Expensive vs. Canned Meat Challenge ft. Josh Peck

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Josh and Link really good energy/chemistry in this episode. Guest episodes aren’t always my favorite but I liked him quite a bit.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 54 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/prismabird πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I usually don't like guest episodes, but Josh has a really good energy that mixes well with Rhett & Link's. He's had kind of a Matt Lewis as Neville Longbottom-style glow-up from how I remember him as a younger actor on the Nickelodeon shows.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Kagutsuchi13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Didn’t know who the guest was but he was great. Amazing chemistry with the guys! Wasn’t that excited for guests to come back but I guess it’s good to have some variety.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pooks1987 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This man can stay, he's great.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deadmallsanita πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Loved having Josh Peck since o was a big fan of his when I was a kid and he was on Nickelodeon!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Echo952 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

My grandparents used to sing the bushel and a peck song - I found out later it’s from Guys and Dolls.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toadpuppy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was an excellent episode, and josh was an awesome guest! I hope he comes back

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Travisg25 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I could of sworn Josh Peck had been on GMM before.... clearly I'm just imagining things into existence haha

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Stuffandwonder167 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 08 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Get out of our airspace Sawyer!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/eocm4752 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 09 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Today, we start some beef and hope we don't have to eat it too. - Let's talk about that. (gentle, upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - And joining us today is fellow expert food appreciator and star of "How I Met Your Father," Josh Peck. (crew applauding) - Hey, man. Give us one of these. - Wow. There, oh, oh. - There we go. - There, good. All right, Josh, how do you feel about beef? - I feel strongly about it. - Oh, strongly? - Yeah, what's not to like about beef, right? It has a lot to offer. - Strongly positive- - Yeah, yeah. About beef. - I think overall beef's a good thing. It's a good thing for all of us. - Okay, you seem to have strong feelings about a lot of things judging by your Twitter feed. Specifically things that find a little, maybe a little off-putting or annoying. Check out this tweet here. "Please don't make your water bottle your personality." - Shots fired, Josh Peck. I never leave home or anywhere without my water bottle. But in general, I agree with your beefs. Here's another tweet from you. "If your personality is your beard,"- - [Rhett] Okay, come on. - [Link] "Shave it." (Link laughing) - Hey, hey, hey. - Hey, you're on the right track there. - Thank you, sir. - I mean- - Back in July 4th, 2021. - Hey listen, my beer is not my personality, it's my jaw line. Listen, I mean- - You guys do good prep on this show. (all laughing) - Oh yeah, we did. - Yeah, we just go to your Twitter. I mean, that's pretty much, that's pretty much it. - Well done. - I love the fact that you call people out on their annoying habits. I too get annoyed by things and I gotta gripe to somebody. - Right. - Maybe I don't have the guts to tweet about it like you do, so much respect. - Thank you. I like to put my whole life out in public and I've done it for years. - All right. - We understand that. - We've actually invented a game around these beefs that you have. - Yes, we're gonna pit beef worthy behaviors against each other, see if we can determine which ones are the most annoying. But whoever's wrong will have to eat some bad beef. You'll see what that is. It's time for Some Beef is Good But Some is Bad. Let's Hope We Choose The Good Beef and Not The One That Resembles Granddad. - All