World of Coca-Cola - Full Tour 2020 - Atlanta, GA

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[Music] hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the south more specifically atlanta georgia and even more specifically than that i am in front of the world of coca-cola this is a museum an experience an attraction dedicated to the world's most favorite sugary beverage [Music] their christmas decorations these giant uh christmas bulbs it says coca-cola on it they have coca-cola worked into the holiday theme and see here often uh they do use santa claus in their advertising often polar bears are associated with coca-cola due to their famous super bowl commercial however in real life polar bears do not do not subside on coca-cola they live entirely on flesh this here is dr john pemberton this is the man that invented coke a cola very interesting story actually uh john pemberton here one thing they don't talk a lot about was he was actually a confederate soldier fought in the civil war and was seriously injured he actually took a sword to the chest that was the cause of severe pain severe injury and uh because of this severe injury um he would turn to morphine and would develop a severe addiction to morphine morphine a very serious drug morphine addiction still a very serious problem to this day so this confederate soldier adult adult with morphine addiction he sought to find a cure for his morphine addiction and so he developed coke a cola which he thought would help him cure his morphine addiction unfortunately dr john pemberton in the in the realms of drug treatment was a complete and abject failure no one no one will will tell you that coca-cola is any sort of cure for drug addiction will will not help if you're addicted to morphine please get help go go to a rehab center do not just guzzle cans of coca-cola they will not cure your morphine addiction however happenstance serendipity the beverage he created the the anti-morphine beverage of coca-cola turned out to be incredibly delicious and dr pemberton here was able to to to put forth and create the most popular beverage in the world so a strange story involving a sword to the chest massive drug addiction and a delicious sugary beverage and still to this day no one knows how he did it no one knows what secret ingredients what what he wrote down what what all his scientific anti-morphine research led him to create this still a secret but the secret lies somewhere in here not necessarily to the public but it is it is supposedly locked away in this very building so let's head inside if you listen closely the building actually makes soda noises do you hear that to go in and get our temperature checked before we enter the attraction hello can you take one of these go with coke zero thank you first thing you get when you walk in is a can of coke it's even in this hygienic bag so double bagged against a can and plastic bag these cool old vending machines i miss the vending machines with these big buttons always satisfying to hit those big old buttons the rafters here we have these different coca-cola signs it seems that uh all these diners across the world have these coca-cola signs and look at this look at that thing what is that it's like a little furry ball with lips no i don't remember this mascot is he some sort of snowman pouring ice into the coke i don't know it's maybe breaking off pieces of himself and putting it in the coca-cola now if i remember correctly these weird characters you see in here i think they are characters that used to be in a pre-show cartoon but i don't think they even use that pre-show anymore walk into the theater here normally i think they would show a pre-show here but i don't think we're doing that right now because of social distancing not sure exactly what's happening here i'm so excited to see such warm faces here today you are just in time for a i'm holiday to do a dance number [Music] some presents hopefully that is for the polar bear oh he's smiling oh he's dancing he's gonna bust a move okay this is this is pretty amazing all right we're gonna get in line to uh meet the coca-cola polar bear yeah one of the things about coca-cola is though it does have that natural christmas color to it protect the bear during the pandemic you have to stand uh behind a velvet rope that's to not get too close to the bear hey mr polar bear hey how are you doing i love the dance moves those are so good oh so cool oh we're pulling for pictures okay oh oh oh there you go hey [Music] claws [Music] here we have the vault this is the actual vault with a secret coca-cola formula is kept i believe there is only one maybe two copies but one of the the copies of the actual recipe of coca-cola the unknown recipe lies within this vault you see they take this very seriously they have this very intense safe door here with the bottle logo in the middle here we go into the vault says at the heart of the of coca-cola there is a secret looking at the security footage oh look at that there oh i found myself for a second now y'all broke it blanked out oh there there there's some footage of me right there they're watching watching us from every angle while we're in here it says like an alchemist of old john pemberton used a long wooden paddle to mix the first batches of coca-cola syrup there's some reproductions of pemberton's notebooks they're worn difficult to read oh there is some i do make out some some bits of the recipe there i don't know maybe these were like experimental batches apparently these are other um things that pepperdine created that were not as popular as