Intermediate English - Section 6 Review

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all right welcome everybody uh to today's lesson and today's friday so we are live on youtube uh because every friday at 8 00 a.m new york time we go live on youtube and every monday at 8 a.m new york time we go live on facebook today is friday it's the end of the week some people oh and marina's wearing the same shirt as me [Laughter] cool so uh today's friday and it's the end of the week it's also the end of one of our sections of our intermediate program so today we're going to review some of the things that we talked about in the last lessons um so first of all i should say hi to everybody hi barbara how are you today okay thank you chris i'm fine yeah it looks like you're uh you're in a place with very big grass oh it's it's artificial background artificial yeah because you know i am at work at the moment yeah so i if i didn't choose this option then i would have here some my library laboratory yeah yeah great great great yeah all right so um is friday a happy day for you or it's just another day some people love fridays do you love fridays yes i like i like fridays yeah but anyway it's uh yeah because i have two days two days free yeah but i i can tell you something if you want to have two days free it means if you have to do something today to do it tomorrow if you want something to do tomorrow do it the day after tomorrow then we will have two days free it's funny yeah well thanks great uh gigi what about you do you have big plans for this weekend hi chris hi everyone um [Music] i have just one plan because here in netherlands they start to if you go to if you die to go shopping that you should make a reservation at the store wow i did i i made a reservation for tomorrow it's something that uh quite strange but yes that i i have to stay there only 30 minutes and it's my exciting plan because it's my first day at the store after they we have a lockdown here in netherlands okay yeah so it's a very important day and very very important event yes yes okay great uh colleen how are you today hi chris my i'm very nice because it's friday so friday is an important day for you it's it's a fun day uh yes it's an important day for me because we have two three days and these days are for relaxing uh-huh great and do you have any specific plans for this weekend uh one of our friends uh celebrate uh is going to celebrate tomorrow her forties so we have a party tomorrow hi it's her 40th birthday yes that's fun so you have a fun weekend ahead of you yeah that's good all right uh nirvana what about you do you love fridays or is friday just another day hello for me this friday is just another day yeah yeah it's not a not a special day it's not the beginning of the weekend no okay is there another day of the week that is more important for you no all the days is just one more day normal day okay i understand great thanks amira do you love fridays hi all right [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] this so you only have to do housework and watch tv that's good very relaxing day all right marina what about you um do you love fridays are friday's special hi chris yes friday is a special day because this is the end of work week and in the end of friday you can relax don't think about next day like work day and i'm going to find a jeans of my dream this weekend jeans yes i just to spend a little money a little bit and maybe because we we haven't any special events we may maybe we uh we will do something you don't have any special events yes we don't we don't have any special events this weekend so my husband is going to organize something like roasting meat outside because he loves to do this uh-huh very cool all right aisha what are your plans this weekend hi chris hi everyone um actually um i don't have any plan because as you know i live abroad so i don't have friends or anything like that and in the past friday is special for me but now because it's the quality so it's the as another day and i have some books to study so i focusing in uh studying than to do anything but i am because i think after tomorrow we have mother's day i need to uh makes more bulky for my mother because she lives with me now okay great so you have a busy weekend ahead of you yes i it's a little bit because i have to make space for this idea and i need it to be special for my mom because she will come traveling after maybe two weeks so i need to make a special day for her okay that's great uh thanks aida what about your weekend what's happening this weekend where's the party hi chris hi everyone uh no party this weekend because my weekend is day when i work so today i don't work because i'm somehow sick so i sit at home today that's why i hope you feel better thank you thank you so much uh so tomorrow i have a performance uh and then the next week i have performances almost every day five performances a week so i need to recover now in order to feel better and have good performances that's great okay well i hope you i hope you feel better soon thank you so much all right and abdo how are you today yes chris um over the moon how about you great great uh so what do you think about fridays are fridays a special day for you or is it just like every other day no friday is uh so bishop because um we have to take some rest and also we pray on friday and the big most in a big mood so after we pray we can i can meet with my family and we can discuss about the food because uh usually on