Make a promo for IG stories in DaVinci Resolve

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so like the title says we're gonna make a custom IG story without further ado well that's good start it alright so before we get started there's a couple of things that we do need to take care of majority of stuff that you're gonna be working on within DaVinci Resolve is probably wide like a sixteen by nine but since the og stories are tall we have to switch around the resolution a little bit so let me show you how to do that first so the first thing we're gonna do is come down to our little gear and here is our resolution in the master settings we're just gonna be switching these two because it actually just needs to be before it's sixteen by nine but now we need to make it nine by 16 so we'll just take these two and switch them so the first one we'll just put in 1080 and then this one put in 1920 and my project set up for 30 frames I brought the image in already so that's why this is already locked 30 frames perfectly fine and then we'll save that there's one other setting that will have to change but first I want to show you why we have to change that so the next thing we're gonna do is we're going to create a fusion comp I do stories are only allowed to be a maximum of 15 seconds so I'll just put my duration here at 15 seconds and then I'll bring that down into the timeline the next thing that we need to adjust is we need to fix how da Vinci resolve itself deals with images and because we have this image brought in through DaVinci Resolve DaVinci Resolve first manipulates it in its own file system and then passes that information to fusion so there's a weird thing that happened so let me show you so if I bring this image into here we see that this image fills it fills the screen meaning that the Victory's all scales it so that we see the whole image in doesn't matter the resolution we'll see it all in the current timeline settings right majority of stuff that's perfectly fine like if you're working on a timeline that is 1080 and you bring 720 or if you bring 4k it'll all scale to fit the frame properly right so that's a good thing but the thing that happens is when we have a fusion comp and then we go into fusion and let's say we would bring that image in what you'll see is it has the resolution up here because fusion saying hey what is the resolution for this image it gets the resolution but then DaVinci Resolve says hey I have scallion on that image so it properly fits on the timeline and so it scales it down to fit that resolution which isn't really what we want we would like this to be the full resolution cuz right now if I was to scale this I'm actually gonna be like losing because currently it's compressed and then you know yeah so to fix this what we actually need to do is tell da Vinci not to do anything with the image so coming back over here we're gonna go into image scaling and then down here input scale and we're gonna change this to Center crop no resizing so this is just going to Center it with no resizing and then as you can see here we have our image resolution and it's here now if we were to go now and take a look at this image obviously it's significantly bigger and it you know it doesn't fit the proportions correctly but it will work a lot better on the fusion side of things so we're going to just keep it that way okay so here is our image whoops immediate in I'll put this over here here is our image the first thing that I want to do is I want to size this up to fit in our project and the easiest way to do that is just to bring a background in and we're gonna lay this media in on the background and the background itself by default has Auto resolution which is going to be the resolution of your project and then that is going to dictate the resolution for this merge and then we're just going to lay this image on top because if we look at this here this is a foreground image so we're just laying that on top of whatever our background is and we were taking the v resolution from our background so now this is what we currently have so we're just going to scale this down to fit in here and I'm just going to get you know the spacing here to her feet gonna be kind of the same so something like that all right so the next thing now we have to start to add some animations to make this look good and I think the first thing I'm gonna do is add a little like line around the outside and then let's actually animate that so I'm just going to bring in another background but I'm also going to turn on arrange to grid and then just quickly clean up the thing so now everything will just snap to the grid make a little cleaner all right so we're just gonna make this background here white we'll lay it on top of everything and view it here the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to bring in a rectangle mask connect that up to our background in the rectangle mask turn off solid and now I'm just going to take these little controls here you can see these green controls and I'm just going to resize this mask to be right on the outside edges like that and then we're going to take the border width and we're going to increase that just a little bit so there we go now we have a border around the outside I'm going to just set up everything first figure out how everything looks and then we'll come back and anomie everything I'm going to add in a little box which is going to have all of our information for this sale for this IG story so here we go we'll make this white as well I'll lay it on top of everything we currently have let's view that bring in a rectangle lay that on this and then I'll just resize this so there's something like that