coca-cola globe flower cough syrup indian queen hair dye along with some of these gingerine triflex liver pills compound extra extract of still india queen's delight i don't know they all sound like solid products to me [Music] looking for the secret yes some products for me to find in a pharmacy in the late 1800s pick up some carbo cell some cactus polish there is that for polishing your cactus during the first years coffee full of sales averaging about nine drinks a day so they used to sell nine cokes a day now they probably sell more looking here this is alert imposter what's that this is not a coca-cola this is a prince cola a no-good off-brand prince kohler pensacola imposter let's see on the ground there's all these different fake folks afric africola never tried africo you have drank africola uh please leave a comment in the comment section what's this one called what's this one rocco that's a kind of cool name oh you can see the shadow oh john pemberton as he mixes into oils trying to find the perfect recipe for coca-cola myths and legends rumors persist that pemberton didn't create coca-cola by himself people's claim that pemberton had helped bought or stole it did he steal it look at those eyes see a man that would steal a soda recipe let's whisper the original formula originated in india a small town in spain proudly proclaimed itself as the birthplace of coca-cola this woman diva brown claimed to have cracked the code so that she was selling her authentic coca-cola formula can science unlock the secret gas chromos therapy fails to yield conclusive results all right getting ready to enter the vault of the secret formula here your doors are now open [Music] oh and there it is the vault the vault with a secret recipe of coca-cola lies within this ball holds only handwritten copy of the original formula it was brought here in december of 2011 to commemorate our 125th year anniversary [Music] with the infamous coca-cola ball containing the original recipe written by john pemberton very cool but you're entering milestones of refreshment this is the more traditional museum section of the world of coca-cola see this old soda fountain here with a soda jerk handing us a soda not that he is a jerk in the fact that he's mean or rude or hateful to people but that was the name of the person that would work behind the soda counter one of the employees are selling me this cloth here is one of the most valuable artifacts in the whole museum because it is one of the only coca-cola items that it has a blue design it's very difficult to find a coca-cola item that has a blue motif here we have pemberton very carefully mixing and concocting the coca-cola recipe see some of those classic coca-cola items merchandise i like this coca-cola kite right here in the middle look at this old syrup fountain here and if we look at the label we can see not marketed towards helping you with morphine addiction but it is does say it is for tired nerves and brains so a bottle of coca-cola originally cost a nickel so you can compare it to some of the other things at the time in the early 1900s a cup of coffee cost 10 cents of coke cost half the price of a cup of coffee let's see 25 cents per gallon of gas so you could get uh you could get five coca-colas for for a gallon of gas let's see what's this a haircut 25 cents for a haircut was pretty inexpensive it's a toothpaste 25 cents for tuesday so everything a car even a car cost more than coca-cola we have a nice shiny coca-cola delivery truck this is an old bottle tapping machine workers would actually operate it with their foot the measure of pressure and foot pounds so i'm hitting that 750 mark pretty good of course this really is tiring on my poor little leg so they would do 350 bottles an hour probably more skill than me there's a variety of different uh coke machines you can see this old school ones look at this german one it only has a coke fanta my favorite and sprite these really have just like an elegant beauty to them don't they check out this wacky japanese version what is that there is that oh it actually had coffee and tea in the coke machine and possibly the craziest coke dispenser that is a hope dispenser from uh the soviet space station that is a space coke it is crazy you can see the bottles are modified so that you can drink them in space and refill them here that is a truly amazing artifact it's a wide variety of coca-cola advertisements over the years man they really need to bring back the uh maybe fanta orange clown i would drink even more orange fanta if they brought back the clown some coca-cola russian nesting dolls talking about the coca-cola company worked many of the olympic porch relays these are all olympic torches which is pretty amazing there's the atlanta 1996 atlanta uh olympic torch so during the 1996 uh summer games here in atlanta i was actually living in indiana i was a teenager i was a northern indiana was looking out front window my house in my in my living room just looking across the street not doing much of anything and then completely unexpected the olympic torch the runner with the olympic torture with a cop car and a runner holding the olympic torch another cop car right in front of my house completely did not expect it was not looking for it just one of these complete random surreal experiences did not realize this but coca-cola briefly owned the columbia pictures movie studio and there is the academy award for gandhi best picture of 1982. for all the different beverages that they sell around the world quite an interesting assortment some of these you don't even realize are