Intro Card DaVinci Resolve Tutorial

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oh boy white balance is a little off oh well we're keeping it before we get started with today's video i just wanted to let you know about my website where we have hundreds of different templates available for davinci resolve 17 16 and 15. all of them are backwards compatible with the newest version of davinci resolve if you haven't taken a look the selection of templates is pretty diverse with everything that you would typically think when you think templates everything from titles transitions infographics logos stings slideshows video displays video effects compositing elements as well as a bunch of color preset tools specifically for davinci resolve's color page if you're interested in taking a look for yourself there's a link in the description i guess we'll just get started here i'm we're going to be working in davinci resolve 17. i do have an image that i'm going to be using for this uh and we're just going to kind of work together at this um throughout the process we might have to change a couple of things but this is just going to be the most raw version of uh creating something and the idea here is that we're just going to make a little intro card like this currently i don't know what it's going to look like but uh i do have an image and that's going to be the image of let's say you if you're doing something on youtube or if you're working on a project for a customer maybe they're doing kind of like vlog-ish things um but yeah so it's gonna it's just gonna be a picture of a person that we're gonna be using so to get started here let's flip this over um i'm going to first go down into the settings down in the bottom corner here i guess i have to turn off my camera to show you that's not from here uh depending on if you want a different resolution you can pick whatever that resolution is i'm just going to change this to 30 frames per second and then apply those changings because we're in davinci resolve 17 uh we don't have to go to the edit page and make a fusion comp and a timeline and all of that so we can just jump right over into fusion if you are using an older version the majority of everything that we're going to be doing here you can do an older version but you will have to go to the edit page go up into the media pool right click new fusion comp then drag the comp into the timeline which will then create your timeline for me if i was just to drag this in here it automatically creates a fusion comp and creates the timeline as you can see up here so i don't have to do that just a little fun fact there so i'm going to go up to my uh media pool and drag in the image that we're going to be using here so there is my image and we'll brag bring that into the timeline and as you can see this is a pretty large image and we're only working with a 1080 timeline so uh the idea here that i'm thinking that i want to do is uh dude type some type of uh if so if i was to so let's back this up a bit let's grab a background node right and for now we'll just leave it black and i'll just connect this up just like that and view it from here then i can drag this down and kind of center her as best as possible now we can see here that we have quite a bit of room on the left and on the right let's just make this one view for now so i'm just going to kind of center this there is a way here i forget how to do it um [Music] shoot how the heck do you do that there is a way to get guides show guides there we are so we can kind of center her eyes there just like that i feel like that's probably great turn those guides off so there we are we have her um kind of centered uh you can make her bigger smaller if you want it to i'm doing all of these controls in the merge because we merged we connected one to the other then it made this merge it's just how we're going to lay the background over the foreground and then um from here i'm thinking that i want to maybe do a what's referred to as dual tone and i have a whole video on how to do it but i'll quickly run down uh how to do that the link for that video and everything that was taught in that and i think i actually made a tool that you can then bring into fusion i'm pretty sure i have a link to it but anyways uh to do that if i can remember how to do this correctly we're gonna grab a fast noise and in the fast noise we're gonna turn detail all the way down discontinuous and i think that's it for now and then we're going to grab a bitmap and to do this i'm going to use the select tool so i'm going to hold down shift hit spacebar bring this up and type in bitmap then we're going to have the bitmap here and we're going to drag from our image into the bitmap clicking on the bitmap we're going to change this to illuminance right take a look at that yep there we go there we have the luminance and then we can take that into um we're gonna right hold right click instead of left click here come up to here we're gonna give us options and we're going to go into uh the brightness map i believe that's the correct one to do there and then in here if i was to let's see let's add some colors in here actually no let's change this to gradient there we are and then we can change these two colors to two different colors so let's see what this looks like first okay we're looking pretty good maybe let's change this up and do like a red maybe a little less saturated red and then we can kind of move these around until we get a look that we actually like so i'm thinking something like that that might be pretty cool so now that we have that we have our our uh image colored uh we can now do some cool stuff so what exactly do i think would be something cool to do with this um let's have the image not entirely sure what to do here so let's have this image go on to this background again right because now i can make this smaller is that what i want to do maybe we could change it up with a mask so we could like get it to be like that actually you know what let's come back to here let's get those guides back up and put her eyes right in the middle just like that so she is right in the middle all right now if we view this we can leave this centered and that will look good so i think i'm going