Intro To Motion Tracking (Match Move) Apple Motion Professional training 21

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my name is Stanislaw Robert Luberda with AV-Ultra and in this lesson we're gonna be talking about trackers in Apple motion so let's take a look at what we're going to be working on in my example here I have this coffee cup courtesy of my friend Chad up in Stevens Point and he runs this great videogame cafe called tech lounge so it's a little coffee house and videogame cafe I have this coffee cup that is being pulled and we have his logo right there as another example I'm gonna turn this guy off we're gonna take a look at part two you can see I've got the Nintendo switch logo attached to this box so you can see as the camera is kind of moving everything is perfectly in line with that as one third example we're gonna take a look at what happens when it doesn't work exactly right you can see I have my ps4 logo attached but it's not working exactly the way I want to we're gonna take a look at why that is and kind of build upon these different lessons so let's go ahead and get started by opening up our one point tracker start now that we've opened up one point trackers start let's review the footage we have three different examples we have a track one a track - and a track three for our purposes right now let's talk about track 1 in my track 1 I have the a source video which is just this unicorn coffee cup and then I have a tracking text which pops up which is the logo for my friends coffee house if you'll notice it's a little pixelated and that's because I've changed the renderer down to quarter just so that way our playback is nice and smooth Before we jump right into tracking I just want to talk about one thing when it comes to trackers most trackers in After Effects and in motion are considered point trackers and what point trackers do is they follow a specific point on our screen for best results there's a few things that you want to keep in mind one you absolutely have to have that specific point on the screen for as long as you want to track in my example here where this Unicorn cup moves away as soon as whatever feature I track moves off of the screen the track will end or fail and that's because it can't follow that specific point anymore the second thing you want to keep in mind is you need a high contrast point that you want to track for example we're going to be tracking parts of this unicorn because it is a very stark contrast between the light and the dark areas of these pixels if I wanted to track something like this vein or the back of the hand here I'm gonna have a very hard time because motion or any other VFX program for the most part is going to be looking at the cluster of pixels around it and if these clusters of pixels are very similar in contrast it's not going to know exactly what to follow so now that we know that let's get right into our trackers if I go to my tracking text this is exactly what I want to track on to my source footage for our purposes we're gonna be tracking part of these unicorns and so what I'm gonna do is go to my library and open up my behaviors motion tracking and match move we have a few different options in our motion tracking we have our analyze motion which will just follow a certain point our match move which is what we're going to be using extensively in these lessons and stabilize and unstable eyes which do exactly what they sound like for our purposes we're gonna take this match move and place it onto our tracking text so now that I've placed the match move on to our tracking text I'm gonna open up the inspector and by default you can see what we want to track has already been filled in in the source drop well and that's because it's just the next video layer down if there is something else in here it probably would have put that in there if that is incorrect you can always just drag a new piece of footage in there as it is just a drop while that works like everything else in this match move behavior we have a few different parameters let's start from the bottom and work our way up right now you can see that we just have our anchor selected and we're gonna leave that alone and what this basically says is hey what point do you want to anchor your source footage and your track to so we're gonna close that up our look-ahead frames means exactly what it sounds like how far ahead is motion going to look to try and match movement we have an auto zoom mode and in auto zoom and you can see we can change this to none two four or eight X this is really meant specifically when we're gonna be attaching to specific points and we're gonna get into that a little bit later offset track lets us create a specific point and then use part of that point to continue a track so I mentioned earlier if we have part of a feature leave the scene we can have a track as far as it leaves the scene and then use some other feature to continue tracking it it's a very useful feature if we have a very complicated track we have our tracker preview which right now there's nothing in there we have our adjustments which lets us set our one two or three point track our transformation dictates how we're going to attach this so we can either mimic the source or attach to a source and we're gonna leave that as is for a direction we can specify if it's going to be a horizontal or vertical movement our purpose is we could just leave it as horizontal I'm just gonna leave it as horizontal and vertical and what kind of track are we going to do a transformation will change the X Y scale coordinates our four corners will create a four corner pin usually using screen replacements gonna close that the most important thing that we have here is our analyze and it's going to say okay where do you want to track and how do you want to track that if you take a look at our canvas as soon as we place the match move behavior I have this little target and this target is going to specify what we want to track and for our purposes right now I'm gonna go ahead and pick part of this unicorns nose and as soon as I've done that you can see that that's updated in our tracker preview now that I've placed this on here you can see what's happening on my screen if you take a look at my canvas the reason why this box is so big is because it is set to eight X if i change this to 4x and i move the same toggle notice how much smaller that square is it's still showing me the same area here but really this 8x is great if i want to take a look within my canvas and what i'm doing is i'm choosing something that has a pretty good stark another thing I want to be aware of is where I'm tracking from so right now I'm at one second and ten frames if I hit analyze that will analyze from this point forward till the end or until it leaves my canvas if I hit reverse it's going to track in the opposite direction so there's times that we may want to track at the very middle of our time line and there's times that we want to track at the very beginning or at the end for our purposes if I track at the very beginning this is going to work out just fine so I'm gonna track just this point right here so I'm just