friday we have a food so um today we have a fish school with that so guys you are invited to taste and to eat with me for free i think also on friday i watch mini movies i play with my kids so last night i slept i i slept so late so i watched three movies and i want to ask about a specific name so what's the meaning of that name um maybe these type someone on uh out of control our cycle something like that no no i will type it okay unhinged unhinged yeah yeah if a person is unhinged it means that they they lost their logical mind out of control out of control yeah yes yes i actually i enjoyed the movie he he acts very well and i think russell crowe in this movie oh you liked his his acting no he's not acting he is out of control okay yeah so so the name of this film was um unhinged and this means out of control or law he lost his mind right it's an adjective usually this adjective is not about a person though usually this adjective is about a door and a door has a hinge the hinge is the part where the door connects to the wall right so if we open the door there's a there's some metal pieces in the door and this is the the hinge so unhinged is like they when you take the door off when you uninstall the a door right you would unhinge the door uh so that was the name of the film yeah great so um with some of you i was asking what are your plans for this weekend ahead i was using this word ahead right and the opposite of a head is behind and both of these words we can look at them like this they have a prefix and this a prefix that we usually pronounce ah and the b prefix these just mean that we are in this condition right in this place in this situation in this condition so hind is about something back uh we might say for example if you're talking about a dog the dog has four legs two legs in the front and two legs in the back so the back legs are the hind legs the hind legs uh so hind is always something in the back we also have um we have a phrase an idiom behind site is 20 20. this is an english idiom this means this means when you look at the past you always see perfectly you have perfect vision you have perfect sight right so so you can look at a situation in the past and you uh can say the right way to do it but you but it's hard to do this in the present in the present it's hard to say this is what's right and this this is the decision and in the past you can look at this we can always look at the past and say that's not right this is right and and so when a person does this you can say yes hindsight is 20 20. it means it means when you look back you always know the answer you can find the answer when you look back right it's it's perfect you can see it perfectly um so this is where we use hind like back right hind sight looking back [Music] uh in fact the word behind usually this is an adverb right it tells us some information about a verb or about an adjective but behind it can also be a noun his behind what does this mean it means his butt his butt or maybe you know a different word for this in english this is a bad word i'm going to say it but if you don't like bad words you might have to cover your ears it it also means ass part of the person's body that they sit on you sit and this is the part of the body that touches the chair right so behind you might hear someone in the film say sit on your behind sit on your behind it means sit down on your butt on this part of your of your body uh-huh uh great so head is the same head means something that is in front right so um we have the verb to head somewhere to head somewhere this means to move in that direction for example um for example i need to go to the shop i walk out of my house my name my neighbor sees me says hey where are you going i'm heading to the shop i'm in the direction of the shop right so it's about forward it's about moving forward uh another example of this is in your car you have different lights and you have two bright lights right two two lights uh sorry there might be other there might be more than two lights in the front of the car but the two main lights the main lights these are the head lights in the front of the car right in the back of the car these are tail lights head and tail chris can i say hi in the light behind behind lights someone might understand i but usually it's tail lights or or back lights usually someone who doesn't know much about cars might say back and front lights and someone who knows more would probably say headlights and tail lights [Music] uh great so last time we were speaking about work and jobs and employment and i just wanted to check on there were some things that we did not talk about for example at the end of your job what happens we talked about the beginning of the job we talked about having a job right uh but we didn't talk about the start and the finish of the job so when it starts we can hire someone to hire someone and at the end of the job we can fire someone higher it means give someone a job and fire it means take away the a person's job it's important that fire it means take away a person does not do this to himself or herself it's not a decision that they make it's a different person's decision sometimes we use this verb to fire someone not only about when we have a boss and a worker but also when we have two businesses that work together right so maybe maybe um coca-cola and pepsi have a contract and one day coca-cola says we don't want this contract anymore we don't want to work with you anymore coca-cola fired pepsi right