Final Cut Pro NOW Has OBJECT TRACKING! | Motion Tracking Tutorial - NEW UPDATE Version 10.6

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today is a really exciting day because i'm going to show you the new object tracking feature within final cut pro version 10.6 if you haven't updated to this newest version of final cut pro make sure you get on it and install this update because this object tracker is freaking cool apple released this update a few days ago and i got some time to play around with it so i have some sample footage here in my final cut pro project let's have a closer look so we have a few video clips right here this first shot is of this boat in the ocean and let's say we want to attach some text to it we can easily do that just by going to our text editor or to our text generators right here and i can literally just drag and drop this custom text over the boat and you can see fonica pro automatically detects the object it's freaking cool it uses ai fonica pro uses ai can adobe premiere do that all right i'm not going to get into that i'm not going to get into you adobe fans but finally i mean apple is known to make things just so simple and easy but anyway i just drag and dropped the text over the boat and it already made this graph which is what is going to be tracked within this clip so once that is selected all we have to do is click on analyze watch how fast final cut pro analyzes this clip it's it's pretty shocking it literally analyzes in real time if not a lot faster and right now i'm editing on a macbook pro from 2016. i have my new macbook pro 2021 m1 max coming soon so we'll do a little update video when that's here now if you notice it tracked the full clip even though the text is a portion of the clip so if you want you can actually drag out the text throughout the whole entire clip and you don't have to re-analyze it it will just boom track along with the boat now the boat's not really moving in any crazy direction so you can't really see how the title is being tracked so let's get into something a little bit more complex so i'm going to go ahead and erase this clip and here we have a shot of dune buggy and you can see that this footage is a lot shakier so let's see how fanuca pro tracks this object so i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to drag and drop the custom text and again it selects the object it knows what i want to track immediately i don't have to go through any parameters or any nonsense like that so i really love how final cut pro just like knows exactly what to track so again we're just going to click analyze it's going to analyze the whole clip and i'm going to show you how it's analyzing in real time i'm not speeding up the footage or speeding up this clip this is in real time it's analyzing every movement all right and it wants to double check itself so it's going to re-analyze in the backwards motion it's going to reverse the clip and analyze it that way as well all right now we're going to go over to the text we're going to stretch out that clip so it covers the whole entire video clip we're going to go to the text parameters and i'm going to change the color so that way we can easily see it actually it's right here we're gonna go to uh face and i'm just gonna make it red should look pretty visible here right there it is cool now let's play back the footage and see how well this got tracked look at that isn't that dope now let's go on to something like this this is also handheld of this man walking what we can also do is apply trackers to most of the effects unfortunately we can't apply trackers to drawing custom masks this is kind of like rotoscoping in after effects hopefully they might release something like this in the future for final cut pro or in apple motion but for right now i'm going to go to let's say pixelate and i'm going to go ahead and drag and drop the effect over this man's face and look at that the object tracker can detect faces as well so i'm just gonna drag and drop it over his face boom and now we're just gonna track the whole clip again this is real time i'm not speeding up the footage it does such a great job there you go it just follows and tracks his face but you can see sometimes it goes in and out that's the actual plug-in that's not the tracker so what we're going to do we're actually going to add a gaussian effect because gaussian pixelate is very distracting i don't like pixelation that much so gaussian blur usually does a better job so we're going to go again drag and drop it over his face and then we're just gonna re-analyze the clip with that effect easy peasy it tracks forward and in reverse to get a much more accurate track and if you notice it actually tracks the rotation of his head as well so now if we play back the footage boom you got yourself witness protection now let's say you don't want the tracker to add the rotation into the gaussian blur effect you can always turn that off we actually have some options right up here we have shape and the tracker this is really important because we can actually adjust the shape without adjusting the tracker all you would have to do is just unlink the tracker from the shape that way you can actually adjust the shape and then the surface area of the actual tracker won't change it will stay the same if we leave this linked you'll notice that if i change the shape of the actual mask or the gaussian blur it will also change the surface area of the tracker so just make sure you have that option there if you want to adjust the rotation or just get rid of it completely from the track make sure that this button is deselected you don't want it to be linked then you want to go to the gaussian blur effect go to the tracker properties which is located right here it's this little new box that final cut pro incorporated go to the drop down arrow and deselect rotation you can also select other options and deselect other options such as scale and position okay there's one last thing i want to show you and that is how to add your own manual track to a clip instead of dragging and dropping an effect or title all we would have to do is just click on the actual clip scroll down to the bottom of the parameters and then go to trackers hit the plus button and now we can actually draw out our own track boom see that and you can also change the shape making the corners more round by using this slider or a little circle right here so for a face we're going to make it more round and now we have a large surface area to work with and we can analyze and track this clip look how well it does with the rotation as well wow final cut pro really knows how to object tracked not only in 2d space but in 3d space as well okay and one last thing before i go don't forget that you can actually incorporate this object tracker into color correction so if you want to highlight a person's face you can easily do so i'll make a separate tutorial on that because this is just the tip of the iceberg on what this object tracker can do and by the way i'm also going to compare the object tracker from final cut pro to other object trackers such as motion v effects stay tuned for that video because that's coming up soon so if you haven't already make sure you subscribe with those notifications turned on and i'll see you in another video and for you adobe premiere pro users it's not late for you to switch time to use final cut pro [Music] you
Channel: Momentum Productions
Views: 4,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ripple training, video, film, learn, motion tracking, final cut pro x, final cut pro, final cut pro tutorial, motion tracking final cut pro x, motion tracking in final cut pro x, how to motion track in final cut pro x, motion tracking tutorial fcpx, final cut pro tracking, final cut pro x motion tracking, auto tracking final cut, tracking tutorial, final cut tutorial, tracking, motion tracking final cut pro, how to motion track with final cut pro, motion tracking plugin, 10.6
Id: PEIijMbT41o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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