coca-cola products i see five alive does anyone else remember five alive [Music] and then there's uh some soda some lion based soda named simba there's something called bibo right there and uh aquarius water in a bag and then this is pretty crazy they actually have a can of okay cola this is one of coca-cola's biggest flops it was a really strange story a soda based on irony and nihilism the top selling brands made by coca-cola we have a standard coca-cola drink smart water fused tea georgia mountain coffee apparently let's pop in another part of the world and um that japanese water i think then of course fanta orange phantom one of their best-selling my absolute favorite coca-cola product heading into the bottle works this is a replica of a coca-cola bottling plant it's a syrup tank imagine if you drank all the syrup in that tank i bet you could feel your teeth falling out now sometimes i believe this plant is actually operational i've seen them uh working before but last couple times i've been here it's not been working i don't know if it only runs part of the day or maybe it no longer runs i'm not sure all right now to ascend the grand staircase to the second floor [Music] there's the pop culture section i think that is some sort of pun pop being a another name for soda it shows some different uh coke paraphernalia from the various eras this is 1886 through 1969. 1969 to the present that is a goofy looking hat right there so i do love this coca-cola machine robot do not believe i've ever seen the one gallon coca-cola can [Music] this is coke creations this folk art made out of coke cans other coke items now i have seen this in different folk art that i've seen that coca-cola does appear to be popular amongst folk artists you can see the uh cocaine giraffes right there a big old coke can alligator and some vehicles over there we got a airplane a ship a couple cars and look at this coca-cola heart right here it's a coke can asaurus here's a small but powerful exhibit on new coke the uh the decision was made to change the recipe change the flavor of coke to go against john pemberton to reject john pemberton and try to make something that tastes more like pepsi apparently it only lasted 79 days i didn't realize new coke was only around for that short period of time i do believe they kept it around as a secondary soda but still a classic disaster i guess these are internal documents this is this is the biggest uh the center of shame here in the world of coke the reinforced what a big deal this was the atlanta constitution on the front page put that the old coke had returned and there's max max headroom he seriously frightened me as a child something about him sketched me out this coke bottle here actually made by howard fenster probably the most famous folk artist of all time love his designs visited his paradise gardens here in georgia this couch here was actually used in 2005 on american idol you used to actually be able to sit in it they've got this roped off probably because of the pandemic this is a user submitted coke stories different people that have written in tell about their love for coke some of them are different languages i believe this is the newest section here at the world of coke the scent discovery center oh wow so we're gonna play a little guessing game right you're gonna get to challenge your sense of smell on these three profiles we have sweet fruity and spicy all right that's that's coffee that clears your palette ladies and gentlemen it is it is our sweet profile from the blue beaker the blue glass give it away let's smell this blue [Music] is it lavender what is it what is it gonna tell us it is the answer is honey honey it's honey clear the nose but can i smell the coffee beans to clear for those who didn't get it right all right the fruity profile [Music] melon of some sort definitely every time you think it's definitely think it's uh some sort of melon i mean i don't know if it's a watermelon maybe let's go with let's go with the what's that what's that green honeydew method [Music] we nailed that one is it licorice everyone's sniffing sniffing here trying to figure out what the spicy taste profile is someone said amnesty that's actually a good guess what is it time's up the answer is and what said it is oh it was a hannah probably the most popular room in the world coke the tasting room taste it don't know how they're doing this currently with the pandemic but we will find out and are here and follow the arrows all right so they're doing this a little differently for the pandemic normally you'd be able to roam this whole room and each one of these stations would be a different country or area you could taste the different flavors from that country but now because of pandemic to give each person their own personal station with a select list of sodas to try while here so these are the sodas that we get to sample here we have a japanese vegetabeta peru's inca cola i think i've had that before i think that's good sweden has lingenberry korea has joy appalichi uh tanza tanzania tanzania i saying that right tanzania i'm sorry stony ginger beer zimbabwe has sparletta sparberry we have costa rica fanta kolita and the infamous the most infamous drink here beverly the world's worst soda now that we're socially distant we'll remove the mask in order to sample these sodas all right first up japanese vegeta [Music] interesting it has a carrot a carrot and a white apple on the logo but carrot can actually add um quite a bit to a fruit drink it's actually very good very very fruity light taste i feel like i'm reviewing wine