What's New in Final Cut Pro 10.6

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hey guys steve from ripple training here i'm here with my creative partner mark spencer how you doing steve nice to see you virtually again but great to see you good to see you too mark and today we have a really special announcement there's a new version of final cut pro now there are two important features one of which has already been telegraphed by apple which is the cinematic mode editing feature but there's another feature that we've been all begging for for nearly 10 years right finally final cut pro 10.6 includes tracking so let's dive right in and check out these features and show them off [Music] with the iphone 13 and final cut pro 10.6 we can now nail the focus in post here's a shot of mark and me recorded using iphone 13 where the cinematic rack focus has been added automatically using machine learning as i scrub the clip you can see the focus change this should not be new to most of you since the iphone 13 has been available for several weeks now what is new however is the ability to manipulate the focus in final cut pro just as easily as you might manipulate the color or the speed of a clip with the playhead parked over the cinematic mode clip you want to manipulate open the inspector there's a new cinematic section that when enabled lets you adjust the depth effect which controls the amount of blur you see in the shot just like a real world lens you can adjust the f-stop which can have a dramatic effect on what's in focus and what's not moving the slider toward lower f-numbers will decrease the depth of field causing more of the background to go out of focus and moving the slider toward the higher f numbers will do the opposite now that's pretty cool in itself but how do i change what's in focus well before you can change what's in focus you need to see what's in focus that's where the cinematic mode tool comes in you can either enable it here in the inspector or choose it from the on-screen tools menu in the lower left of the viewer once enabled on-screen controls will appear in the viewer the yellow box is the active subject being tracked and kept in focus and any light grey boxes are inactive subjects being tracked by the iphone's camera algorithm that can also be chosen as another focus point during editing as i scrub the playhead over the shot of mark and me you can see the focus starts on me in the foreground then as my head turns the tracker shifts focus to mark and now he's the one being tracked and kept in focus all of these focused decisions were made automatically in camera using machine learning to see exactly at which points the focus changes occur right click on the clip and choose show cinematic editor a bar appears over the clip the white dots are focus points that show where the camera made a focus decision the first thing i know about them is that they cannot be deleted or moved they are read only in the file but you can override them by creating your own focus points for example if i scrub over the first part of the clip you can see the focus shift for me to mark then back to me again perhaps i want to keep the focus entirely on mark for the duration of the clip i'll skim to the frame where he's the active subject being tracked once i see that he's in focus i'll click on the white square in the viewer to lock it when the focus is locked the tracker becomes a solid yellow square in the cinematic editor a yellow focus point appears yellow focus points indicate that they are user generated when i play from here mark remains in focus until the end of the clip and because cinematic clips contain all the depth data i can choose when i want the next rack focus to occur i'll skim to where i start to shrug my shoulders then click the gray tracking square over my face to set a focus point i'll skim a bit further just as mark turns his head toward me then click on his face to set another focus point i'll play that back to see how it looks at any point i can increase or decrease the depth of field to achieve the look i want i can even animate the depth of field when necessary as i skim to the end of the clip i have this goofy smile on my face but at the current depth of field setting it's pretty blurry i'll set a keyframe move the playhead 20 frames later then increase the depth of field to f10 now when i turn back to the camera the depth of field becomes wider if you need to adjust the timing of the depth of field animation you'll need to reveal the animation editor by pressing ctrl v there's a new cinematic depth of field option listed in the parameter stack double-clicking it will reveal an animation graph drag right or left on a keyframe to make the depth of field change happen slower or faster dragging up or down on a keyframe will change the f-stop value which of course will result in a blurrier or sharper focus point let's look at another cinematic editing scenario you'll run into here i have a clip of mark's dog his name is waller and he loves to bark but that's another story instead of using the entire clip i've already marked the range i want to use as a favorite i'll select it then press e to append it to the timeline the first thing i do when working with cinematic clips is to enable the cinematic options in the inspector and the cinematic tool to view the focus points skimming over the clip we can see where the focus changes based on what tracker is active you may have noticed that the tracker for the dog looks different than the tracker for the background the background track was a result of mark tapping his phone during recording to change the focus so in this case ai wasn't making the focus decision mark was in order to see his focus points press control option f to bring up the cinematic editor two yellow focus points appear on the clip as the editor i've decided that the focus pole is unmotivated by anything in the frame and i want to keep the focus on the dog again skimming