International Cheese Dishes Taste Test

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The cheese fun facts thing is probably one of my favourite bits of theirs. I couldn't help but laugh when he just said c h e e s e

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/Korberry 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Blue cheese comes from the milk of a blue jay

👍︎︎ 30 👤︎︎ u/NeptuneOW 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Man I learned a lot about cheese today

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/postman_pie 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Ending GMMore on a high note - "Cock Monster".

I have a feeling that Good Mythical Evening is a test, for them. If they sell a lot of tickets, and if engagement is positive overall, I feel like they may either a) start incorporating more adult humour into GMM or b) may launch a secondary (maybe once a week?) show called Good Mythical Evening.

I know they've been moving away from G-rated humour for a while now, and to be honest it's the right thing to do. Their audience has grown with them, and I think the last census showed that the super majority were adults.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/lts_talk_about_it_eh 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Chase crying laughing in the background was hilarious

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/uyb50487 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

oh thank god we have Rhett's dad.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/deadmallsanita 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Shouldn't they measure the distance to that dot by the country name and not the country border? I mean, if they hit Russia anywhere on the orange that'd be 0? That makes no sense to me

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TwoForTwoForTen 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies

Why did they do the game intro song different this time?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Makattack0723 📅︎︎ Sep 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love the naming combos GMM mores 😂

