Frozen vs. Fast vs. Fancy Food Taste Test

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- Are we biased for bougie beef? - Let's talk about that. (gentle, upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning. - Beef! You can cook it. You can milk it. You can wrangle it. You can even let it fester on Twitter until you're laid out in a boxing ring in front of a sold-out pay-per-view audience. - [Both] Oh! - Where does beef rank amongst the meats for you? - Pretty high. Based on burgers alone, but I would not call myself a beef boy. - Well, I will also not call you a beef boy. - Thank you. - And beef is much more than burgers, beef boy. I guess I will. (laughing) It's served in a variety of varieties at a variety of prices, but which is the tastiest beef for your buck, boy? It's time for Naked Foods! Naked beef edition. Naked! Per us, each dish we're gonna be trying will be a la carte, AKA no sides or other- (speaking French) To move our attention away from the beef. - Beef dishes that we'll be trying will be from four different price points. We got the grocery store frozen or refrigerated section, the fast casual restaurants, sit down restaurants, and fine dining restaurant. - In each round, we're gonna pick our favorite dish, then Stevie's gonna tell us where each dish is from, how much it costs, and by the end, we're gonna learn if our pallets are worth a cash cow and if we'll finally know where the beef is. - Oh, commercial. - Where's the beef? - Yeah. - The tastiest beef. - All right, let's dive like a bovine after the cowboy's bed time. - Hmm. (gentle, upbeat music) - These are cheeseburgers. Four different levels. I don't really see a recognizable fast food burger, so I'm interested in what was chosen. - Pick a side. - Oh, this way, huh? - Yeah. - I pick that side. - No, too late. (laughing) - The burger is kind of- - I'll do halfway like this. - Okay. - Got it? - This. That was a bit awkward. - That's a good burger. - It's a big bite. Is that aioli or mayonnaise? - Aioli. I think there is some aioli on there. - [Link] Definitely charred. - That's a nice bun. I know you don't really like a thick burger and these are pretty thick. - That one's not. Take the top off. Let's see what we're working with here. Is this a fast food burger? Oh, it's stuck. - I don't think, fast food is not one of the options. - Is it not? - I prefer to not eat burgers this way. I don't know why I decided to do it. - It was your idea. - That's a bad burger. - I mean, that's crappy. - That tastes like the burgers that you would get at school sometimes. - Yeah, it's horrible. - Like there's something wrong on many levels. - Now, this one right here. That is a thick burger. - That's a thick burger. - Got the sesame bun. - That looks like something my dad would have done on the grill, you know? - No toppings. All right, I'll give you that part. You don't have. - Oh, yeah, I can just do mouth. - I'm not looking into your eyes. - I liked it when I was holding it. - This tastes like a backyard burger. That's not a category. - Yeah, I agree. That tastes like something cookout time. It's not as good as that one. - [Link] Classic flavor, that's good. - [Rhett] As far as I'm concerned. - All right, let's go to this last one here. - Is that aioli? - Now, they've got crap on it. - [Rhett] Is that crap? - [Link] Some sort of special sauce. - There's some weird things going on with these burgers. - All right. - You gave me a lot of bun. Can I get a little bit more meat? - Well, the the meat doesn't span. It doesn't span. See, look at my side. There's no meat there, either. It's not spanning. - I'll go deep. It's not horrible. - That's not bad, but it's not great, either. - [Rhett] Okay, man, that was some awkward biting. - [Link] I'm ready to vote. - Me, too. - Glad hat's over. - [Stevie] Oh, you're just choosing your favorite, so you can just. Two, one. - That one? Nope. I like this one better. - These were head and shoulders about the rest. - Definitely tasted like a cookout situation. - I liked this one, though, bro. - Not the place, but the practice. - [Stevie] Experience, yes. Rhett, you have chosen our sit down burger from Yard House for $12.99, and Link. - I like Yard House. - [Rhett] You have chosen our fine dining option from The Grill on the Alley for $23.50, which means, sir, you get to do a fancy pants dance. (gentle jazz music) - Oh, my goodness. - I'm gonna enjoy more of this while you do that. - There's a fancy cow here. Wow. Get outta here. I would not have guessed that that was fancy. - It was very good. - I thought that was fancy. - [Stevie] I thought you were gonna say that that was Chase because we don't know. - Oh, I'm not even gonna try to guess. - [Stevie] We don't know. Yeah, okay. - That couldn't have been Chase. - [Stevie] The one that you absolutely hated was our frozen option from Target Ingredients. - [Link] So bad. - [Rhett] Horrible. - [Stevie] And then the one in the end was our casual option, Burger Bun for $7.44. - [Both] Burger Bun? - [Stevie] Burger Bun. - What the hell is that? (upbeat music) These