reveals what's happening with the focus and where it starts to shift from the foreground to the background i'll remove this focus point by clicking on it once then choosing delete focus point from the menu as a reminder you can only delete user-generated focus points not ai generated ones when played back the focus remains on the dog the only thing i might want to do is adjust the amount of blur using the depth of field slider before i pass the baton to mark to cover the new tracking tool i want to talk about how to properly transfer your iphone clips to your mac and retain the cinematic metadata the first method is to select the photos in audio sidebar in final cut pro choose photos from the list open the album that contains the media then drag the clip over the project icon and drop it into your event the second method is to connect your iphone 13 to your mac using the lightning cable open the import window select the cinematic clip or clips then choose import selected third if you have the photos app open on your mac you can hold down the option key and drag the cinematic clip to your hard drive then you would simply import it by drag and dropping it from the finder into any event in your library however if you need to use clips that were recorded on someone else's iphone 13 you'll need to follow these steps from the sending iphone's photos app select the clip you want to transfer then tap the share button at the top of the window tap options make sure that all photos data is enabled i should point out that this option is not sticky meaning that you'll need to enable it for every clip you want to transfer if this option is not enabled no cinematic metadata will be sent with a clip tap done then airdrop it to your mac once transferred you'll see three separate files two of them are movie files and one of them is a sidecar file the movie file with e in the name has the cinematic metadata baked in the other movie file includes the editable cinematic metadata this is the file that you'll import into final cut pro once the clip or clips have been imported into your library there's a cool new option for filtering them bring up the filter hud then choose format info cinematic any clips that have cinematic metadata will be returned by the search you can then create a smart collection that will automatically place any cinematic clips you import into that collection and now back to mark so with the object tracker you can track titles generators and effects and even your own content and i'm going to show you examples of each of those let's start with a built-in title so here i have a clip of a young woman running along the beach and i want to track a title to her so i'll find a point where she's on the screen and then i'm in the titles and generator sidebar here i've selected the built in out category which is part of the content that ships with final cut pro and i'm going to use this built-in move title the easiest way to do this is to simply drag the content that you want to be tracked directly onto the viewer if i drag it onto the young woman we can see it identifies her as an object if a couple are higher we can see it even identifies her face here or the entire upper part of her body i'm going to move the pointer until it recognizes her whole body and release the mouse when i do that several things happen down at the bottom you can see we're now in the transform mode at the top we have a new set of controls and the tractor is selected notice the timeline because i didn't set a range that our title doesn't last the full duration of the clip but it doesn't matter the next step i'm going to analyze the clip so i'll just click analyze which will analyze it in both directions and notice how quickly it goes i'm not speeding this up at all boom it's done if i play that section where the title is we can see the title now tracks to the young woman running on the beach now one of the cool things about this is we can extend the duration of this title because the entire clip was analyzed no matter how long the title was originally and it will still track the whole way notice the beginning we can't really see it because it's on a very light background so i'll change its color to something a little more obvious and play through that and obviously it can't track her when she's off the screen but i'll just come to where she's on the screen and press option left bracket to start the title there and it continues to track her across the frame until she goes out of the frame and i'll press option right bracket to end it there now we can also change the position of this title notice the top it says both tracker and transform and the tracker is selected we could click on transform in order to move the title but notice that this control is still available when the tracker is still selected so you could either adjust the tracker itself or the title i'm going to take the title and just move it up over here a little bit no matter where i move it it will then track based on that location so i'm free to move it at any point and it doesn't set a keyframe it just moves the entire title to be tracked at that location you can also track any published titles or plugins for instance let's say she gets to here and i want to track another title on the back side i'll trim this one to end then i'm going to go down to ripple titlemations which is our own plugin package of titles i'm going to choose this one called move left all and this time i don't need to analyze again so i'm just going to add it directly to the clip with by pressing q so it's now over this clip but it's not tracking but i don't need to analyze again if i go up to the top of the viewer and click the downward facing arrow next to the word tracker we can choose the existing track or create a new track but we don't need a new track so i'll choose this existing track as soon as i do that that title now perfectly tracks along with her as well and once again i can reposition