are you in something oh cool a little sheneneh's platter we're gonna put this one over my cool and then this is my underwear on it wait you look really big figure than normal I have rolls for everybody oh because this is our personal travel blog series I'm gonna need you to throw some cases I'm gonna need some beer aw I'm me some slow motion I'm gonna dubstep music royalty free [Music] I'm like a drone and once in a while so that's your role whenever you feel inspired you just start doing the case take care of the baby [Music] [Music] don't show my G Wagen Keith I don't like every video you've ever made it's gonna be slow mal everybody ready [Music] [Music] Tyler are you ready for your first travel experience he's like I've traveled all around Berlin let's go or get in the super [Music] wait the chain I forgot my phone [Music] Jesus we are so unfit [Music] I can't focus on that [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] okay almost to the airport to guess what we're going on breakfast Diagon Alley Oh are we going to universe Orlando oh are you thinking staff or body give you one hint the slogan for where we're going [Laughter] [Music] [Music] my ass is wet Morgan and I are gonna get left behind and then it's gonna be like home alone - we'll go back home and set trap Biagio James card [Music] [Laughter] [Music] hi we're the Gucci gang do we have to go through secure [Music] I'm not buying two more party no I know a joke okay [Laughter] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and scribble pictures right I'm gonna hook you up with a pen the key book and you can write about all your favorite people on it oh my god Tyler has his own seat alright so what are we taking our photos writing in my book so you know I have plain anxiety and it's getting worse literally every time I get on a plane to a point where start crying hyperventilating I'm gonna die I want to jump out the window and they really bad you do my mom does what well so I asked the doctor Amy he prescribed me this of Warplanes but I'm really scared I've never taken anything [Music] same right that's like little an exam Oh my rap name would be big bomb I like cram she stores in picking up my kids prescribed okay I better not you know what I'll do it a coke with vodka guys you like you're okay I'm just gonna die no you're good high in the clouds in Bursa goes to big former right actually does this make you feel better crazy it said khinkali paranoid or suicidal then it says low breathing and possum just like your mind always don't worry you're not gonna die it will all be really really [Music] when directed pull the pass to remove okay calling this my xanax cam okay I'm gonna keep you guys posted on my xanax journey I'm really nervous I'm scared I've never done this before I will say you need it though like you literally have panic attacks every time you fly to the point where I was like I'm not flying with you anymore unless you hit something well let's see what happens I'll keep you guys posted I think we're taking off we're taking off we're taking off do you know copper than you okay I don't think I'm that scared general don't we go once I'm good no I think I'm fine I think I'm fine I think I'm fine I think I'm fine [Music] [Music] [Music] still having a panic attack but drugged I took now I can't feel it but I know it's happening it's almost like being in a mental prison I just realized how much Pluto looks like [Music] it was like [Music] bang [Music] as you can see it's very spacious see and that one specifically is pre spacious which I would say I'm leaving the bathroom overall I would say experience that makes you feel as though you're not in the air and yet have a glorious day on your couch my favorites happy day and the movie selection is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] some of the operating heavy machinery right now so for what we're gonna be doing this week what stay tuned because it feels like a tiny orgasm she stopped it you what there's snot all over the street that is so gross I'm gonna write my notebook about how that made me feel
Channel: shane
Views: 36,813,316
Rating: 4.9543185 out of 5
Keywords: shanedawsontv, shane, dawson, vlogs, iphone, similar, to, jenna, marbles, smash, nigahiga, comedy
Id: i-sW4PfSxwA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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