that looks like it's probably enough space okay then I'm just going to close this stuff I'm going to now add in some text text over everything just like that change the text color to black and we will make this starts to day and bring that up to the top and each each piece is gonna have a different animation so you could bring everything in with one text node and do a character level styling to change up how the characters look and the fonts that are used but because I'm going to be adding different animations to each set of words I'm just going to bring them in as separate text tools so I'm gonna bring this in well view it and then in here I'm going to put in seasonal and we will make this black as well let's view that plan maybe change the font up on this one okay and one more and let's connect this up and we'll make this sad whoops make that sale let's just have it black for now and change the font of this there we go all right and I think I'm going to actually cut this out but because how everything is currently set up everything just laid on top of each other and they don't have a layer underneath I'm going to just view what we have so I'm just going to take all of this here I'm just gonna move it up and what we're actually going to do is have all of this stuff connect after here so that when I cut oops when I cut out let's bring this over to here so when I cut out this here there's an image underneath to actually view so to do that I'm going to grab a boolean and I'm going to connect this over to here and this to here and we'll get rid of this merge and we'll just connect this down just like that and here we're going to change this to subtract and I can just change this to white that make it easy there we go all right so now we have a cut out for the sale that I have to next I have to add in like a little area for the sale code I guess so I'm just gonna grab another text I'm going to connect the text down here just so it adds another merge alright and then let's make it food 99 I sure make this black for now increase this I think I actually want to cut out a little square on here so I'm just going to add another rectangle right in here and on this rectangle I think I'm going to switch it up so bring it down but then turn this rectangle to subtract so it subtracts this I need to bring it down a little bit so we have a little bit more space bring this down as well and change this to white maybe there we go okay that's looking a bit better and then I know if you're over I think it's ten thousand followers you can do like a swipe up thing so let's do that swipe up and let's change the color of this just grab that and we'll connect this here to the edge and where are we with this breaking this down there we go all right and let's change the font on this as well alright that's looking kind of plain so if I'm gonna add a little bit more to this I think I'm actually going to grab that same color so I'm just gonna click in here grab the code down there here paste that code so I have the same exact color at a rectangle to this and I'm going to add this on to here so this is almost like a little group of thing that we have going here and I'm going to get rid of that bring this box down zoom in a little bit I don't know why to make that but the height definitely needs to come down something like that and add a little bit of a border there we go all right so that looks like it's pretty good I'm pretty happy with how that's looking now we just need to go through and animate everything all right so the first thing I thing in anime is this line around the outside here and I think I'm going to add a path so it goes around with it so to do that I'm just going to type in I'm gonna hit shift and then spacebar and then in this tool I'm just going to type in paint and get the mask paint and we'll just connect that up to here and then in this mask paint I will click this to get the polyline let's zoom this out a little bit I'm just going to go around to all four corners here one two three four once I'm at the fourth one I can click this button here to close it and then once we have that done I'm going to come down to this rectangle here and turn this to multiply and what multiply does is let's say we have a line here and we have a line here wherever they overlap that's what's going to be visible so if I was to look at these on separate screens and I take this mask paint now let's come into the brush and make the brush really big so this is the brush if we look over here it's still nice a clean line right but if I turn down this you can see that this is really small so then it's only displayed over there really small so what I would do here is just increase this enough so that like around the corners here so if I turn this down around the corners it gets kind of soft I might not want that so I want those nice crisp edges so there we go and then because it's a a stroke what we can do is we can do this right on so we can have it like go around whip around like that so that's the animation that we're going to be doing so let's view this again alright and then we're gonna come to let's start at frame ten and I'll bring this all right so let's come to frame ten and I'll bring this all the way down and we'll just keyframe down there and then let's do 25 frames sure and we'll bring this all the way up and let's go into the spline this is just a little extra you can do this you don't have to I'm gonna view these and I'm just going to ease the end so because they're both on the same tool you get keyframes for the start and the end so if I was to change this start point that would change the keyframe but we're not going to change its start program and leave it where it's