right, Josh. This is what we're gonna be doing. The Mythical Crew went on Instagram and asked the Mythical Beast which of two beef worthy behaviors they found more annoying. So now we have to guess what the majority of our audience of Mythical Beast answered. - Yes, so which one they thought was more annoying. Each answer is represented by a plate of some kind of beef. The plates are covered so we can't see what they look like, obviously. Now, if you make the right choice, it's gonna be good beef, and if you make the wrong choice, it's gonna be bad beef, and I don't know what that is but it's just gonna be a generally unpleasant experience for whoever eats that. - Because we are gonna have eat the beef that we've chosen. Sound good? - Yeah, I'm agnostic when it comes to beef. I'm down to clown. - Okay. (crew laughing) - I like your attitude! - You're gonna clown with some nasty beef. - It is necessary for this show. - I love it. - Whoever guesses the majority of the rounds correctly will be named the Ultimate Beefcake and will also win a decorated beef cake. - All right. - Let's do it. (upbeat music) - [Stevie] Okay guys, are you ready for your first beef matchup? - [Rhett And Link] Uh huh. - [Stevie] Which did the Mythical Beast have more beef with? Beasts and beef. Man, it's gonna be a rough day. - Beast beef. - [Stevie] When someone calls you and you miss the call but you call them back immediately, but they don't pick up. - Aww! Have you tweeted about that? - That hurts, that's good. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Or. - Rejection. - I know you're there. - It's rejection. - If I would've answered, we'd be talking right now. - [Stevie] Okay, the second one. When someone doesn't mute their microphone on a video call and you can hear their background noise. - Ooh. This one, you know what? We wouldn't even understood what this meant two years ago. What do you mean? - It's not that big of a deal. - What? That never happens. - Thank you, coronavirus, for this great question. - Yeah. - You're right. - Wow, okay. One feels like more personal rejection, so I think this is whether or not people are personally offended or whether or not they're just annoyed, right? - And of course we don't have to agree. - We're all choosing our own answer. - We're all choose, but I'm open to any argument you wanna make to help sway me 'cause I'd much rather be eating nasty beef with you than with nasty beard man. - It's so visceral, right? Because when you, the fact that anyone's calling anyone today is huge, right? 'Cause it's like a text. - Right. - You wanna text first. - Yeah. - If I'm calling, it's important. - It must be somethin'. - Yeah, pick up. - And then when you call him right back. it tells you that it wasn't important. So it's like, you got me scared. - Yeah. - It's like any phone call now is a reason to be like, scared. It must be worst case scenario. Why would anyone want to have an audio- - But I you call 'em back and they don't answer, then oh, it must have not been important. - Exactly, that's what's so annoying about it. It's like an emotional switch. - Okay. - Yeah. - I see that. I'm gonna go with the microphone on the video call because it is something that I encounter more often and is more annoying. It's like this, the call thing may happen once a year, max. - [Stevie] Now reminder guys- - Does this happen to you all the time? - [Stevie] You might be more annoyed personally by one of these things but you're trying to guess what more people are annoyed by. - Is that a hint? - I just can't think that way, Stevie. - [Stevie] It's not a hint, it's not a hint. - I gotta do it for me and Josh. - I just assume that the Mythical Beasts are identifying with the way I think. - All right, all right, let's, I'm ready. - All right. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one, put your hand over the cloche. You're doin' it anyway, okay. - What? Hold on. - Wait, wait, wait. - What are you doin'? - I don't even know anymore. - I thought you were with-. - I meant this. - I thought you were with me! - I'm with you. We have the review. - No, don't no. - I think that the- - Oh really? Good. I'll hang out here. - The meeting is more annoying. - You did to me what the calls did to us. - Oh wow. - I'm an only child, I'm used to being lonely. - So is he. - So am I. - Oh! We should be uniting. - I know! - Come on! - Okay! - All right, okay. - [Stevie] Okay, are you guys locked in? - Yeah. - Yes. - [Stevie] Okay, you can remove your cloches. It'll be pretty immediate. - Aw, see? You