Internet Trolls Reveal The Biggest Stirs They've Ever Caused

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internet trolls have reddit what's the biggest show you've ever caused a few years back I came across a UFO alien abductee survivors forum whilst at work a couple of co-workers and I had a good laugh at some of the stories and blurry photos of frisbees believing it was all BS later that evening I decided to set up a troll account I made up a story about mystery UFOs flying over my hometown and posted it in the forum I decided to play the long haul game and spread it over a few days then drop the act and reveal the hoax the next day at work props were made and the following evening blurry out of perspective photos were taken I worked at a small brewery at the time and brewery equipment can make some rather convincing sci-fi props it was then decided at the spoink group into a team effort that some fake social media accounts needed to be made for even further proof Wikipedia pages were made threads on random boards like Mumsnet were made and photos galore were posted people starting joining in the fake accounts people we didn't know started seeing these imaginary UFOs the lie suddenly just took off then a local news website caught wind and posted an article which escalated the hoax to the next level we had bonafide proof after around 10 days I was ready to drop the bombshell on the origin old community the problem was they didn't believe me apparently I had been gotten to by some EB types or had been reprogrammed following an abduction or some other equally ridiculous conspiracy the joke had gone full circle no matter what proof I posted that I had made the whole thing up I was seen as the idiot who didn't believe the truth the photos I had saved at the actual props in real perspective were passed off as fake the fake social media accounts were seen as suddenly hacked it was crazy I could do nothing but walk away I learnt a good lesson though don't try and troll that truly insane people I tried to troll the UFO community and did too good a job the hoax became fact and I became the trolls when I was energy little 14 year old I'd put my dad's laptop beside the family computer login to different Club Penguin accounts on each one and have my two penguins stand on opposite sides of a room having an argument with each other gradually other penguins would join in eventually I could leave the room play some games and come back to find the arguments still in full swing without either instigating penguin this was especially entertaining during the 2008 presidential election I once commented on a neighborhood Facebook page on which someone named jos was flexing his salary in pickup truck all I said was no way Jose and it collapsed into racists death threats that got 25 users banned the group had been quit and the cops calls that's a lame joke for such good results before Star Wars Episode three came out I posted some BS spoilers on the force message boards I found some German magazine site online article about the movie link to it and made claims about battle scenes on kashyyk a scene with Chewie delivering babies etc I got a high end DB and looked up the name of some production director for episode ii and said he was the guy who provided the magazine with the info as well as Peter Mayhew himself I guess nobody on that site actually read German so everyone just believed my BS well it got so much attention that it got posted on the site's homepage and then got referenced on other star wars' sites then in some interview with Rick McCullough who I think they asked him about the rumors and he got really confused in defensive not quite open Internet but ages ago in high school I discovered that blackboard had a rather severe vulnerability with how it handled file uploads for homework submissions that will give you write access to anything it could access it's since been patched this was around 2003 to 2004 I used my newfound power to overwrite the blackboard logo with an animated gifs of the same logo that was visually identical to the original however the gifs had a second frame and would switch to a picture of an angry hissing goose after several minutes why goose instead of pond or something shocking because I didn't want to offend anyone safe from a particular couple of control freak lab administrators and boy did it ever work they went absolutely a pitch trying to figure out where it was coming from yet neither of them realized that web browsers will happily display animated gifs even if their extensions are jpg the stealth goose lasted the entire semester only disappearing with them assumed we install a blackboard over the break which unfortunately patched the vulnerability argued with about half a dozen players in a ranked match about why crosser should be called hare Chris's successful distraction one time my friend and I posted a lengthy post on The Walking Dead subreddit about how Judith doesn't contribute to the group and doesn't deserve to survive if she doesn't help more for anyone who doesn't watch Judith is an infant and was born during his own B apocalypse people were RI peach and stating the obvious again and again like what the f it's a baby she shouldn't have to work she's an infant I'm still cackling I questioned whether or not the Wizard of Oz was a musical and someone created an entire subreddit to discuss it and make fun of me back in my Wow rating days I was in a guild with weekly donation requirements for all materials used in potions / food the guild would then hand all of us consumables on red night the idea was to prevent people from being cheap on red night by making sure people actually use them the problem was that the potions we received most of the time were the cheap ones I figured they were selling the materials for