What's New in Motion 5.6

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the apple motion update released today includes the same new features introduced also today in final cut pro 10.6 but since this is motion things work a bit differently so even if you've watched our what's new video on final cut pro 10.6 and we'll include a link below if you use or are considering using motion you'll want to keep watching first up is the ability to change the depth of field on clips shot with the iphone 13 in cinematic mode this works in motion much the same as it does in final cut pro but since it requires the monterey operating system that is not yet out of beta we're going to postpone demoing it in motion until once monterey has been released next up is the object tracker as opposed to working with a cinematic clip you don't need to be on a monterey to use the object tracker in final cut pro or motion but you will need to be on at least big sur version 11.5.1 or later while it's the same object tracker that's been added to final cut pro in motion it's been integrated into the existing point tracking capabilities so for example here i have a title and i have a clip i'd like to track it to under behaviors if i choose motion tracking match move nothing different here but in the behaviors inspector we now have the object tractor as the default tracking mode you can always switch back to the legacy point tracker if you do select the object tracker you get the same grid that you can move around on the screen you can add the option key for it to recognize faces or other objects or you could adjust it manually and click analyze i'll disable rotation since we don't need it here and play that back and of course i can reposition the title independent of that motion path and it will update to that location just like in final cut you can choose from among the four different analysis methods so for example if i thought it was a little bit too bouncy i could choose point cloud and re-analyze but you have more options in motion for example i could select the title go to the properties tab of the inspector and for position i could add an average parameter behavior note the look of the motion path in the viewer the red line as soon as i add that average parameter behavior it smooths out that motion path i'll reduce the window size a little bit and then render and play that back and we end up with a smoother track what's great about how the object tractor is integrated to the point tracker in motion is it makes very easy to choose the one that works best for your current situation for instance here i'd like to track this video clip of this couple into this frame underneath and while it's possible to get there with the object tracker this is really a better situation for a corner pin so once again if i choose behaviors motion tracking match move in the behavior inspector if i change the mode from object to point i can then change the type from transformation to four corners then i can line the movie to my frame adjust the alignment in the inspector and analyze while the object tracker works great at tracking objects the point tracker when set to use the four corner type is a better solution for these kind of tracking situations just as with final cut you can use the tracker in motion for effect masks but it's actually even more powerful in motion and it works a little bit differently so here i have a clip where i'd like to add a color correction to uh the young woman's face and the way i'll do it here is to first duplicate this clip with command d and then i'll apply a circle mask i could apply any mask shape and that mask shape can be tracked to any object this is different from final cut where it always tracks the built-in effect mask which is always round or oval or square or rectangular i will start with a circle mask however and i'll place it roughly where i want hold the option key i can drag out some feather and then from the behavior's pop-up menu i'll choose motion tracking match move i'll hold the option key down as i move the grid for the tracker and it recognizes both their faces and also recognizes an object here as well but i'll just choose her face and i want to include both position and rotation and i'll analyze with the analysis done if i select the circle mask itself it now tracks to her and we can treat it completely independently there's no separate linking or unlinking of the mask from the tracker so if i move it over here for instance that entire motion path will now be attached there and not only that in addition to adjusting the roundness or how oval it is i can go to the inspector and convert this mask to points once i do that i have independent control over each of these points or i could add more simply by double clicking i'll undo that and in the inspector i still have feather control so you've got much more control over your trackable masks in motion now that i have that mask tracked and adjusted i'm going to choose to invert it by clicking the invert mask checkbox and the mask inspector then i'll select the video clip and to color correct it i'll go to color category and add a color wheels correction because i inverted the mask any changes i make will be applied outside the mask for instance if i bring down the mid-tones it will darken outside the mask essentially brightening up her face i'll toggle the color wheels off and on to see the result and if i want to make an adjustment to the track for instance right here where she tilts toward him and the mask comes off of her a little bit i can go right back toward before that happens my mask is selected i'm in the edit points tool for control points i'll set a keyframe move forward in time pull in that point and then motion will then interpolate between those keyframes to keep the mask on her in motion you can also track 3d objects in the usdz format but there's no need to publish them the way you need to to get them into final cut pro you can import usdz's directly into motion or use the built-in 3d objects so if i go to the library under 3d objects we have 60 different built-in 3d objects in the usdc format i'm going to take this animated butterfly and add it on top of this clip here i'll also extend out the animation so it exists for the whole time and i'll shrink it down a little by holding the shift key down to keep it proportional and i'll rotate it as well next from behaviors pop-up menu i'll choose motion tracking match move option drag over the young woman i don't want to track to her face because it will move quite a bit i'm just going to release the mouse and shrink this down to track her head which should move less than uh other parts of her body and then in the behaviors inspector i'll disable rotation you could do that before afterwards and i'll click analyze and now that butterfly is tracked to her path so we can see its motion path and we can still adjust its position in 3d space to have it follow along with her so the object tracker is a great addition to both final cut pro and motion and when you're working in motion you have a few additional capabilities thanks to existing point tracker and related features like the average parameter behavior finally motion has a new filter called neon this new filter is also now available in final cut pro i've got some text here where i've reduced the face opacity all the way down and i just have some outline applied from the filters pop-up menu under the glow category is the new neon filter and it does kind of what you might expect from the neon filter and there's plenty of parameters to play with to adjust how bright it is how much glow it has and whether the brightness is inner or outer glow etc a couple ways i've used this here i'll turn this example off and i'll turn this example on what i've done here is i've added the regal parameter behavior in order to animate the amount of glow so if i select the neon filter you'll see that that parameter behavior is applied here to the outer brightness and it is set to subtract the amount of four and it's only this long in the timeline so if i play that it basically does kind of an animated turning on of the neon effect another thing you can do is add other filters in combination with it for instance if i turn the neon filter off and i just turn on light rays we get a pretty cool effect but by adding neon to it it really punches up the look of the light rays so a very cool new filter in motion by the way the object tracker is simple on the surface but there are a lot of moving parts underneath in both final cut pro and motion we have a brand new tutorial in which i do a deep dive on how to get the most out of the tracker in final cut pro including how to get the best track how to improve tracks how to fix interrupted tracks how to build your own trackable object remover and much more you can find it at rippletraining.com we'd love to know your thoughts please leave a comment below please consider subscribing and thanks for watching 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Channel: Ripple Training
Views: 17,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ripple Training, Steve Martin, Tutorial, Apple, Digital Barn, How To, Help, Video, Film, Editing, Learn, Example
Id: 5YU6B9V3JX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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