it and of course i can use all the published parameters to change its size or the block roundness or the color the font etc and we'll track later along with her here's a finished example where i have both titles where the first one comes on early this is the built-in title and then goes away and then the new title comes in so super easy to track a title either one of the built-in titles or your own published titles or third-party plugins to a clip in this shot here i would like to track the face of our subject and show what she's texting to do so i'll first press x to mark a range for a clip and then i'm using our own ripple rt messages i'll drag the chat text title over the clip and when it sees her face i'll release the mouse now you can position your title before after analyzing i'm going to go ahead and do it now and move it into position and then i'll click analyze which will analyze both forwards and backwards across the entire range of the clip i'll play that back and it does a great job of tracking however it's also rotating well that's not a problem check this out with the title selected if i go to the video inspector in the transform section these new icons indicate that the position and rotation parameters have been tracked if we click right here next to where it says hide on the same type of icon we can see that we can turn on and off position rotation and scale or completely remove the tracker i'll disable rotation and play that back so you can choose the parameters that you want to be tracked in this completed example i've added a couple more titles using the same method i showed you earlier to use the same existing tracking data so we didn't need to analyze again so far it seems to be that you have to choose the object that you want to track to a clip before tracking the clip but that's not the case here i have this drone shot and let's say i'd like to track this particular little dwelling right here but i don't know what i want to track a title or a generator or something else so with my playhead over this clip in the video inspector at the bottom is a new tracking section and it lists any trackers there aren't any yet but if i click the plus button here it will add this tracking grid on top of the video if i hold down the option key while moving it around the machine learning will kick in and will attempt to identify objects before we just saw people and faces but it will try to identify any objects that it can but you don't have to use this i can release the option key and just track the object that i want so i'm just going to drag to reposition this if you drag by a corner it'll scale the whole thing at once and this top left corner will round it and then you can rotate it as well but we don't need to do that here so i'll place it right over that object and then i'll click analyze and once again i'm going to let it analyze in real time i'm not speeding this up at all so you can see that it works really quickly once the analysis is done if i scrub through we can see that that object is tracked and in the video inspector we can see that track down here now to track something to it i'm going to first press x to mark a range for the clip and this time i'm going to track a generator i'll use one of the built-in generators in the elements category i'll select the shapes generator and press q to add as a connect edit across the full range of the clip then in inspector i'm going to scale it down i'll change its blend mode to overlay so we can see underneath it i'll position it over this object and scale it down a little bit more now if we scrub through it's not tracking and that's because we haven't applied that tracking data if we enable the transform tool at the bottom left corner of the viewer then go up to the tracker popup menu we can choose that existing track data that we already applied to the underlying video clip i'll reposition my object a little bit and play that back and now we can see it perfectly tracks along with that object now it appears to get smaller but what's happening is the scale isn't changing of that circle the scale of the circle is staying the same but the little hut the dwelling is getting larger in the shot so remember when we saw earlier the tracker by default tracks position and rotation but not scale but if we go to the video inspector for the transform properties and click the pop-up right here we can choose to add scale now a couple warnings about this when you enable scale it often will change the default starting scale and you'll need to change that so i can drag here or i can use the scale parameter in the inspector to adjust the scale and reposition that's number one number two is that it won't always scale proportionally in other words it may scale x and y separately and a different amount even though it indicates the same scale amount in the inspector but if we go back now and play that through let's change the position a little bit that circle will now scale along with the tracking here's a completed one that i did where you see it scales a little bit better so you can enable scale and it can work but sometimes it takes a little bit of adjustment and the fact that it's not proportional can get in the way so it's something to be aware of you can also track anything you've imported into your library photos graphics even video so here i have a shot of a little panning shot on this room and i'd like to put a logo on the wall here i've imported this logo into the library so once again i'll press x to set a range on this clip i'll drag my logo on top of it in the viewer and it identifies a few objects but nothing on the wall doesn't really identify this which i thought it would but it doesn't that's okay i'll just release the mouse right there so that the tracker is right on it i could adjust it but i don't need to so i'm just going ahead and analyze that seems to have done a good job so the next thing i'm going to do is scale down that logo so it fits