Celebrities You Don't Want To Meet In Real Life (RUDE) - r/AskReddit

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ah / ass credit by reddit and chill what is your never meet your heroes story travel three hours with a few friends of mine to watch an independent author 36 M on his speaking tour when we were 14 he'd just released a book about his sex addiction but his other books were just about his life and I loved him when he found out weeds travelled so far he started asking about how we got there and I told him my sister 34 drove us I tried to tell him that he inspired me and I was so happy to meet him all he did was ask if my sister was hot tailed him she was in a long-term committed relationship and all he could say was I don't mind discover dude was just gross and never bought another of his books DC / Love he pulls Jake he pulls I realized that celebrities were normal ask people when I saw Steve the scaly drop salad in his lap and a Burger King near Bob Hope Airport similar but it was Olivia Wilde at Salt Lake Airport and she was struggling to open the container her salad came in TBH it killed any fight scene she does for me like in Tron she beat up a bar full of people but can't open her salad Jason Sudeikis was awesome to chat with though not me but my four-year daughter she loves mail man she insists that she really wants to be one when she grows up she's even planning to be a mailman for Halloween she stops every mailman she sees to shower them with questions and most have been kind and patient with this weird kid stopping them to ask questions until two days ago when one told her to go away she's been deflated for the whole two days this is the saddest one this makes me so sad I hope she meets a nice one again soon : tried to talk to Bill Nye at the USA science and engineering festival when I was in middle school and he was a total a-hole to both me and his two assistants rolled his eyes at me was very snarky when I asked autograph and tried to tell him that he was the reason I had decided to apply to a science magnet high school I was totally shocked and it was all I could do to hold in my tears until I turned away edit it was the USA science and engineering festival not the National Book Festival though both are awesome I have yet to hear one friend say a positive thing about the time they met Bill Nye edit I'm getting a ton of replies both ways about this some of you met him and he was great others are telling a different story I wonder if he's one of those people that outside they're in a great mood or a terrible one with little in between Bill Nye I'm a ducting sellout guy I was told that as a kid I met Ryan Reynolds on the street once with my parents and he tried talking to me and I told him to go away he's now one of my favorite actors yaahh has never meet your hero I'm sure if you met him again and told him this he would laugh really hard oh this one is fun I went to a blondie concert a few years ago and was allowed to go backstage with my friend who was with a talent marketing agency Debbie Harry was there talking to some people from the band and we didn't want to disturb her so my friend asks one of the guys in the band if he could be in a picture with him instead I had a pretty nice camera with me this was nearly a couple of decades ago so it was a camera with a roll of film inside the guy and the band was fine with it so I took the picture with my friend and the band member in the foreground and Debbie in the background as soon as I took the picture Debbie ducking exploded on me I explained the situation but she just freaked out and told me she called the cops if I didn't give her the film role in my camera right away and did I want to go to jail I asked what she thought the cops would send me to jail for she just pushed the decibels up one level and just repeated give it to me give me the ducking film roll over and over at this point I'm thinking yes this used to be Debbie Harry but right now she's just some crazy person and I do have the option of just not interacting with crazy persons so I just take a couple of steps to walk away right away she screams like she's just been stabbed or something just this loud high pitch continuous scream these two enormous guys appear and she tells them to take my camera the same way you'd imagine a queen saying off with his head something must have worked in the way I said this because a person I assumed was Debbie's manager then says okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna buy the film role from you how much do you want for it I say I don't know I've got a few nice pictures on there maybe a hundred pounds for the trouble without flinching he pulls out his wallet and I don't know maybe he misheard me or he's just not good with numbers but he takes a whole wad of 50 pounds banknotes and counts 10 pounds 50 notes out loud which he gives me this is way more than what I asked for so I'm completely confused by now and I just opened the camera and give him the film the end every time I listen to one of Blondie's songs now I keep wondering what it was that got her to freak out like that or why this guy just gave me so much more for the film role I worked at a venue that hosted her a few years ago she is very sensitive about being photographed after performances due to her age sweating etc I'm not defending her tantrum but your comment did make me reflect it must feel shitty to know that there are people out there who want nothing more than to capture an embarrassing photo of you you meaning a celebrity if you're in the industry long enough you must get really paranoid especially as a woman that said flying off the handle probably doesn't look too flattering on film either my mate is a huge Batman fan and was dragged along to see Val Kilmer at one of his key one-day tours Val proceeded to be a huge Don one my mate was trying to ask a question I keep hearing he's awfully rude towards his fans but now I have a first-hand account to confirm I think he dealt with some serious mental emotional stuff and seems to have really work to improve as a person I know someone who used to work for him and said he was a monster she quit a few years later she received a several page long handwritten letter apologizing for his behavior and saying that he was working on his issues and had horrible guilt about how he had treated people just to add he was not sexually abusing or harassing her just being a regular [ __ ] ro that wouldn't excuse his behavior but it has to feel better to have him acknowledge it and apologize did your friend ever say how it made her feel afterward also here's something that he keeps trying to change I went to a convention where Leonard Nimoy was a scheduled guest sadly he became too ill to attend instead he Skyped with the convention attendees showed us his model train and his gun and sang songs for us in the company of his grandson it was the best not meeting your hero ever lla P that made me want to cry what a magnificent person he was did he sing The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins or whatever that dope track is called I've never met anyone that was an idol of mine that I had a bad experience with however my best friend growing up had his ghost so bad he ended what was nearly 20 years of fandom right then and there he worked for one of the big shoe stores and had won a contest to go to the all-star festivities for the NBA he met a lot of current and former player and coaches and had a blast until he met Michael Jordan being a sneaker head my friend owned original zouri