are beef taco. - Got a wide variety here. Oh, look, there's two of these. - So we don't have to look each other deeply in the eyes as we eat meat. - All right, so there's some other stuff, a little bit of a guac or green queso. - That's got a little bit of a kick to it. Tell me it doesn't. - It is tasty. - That's very good and very strong. - And it is kicking! - It's salty, too, but I like salty. Now, this looks like- - [Link] That is nice. - [Rhett] Beef on beef. - [Link] Yeah, what the crap is going on? - Yeah, but I don't think that's what it is. I think this is like a blue corn, maybe tostada? So the beef is just a pounded- - It's a disc. - Piece of carne asada or something. - And there's some very strong spices, but nothing else. Really letting the beef stand out. - This is definitely corn. I've never had a beef taco like this. Somebody is ambitious. - But it really puts the focus on the beef, which is really the whole point of this episode. - Yes, it is, Rhett. That's what we're here for. - That's good. It's unusual. This is those fricking ones that my kids eat all the time. Always in my freezer. Trader Joe's, I think. - Really? - That's my guess. - I was thinking this is a fancy situation. I mean, look at how it breaks apart. (crew laughing) I didn't wanna eat the edge because that edge can get chewy! - It is very chewy. I think I might've broken a tooth. - It's not bad, though. - And this is a lot of lettuce. - It's just is what it is. Okay. - [Rhett] It's very oily. - [Link] Lot of, I mean, you almost would think that was carnitas in that thing. - I know. That's exactly what I was thinking. - [Link] The way that it's shredded. - And also, the color of it. - And you've got that nice. What's that cheese called? Cojita? Cotija. - Cotija, but we always say cojita. Actually, all three of these, other than that. Even the frozen section thing, for what it is, is what it is. - I gotta come back to this real quick. - All right, I'm ready to vote. You're narrowing it down? - All right, I'm going with this because it's just so unusual. (Link mimicking crashing) It's just so unusual. - I loved! - And I like the meats. - [Stevie] Okay. - [Link] You're probably fancy. - [Stevie] Link, you have chosen the casual place. Sonora Town for $2.75 and I have not tried it and I really wanna try it and I'm really jealous of you. - Good taco, good taco. - Let's just have a cas hang at Sonora Town. - It's got a kick. - [Stevie] Okay and Rhett, you have chosen the fine dining restaurant, Mercado's for $19. - $19? - [Stevie] Which means, sir. - It's your turn to dance. - [Stevie] You get to do the fancy pants dance. (gentle jazz music) - It's over, guys. - Man, I like Moo-chelle. I like Moo-chelle. - Talk about awkward eye contact. This episode. - There's a lot of contact from chest to knee. - This is frozen, of course. - [Stevie] Yeah, those are frozen Jose Ole for $1.05 for four and then sit down from Don Cucos for $5.95. - Oh, sit down, Don. Get outta here. (upbeat music) - You know, for a team that cooks a lot of beef, the Mythical Kitcheneers don't have any. Beef, that is, with each other. They just get along over there on their YouTube channel and you should go over there and check out new recipes videos every week! - Such a happy family. - [Stevie] This is beef and broccoli. - This is beef and broccoli. - And this is literally beef and broccoli. Like, this is a steak and then some broccoli. Like, what in the world you people thinking? - Can you cut me a piece of that? - [Rhett] You want an inside piece or an outside piece? - [Link] Outside piece. - There's an outside piece. Just take the fork. - Okay, and then a little broccoli. - This is like somebody who was just like, what do you want for dinner? And you say beef and broccoli and they don't know that there's a Chinese food that exists called beef and broccoli. - Right. - I made you beef and I made your broccoli. Now, shut up and eat it! - It really makes me not wanna eat the broccoli. But the steak is amazing. - The steak is great, but this is not what I expect when I order beef and broccoli. - This is more what I expect. You got a nice, thinly sliced piece of beef and a nice little floret. I am gonna hold on to this and eat it later. (crew laughing) - That's the original steak? - Mm-hmm. It takes me a long time to chew steak to a point where I feel like I can swallow it. That's one of the main reasons I don't eat steak. - Your grandma. Your grandma and then Dick Bowzer on top of that. - This one's thinly sliced beef, as well. The florets are a little bit longer, a little bit more commitment. - [Rhett] I don't really like that. - It's blander than that. I just taste salt. - I don't even wanna eat that. Do we even have to eat that? - This looks horrible. - [Rhett] Is that the rule? We have to eat it? - It's just like, do they have a beef and broccoli for dogs? - [Rhett] This is good beef. - [Link] Is that what you're giving us? - [Rhett] There's also something here on the back. Is this other parts of the broccoli? - This is nasty, nasty. (crew laughing) Okay, let's