in the screen right click choose the distort tool and i'll distort it to match the lines on the wall i'll also change this blend mode to multiply and there we go incredibly fast and easy here's some other examples of objects have been able to distort onto planes and track with the object tracker you can also track effect masks let me show you how that works so here i have the shot of the couple and i'd like to do some color correction just on the woman's face in the effects browser in the color category i'm going to drag the color wheels correction onto her face and notice i could track either face i'll choose to track her face when i apply it notice this time that the transform tool did not turn on that's because this is a an effect mask so if we look over in the video inspector under effects we can see that that shape mask is what's now being tracked up top we can choose the tracker or the shape i'll click analyze and we can see that tracker's done a great job of tracking her face even when she turned slightly sideways there now by default this tracker and the shape are linked to each other notice they look identical however i don't want the shape to look like this i want to decrease the size of this quite a bit and decrease the feathering but if i were to do that now for instance hold the shift key down in order to proportionately scale it down if i go back to the tracker it's adjusted the tracker i'll press command z because i don't want to do that i want to unlink the position scale and rotation of the shape from that of the tracker so i'll click the link button here to unlink it and now when i hold the shoot key down and make it smaller and i select the tracker we can see that the tracker remains the same i'll go back to the shape and i'll bring in the feather amount and adjust this to get it just the way i want and now notice that my changes match your face for that mask right here it moves off of her a little bit too much but if i were to adjust it here for instance sliding it over that slides it over for the entire time i'll press command z to undo that but it's actually easy to fix i'll go to a point a little before then where i like where it is right about here just adjust it a little bit more and then what i can do is set a keyframe by clicking directly on the keyframe button for the shape mask move to where it moves off slide it back on and now final cut will interpolate the mask between those two points and notice now it does a much better job of staying on there and it doesn't change the rest of the track although i had shifted it off a little bit so i'll shift it over and that'll stay over for the whole time and then it fixes that portion where she turns her face now the corrections you want to do here need to be pretty subtle and that's why we have this feathering turned on so i'll go into color wheels at this point i'll select outside the mask and maybe i'll just bring down the mid-tones just to darken the rest of the shot so that she is a little brighter i'll talk toggle that correction off and on i just want to do so something subtle i don't want to go too far here maybe i'll slightly de-saturate the mid-tones as well and maybe i'll bring the global down a little bit as well just something that brings a little bit more attention to her face and now we have a nice track of that color correction directly to her face so all effects have masks associated with them so you can track any effect by the way you may think hey i want to track the draw mask directly can't do that wish we could but can't do that another great use for tracking effects is when you want to blur or pixelate a face or a logo so for that i'll go to the stylize category and i'm going to drag the sensor effect onto the face of this young man this is a separate track from what we did before i'll click analyze then in the inspector for the sensor effect i need to increase the radius so that the sensor effect covers the whole screen but only within this mast area i'll de-link the shape from the tracker and once again bring the size of that down and bring the feathering down and maybe i'll also adjust the amount of pixelization something like that and very quickly i've been able to hide the identity of somebody by tracking the sensor effect to the clip finally once you have a track on a clip if you right click on that clip or use the keyboard shortcut option command t it'll open the tracking editor here you can select part of the track you can re-analyze that section or delete it and this is great for handling interrupted tracks i'll have much more to say about this in a full deep dive tutorial i have on mastering the object tracker so the tracker what do you think steve tracker is amazing and it's apple simple you know they didn't just make a tracker they made it really really intuitive they uh good job apple great great tracker yeah it tracks very well and it's surprisingly deep there's a lot of things i couldn't touch on in this what's new video we have a full-blown tutorial that takes a deep dive on the tracker so you can understand all the components of how to use it how to use it in a variety of different circumstances so take a look that should be out soon subscribe below and you'll get notified when that does come out and speaking of subscribing we're trying to hit a hundred thousand subscribers you can help us do it by subscribing to this channel clicking the bell for uh future notifications we're interested in your feedback what feature in 10.6 did you like what feature are you going to use so leave your comments below and we'll see you next time thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Ripple Training
Views: 92,281
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ripple Training, Steve Martin, Tutorial, Apple, Digital Barn, How To, Help, Video, Film, Editing, Learn, Example
Id: FR4_zYrp8S8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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