EASY COMMERCIAL EFFECTS That Will Make Your Videos POP | Davinci Resolve 17 Effects Tutorial

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what is up i'm marcel and welcome back to modern filmmaker in this tutorial we're going to go over some really powerful yet simple techniques you can use inside of davinci resolve 17 that'll add a lot of depth and dimension to something really simple [Music] so recently i've been putting together these commercial concepts for a company called glaxon the great company love them they're big and growing fast and it's just supplement stuff it's very simple some of this stuff i shot here at the house and some of it um is stock footage like this stuff we shot on the 12k and a pro blends uh this was stock footage this is we shot we set up this scene with with the gummy bears and the watermelon because that's the flavor of this amino acid product um you know this is stock footage of just this drink filling up and then this we shot here at the house as well and today we're going to be going over this shot right here and just how we masked out this bear and created this text cool text explosion with these particles that looks 3d it looks super complicated like how in the heck did he do that but once you see how you will be amazed at how simple it is and how you can use this in so many other ways and surprisingly enough all i did to make this was use three assets from art grid who is the sponsor of this video if you guys need great stock footage for stuff like commercials for music videos for film art grid is the jam i cannot say it enough everything they have is just so crisp and clean you can often find it in log you can always find it in hq and hqx you can always find everything in 4k or above art grid is just amazing some of the stuff they have not only real life shot stuff but their 3d animated rendered stuff is just insane everything is so modern futuristic it's perfect for the modern filmmaker check it out but all i used from them was these three shots one of these bears falling down in slow-mo super sick shot i mean i love how they found these perfect gummy bears in our shoot that we did with glaxon we did not have perfect gummy bears they look like a mess they look like they they've been squashed up in the bag i don't know where they found these perfect gummy bears but i love them and then i used this powerful explosion of colors here i thought because we're doing amino acid supplements you know it's all powder that you pour in drinks i should do some powdery explosions it just seemed like it made a bunch of sense and then i used this just dark pink uh pink on black as our background explosion so i'm gonna use three videos to put this whole crazy explosion text thing together and it's one of those things where no one would ever know like number one that it's stock footage and number two that it's only like three clips of video and then how we put it together and how simple it is you'll be amazed so let's go ahead and jump on it so first i'm going to select a part of this clip that i want to use and i'm going to pick this like right where it kind of bounces everything kind of explodes here off the ground boom i'll hit i there to create an end point and then scrub to about here and make it out point and then i can right click this clip and click create new timeline using selected clip then hit create and then i can double click on the timeline and we can open this timeline now i wanted this to be in uhd 3840 by 2160 resolution and that's what this clip is so by default it's going to make a timeline in the same exact properties as our clip or as in our project settings and my project settings are in uhd 3840 by 2160 at the moment and so from here we have our bears on our timeline kind of scooting across now the way i masked this was using the color tab like i've done in many videos in the past and so to copy this clip i'm going to hit alt and hold and then click this and drag up to a new track and now we have two gummy bear clips right on top of each other they're just identical and we're going to do is mask out the gummy bear in front on this top clip and to make this a little easier we're going to turn off the layer underneath the top one just so we can make sure we know what we're cutting out and i'm going to go ahead and hit d and that way i'll deactivate this bottom one that's selected and then with the top one selected i'll go back to the color tab and we can start masking out i'm going to create a little bit more space by clicking off of the gallery and clicking off of our clip here if i scrub through here this is actually a pretty good spot to mask out the bear because we want to mask it at a point where you can see all of it and then we can try to track forward and try to track backward and then we can try to smooth out that track if anything goes wrong so with the bear about right here i'm going to go ahead and hit our power windows and then go to a custom power window then we'll zoom in on our bear and we'll just start masking by making dots through and around and as i've mentioned in so many other videos if you're not used to masking the best thing you can do is do more masking because it is one of the biggest and most powerful things you can do in video i do it with color grades i do it with special effects like this i do it all the time now if i need to hide an object you know you may need to mask an object or especially