vote, but let's keep eating this steak. I can't in my right mind vote for that because like you said- - I'm not voting for it. - That's not that. I really liked this one. - But I am gonna keep eating it. It is seasoned in like, sort of a Chinese spice way. - Stevie, what do we do? - [Stevie] You both have chosen the sit-down option, which is PF Chang's for $17. - Okay. - [Stevie] The big steak on the end is our fine dining from, of course, Tao for $58. And then we have our casual from Panda Express for $7.90 and lastly, the frozen, Thai Pays, for $1.96. - Yeah, I definitely think going for the PF Chang of it all. It is a nice sweet spot. - But Tao, you remember that's that place where the people were lined up outside, ready to go in like they were going clubbing, man. - I remember you telling me about it every chance you get. (crew laughing) (upbeat music) - These are New York strip steaks, emphasis on the strip. - Yeah and we've got some precut action here. - I'm a fan of the New York strip. - [Link] This is a thin one. - [Rhett] This is like, seared and pretty rare. - Very peppery, very tender. - Surprisingly tender, huh? It's too thin for my taste. I kinda like the flavor. - I like it like that. Very peppercorn-y. - [Rhett] This is kind of what you expect. - You cut my bite too big, so I'm taking a bite of the bite. I just feel like I can't swallow a steak until it's like, turned the applesauce. I don't like the idea of a steak hunk going through my entire system. - Oh, it can handle it. Yeah. There's acids and other things, man. - This one, I'm tasting more of the meat than the last one. - [Rhett] That's a pretty good steak. - [Link] But I'm gonna save that little piece for later. - What we got here? - I didn't love it. Again, we're back to a thinner slice. - That is surprisingly tasty. It's looks horrible. - I call it more basic. - But I don't know, something about it. None of these are bad. I was kind of expecting something to be bad. - [Link] Now, this one here. - That one's got a big, fat hunk that I don't wanna get. - [Link] This one's got a bone on the side. - Okay, we just entered a new place for me. That tastes like something that was cooked on a grill. That's got the char on the outside of it. - [Link] You think this is Outback? - I like an Outback steak. - Outback, not bad steak. I just don't really eat a steak. - Now listen, I'm gonna do what my brother-in-law did with this piece of fat and sit it back on the plate. - Ew. - But what actually he did, he tried to chew it and he couldn't chew it. He took it out and put it on his plate and then my grandfather-in-law said, "Eat all of it!" And ate it. - No! - Yeah, so don't be that guy. - I know which one I like the best. Do you need to go in again? - I'm just going off first impressions because I think if I start tasting more, I'm gonna get confused. - Oh! I like this little thin piece of work over here. - It is wgood. I'm not gonna lie to you. - [Link] Yeah, yeah. - [Stevie] Well, okay. Rhett, you've chosen our sit-down restaurant, which was Outback Steakhouse. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Okay. - [Stevie] $25.99. Link, you've chosen are our frozen option, which is from Stampede for $2.47 cents. - Now that I go back to it after working the line. - I did go back to it and I'm still happy. - It's pretty awful. - (laughing) I love an awful steak. I'm not a beef boy. - [Stevie] And then the other ones were our fine dining from The Grill on the Alley. - This is fine dining? - [Stevie] Uh-huh, for $56.50 and our casual, which is actually House of Pies for $18.95. - Really? - This is not as good as the Outback. Fine dining is not as good as the Outback. You heard it here. I'm telling you. - Because they got it down to a science. - I don't care about The Alley. I don't know where The Alley is and I don't like going down them. - [Stevie] Okay, so if you were to have gone through our full beef menu picking the cheapest options, your total would have been $6.75 and all the fancy options, your total would have been $157. Rhett, your perfect meal total was $74.98 and Link, your perfect meal total was $45.72. - Mm-hmm. I do not aspire to be a beef man. I'm very happy with my $45.72. - Just being a beef boy. - Yeah, I'm good with that. Call me. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Heather. - And I'm Mike. - And we're from Cleveland, Ohio. - And I've been matched as a bone marrow donor and I'm currently giving, trying to be my Mythical best. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Thank you, Mike, for being your Mythical best! - Saving lives, man. - All right, click the top link to watch us find out if we'll succumb to group think when we play Herd Mentality in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. (yelling) - Doggone, I feel like it went right. (laughing) Dude.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,932,772
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: VMr6wbsJYfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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