here but i would drink that definitely more of a you know a fruit almost tastes like drinking fruit juice good soda okay this is the inca cola very it's interesting almost a cream soda type flavor again that's another good one that's something i would drink recreationally lingo berry a lingonberry i don't know what a lingenberry is but [Music] it's a berry flavor very saddleberry flavor not too sweet it's a good it's another one these are also these are all pretty good all right this is korean korean apple joy free enjoy apple lychee very very sweet this is a really sweet one and it never has an apple flavor in it does leachate mean milk no lychee's a leche is milk lychee is she's a type of fruit i think [Music] that's good a little bit on the sweeter side but but it's still going right this is stony tanzanian ginger beer [Music] oh that's good it's like that ginger the old type there's all those ginger ginger is like a really strong bite to it these are all very good i have a feeling because they have the limited sex here so i feel like they've chosen these international flavors that are actually good because some of them you know some of them are just not for american taste buds but these are all good so far this is zimbabwe sparberry never heard of the berry i've never heard of a spar berry give it a try it's like a cherry it's very much like a um oh maybe more like a strawberry a strawberry type soda kind of like similar to fanta strawberry and this is fanta kolita from costa rica fanta orange is my favorite coke product um i don't know what kalida is let's find out kind of it's almost similar to the starberry some subtle differences but pretty similar to the last one so we've had a chance to try all these wonderful foreign sodas and now we get to try the worst soda in the world beverly a spoiler alert this is gonna taste bad um beverly is what is on an aftertiff it's um apparently they get italian tradition maybe they take a shot of liquor um before a meal to clear their palette it's like almost like a non-alcoholic version of that so almost like a non-alcoholic shot of liquor if that makes any sense um it actually said i was reading with the information they had they don't make this anymore the only place you can get beverly is at the world of coke so they don't sell this commercially they just give it here so they can have one soda that is super gross and super nasty and they actually said if you go by just people what people want to try this is the most popular drink to try here at the world of cove so the world's worst soda the world's most popular sample at the world of coke [Music] it tastes like ah it tastes like all the bad parts of cough syrup with all the good parts taken out oh they used to have this at disney um sample like this at disney i think i drank 10 once on a challenge i'm not sure how i did that this is really been years that they've had this oh my gosh it's so bad so bitter and i have support there is a slight sweetness it really looks like yeah this is just this is this is really really crappy hey what's this cookie cookie coke holiday cookie cup recipe oh thank you so thank you so much for stopping by so this is i guess today they have uh specialty recipes and today they have a cookie flavored coke so [Music] taste doesn't taste that different from regular coke thinking coke kind of tastes like a cookie already all right and we exit here through the gift shop you can see the coke merchandise very plentiful here with a big orange fanta pillow there some specialty items here a solid crystal can of coke for 250 or a uh bedazzled can of diet coke for two thousand three hundred and ninety five dollars rosebud some coca-cola-based face coverings and some cokes that will charge your phone [Applause] [Music] chapstick so great to be back at the world of coke really really iconic location here in atlanta georgia and then added the smell lab which is very cool addition uh to their attraction um the the taste room i one thing i was wondering um i almost was wondering well about how about whether or not i should come because i didn't know if the taste room would be open because of the pandemic i didn't know how they were going to handle it you can't have people wandering around with their masks off in this giant room i think they they think they handled it probably the absolute best that uh that they could i think that was a really good idea it's a shame you can't try all the flavors but that's just not practical in today's modern times but they gave you a really good selection of different sodas they were actually i think they as i said i think they picked like the best probably most popular flavors that people respond to and of course they throw beverly in there because everyone wants to taste the world's worst soda but uh yeah very cool then i highly recommend checking out the world of coke uh when here in atlanta georgia uh if you like the other places i've been please check the interactive map down in the description of this video they'll show other places i've been and you can tell me where i need to go next also if you'd like to help support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also now selling enamel pins in the etsy shop all that is in the description of this video until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 75,759
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, coca-cola, world of coca-cola, world of coke, atlanta, ga, georgia, bear, vault, john pemberton
Id: Zrm4pAoSrTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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