so it could be like this between two companies or even even with just a a company and a client um for example if you have worked somewhere you've probably found a client who's rude aggressive something like this and maybe you say i'm not going to work with you what happened you fired this client right so somebody decides that you're not going to work together anymore but it wasn't you you didn't make this decision yourself this is what it means right to fire um so we have higher in fire but there are some other situations that happen too right like to lay someone off to lay someone off which is also in british english to make to make someone redundant this is british english american english so uh this this is when maybe the company isn't making a lot of money and they don't need so many workers right so uh it doesn't maybe these workers are good and they didn't make any mistakes they're not fired usually somebody is fired when they do a bad job but they did a good job but the company now can't can't continue to have their job and can't continue to pay them so the company lays them off right or makes them redundant so uh that's how we usually speak about this another situation that might happen is to quit and fire and quit are very different quit means that the person who's working decides i don't want to work here anymore or i don't want to do this anymore or not about work when we're playing a game have you ever played a game with someone and in the middle of the game the person says i'm not going to finish playing this person quit the game so this is what quit means it means that they decide that they will not play anymore they will not work anymore um but when we fire someone it's not the workers decision it's the boss's decision chris what is the second form of this verb to quit uh it's irregular it's quick quit quit uh not tweeted no wait quickly so we would say yesterday he quit and we can say he has quit many jobs and this person who always quits things he he is a quitter a quitter so if you're playing a game with your friend or her relative and they quit you can say hey don't be a quitter don't be a quitter or maybe you're in a job interview and the boss asks about some project and you say it was it was very difficult in the beginning but i'm not a quitter right i don't quit i don't give up i don't stop [Music] not a quitter great maybe you can think of some other uh oh good abdo has written here in the chat dismissal yes we could dismiss someone who is working with us this is also another word that could be like fire uh it would be less um fire is is very strong right right like this person did something really bad and we will probably never work with them again uh so if you just dismissed someone then maybe it doesn't it doesn't imply it doesn't tell us that they did something bad unless maybe they did maybe not um and abdel wrote this word downsizing yes this is really good word two down size to downsize this is about businesses usually uh this is when businesses become smaller so the business is going through some process of becoming smaller it's downsizing or maybe they want one part of their business to be smaller right they might say we're downsizing our factories we're making our factories smaller for example uh downsize can also be about when you it can be about your house and how you live for example my grandparents when they uh when they were when i was younger they had a successful business and they had a big house and with lots of rooms and now that they're very very old they prefer to have a smaller house it's easy to clean it's they don't need lots of extra things so how do we describe this they said they tell us we are downsizing right we downsized like we moved from a bigger house to a smaller house so it can be about this situation too uh great what else might happen so abdo maybe you can think of some other situation work situations that usually happen when a person's starting or finishing work yes uh so chris sometimes i can say i'm off today so i don't have to work anymore because i finished my my job so i'm backing home and maybe tomorrow i will be off because it's a holiday or a vacation for me yeah oh to resign yes that that that that's too bad if you reside sometimes maybe if if you got a better job yeah exactly yes so uh colleen wrote this in the chat asking about these two words so yeah resign is similar to quit and but the difference is that resign is more formal resign is more formal and when you when you want to quit the right way usually you resign there's a process for this right you need to to submit your letter of resignation submit your letter of resignation yes the letter of resignation is the letter the piece of paper that says i quit and usually in in established in big companies you need to to give your two weeks two weeks notice to give your two weeks notice this is another phrase that we can use to say that i quit my job uh for example your friend says oh why are you so sad oh today i gave my two weeks notice today i told my job that i will stop working in two weeks oh chris um we can say it as well uh suck no that means that means to fire fire yeah sack this is an a uh-huh great great question so yeah sack and fire this is like um it's it's like more aggressive than resign or or other things right um another one that we could say is oh okay so so right now we talked about sac fire this is when the boss decides this resign quit this is when the worker decides this right we also said um to lay someone