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/uyb50487 📅︎︎ Sep 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
- Can we match these dishes made of cheese to their home countries? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning. - Today we're gonna be trying iconic cheese dishes from all over the world. But first, this portion of today's episode is sponsored by the Motley Fool. - Motley Fool Stock Advisor is a subscription stock picking service where members gain access to a library of expert stock recommendations which are carefully aimed at multiplying their net worth. - Mm-hmm, Motley Fool Stock Advisor recommends two brand-new stocks to its members each month, sent directly to their inbox. Members also receive new stock picks every month from legendary investors. - And with the market all over the place this past year, it's never been important to know just where to park your hard-earned cash. And speaking of knowing where to park your hard-earned cash, you gotta stop putting your money underneath Jake's dog bed. - Well... Okay, now I gotta find another place to place my money. Maybe I'll place it under Jasper's dog bed. - Okay, whatever works. And if you're wondering why you should trust the picks from the team at Stock Advisor, well, their average stock pick has returned over 500% as of September 7th, 2021. That's beating the market by almost 5X. - You're only one step away from joining the Motley Fool investing community and taking the first step to supercharging your portfolio. So visit to access a special offer for new members to receive 50% off the Motley Fool's top stock picking service and start the journey to living smarter, happier, and richer. - Thanks to the Motley Fool for sponsoring that part of today's episode. - Mm-hmm. Cheese never ceases to amaze me. You can slice it, you can shred it, you can layer it, stuff it, and smother with it. - And chefs around the globe agree. And we're gonna be trying dishes from all over the Earth that use different cheeses in different ways, and maybe that'll give us some clues as to where they're from. It's time for: - [Rhett and Link] Where In the World Do These International Cheese Dishes Come From? - You know how this goes. We're gonna try a cheese-centric dish, those are some of my favorite dishes, cheese-centric dishes, from somewhere in the world, we're gonna throw a dart at the country we think it's from, and Chase, our Cheesehead Cartographer, is gonna measure how far our dart is from the right answer. Hey, Chase. - How you feeling about measuring how far darts are? - I'm feeling Gouda. - Oh! He was ready for that one. - Whoever has the lowest score at the end wins. And Rhett, since you won last time, I get the special advantage dart, which this time is the Havarti Darti, a slice of melted Havarti cheese to throw at the bard. The bard. - The bard? - The bard! I'm throwing it at the bard over there. The loser must pay the winner cheesy compliments whenever he desires in Good Mythical More. - Okay. Well, bring on the cheese! Ooh, look at this big cheese. - Is that a pie? A cheese pie? I'm glad you got a big knife to cut through it. - [Rhett] And then I just... Whoa. It's just... Oh! There's some peas or something coming out of there. You see that? - What? What is in there? - I feel like I gotta cut it again. - What is that? - That's my side, bruh! - [Link] Oh, yeah. I don't wanna mess up my side. - Cheese and meat? - What is that? An egg? - There's olives in there, just so you know. - [Link] Is that a olive? No, that's a raisin. - Oh man, I don't even know how to feel about what I'm tasting. - [Link] It tastes like a sloppy joe wrapped in cheese. - And there's eggs in there. - Whoo, it's salty. - There's black and green olives. - Mm! - You don't taste that? - You gonna go first? - You know, for simplicity, I'm gonna do something a little bit different this time. - Do something a little bit different. Be quiet and throw a dart. - I'm gonna stay here. Everybody complains about me getting too close to the board. - Your lean, yep. Your leaning. - I'm gonna stay back here and throw. - That's a cheesy map, Chase. - But before I do that, I do want to check in with the Dad Cam. Hey, Dad, how you doing? - [Jim] Hey, Rhett. It's me, your dad. I heard you boys are eating some cheese today. - Yeah, we are. We love cheese. - [Jim] I happen to have an expert cheese palate. - Oh! - You sound like you're reading this, Dad. - [Jim] If a vampire eats cheese, he gets a rash. Now that's just a fact. (crew laughs) - Whoa, hold on, Jimmy Mac. - I like how he's enunciating. - Olives. (Chase snickers) Egypt has a lot of olives. Portugal could also be a good answer. So I don't know how to calibrate my throw from here. I think I just gotta go for it. So I'm gonna aim between Egypt and Portugal. - Oh! You're flying a little high. You did a little lobby-lobby. I think this is Egypt. Totally Egypt. Because they like to put raisins. - Well, I tried to hit it, but I was a continent off. - Okay, here we go. Oh! - Whoa! - That was close! - That was close. - [Stevie] Okay, you just had keshi yena, a mixture of chicken or beef, peppers, onions, olives, capers, raisins, and hard-boiled eggs cooked inside of a scooped-out cheese rind. While you can also find this dish on the nearby island of Curacao, it originated in Aruba. - Aruba! - Aruba? - [Link] So this is a cheese rind? - It's so good. - Mm! - Yep, Rhett, you had 37. Link, 32. - Okay. - Okay, honest day's work. - Okay, okay. - That's a tall one! Oh, you gonna go right down the mid? - [Rhett] Is it cake? - [Link] Is it ice cream? Is it cheese? - Oh man, it's almost like a cheese-ballish kinda thing. You know what I'm saying? - And is there- - [Rhett] You go for the cheese ball at a party? - [Link] So there's like gummy stuff around it. - [Rhett] It's like a fruitcake meets a cheesecake. - [Link] Yes! Is that pineapple in there? - I think it is a cheesecake. - What is that right there? Is that a... That's another dried grape. - I mean, we can't get away from grapes. - I get the dart first 'cause somehow I'm losing less. - I'm eating too much. - Wow! I mean, that's a pyramid. - I feel like if I voice it, it'll help me. - First thing I think about with pyramids is of course Egypt. - Dad, you got any wise words for Link? - [Jim] I know a lot about cheese. - All right, well, let's hear some. - All right. - [Jim] Here's a fun fact: there are no words in the English language that rhyme with "cheese." (crew laughs) - You know what? He's right. - It pleases me to know that he's correct. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - There's also pyramids, and ones that are shaped like this, in South America. I'm going with Peru. ♪ Perus ♪ Ooh! A little low. I shoulda erred on the side of being up and to the right. - I don't know what it is, anytime I see the red and the green together, I don't know what the Peruvian flag is, but it just makes me think about South America. But then when you talked about the, I wanna say ziggurat, even though I know that's not what it is. What do you- - [Jim] That's right. - Oh! Thanks, Dad. Dad said it was right, it is a ziggurat. Peru is my guess as well. - It kinda looks like I'm sitting in your lap right here. - Would you like to? It might help my aim. - [Link] All right. - [Stevie] This, of course, is paskha, a dessert made of farmer's cheese, eggs, sugar, butter, cream, vanilla, and dried fruit. Once mixed together, the ingredients are pressed into a mold and decorated with religious symbols, which is left to sit in the fridge. While variations of this cake can be found throughout Eastern Europe, cheese paskha is a famous Easter dessert in... Russia. - Russia? - Russia. Russia! - We're all over the place. - What pyramids they got in Russia? - They got ziggurats all around Russia. - They don't friggin' got a pyramid in Russia! - All right, Link, 67. Rhett, 56. - Gah! - Oh. Okay, all right. I made up some ground. This looks like a preschool art project. We have soap. - [Link] Is there something crawling on it? - [Rhett] We have onions. And we have ants. Have at it! - Is that an insect? - [Rhett] I think it's fennel. - I mean, this must be the cheese, right? But it feels like a fruit. Onions? I can't get it all on. - Onions. Fennel. - Vinegar. - And vinegar. - Whoo, this is strange. - [Rhett] The cheese is like a translucent jello. - It's got an aftertaste to it. - This is a unique... - Wow. - Combination of flavors. - You're gonna dart first. Whoo! That is a strange combination of flavors. - When I think about- - Ziggurat! - There's something about this that looks like, if you were in a place where you couldn't quite get cheese right because it was too cold or something, you know what I'm saying? And the fennel seed and the vinegar and the onion, the person who might enjoy this might also enjoy a smoked fish. So I'm gonna go with Iceland without thinking about it too much. Okay. - Okay. Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. I just feel like this could be... - Well, hold on just for a second here. Dad, do you have any insights for Link? - [Jim] Cheese was invented in the year 1986. - That's totally accurate. - I'm just trying to figure out what his sources are because... - Wikipedia, probably. - So far I don't know if any of it's been true. - I mean, you're a tenured law professor, sir. I mean- - [Jim] Hello, Link. (Rhett laughs) - So begrudging, like he has to talk to you. "Hello..." (laughing) - All right, fine, I won't talk to you. - Wow! Man, he made you feel so small! - Let's see. So I'm only six behind. - Yeah. - Iceland could be the answer. I think this could be Germany, and that's what I'm feeling. There's a pungency to the cheese that I think is drawing me to Germany. And then I'm mitigating some Iceland in there. - Mitigate it. - [Link] Oh, yeah. A little low for Germany. Help me out, Stevie. - [Stevie] You just tried handkase mit musik, which translates to "hand cheese with music." When tourists try this sour milk cheese topped with raw onions and an apple cider vinegar marinade, they're told that the music comes later in the form of flatulence. - Ha! - [Stevie] You can find this music-making dish in... Germany! - Oh! - [Link] I was right! The fart dish! - Music-making. - But we're about even. - Rhett, you hade five. Link, you did a little bit feta. You had three. - Oh! Oh, feta! - Catching up. Ooh! We've got like a half of a taco. What's a taco with one sealed end? A cone? - You might not be able to tell by us touching it, because you're not touching it, heh, but it's soft. I thought these were gonna be hard and crispy, but it's got a pancake, rubbery quality to it. - Yeah, is that like a crepe wrapped into a cone? Some nice, fluffy cheese in there. And then the nut compote on top- - Wow, he's using big words now. - Is quite the ziggurat. - Yep. Mm-hmm. That has a very distinct spice mixed in with what I believe is pistachios. And that cheese is super mild. - Yeah, I love it. - This is like a dessert that's not too sweet. I'm still in the lead by a little bit. Man. I gotta make up some ground because you got that Havarti Darti. - Yeah. - Dad, I'm thinking Egypt. What about you? - [Jim] The average person eats nine pounds of cheese per hour. - Your dad has gotten his medications mixed up. - Man. I think I might need to call Mom. You know, need to have him check in. Have her check in with him. - [Jim] Cheese. - Now he's just saying "cheese." Now he's cheese-obsessed. - Yeah, definitely call Mom after this. - This feels like Egypt to me. Oh! - [Link] Has he hit Egypt? - [Rhett] I don't know, I'm close. I'm close. - Okay, what do I do, guys? What do I do? I could definitely see this being in that zone. It's flirting with a little baklava on top, with the stuff that's on top, but there's no honey. I think Egypt is a really good answer here. (groans) Yeah. I think that's it. - "Yeah." - I gotta go for a bullseye. Oh, shoot. A little low. - Ooh, a little. Ooh, a little low, little low. - But still interesting. I just think it's right. - [Stevie] These dessert dumplings, called qatayef asafiri, have a ricotta and clotted cream filling and are topped with pistachios and a fragrant floral syrup. They are typically eaten as a special treat during the month of Ramadan. Now popular throughout the Middle East, these dumplings were traditionally prepared by street vendors in... Egypt. - Yeah. - Yeah. Okay. Did I make it, Chase? - I don't think you did. - It's hard to tell because the "T" of "Egypt" is going over the border, but I think you did not make it. - Aw! - I think you did not either. - Okay, all right. But I was close. - I would know. I know what it feels like to hit a bullseye. - Yeah, you sure do. - On a much smaller country than that. - That's right. - [Jim] It's called blue cheese because it's made from the milk of the blue jay. (crew laughs) - It no longer matters how wrong he is. It's just interesting now. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. These are good facts. - Okay, Rhett, you had one. Link, eight. - Ah. - Still interesting. 11 points separates the winner the runner-up currently. And we have what appears to be a cheese sandwich. - Ooh, smell that and tell me that it smells weird. - It does smell... - Like a fish. - It smells... Meaty. Is it fishy? I don't think it's fishy. What is that? Marshmallow fluff? Egg whites? Styrofoam? - I think you may be onto something with the egg white thing. - It is fishy. - There is definitely some fishiness in that. - And there's a cheese in the middle that doesn't help enough. - There's some kind of just, like... I mean, I would almost call that like an American cheese. This is like seaweed bread, if seaweed bread is a thing. - It's sea foam bread. - Sea foam. Oh, the sea foam that sometimes, you can gather it, and you compress it down and you make bread out of it. - And you fry it. - And you fry it. - Yeah, fried sea foam cheese biscuit. You go first. - Now, this is a mystery round, so it's actually not labeled up there. And also you have the Havarti Darti, which is gonna give you a pretty good advantage there. - Actually, it'll just give me the advantage of the square area of a Havarti. - That's true, so actually this is not a runaway cheat here. - No, it's not. - Dad, any wise words? - [Jim] Leave me alone when I'm eating provolone. The idea is that "alone" and "provolone" rhyme. In case you didn't get it. - You know what? - Explain more of your jokes, sir. - [Jim] How come there is Manchego cheese, but no Woman-chego cheese? - Ah. Yeah, you know, he's always thinking about that. Okay, Link. I feel pretty strongly about the fact that this is coming from the general Asian region, just given the fact that I'm tasting something that I could best describe as seaweed. - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. - [Rhett] There's a lot of countries in that part of the world. I'm just gonna aim in the middle of them. - Okay. - Oh gosh! - What happened? - [Rhett] I hit my hair on the way up. - Did you? Hook on the hair? - Yeah, it was like... - You know what? I'd like for you to not do it again. - I've give you a window, man, I've given you an opportunity, 'cause, I mean, I've only got you by 11 centimeters. - You've given me an opportunity, assuming that I agreed with your answer, and I didn't. I think this is Nordic. - Nordic? - Nordict. - You added a T. I don't think there is one. I don't think you have to add the T. - I'm not tasting seaweed, it's just sea foam. - Sea foam. - It's more arctic. - [Rhett] You can get sea foam anywhere. - And then how am I gonna just smack this? - If you feel like that is giving you a disadvantage, then you can always just not use it. - I like playing the game. - Okay, all right. Dad, do you think it's a good idea for Link- - [Jim] I don't think so. - Okay. All right. - Too late, Dad. - I think he just told you not to do this, but you're going Nordic. - If Iceland wasn't on the board, I'd be guessing Iceland. - Well, Greenland's big. It's not really that big, but- - No, I'm going for the Swedish area. And the Norwegian area. - Okay. - The Nordics. - The Nordics. Mm-hmm. (wheezes) Okay, well. - And that was just to show you why I'm not using the Havarti cheese, but going with your dad's advice to use the dart. - I don't know if this is allowed, but... Well, that was interesting. - I don't know if it's allowed either, but I kinda already did it before we decided, so... - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - There you go. There's a piece of cheese up there. - [Stevie] You know what, I don't think it matters much, but this is hanpen cheese, a grilled cheese sandwich made using hanpen, a soft fish cake with marshmallow-like texture. You can find this different take on a grilled cheese sandwich in... Japan. - Okay, yeah. - Japan. - [Rhett] Yeah, the Nordic part of Japan to be specific. (Rhett laughs) - Okay, Rhett, you had 18. Link, 26. - Okay. - But it was a decent loss. - You know what- - Up until the end. - You really held your own. - Whoo, that's sticky. - Dad, you got any final cheese facts for us? - [Jim] How come it's cool to have holes in your Swiss cheese, but it's not cool to have holes in your underwear? (Rhett sputters) (crew laughs) - I don't know. I think that was just a conversation starter. - He just asked a question. - Not a joke. We don't know, Dad. - [Jim] I love nachos. - Oh! Man, he's, uh... He's happy to... It was great to see you again, Dad. - [Jim] Cheese. - Okay, well, that means that you gotta give me some cheesy compliments whenever I ask for 'em on Good Mythical More. - Great. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Scott Davidson. - And I'm Sarah Davidson and we're at Dunnet Head, which is the northernmost point of Scotland, on our honeymoon! - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality! - Beautiful country up there. You gotta watch yourself though. Your mom will break her ankle if you don't watch her closely. - Her what? - Her ankle, huh-huh. All right, click the top link to watch us guess which types of cheeses were combined in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. To get the Mythical Society onesie, join 3rd Degree quarterly or annual by September 30th. Visit for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, Motley fool, investing, stocks, stock, picks, stock market, stock advisor, how to invest,
Id: AvFPefNzx00
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Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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