played us, bro. - Dang, son! - I thought- - Y'all got to eat. That's in a can. - [Stevie] Yeah, so this was a really close one, guys. - Yeah. - [Stevie] 52% of the Mythical Beasts said they'd have more beef with the people who don't mute their microphones. - You know what? I'll take the prime rib. - What is the white stuff on top of this one? Mold or fat? - Ooh, Hereford. I know, it's a good brand. - [Link] Not a sponsor. - It's a good brand. - It's roast beef with gravy. - Product of Brazil, international. - Right, you guys are getting exotic over there. - You know what? I'd love for you to have your own fork. - Thank you so much. God bless, to all of us, really. - This is nice and tender. How you guys doing over there? - If he were me, I wouldn't be as happy as he is right now for what I did to him. - Happy to be the second guest back. - Dink it, sink it. - Mm. - I mean, it's not like it's turned, but it's not great. - Not terrible. - All right, I'll save mine for later. Put some aluminum foil over that. - No offense to Brazil, though. - That's for me. - Wow. (upbeat music) - [Stevie] Okay guys, that was easy. Let's do another one. - Okay. - [Stevie] So here are the two beefs. Which did the Mythical Beasts have more beef with? When you need your entire party to be present before being seated at a restaurant. - That just happened to me last week. - [Stevie] Or parents who let their children treat a store like it's their playground. - Oh. Man, I used to be so judgmental of parents until I became one. You know? - That's you now. - I just that's you now I just see children who are not dead and I'm like, yeah, you're doin' great. - Yes. - Your son just turned three. You told us, right? - He's three and it's, having a child has made me even more judgmental. - Oh, the opposite of it that, okay. - Oh yeah, I'm like get it together. - You got it together? - Yeah. - Well, it's still early for you, I guess. - I listen to my wife a lot. - Hey. - That's the key. That's the key. - That is a life philosophy I have to agree with. Okay, so you don't let your kids run amok, or your son run amok in like a department store? - No, he's pretty good. I'll say his full, like I find myself becoming my mother. I will say like, "Max Peck." And when he gets the full name, he knows. - Wow. - Dad's ready to start taking his privilege. - And he's got two syllable full name, just like his dad, which makes it extra convenient. Max Peck! - Just like very staccato. - My parents had to say Rhett McLaughlin. By the time they finished, I was in the next aisle. - I was not disciplined as a child. Charles Lincoln Neal the third, get in here. Never heard that. - Charles Lincoln. - I don't know. This happened to me recently, like last week actually, having to wait to be seated because we were waiting on Locke to show up to something, but it was annoying but it wasn't like, life altering. - I kinda like it. - The kid that's outta control, I mean, I know this is opposite of what I just said, but like, there is a point in which you're just like, just grab your kid and leave or something. - But I get upset because I wanna say to the restaurant folk who have their regulation, I wanna say, "Listen, my friends are selfish. They're gonna be nine to 18 minutes late." - And I'm here. - "But the meal is going to begin. Drinks will be ordered. A bread basket will be consumed." - Nothing will be lost. - Okay. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - We're gonna start this. - I like that and that's why, yeah, okay. So you so you find it more? All right, I got my answer. - Well, I think we're ready. - [Stevie] You want a three, two, one this time? - Yeah. - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - Oh, okay. So we're all, yeah, okay, we're all in on this. - You always say what, I think you're going the other way every time. - He's sneaky, a little sneaky. - I'm just a disagreeable person. - [Stevie] Well, you can reveal it, but there's great news. 78% of the Mythical Beasts agreed with you and thought that- - Yes! - [Stevie] Children running amok is more annoying. - Hold on, you thought that Vienna Sausage was a punishment? - Oh, it is, man. - [Josh] Vienna? - [Rhett] Can I still eat? - [Stevie] Yeah, that's allowed. - Vie-ner. That's how we say it back home. - I don't think I've ever had a Vienna, Vienna? - Yeah. - Vie-ner sausage. - Hey. - You want one? - I do. - Pack one of these up for Josh. - Yeah. - So here. - That can go home with you. - No, he wants one now. - It's good television, it's