off or to make someone redundant this is when we don't have jobs and maybe it's a good worker but now the company has some problems and we cannot have this worker now and but there's still one more term [Music] to let someone go let someone go and this uh this is the decision of the boss this just means we can't work with you anymore we need to let you go we have to let you go sorry we are letting you go this means we don't have work for you anymore maybe it's because they did something bad maybe it's we don't have any jobs it doesn't tell us right it just says that we're not going to give them work we're not going to continue to give them work abdel has a question yes uh so chris in some situations when we are working in a place and we don't like it we ask them i want to leave so we can say if we accept finally they set me free is it right and is it accurate they set me free yeah so like uh it it sounds like the person was in prison right yeah yeah at this work so so i i i had heard that in some movies they don't like to work with that boss so i asked for a resonation and they finally accept so i i told my family i'm grateful so it is accurate yeah yeah this sounds i can imagine hearing this in a tv show or movie yeah yeah so is it so formal or maybe it's a plan yeah no no it's not formal it's fine in conversational english yeah thank you uh-huh okay great so um let's also okay it looks like alia has a question alia you'll need to turn your microphone on hi hi chris how are you today i'm playing things that over to you great great great so it looks like yeah what's your question okay in some situations we can use um i'm strike work destroy destroy stroke strike a strike i i wrote it in the chat yeah yeah to go on yeah yeah or just to strike good this is a good example another situation that we didn't talk about thanks uh so to go on strike means when the workers say to the boss if you do not change something then we will not work all the workers together stop working and they tell the company if you don't change something then we will not work right like maybe they want more money or maybe they want some different hours or they want something changed inside of their work or right so this is called a strike and to go on strike the workers went on strike or sometimes we just use the verb to strike the workers are striking but usually it's to go on strike great um about letter of resignation there's a lot of different ways that we can talk about giving someone our documents so let's look at a few different ways that we can do this right like we can submit a document but we could also tender or put in or um these are some of the main ways right so we could say to put in your letter of resignation to put in your letter of resignation this means again to give the letter of resignation to the person at the company right to submit to send to give uh we could also say to tinder your letter of resignation to tender your letter of resignation this means to prepare a document to tender a document to to tender your resignation we don't use this verb in many situations but this is a special one so this we use this especially when we're talking about a big important person like maybe the president is going to quit his job and he can say i'm tendering my resignation or the ceo of the company or um right maybe maybe there's some bad story about him in the news and uh the the newspaper is writing a story about the situation they say the ceo has already tindered his resignation like already prepared this document and said that he was going to quit [Music] ten yes and tender of course has another word it means saul another meaning it means soft right but this is a verb too tender and that's an adjective tender that means soft so uh we might talk about tender love like soft nice uh sweet kind or we might talk about tender meat meat that's very soft and you don't have to you don't have to bite or chew a lot tender in fact there's um there's some thing some instrument some tool that you can use in the kitchen to make meat tender right it's called a tenderizer in english a tenderizer yeah cool so we talked about work in in our last lessons we also talked about shopping and uh i want to know this is my question for everyone who's here with us today after the pandemic ends will you use a travel agent or will you just travel on your own without a travel agent is a travel agent a real job now is it a realistic job to have i think it's very difficult in at this time to be a travel agent but when you travel do you usually go to a travel agent's office do you go to a travel agents or do you do it yourself um aida uh we travel with my mom together so we don't don't go to travel agents we travel just uh by our own because it's cheaper than going somewhere so for example if we go in summer we begin to plan our vacation uh in winter and we are searching for different hotels and places to visit that's why no we don't use the help of travel agents okay great um amira what about you do you have you ever used a travel agent [Music] during a [Music] their presentation so is like your travel agent now okay yeah okay sometimes i want to um my [Music] my plan myself and by myself learning [Music] okay great thank you uh barbara let's go back to the grass uh barbara so thank you yeah so uh what about you have you ever used a travel agent uh just it happens two times only but usually i do it myself i really very carefully prepare the my my my journey and i usually do it i have a group of