when fixing blemishes on skin to kind of do skin retouching masks can be really really helpful to to get pimples or blemishes out of a shot so masking just has so many different uses i use it all the time and so if you hate it which i remember when i hated it which is why i always mention this i remember i hated it so much anytime i'd watch a tutorial and somebody would start masking i'd be like oh my god i got a mask to do this really i'm not doing this if i got a mask i'm not doing it that's how i was for the longest time then i started masking and here we are today so life lesson from the modern filmmaker and this is actually probably the simplest part about this to be honest the shot is so clean that once we get a good mask i mean it's gonna be pretty simple from there and so if we actually right click in our node window and hit add alpha output and then we can drag this to the output now you can see what we're trying to do here we're trying to mask this out to where we just have the bear so when it bounces around and when we turn back on this other layer you'll be able to see the text once we do that in between so if i come back we can kind of fine tune this mask if it's a little sloppy at the moment i'm going to disconnect the output so we can really see the shot and there's a few places here that could be a little better but i'm going to try not to be fanatical about it at the moment just get a little smoother and of course guys the more tracking points you make if this was not a teddy bear if this was hair or if this was skin or or trees or something more complex you know you'll really want to dive in and try to make a ton of tracking points or a ton of mask points that way you can really fine tune because if you notice in my last video when we masked out the hair i didn't use that many points and the hair kind of looked too smooth a way to get around that and kind of keep that detail in there is to add more points and to add more ridges therefore adding a little bit more detail by perception okay i think that's good enough and for now we'll go over to the track tab and then i'll click forward on the track that did really really well i'm gonna click click frame because pretty much when you click frame now if i move things around it'll add that to the tracking data in clip if i move this over here then it's going to keep the same tracking data it's just going to move the track mask itself so what i want to do is with this last uh tracking point selected i want to come in here and i can fine tune the mask and it'll automate to these fine tune points that i'm making here just do this quick as quick as we can we don't want to be sloppy because then we're not going to get the desired effect you guys know the drill video production everything takes time way too much time and boom that looks good now if i come back yeah now it's much more stuck to that gummy right there and i want to click off frame and go back to clip and then track forward on or track backwards on this original tracking point that we made so i'll click track backwards boom and that's pretty alright gets a little now that's actually really good it's a little squirrely some parts in here so what i'll do is i'll go to frame i'll start the beginning and then i'm noticing around right here we're getting a little bit squirrely in the track so here i can maybe even move the whole thing a little bit more on boom we can come forward a little bit more and see what happens that looks good that looks good that looks really good also we want to keep in mind like where's our text going to be our text going to be right here in the middle so let's say i'm over here and the track gets off and this thing's over here that's okay because i mean the text didn't over there so i don't need it to be matched over there so you know don't don't do more work than you need to do try to think ahead and so that way you're not trying to get this perfect mask like technically i didn't need the bottom to be perfectly matched i really just needed the top kind of this section right here to be masked perfectly but it helps the track to kind of mask the whole object and then take it from there but anyway moving on we've done that pretty well now i'm going to come back over to clip and then come in here to our softness and soften this up a little bit that way the edges won't be too crazy and then connect this alpha out again and then we yeah we have a nice bear there maybe i'll soften a little less that looks pretty good looks good enough for sure we can come in here and turn our first layer back on and then we'll move this up because we'll need to put our fusion composition in the middle where we're going to have our text and so we'll go ahead and make our fusion composition by right-clicking in the media pool and then come to new fusion composition and then we'll do exploding text and then we'll slide this in this exploding text we'll slide this in between and now this looks super funny right now pretty hilarious and then we'll come in here right click and open in fusion composition and then from here we'll just need to set up our our text and what we want the text to pretty much look like and i want a pretty standard it's going to say 20 amino acids just like it said in the video and so the first thing i'm going to do is just make let's say three text layers one two and three and then i'll go ahead and connect these to our output