good internet. Let's just see. - They're not bad. - 10 grams of protein. - Yeah, and my mom did call Vienna Sausages, by the way. (crew laughing) She didn't call 'em Vie-na. - Nope. - That's not doing it for you? - This is what I get for being so preoccupied with the bit. I'm too committed. - Yeah, right. Now you gotta swallow that. - What about this? We just gonna leave it? - [Rhett] Yeah, you can have a hot dog, yeah. - [Josh] All right. - Oh, you want to eat that too? - Are we not gonna eat it? - Oh, I did. - This is your game. - Listen. I mean, we did guess correctly. Let's do it. (upbeat music) - [Stevie] Okay, this next one's pretty hard. Which did the Mythical Beasts have more beef with? People with trucks or SUVs that park in compact spots, leaving both spots next to them completely unusable. - Okay. - Okay. - [Stevie] Or people who honk immediately after the light turns green. I mean, ever heard of pedestrian crossing? - Uh huh. - Wow. - Now, in this town where it seems like every parking space is a compact freakin' parking space. - [Josh] Yes. - I mean, I'm feelin' for these people a little bit. - Hold on, so you're this guy? Is that what you're saying? - I've been this guy. (crew laughing) - Yeah. - Okay, all right, all right, okay. - I'm putting myself at more risk than annoying somebody else. - Yeah. I'm that way with road rage, and I play this game with people called, who's willing to total their car? (crew laughing) - Okay. - And I've won many times. - Is it like a game of chicken? - Little bit. It's just like, how down are you? - Like, I'm gonna merge. Are you going to take the shoulder? - Yeah, 'cause I'm an actor, so I don't have a nine to five, so I have time to work out this accident. (Link laughing) - Right, right, right, right, right. So yeah, I could be here. - I got nothing goin' on. - Okay. So on that, so- - Good point. - How do you feel about the honkers, then? So you're layin' on the honker? - The honker is just an, it's just such an aggressive, I feel like the space hogger, passive. The immediate honker, aggressive. - Oh yes. - Yeah, 'cause they're there. - Antagonist. - They're present right behind you. It's unsettling. Anytime I hear a horn honk, it's like, well, what did I do? It's like, you know, even if it's not your fault. So it kinda gets into your soul when somebody honks a horn. - There's definitely a spike in the blood pressure and the heart rate when that happens. - Okay, I'm ready. - [Stevie] Okay, it seems like you're all agreeing, but let's see. Three, two, one. - Yep. - Yeah, the honkers. - [Stevie] Okay, it was a close one. You can remove the cloches. 55% of the Mythical Beasts- - Yes! - Yes! - [Stevie] Agreed with you. They thought the immediate honkers were more annoying. - Now, last time you guys both were, you know, you were temped. - No, no, no, we don't need that. We got some tacos. - This is some sort of bunker meat? What is happening here? - [Stevie] I think it's should canned ground beef. - Is it cat food? - [Rhett] It's not cat food, it's ground beef. - [Link] It's strange. - But hey- - [Link] Look at this. - [Josh] Yeah, ooh. Add a little, a little bite, a little citrus. - [Rhett And Link ] Mm-hmm. - You want some of this. A little bit goes a long way. A bushel and a peck, and a hug around the neck. You ever heard that? - I have now. - You've never heard that? - A bushel and a peck? Not the whole thing. - A bushel and a peck, and a hug around a neck? - I like that. - Yeah, it's like, that's what my mom used to tell me when she'd give me some sugar. (crew laughing) (upbeat music) - [Stevie] Okay, it all comes down to this. Which did the Mythical Beasts have more beef with? People who constantly interrupt people as if they're the only ones- - Stevie? - [Stevie] With important things to say. (crew laughing) - Right on cue. - [Stevie] Mm-hmm. Or people who stomp around all day proclaiming they're not mad when they're actually really, really mad, but will not tell you why. - Oh, wow, that is frustrating. - What's immediately resonating with you or against you? - I see myself in the silent stomper. I want you to read my mind, know I am upset, and adjust without us ever talking. - I'm not mad. I'm not mad. You say that? - Yeah, oh yeah. - I'm not mad. - I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. - It's all good. - Oh, that's a, oh. - Oh, with a shoulder shrug? - Yeah, it's all good. (crew laughing) - It's like, wow. Yeah, a couple of hundred of those. - It was kind of threatening, honestly. - That's pretty, yeah. - It