friends and i do it for all of us so we go together but anyway i prepared it very carefully i learned i first read a lot of books about the country when i wanted to go there to just to know the customs of the of the peoples there and then the guides the guides to to to know to know [Music] which places are the most interesting there so this is prepared everything very and they sent me my friend said me you are better than agents than agency because really i i if everything is prepared perfectly so it says me that you should you should stop your work and try to to run a travel agency yeah no it's not it's just a joke but i know anyway but really it was it was successful you know for example two years two years ago we went to armenia you know armenia yeah okay and then when i read the guide i said oh yeah oh my god what we will see there there is only churches it's a huge history there of course but if you look at the guide then you see this is these churches are perfectly located beautiful places it's very interesting to see but you know we are peoples who like to hike also hiking so it means we wanted to see something more and we really and our friends ask us what we are going there because you will see only the churches there but we did really a lot of fantastic so fantastic places because if we organize it but ourselves yeah wow that's great yeah so so in which situation do you think it's better to have a travel agent if oh i think it's uh when it's a very there's i think when it's very difficult to organize it but by yourself there's some such concept in such situation and for example i was in when i was in australia yeah and then i did those there i had no possibility to organize the trip by myself there so of course i took to go to outback yeah for which i i very most famous mountain holy mountains of these people so it's okay it's like this but you're very cool i prefer to do my myself yeah yeah that's great wow thank you um let's see gigi what about you um have you ever used a travel agent yes i used to to do that but i think nowadays it's quite easy by myself and because you can check everything online you can research it you have google map you can see the location of the your hotel you can research if you have a good public transportation you can see everything that is not necessary you invest money that just you look for uh exactly that you need for a visit in that seat i think yeah now you have everything that you went on on google okay yeah do you think that it's okay that travel agents are losing jobs i think and losing business to google and and other places so i think so i think they have to renovate about that kind of job maybe invent something new for attracting your guests because yeah nowadays i think it's not necessary anymore yeah abdo what do you think um so uh i think um it's depend on many items um so if you want to travel to neighborhood something or a place to near to your city or in your company you have enough information about places you you want to go and i think you don't have to use a travel agency uh but if you want to travel to maybe outside travel abroad and i think if you want to have a special program you don't have enough information and it depends on uh maybe the budget you have if you have limited budget or if you want to spend more money if you want to enjoy yourself so many things i think also maybe if you have special plans for the trip so i think it's important to have a travel agency because we work in a professional way yeah so do you think that uh you don't have to to use it but if you want to have special program so uh you must you must use it great great thank you um so now i would like to ask everybody who's here gigi marina aida amira aisha colleen nirvana abdo if you have any other questions for today uh any other questions about this topic or any of the other topics that we talked about or just about something in english ask any question yeah i'm done so teacher it's an expression it's not a question i had heard about it and attending this class with chris and with the classmates you just made my day so thank you i'm very happy yes good example let's yeah let's talk about that to make someone's a day to make someone's day it means that [Music] you make them have a good day you helped them have a good day right this was a this was a great moment in their day so we can tell the person you made my day or oh marina i see hey like in school uh chris uh how uh to say correctly uh i join class or i join to the class join the class and attend the class the class without two right uh-huh okay thank you yeah great question all right so it looks like there aren't any other questions oh nirvana has a question okay um is correcting uh the sentence the woman like wears shirts short okay say it again the woman was a short short or a short charge like a short smile small short they they close shorts and okay the woman was wearing short shorts short shorts very small shorts yes we call them short shorts yeah okay thank you good question uh great okay thank you everybody um next the next lesson will be on monday at 8 a.m new york time and we will be live on facebook thank you everybody who joined the lesson today from youtube and everyone who joined us live here and uh have a great weekend
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 4,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b5KkuL1aefI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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