to animate this so start at one for both of them and then so this is a five second window so we'll just do the whole animation over that five second window it's going to start off large so i'm just going to keyframe clicking both these buttons we're currently selected on this mask down here and then we're going to let's just go into uh let's go 20 and then have this go down to whatever we think is a cool look maybe something like that and then now that we have both of those keyframes it's going to go down kind of like that which might be pretty cool um we can also [Music] maybe after all of this put in a transform and then we could just do a slight zoom what was the last keyframe here 20 so we'll go let's do 25 and then we'll have it zoom in just a little bit let's actually view that node zoom in just a little bit interesting so it's the uh so i want the whole box so what we'll do is we'll actually just take this out of here and go into this bitmap and i like to put in uh pibs so it's just this and to do that all you have to do is hold down alt and click and then you end up making them right so it just makes it easier to see how if things are routed so we'll do that and then on here we will go to 25 and let's bring it in a little bit and then we'll come to the other end and leave it back at normal and now let's save this um i don't know um we'll do intro card okay so uh the other thing that i want to do with both the sets of these keyframes is i want to ease them so we're going to come up here to the spline close that for now clicking on this we're going to see it here but you might have this selected so that you see everything i don't really like it because once you have a lot of nodes it becomes very difficult to see things so i like to come into the little three dots and show only selected so only the node that i have selected it's going to show that sometimes the other way is necessary to see the timing of other nodes uh when you're animating a particular node but sometimes it's a little too much so i'm just going to take these n keyframes and hit f for flatten adds in some easing and we'll do the same here if you want to uh uh add more to this you could grab this little handle or you could hit t and it'll allow you to change the ease in and ease out for a particular keyframe okay so now if we take a look at this that's looking kind of oh that was a shortcut that i wasn't expecting but that looked pretty cool except for running at 12 frames a second there we go now we have it all right so with it doing that now i want to add on some text and i feel like the right font would really make this look good now let's view this node so excuse me let's back that up i went too fast there so i grabbed a text node then we're going to go from the out of the text node into the out of this merge which will add another merge and because we went from the text node down this is going to be the foreground you could put in whatever name you want there and then you just have to kind of find a font and i feel like maybe a thin one not italic [Music] something like that and then we could add in i'm just gonna go to a random website and just grab some code um you could really just type in whatever you want but i'm just going to grab some random stuff type it in there let's view this and let's make this all left base and we'll make it really small it down there like that you can't even read it just something off to the side and for this i think that uh maybe starting here we're gonna add in the write on effect so we have that and let's add some keyframes in here for the position so we'll have it like that we'll go one keyframe and then completely shift it just doing this at random and then maybe make these uh ah whatever it's it's fine okay so uh then we can go boom boom have that disappear and then we could add in a bunch of like little lines and stuff like that so let's add in a color here what color would we want to do maybe something like that and then we could add in um add these on so i grab the background change the color add in a mask and then we might be go like i don't know like that we turn off this we don't want that and then we could take this line well well i have to add on a border with to view this it's way too big and do something like that so we can get one line that you can get have it like get long with the length and we can have it go the other way so we could have it like you see what i mean so i'll just start here just start there and go uh three frames and let's point three look like okay and then we can have once we're here we go like that and we bring this up to here go across keyframe one two three and and we'll go like that so i think that should work so we can just take this copy it paste it and then just take these uh points i like to come over here to modify only let me take these points and move them somewhere else and also click on it and go like that take these keyframes highlighting them all and i believe it's holding down alt we can shift them to a different location and we can just do that again there we are bring it down now this top one something like that take these keyframes holding down alt oops bringing them all right so the other thing that we can do is we have to figure out something for this uh text animation all right so one thing that i like is the uh we'll do the follower so right clicking in here going to follower come up here to the uh modifiers and we can set a delay i'll do a delay of one frame from left to right um on the order and then we can come into shading and in the shading let's close the spline for now i like using the soft because the soft we can get things to be like really blurry so i would say probably like right here we'll have it really blurry and we will have the opacity down to zero so we don't see it and then over the course of i don't know how many frames it is one two three four five we will have this go to zero zero have the opacity come uh i don't think i want the opacity ah maybe that'll look good so to go something of that nature maybe have this be a similar color maybe we can do white lines as well so i think what i'll do is just take uh let's connect this over and if we flip this we'd have the same thing across the top