at so the end is the only thing that's really moving throughout this animation so I'm just going to add a little ease into this and to do that you're just going to highlight hit F if you want to change it even more you can hit T and then you can you get these the ease in you would be able to change because we're easing into that keyframe if it'd be coming this way it'd be easing out of that keyframe okay so now that we did that I can close that for now and so now throughout this it goes around awesome then let's have maybe like right here we can start to have this box up here so let's view everything currently we're gonna get to the rest of the stuff but we're just doing one thing at a time so it's gonna look a little funky here at the start so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to move this the position of it so I think I'm gonna happen to start here so I'm just gonna add a keyframe welf to come back for the movement here but then I think I'm going to have it end here at 50 and go back to that first keyframe and just drag it down and then the other thing I think we're going to do is come in a couple of key frames and I mean a key frame this level which is going to state like how how visible it is so I'll just drop this down so it's going to come in as it's moving its going to get brighter so to me it's not going to play very well okay so now we have that coming in all right and then I'll come back to this box because that's all going to be an animation together the next we have this little bit here so I just have to make sure that this box is there by the time that that gets so we can start it here I guess frame 50 we'll have it start and for this I say I'm gonna do a follower so and I'm gonna do it character based so each character follows the animation of the other character after it so we're just going to right click in here follower and that is a modifier you can set how much of a delay from one animation to when the next character starts doing that animation as well I'm just going to set one frame and then I'm going to go over to the shading which is the actual color and I'm going to come down to position and now we're gonna offset those positions so I'm just gonna set a keyframe here that's just where I want the animation to start let's go back down and then I think I'm gonna have it and like 15 frames or something or no no no no I'm gonna have a keyframe here at 15 and then like another 5 or whatever and this middle one I'm actually going to have it go up oops it's a little too much I'll have to go up and then this lower one here I'm gonna have it start way down so if we watch this it goes up and then it comes back down and it settles right looks great the only thing that doesn't look great is it's starting here and it still be invisible so to fix this I'm just going to add in a rectangle at the rectangle there and this is just going to be the boundaries where it's actually visible so I'm just going to set it so we're at the keyframe where it starts at so I'm just going to have it right out of the boundaries so it's right out of the boundaries so as we start to come in and then it comes in it settles and it's settling higher than the boundary so that's how we're going to do that reveal okay the only other thing is in the text I'm going to just all right so we're starting to get a lot of keyframes here I'm just gonna come over here show only select a tool so whatever you have selected over here so I'm going to show those keyframes and I'm just going to add in like a little easing on these so just highlight them hit F it's actually flattened but yeah same difference okay so now those will be nice and smooth animations so then the next one we have is the seasonal and for this one I'm just going to have it just come up that's it and yeah so let's drop this down here we have the position let's see where's our other animation kind of like end so let's have it like right here I guess set the keyframe there come up a bit something like that come back to this keyframe and we will drop it down and then the other thing that we can do alongside of that come over into shading the Alpha I'm just going to keyframe here and keyframe here and then just come back to the first one and turn the Alpha down so it comes up like that I'm also going to add a little bit of light on the purple one here I don't want to affect that one and here I'm just going to and a little easy into that so it comes up and slows down a little bit all right okay so the next one we have is the sail and I think I'm going to have it just move from over here into here but do some like weird stuff as well so I'm just going to set up the boundaries let's do something like that sure and then in here let's see what could we do well we could alt we could have it move from right to left so let's give that a shot so how are we looking so this is kind of like right here so I want everything to be kind of like moving together so I'll keyframe that and come in a little bit so you have to just remember I'm on 30 frames per second so every 30 frames is one second so that Tom kind of setting up like this timing so I'm thinking okay a half a second a little bit more than half a second so that's how I'm going about them just not you know picking random numbers and the more and more you do it the better and better you get to be honest with you I'll set a keyframe here so the idea here is we're going to have it come over all right off-screen and then it comes over and I think what I'm gonna do for this one is have it move quick have it move quick at the start and come over and then we're also going to change the spacing on the characters as well so first let me set this up and I'm going