was a little threatening. - It's like, well, you're gonna- - I don't think he's good. - You gonna erode rage me? - Perhaps. - Going back to that? Serial interrupters, I don't know. I'm a little self-conscious. - Yeah, I'm not sure you got a lot to say here. - Yeah, especially on our podcast. - Hosting a podcast with this man, yeah. - It's not easy to get my point across when there's a co-host. - Right. - Sure. - But you know, but like you, only child, so he didn't have to- - So he doesn't have to keep talking right now. - Yeah. He didn't have to accommodate anybody else. I had to accommodate three other people in my house. He had to accommodate just his mother and she's so sweet. She gives him sugar all the time. (Stevie laughing) - A bushel and a peck, and a hug around the neck. And as it turns out, that ain't all. Chase, come on out here, educate us. - Come on, Chase. - Yeah, yeah. - Why are you so far away? He told us as they were loading in the round, there's freakin'- - There's more to the rhyme. - Yeah, it's a full song. - So you thought your grandparents made it up 'cause they would tell you the song. But then I told you today that your grandparents didn't make it up. But I learned there's more to the song. - Yeah, it's, "I love you a bushel and a peck, and a hug around a neck, and a barrel in a heap, and I'm talkin' in my sleep about you." - Okay, it kinda fizzles out. Your grandparents definitely wrote the second half. Bushel and a peck and a hug around a neck. - Yeah. - And what? - And a barrel and a heap, and I'm talkin' in my sleep. - About you. - So it's like there's a bushel, it's almost like a Russian nesting doll situation. - It's a Russian phrase. - Impact of a barrel in a heap. - Well then I, I'm out. - Okay. - And then you're still talkin'. - Okay, all right. - Wow, it's kind of like, ain't no thing but a chicken wing. - Yeah, right. - On a string at Burger King. - Right, you can keep going. - On a string at Burger King was added by another set of grandparents. - Right. Exactly. - I'm okay, though. - I know which one I'm more annoyed by, so I'm ready to lock my guess in. - [Stevie] All right, let's see it. Three, two, one. - Yeah, I gotta go, okay. - [Stevie] Oh, we're splitsies here. You can reveal the beef. - [Rhett] That looks nice. - Oh no, that looks wonderful and that doesn't. - [Stevie] 75% of the Mythical Beasts have more beef with serial interrupters. - Did that expand to that height or did it just, you ripped something off the top of it? Oh, it's corned beef. You guys are in for a treat! - I wonder what percentage of that 75% are interrupters and they don't know it. 'Cause that was me. - Sure. No, I see that. - Just gonna like bite these like a- - It's like a Push Pop, but- - This is a real corned beef sandwich. - It's like a keto Push Pop. (Link laughing) - Yeah, lick it, man. - Oh, man. - It's salty. - That rye bread. You know, I didn't have to eat anything bad, guys, except for the Vienna, which I chose. - Oh yeah, you definitely won. Give Rhett his prize. It's trouble. He gets to be named the ultimate beefcake. - Ooh, that's nice. - And receives a beef cake. - Can we wrap this up and put it with my Vienna Sausages? - No, you're gonna have to eat that in Good Mythical More. - Okay. - Josh, this has been super fun. - Thank you for having me. - Yeah, thanks for hangin' out. You've been a great sport. You can, I mean, you can keep licking that the whole time if you want to. - Okay, sure. I'm gonna, I'll lick it throughout the outro. - All right. - And be sure to catch Josh on "How I Met Your Father," Tuesdays on Hulu, and he's got a new book coming out March 15th, fittingly. "Happy People are Annoying." All right, thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - Now you say you know what time it is. - You know what time it is. - I'm Sawyer. I'm currently flying over Burbank, California, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Sawyer's the one that's always screw up our shots! - I saw him- - When we're outside shooting- - Up there. - Hold for sound. Sawyer's flyin' over again. - Get out of our airspace, Sawyer. - Click the top link to watch us squash some beefs we've got with people in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] Color your little heart out with the Mythical Coloring Book, available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,292,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: DB7lPWkw0w4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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