okay that might look good and then we could uh so to do that let me do that again because maybe i didn't should explain that so i went from this uh background to the merge just down just like that and then in this merge i just flipped the image vertically and horizontally right so now we have this image that has let me show you we'll go two views over here is the first one so it's just the bottom right and then for this one we're adding on this same image this thing here we're adding this on but we're flipping it the opposite way so now we have it along the top too to just add a little bit more um and i think the next thing i will do is the same exact sort of style actually you know what let me go into here and i think in one of these i'm just going to like make this like half of this thickness just so it's a little bit different um and then we will also grab another background we'll change this color to white and we'll connect this up as well and view it and we will add in another mask and do the same exact thing um maybe have it actually go off screen so to make a straight line i just click hold down shift it doesn't matter if you're on an angle or not it'll always create that straight line holding down shift so that's pretty cool all right and then on here i just have to pick a spot so maybe here let's change this thickness something like that all right so we'll have it start over here and then i'll go over there and we'll go like that let's start boom um [Music] clicking it so i can actually see these keyframes and we can un take that keyframe off because that's if you want this line to be animated as well like if you want it to move we don't need that we'll have it go like that and then the course of this much then we'll have it close oops i think this line is still too thick maybe that will look better i also don't like the ones that are in on an angle or this one i don't like the thickness so is that that yes it is all right so now that we have that we can now take all of this and we can do like shifting so we'll do is take the transform bring the transform in bring in a mask and we can maybe bring this down halfway and go all the way across and then this will only shift half of the image and then we can also go to mirror the edges so i think we'll do that and then i think the other thing too is we can do like a blur that might look cool i'm gonna put the blur in between here i'm also gonna mask the blur i think i'm going to do a vertical blur so something like this but maybe like over here all right and then in the blur itself we can change that blur but we're not going to do much it'll just be like a little bit like that but i also want to turn this off at a certain point so i think i only want the blur to be on here i don't know don't know if this is actually going to be noticeable but we'll add it in and then if we want to we can remove it so the reason why i like doing the double keyframes is because in the in in this duration i want nothing i don't want to go from one and work its way down to zero i want it to be over one frame then it's at you know the full amount or it's completely off that's why i do that okay so then the um movement of this hmm i don't want this the movement to be at the beginning so maybe as it's coming in it'll be a slight shift all right so let's see what that looks like hmm all right so we'll do that but i also want so because if you blur this too much like if you blur it too much it looks pretty bad so can i coming down to the second one here and we're going to put this on multiply so they both have to equal out so if we take a look at this it's only going to be where they're paired up and i'm going to make this top one only going to be in the space of this obviously we don't want it to be blurred that much but maybe like that and actually come in a little bit and maybe add a little bit of soft edge all right not really liking this whole uh the whole end here maybe we'll just do like the end of it okay i don't really like this at all so i'm just going to not have it on um over this duration it's going to come on but i feel like i'm going to also have this animated across well to like there i'm gonna go back and remove that and then somewhere in here maybe like that wait wait wait wait wait i ruined i didn't do that right at all all right i want to start it over here come back to this keyframe and then have it wiped all the way across hmm i also don't like these long ones here as well or them being thicker [Music] [Music] all right the next thing that i can add on here hmm i don't like the cleanliness of the background so i think i want to change that but i'm not entirely sure what i want to do with it [Music] um [Music] because for right now i could go like this and then at the end add on a new background so what i did is i came to the end here this background that we've been using i just took out the alpha right took it out so we actually have a transparent background and now everything will still work the same i just need to come up with a cool background that i actually like all right so let's let's try some shape stuff out because the shape stuff we might be able to make something cool so if we come in here and we go down to shape we can add in a bunch of things that um turn into being really cool so like we have the grid let's go back into that um we can grab the ellipse um we can grab the renderer so let's see what we can make here so if we go into the grid with the ellipse the ellipse needs to be way smaller so like one one what does that look like let's go into the render and bring the renderer up okay it's still way too big point zero zero one okay it's way too small [Music] okay 0.5 might be the go-to all right and then in here we could like crank this way up right so like let's do like 50 by 50 and then we have to just slide these until we can get there we are look at that okay so now we have a grid um we were to take let's take a background but let's put a color into this i'm doing that connect these on and there's something i think these are still too big let's do like three three i think the point one might be the go-to okay [Music] and then on the grid let's do 75.75 and then i just got to make this grid smaller coming to the