and then our top text i'll click i'll just type 20 and then i'll choose our font which is going to be something really fat um like either mom cake no it's not fat enough maybe monster at uh it's fat enough we go extra bold or black even yeah let's do that 20. we'll slide this up kind of keep everything centered or at least try make it pretty big because we can make it as big as we want in fusion and then we can scale it down actually in the edit tab um if we need to so don't be you don't have to be too anal about exactly the positioning of this because we can reposition it very easily in the edit tab and then amino backwards and in our second text i'll go ahead and slide this down as well change the font to our big fat text here this into position and in our text three acids boom and i'll go ahead and change that font as well go to our bold and make it black slide this down size it up that's cool and one other thing i actually did was i ended up animating uh the amino acids and they actually expand it out and so what i did is in the very first i'm gonna go ahead back to the edit tab and i'm gonna cut our fusion composition back so we're not working longer than we need to to work in our timeline and then right click and open infusion page we're back to our 20 amino acids and so in amino i'm going to come to the beginning and i'm going to go to the text and tracking and i'm going to make a keyframe there and then towards the end at the very end i'm going to go the tracking and just slide this up just like that that way it kind of expands out as the explosion goes on it all makes sense once it's all kind of done which is pretty sick and then i'll come down to acids and i'll do the same i'll make a keyframe of the tracking and then at the end i will expand acids a bit and maybe not as much so that way one expands more than the other yeah it's simple it's a simple thing but it kind of makes all the difference once we have the animation there exploding out and whatnot and so from here we can go ahead and add in our video explosion behind the text and what we'll do for that is jump over to our media pool and we'll grab this colorful paint splash situation and just drag this in then we're going to click this merge 2 and i'm going to click the merge again to add another merge and then we're actually going to tie this down into the top of this merge and then with this merge selected we can go over here to our apply mode and operate and click in and boom now we have our explosion in the text which is pretty cool but we don't actually have the time of the explosion that we want in the text it's kind of a weird time i kind of want to catch it with all all the explosions already expanded out and and going nuts so one thing we can do is come over to our keyframes uh keyframes and then come down to our colorful um like particle explosion video here in the media in and you can see it's giving us this little arrow cursor with the lines and the arrow on each side if i just click and then drag i can run this through the video and really pick a part of the video that i want like that that looks nice boom and another thing i did was i transformed this and moved the positioning around so if we click on this media in while we had our video and we click this transform button it'll add a transform node and now we can move this around we can resize it if we want more of it to be white and move this up and now we have kind of more white space which is pretty cool and then one thing i'm noticing is i collapse this there's like a black kind of darker section of this which i kind of want to hide and i'm going to hide this in our o here so i'm going to just rotate this uh by going to transform angle so spin this around and then i'll slide our kind of our darker section right there and then we'll size it up so we can get the words all the words back in size it up a little bit more boom that looks pretty good let's see yeah let's get it right there because i do want some of this to be white so you really notice that these particles are flying everywhere now we can size it down a little bit more boom make sure it lasts the end yeah sick maybe screw it over just a little bit more of course gotta be anal over here about everything yeah that looks good let's get it a little bit more boom bam now this is pretty much our standard text that we're rolling with behind the video and if we cut back over to our video you can see that it's already set up pretty well oh man that is beautiful that is sick i mean it's sick already and we haven't even added like the explosion behind the explosion so earlier i said that we could resize our composition now this is a good time to go ahead and do that uh you can see that the amino acid is getting cut off so we can zoom this down and scoot this up a little bit more and we have more of that uh text in the frame and now people know it's amino acids 20 boom love it okay and so the next thing we're going to do is uh select the top and the second layer so this top bear where the bear comes through and our fusion composition we're going to grab both of these slide them up and then we're going to go ahead and throw in our pink explosion underneath now let me double click this and just grab the section of this that we want and we really want probably about right here i'll hit i and then come out to about here i'll hit o and then we can just drag the video section of this down uh