to turn that really high so it's kind of like off-screen and then it comes really quick and it settles but then I also I think like right here I'm going to also change things over here the tracking so that they are all together so it comes over it and then it goes whoosh so I know something like that like I know you like my awesome sound effects too so are they all on top of each other something like that I'll keyframe that and then maybe just come over just a little bit and then I'll have it go back to one and then it can also set up a little bit of that there as well so come over I think that'll happen like real quick alright so we'll just take that and turn that up quick alright so that is the sail and then the next thing that we have to do is the code so for the code I think hmm I think the code we're just going to just have it be revealed by this by this so it'll be like code right so there it was so let's come back a little bit and maybe like here well keyframe the whiff come up a little bit like that come back to the beginning this go to zero and the other thing that we want to do is on this I'll do it on this merge here is because this is going down and it's not visible we need to hide this so we don't see it up until the point where this happened here so what I'm going to do is on this merge I'm just going to set the blend here go back one frame and make it zero so what happens when we come back to here you won't actually see that and then this one frame you won't see X is the same color obviously but then afterwards it reveals that code alright then finally we have this swipe up so for that I just need to add in some type of an animation here I think that I am going to copy this rectangle here and I'm going to paste the rectangle here as well just so I have the same settings and I'm just going to go into solid and I take that away just so it's in the boundaries so I'm gonna do the right on where it goes around the box as well for this and then I'm going to have the text move up from this bottom line here so to do this I'm going to shift spacebar paint with the mask paint drop that down and we will come into here we'll get a poly line around all four corners like that close it and let's see where our other animations are happening this one it's kind of ending like right here so that's what we'll start coming down to stroke select and let's just come in a couple of frames keyframe that come back to beginning have it do that's right on and then the other thing we have to do it is in this rectangle here we just have to make sure that we're on multiply so that they're overlapped on top of each other and then halfway through I actually want to change this a little bit I think that this outside line is a little big into being down here a little bit I'm just going to back that off just a little bit actually just raise this there we go I think that won't be noticeable alright and then the other thing here is when this is about half way through at least when the bottom line is created so like right there it's what I'm going to start the animation for this text so I'll come over here to its position I'll just key frame where I want it to start and then maybe have that be a little longer keyframe there come back to here and then we'll have it go down and we can also set up a little easing perfect there you go that's relatively simple you can always add more stuff to it you could add in some like little accents to bounce around in here it could be start to become a little too cluttered if you add a little too much in there but it's definitely a good starting point I was thinking of making a pack in this but I'm not exactly sure if I want to or not like I said at the beginning this file will be available for you to download if you are a member of the channel you can click that button if you're interested in supporting me or if you just want it for this file but yeah that's kind of how we would do that the final thing that we would do is we just have to make sure that this end merge goes to the media out once it goes to the media out it then gets passed back to the timeline and then once you come over here and you can see it here you would all you'd have to do is just go to the de lure page and render it out yeah yeah I don't really think I like how slow this comes up so I'm going to quickly change that quick just go back over into fusion and that is up here that's this text here I'm just going to bring in this keyframe a little bit so I'm just gonna click on it I'm gonna hold down shift and slide it over I think that's fine I'm gonna go out just a little bit and then turn easing up just so it reveals itself a little quicker because there we go so yeah there we go I think that looks a little bit better especially the swipe up animation that comes up I think that kind of covers it for this one and once you're once you've made one of these and you like how it looks you could simply just you know switch out the image change a little bit of the text and then you could just keep reusing whatever the graphic is that you made for other clients or other sales that you have or whatever it is that you're promoting but yeah if you have any questions about the venture resolve I do have a Facebook group that you can join I have a link down in the description about that but without further adieu my name is jr. thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 41,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, DaVinci Resolve 15, IG stories, custom, fusion, promo, ig story, channel booleans, custom animation, custom text, overlay
Id: hf7Ru_0WJ_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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