releases of every shoe Jordan ever had up until that point it was something like 30 shoes if you counted the different colorways posters jezza's trading cards memorabilia of all types adorned a room at his apartment he sees Jordan and decides to just kind of hang out until he is done talking and just get a quick meet and greet but no photo no autograph just to say hey Jordan lives his conversation and my friend steps up near him and Jordan basically asks him if the duckie is what he wants and acts like an a-hole my friend just tells him that he was a big fan and it was great to finally him Jordan basically says yeah whatever and walks away he got home from the trip and started selling off his collection of shoes and all things Jordan he had heard the story isn't assumed they would just tow the blown all didn't happen nope Jordan is a coke in real life dude meets Bugs Bunny and thinks he's hot [ __ ] duck I couldn't even handle it without help from Bill Murray Jim Lee is a really nice guy I had seen him earlier on in the day walking into the door of his bill that the convention I was young and starstruck so I ran over before the door closed and quickly pleaded really really a serene a possibly way aquel Jitsu quick Scud she waited and Lenny only a professional of ever for him at a tougher table but he calmly said he was sorry but he was on his way to a panel and he would be back later I felt like a ducking idiot and as I stood there silently sheepishly staring up at him and nearly welling up he said is that your sketchbook pointing to my hand I nodded with my mouth again then he said can you leave this here with me my hand jotted the book told him and as he took it he said okay what's your name can you come back here after five then he took my book inside and off he went later that day I went back to the booth and knocked on the door fully expecting to never see him or my book again a lady opened it and I told her Jim had asked me to come back she turned around and out popped Jim's head with my book in his hand I don't think I've ever smiled that hard again dude drew a fully shaded two-page spread in my brand-new sketchbook this was about 15 years ago and I still think about how freaking nice that was I have no idea who that Duty's but he's now my hero not so much a meet my heroes story but writes an essay praising someone who inspired me and would then go on to do some bad things story grade six I wrote an essay about Jeff Gordon this was during my professional motorsport phase he would eventually go on to cheat on his wife grade eight I wrote an essay about Kobe Bryant this was during my basket Faye's he went on to get charged with rape in post-secondary during my inspiration of the differently-abled persons phase I included a profile of Oscar Pistorius in a project on / athletes he went on to murder his girlfriend I've stopped writing essays about public figures who inspire me who currently inspires you so we can stay away from them I've conveniently stopped being inspired I worked at a train park in Scottsdale AZ back in high school and was in the front lobby when David Spade came in with his kid this story is pretty great because he was upset that the cashier or anyone up front wasn't treating him in a oMG David ducking spade just walked into our establishment kind of way he even verbatim said don't you know who I am and just seemed super petty I just remember standing there internally laughing my ass off it made me question what I thought about him getting upset attention-grabbing in a kid's train park bonus story sane train park I was running the carousel one afternoon and an incognito jon heder took a ride by himself at like 3 p.m. confirmed it was him with the cashier afterwards still can't get over that either actually the opposite I met Gordon Ramsay one time and he was actually extremely kind definitely not what TV depicts him as I feel like he's only really an a-hole on Hell's Kitchen because I was a professional chefs and he expects nothing but the best from them meanwhile on MasterChef he usually tries to offer constructive criticism and on MasterChef JL he's just a big goof with the kids he has probably like that on Kitchen Nightmares because they could kill people with their food I was 15 and at Warped Tour and met one of my favorite band members he wasn't an a-hole or anything but he wasn't what I thought he would be I had built him up in my head but he was just a normal person who was tired and sweaty from the long day and then I kind of realized that all my heroes are just normal people 1989 National Cherry Festival admin was scheduled to make an appearance at the milk-jug boat regatta I was there with my wife and two young kids Batman arrives via Chris Craft and leaps onto the dock crowd forms around him I pushed my way through to get to photo of him with my kids just as I get near he turns and gets ready to leap back into the boat I yell out yo Batman and was super happy to see he stopped and turned around to pose for the photo he absolutely reeks of weed and the black makeup around his bloodshot eyes was cracked and running from his sweat ngah comlink I avoid meeting anyone I enjoy the work of people are people of course they are a-holes ironically the one celebrity I have actually had a decent conversation with Marilyn Manson was actually pretty cool Marilyn Manson I remember when Columbine happened and they tried to blame it on music and video games news stations tried to trot out Marilyn Manson to be like look at this evil guy corrupting your kids what they got instead was a really smart and articulate guy who was able to shame the media for using Columbine to rile up people instead of focusing on the victims and the kids specifically the guy in the media trying to shame Manson was Bill O'Reilly who is now out of a job for the many instances of sexual abuse at Fox News Manson quote well I think that's a very valid point and I think that it's a reflection of not necessarily this program o'reilly factor but of television in general that if you die and enough people are watching you become a martyr you become a hero you become well known so when you have these things like Columbine and you have these kids who are angry and they have something to say and no one's listening the media sends a message that says if you do something loud enough and it gets our attention then you will be famous for it those kids Columbine shooters ended up on the cover of Time magazine twice the media gave them exactly what they wanted that's why I never did any interviews around that time when I was being blamed for it because I didn't want to contribute to something that I found to be reprehensible when Michael Moore asked what he would say to the kids and community at Columbine Marilyn said I wouldn't say a single word to them I would listen to what they have to say and that's what no one did I'm not a fan of his music whatsoever but that quote really has really had a lasting impact on me ducking like and subscribe [Music]
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Views: 373,608
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Keywords: askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, askreddit stupid, askreddit, top posts, r/, r/askreddit, best of reddit, top posts of all time, toad films, tz reddit, updoot reddit, reddit and chill, Celebrities You Don't Want To Meet In Real Life (RUDE) - r/AskReddit, What is your never meet your heroes, story?
Id: nvtWiaStEuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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