this is to drag the audio this is to drag the video so we can just drag the video down slide this underneath and now this looks terrible it's okay that's exactly how it's supposed to look one thing we need to do is resize this so i shrunk this down i scooted it up in position in our inspector and then i actually cropped the bottom a little bit what i did was i pulled the softness down and then worked the bottom up just a little yeah about right there we could probably make this bigger and i think i even kind of squeezed it in a little bit so if we unlock our zoom boom click that lock and then we can use the y or the x sorry and use the x-axis and squeeze this in a little bit more then we can re-lock them and make it a little bigger scoot it up a little bit more and now we're cooking with gas and then i believe the lab one of the last things i did was come down to composite mode and then come down to screen now now it looks like these particles are exploding out of the text and it's it's cool because it's such a visual like they say camera magic and this is the quintessential meaning of camera magic when you think one thing's going on but it's really something completely different here we have two 2d layers i mean technically three with the bears but we have all these 2d layers and even with these changing colors like obviously these particles behind the text aren't the same colors as the particles in the text but because of the motion it looks like they're flying out of the text and becoming yellow like this red particles flying out and becoming yellow on its way as well as this blue over here in purple it is such a sick little thing that i love now of course you could come in here to the color tab and go over to let's say the pink and you could mess with these colors quite a bit i mean there's a lot of things you can do number one we could make a gradient like this and soften this and then completely change the color in the hue vs hue i could select something where in this yellow red region and then now when i move this around now we can kind of match the same color that you're seeing coming out of the word like that and then we can actually copy this make a new node with alt s and then ctrl c and then ctrl v on this new node and we can reverse our gradient to go the opposite direction and then we can change these colors as well to closer to that blue if we wanted to make a match a little bit more but you know and then you can come to the humorous luminance and do kind of the same thing um where we selected all this stuff here and then now let me do it about here now we can make them a little darker as well boom so before after before after pretty sick i could take this one and move it a little more to the pink and voila that is so nasty and i mean don't think don't think that you couldn't add one more node because you know me i will add one more note if you give me the opportunity i will gladly add another node i'm gonna make a circle uh circle power window uh let me see what that looks like soften it quite a bit maybe shove it down here solving some more boom boom then come to all this purple red action over here and move this into the yellow so now it matches the yellow at the bottom so if we cut the words off look at that we made this whole yellow pink blue thing out of that particle layer and now it really matches now that looks crazy sick gosh i love video the world of videos just such a magical magical place i'll tell you what man i'll tell you what so the last thing i did just to add a little bit more finesse was a dynamic zoom you guys know dynamic zoom i throw dynamic zoom on everything so if we go to um every layer honestly if we just turn on the dynamic zoom dynamic zoom dynamic zoom dynamic zoom now we could customize the the look of the dynamic zoom but even with just this um you're going to see now everything pulls back so now it's like you have a camera moving in the scene i mean that's insane i mean that kind of just adds this whole another level of like it feels like you have a camera pulling back past these gummy bears in 3d space with the explosions from the text and the text is also in 3d space we even tracked the text we didn't track any of this we just masked made some cool effects oh my gosh i hope you guys enjoyed this video that's all i have to say and if you did please click that freaking like button and if you didn't enjoy the video maybe think about clicking the like button anyway and of course if you have any comments questions or concerns leave them in the comment section down below i try to always reply and if you like videos on different resolve feel free to subscribe i'm always here for you and as always i'm marcel and has been a modern filmmaker i'll see y'all next time peace [Music] bye
Channel: The Modern Filmmaker
Views: 4,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve 17 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve effects, davinci resolve 17, resolve 17, color grading davinci resolve, davinci resolve free, davinci resolve text effects, davinci resolve 17 color grading, davinci resolve 17 effects, the modern filmmaker, davinci resolve 17 titles, EASY COMMERCIAL EFFECT That Will Make Your Videos POP | Davinci Resolve 17 Effects Tutorial, davinci resolve text, davinci resolve vfx, davinci resolve
Id: EZtWaVe2IYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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