gonna make sure that I have my reverse turned off I'm at my first frame I've got my point selected and I'm gonna hit analyze as I hit analyze you're gonna notice that it jumped to the first frame of my text and the reason for that is because that match move doesn't start til right here so I could have started right at that one second and ten frames however I just wanted to point that out and as soon as that reaches the end you're gonna notice that the frame stopped and that's because that specific feature that I chose is no longer on the screen so if I wanted a longer track I could probably take the edge of this cut so for our example I can take this and place it to the very edge of this cup just as long as I have some nice contrast right about there and we'll hit analyze and now that is going to overwrite the rest of those tracks you can see it looks like it's kind of unzipping and I just want to make sure that it's following that point as much as possible and I can see in my inspector that it's trying to hold on to that particular frame as much as possible that group of pixels and it'll stop right there and that's because it is no longer visible if I go back to the very beginning it looks like I might have missed just one frame and it looks like that's right here so I'm just gonna take that one frame and delete it and now that I have that if I play this back I can see that Tech lounge is following that completely but that's not exactly what I want what I want to do is I want to have Tech lounge come from off the screen on to this point so do I have to go back and kind of push this where I want to go well no not at all one of the best things about tracking an Apple motion is I can take this text and just drag it off to the side and even though this text is off screen it doesn't matter because our tracking feature is on screen so if I play this back it is still perfectly linked to where it's going to end up and that's just a little far for me I don't want it to go right there I want it to be a bit here so I'm gonna take this guy and place them right in the middle so if I play this back comes to a little bit of an abrupt stop so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go into my keyframes and we're just gonna delete the last couple ones and the reason for that is just because I want it to be a little bit smoother so I'm gonna leave the very last keyframe but I'm gonna take out some of the other ones and I'm going to take this last one select him and I'm just gonna use him same with this why just gonna ease them and we can even take this last keyframe and just stretch them out just a little bit pull them a little bit further over and if I do a preview render by holding on to shift alt command R it's gonna create a little RAM preview here so I can see what that's gonna look like in real time and that's just about done so I can play that back and at this point I can fine-tune that animation or I can go ahead and export it so let's go ahead and close that example let's talk about this other one so I have this Nintendo switch logo that I really want right next to here this Legend of Zelda and what I'm gonna do is go to the very beginning of my timeline just place that right here and I'm gonna do the same thing we're gonna go into our intend a switch library match move I'm gonna place that right on there I'm gonna take that match move I'm gonna take this point and we're gonna drag it right to the edge of this box so we have some contrast between these as a quick little tip something I picked up from our expense er if you grab your your target and you hold on to L option what it'll do is it'll scan through the footage and leave you these little plus marks and these plus marks are what Apple motion thinks would be good track points so right here I can see that there is a very high contrast black and white so I can place that right there so I can go ahead I'm at the beginning of my timeline we're gonna hit analyze and depending on the speed of your CPU it's going to track a little bit faster or slower some other things that go hand-in-hand with that is if you're using one point to point or three point the more points you have to track the slower it's going to go the size of your footage if you have very large resolution like 4k or higher it's gonna go a little bit slower so those are things that you want to keep in mind okay so I can go back and review that track and that's a very smooth track so same kind of concept at this point we can really make this do whatever so if we had some text in here we wanted to animate it in it would still animate in the same exact way and it would be linked up perfectly let's take a look at one more example when something may not work exactly the way that you would like so I have my track 3 and in this this footage is a little bit different I've got some camera moving up and down but I also have a slight perspective change and my perspective change it's almost like rotating slightly around here so I'm gonna take the same concept that we've done before and take this library matchmove and we'll place it onto our ps4 logo I'm going to take this match move and we're gonna place this - alt/option and see what it thinks is a good spot for it to track and let's place it right on the side of the spine and again go into our inspector and hit analyze and as I hit analyze it's going to also go through the same thing and I'm gonna let this finish up I'll take a look at it now that's been analyzed if I play this back it looks like it's tracking okay it looks like it's moving just a little bit off and that's due to our perspective is changing just a little bit so it's not perfectly locked to this specific plane and that's because the camera is almost moving a little bit around it so in a situation like this we're gonna need two trackers and with two trackers we have a little bit more information right now we're just moving in X&Y but I can see that you know this map in the background here and this it's changing our perspective a little bit so we're actually getting a little bit of rotation so in a situation like this I can't just use a single point tracker because it doesn't look like it's working just right so in the next lesson we're going to be taking a look at using a two-point tracker to get a little bit more information to make things like this work a little bit better so that's the basics of using one point trackers and Apple motion hopefully you found this tutorial useful and I will see you next time thanks a lot for watching
Channel: AV-Ultra
Views: 36,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AV ULTRA, Stanislaw Robert Luberda, Stanislaw, Motion Tutorials, Apple Motion tutorials, Tutorial, motion 5, apple motion 5 tutorials, apple motion tutorials free, apple motion tutorial, apple motion tutorials for beginners, Ripple, Final Cut Pro X, FCPX, FCP, Final Cut Pro, Apple, Apple Motion, match Move, Motion Tracking, Motion Track, point tracker, VFX, Tech Lounge, Stevens point, Wi, Matchmove, Motion Tracking in apple motion, Apple motion 5
Id: B1YIvA8NtM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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