gold and then selling the gold for money so I logged into my brothers account and sent the GM a message about buying some gold from him he sent me his stipend foe and I took screenshots of the whole discussion I dropped the bombshell during raid night and Ventrilo with the screenshots and 50-plus people in attendance people were livid and you just saw so-and-so has left the guild as well as 30 plus minutes of the GM and his wife being there rated the GM's wife yelled at me and Vince and I said that's what you get you cheap potion having s we made a new guild called cheap potions back when I was around 12 years and roblox wasn't that big so I was in this Germany nation group basically era blocks and group where you can roleplay as being a citizen of Germany which had like 10k members I had a pretty high rank in the group there was tensions between Germany and another Italian group but things were settling down I eventually decide to go to the Italians place and begin killing everyone I started a full-scale war which lasted for around 2 months would do it again there was a fire drill in the dorm next to mine this was by far the biggest dorm on campus 12 stories I think while everyone was outside I made multiple posts to yak yak about how the sprinklers went off I did so in varying styles and left comments on my own posts this was before yak marked different users so you could act like multiple people soon other posts were going up pissed about it and threatening to sue whoever said the sprinklers off / the school it was pretty amazing honorable mention I was telling my roommate about my icky icky jinks after one such story he exclaims you're responsible for the orgy in Seoul yep I had started a rumor about an orgy in the stairwell for another of the high rises on campus I walked by the stairwell and there were some people seeming confused looking and as they walked by it was amusing I miss yaki AK I got into an argument with some guy on an Australian friend's Facebook status I do not live in Australia it escalated and he ended up private messaging me saying he'd beat me up and so forth I looked at his profile to see where he lived and worked and looked on Google Maps to find a supermarket or something in that area told him to meet me there and settle it like a man about 20 minutes later he starts asking where I am and cussing me out for being a Pusey and not showing up I'm sitting in bed it was like 10 p.m. my time in an entirely different country laughing Asaf when I was in college I invited my entire friends list to a party that randomly showed up on my newsfeed a mutual friend was going to I also said to bring friends apparently a horde of like 30 dupes rolled in and started drinking all the beer and the host flipped out when he realized he knew like no one at the party at his house apparently they tried to throw out my facebook friend Gordon they in turn threw him out of his own party dude then called the cops and like seven people got arrested back in 2013 I started a satirical petition to prohibit men from driving that got a bit of news coverage and that some people completely missed the point of in many public schools there are dress codes that prohibit students from wearing tank tops tube tops and shorts that are deemed BAC quotes are short as these could distract male students if men can be thus easily distracted by women's bodies then this raises a variety of safety concerns I got quite a bit of hate mail it was my fault the White House petition site wouldn't be taken seriously and petition signature requirements would be raised I was in ass and wrists I didn't have any idea how important men riving was to the economy someone should track me down and teach me a lesson fun stuff it was originally a link I posted to my tumblr so I was very careful to limit identifying personal info for a while one time I caused a war on a Garry's Mod server I gave a few people some guns and said the gamers will rise up we went around the server and shot anyone who tried to stop us everyone did agree except for this group of edgy Lords eventually it was the entire server against this group and the entire server was launched into chaos all because I shot a guy and said gamers rise up back in my black ops two days my buddy and I would play hardcore team deathmatch and flash bang our own team mates but we would do it discreetly well this one dude in particular became enraged when I flashed him and he demanded to know who it was my buddy blamed it on a random person in our team who had a microphone and he denied it was him I then proceeded to back my end up by saying he lied and it was in fact Tim the victim and scapegoat were yelling at each other and calling each other every cuss word in the book and eventually the victim got kicked for team killing the scapegoat too many times I sent him a message afterwards admitting it was me on a popular guitar for many years ago I shared that while seeing the show of a guitar legend it was too loud to really enjoy it was an absolute sure of name-calling death threats and flat-out walls of stupidity people were sad Matt disgusted and ashamed that a guitar player would criticize the volume of a god it was too 100 watt Marshall amps with two 4x12 cabs running full tilt with Robin trailer at the helm he's not known for a quartz show it was a nightclub that sat maybe 100 people tiny venue I was no more than 25 feet from the cabinet's pointed right at my head it was brutal you
Channel: BrainyDude
Views: 1,184,218
Rating: 4.8903446 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, internet, trolls, reveal, reddit top posts, r/, best of reddit, ask, r/askreddit, brainy memes, askreddit, funny reddit
Id: aqG4tJOX10o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2019
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