bottom and watching when the last one comes up and then just scrolling the other way okay so something like that might work uh we'll take this oops the other way around because we want that to be on the background something like that i mean we could do like the um you could do like different colors if you wanted to by making two of them uh you can also because we can take this ellipse we can make another ellipse chain come into the color and then we could change this color let's actually just grab this red and then we could connect these two together and then we have this merge thing and all we would have to do is just offset the uh position something like that we could do that and then um i think you could use like uh ripple i don't know if that's the right thing to use maybe maybe it's drip or something like that oh this looks like it's intensive oh no don't tell me my system crashed that would suck i think it might have are we good okay so we have it up here obviously it's way too powerful right now um okay so now if we were to like add a little bit to this we could do something like that and this is kind of like the mkbhd like background sort of thing but i feel like they would they added in here like uh i think if you have the free version you're not going to have this but i can show you that kind of something else you can use um you could add in um film green if you have the studio i think that that you could do this and then for this we actually there i'll just show you one that you can use uh if you don't have that you could use tv and add the tv on and tv has these scan lines just remove that and then we're just using this noise instead so you could like add that noise on and then you just have to we could go into animation curve and then it will automatically be moving right so you can do that and then if we come over here we could just you know maybe dim it down just a little bit because we just want to add some extra some additional texture and now once this gets going we have oh wait we didn't add on any type of animation here no wait what was i just changing was it this no was it oh yeah it is that okay so if i also add animation curve to this maybe one is just enough and then yeah so we just added all of that on there there might be you know more additional stuff to make it look a little cooler i think that this i think i have to bring it up a little bit maybe make the size a little bigger or something make a little more noticeable but i'm curious what this looks like now if we come up one last thing that we would have to do look for where our media out is if you don't have immediate out node you can always just create another one by just shift spacebar media out and creating a new one but you just need one media out go like that and then it's over here on the edit page and then we can take a look at it and once this caches we'll uh see what it looks like all right so now taking a look at this i think it looks good i think that the uh i think i think it looks good if you wanted to we could make that background a little stronger let's there's there's two parts about the background that i don't like one this tv is too strong so like i was trying to do before i want to you know bring that down a bit and then the strength and i don't know which it's going to be maybe it's amplitude but i want it to be like more wavy there we go something like that maybe because look at how much this is like really warping this right that might be pretty cool okay it's looking kind of bad down there so one other thing i'm gonna do is in here i'm gonna put a transform and then just zoom it in just ever so slightly so that those edges don't look so horrible and that's just like a kind of like a cheating thing to do there so i'm gonna um let this recache and we'll take a look at it okay let's take a look all right the amplitude is a little too much a little too much but we're gonna come back over to here i don't know what it was at before but we just need to be a bit less i think that is much better so yeah that's the other thing we could do is frequency that's just going to add more ripples in i think where we're at now is fine we could probably do maybe maybe an additional one all right let me take a look at that i think that you know could be good enough i think that i probably wouldn't have this blur in all honesty i probably wouldn't do the blur and i'd probably add more of these kind of like little elements you know i mean just to spice it up to look good uh but that would that could be it i mean yeah i i don't think it looks all that bad i think it's pretty easy and hopefully you know throughout this you've learned a couple of different uh tools that you can use to make things look pretty cool uh but i think i'm gonna leave it at that uh with different things like this you could sit there for you know four or five hours until you get the right look if it's something that you end up uh you know working on it for a while you can then render it out and use it for the beginning of all of your videos and then the more and more you do this kind of thing the better and better you get with uh being able to create this so uh yeah that's where i'm gonna leave this one um if you're interested in the project files uh i will have those available how i don't really know oh the channel membership i'll put them in there if you are interested in that and don't forget on the website there is a membership service where you get a bunch of different tutorials as well as a couple of uh pre-made assets on there and then you know the little caveat to that as well is if you have any questions about the venture resolver fusion you can submit those questions uh within the channel membership to get a little bit of support on your projects but yeah that's gonna be it for me uh with that being said my name is j.r thank you so much for watching and sticking around until the next one see you guys later peace
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 6,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, DaVinci Resolve 17, Fusion, intro card, video edting, motion graphics, intro
Id: 8ETMVOw2Pco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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