How to Say What You Think in English | How to State Your Opinion | How to Express Your Opinion

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hey everybody chris amerikos here and welcome to another video in this video i'm going to tell you how you can express your opinion in many different ways when you want to tell someone what you think it's important that you can say your ideas very clearly we want to communicate our ideas and communicate what we think to other people and we want them to understand us correctly and that's why it's important to know lots of different phrases that we can say so the person is ready to hear our opinion and to hear what we think so the phrases that i'm going to teach you in this video today will help you state what you think to state your opinion or to express your opinion so let's get started of course the first phrase that i think everybody knows is well i just said it i think right when we want to state our opinion or express our opinion we can say i think and then we can say a phrase we can say what we think so this is the easiest way and most people already know this but there are many other ways that we can do this too for example we can say if you ask me and this means that if you want my opinion i will tell you it right so we could say if you ask me i think pizza is the best food in the world maybe you agree with me or maybe you don't and if you want my opinion here it is if you ask me i think pizza is the best food in the world okay our next phrase is as far as i can tell and this means what i understand or what i can see is this is something right so we might say is john coming to the party well he's 30 minutes late so as far as i can tell he's not coming to the party another phrase that sounds very similar is as far as i'm concerned and this is more about my personal opinion that maybe i think something very strongly about so maybe you say chris is halloween a real holiday and i'll tell you as far as i'm concerned halloween is not a real holiday and this means my personal opinion about this really is that it's not a real holiday i mean come on you dress up like a monster and ask for candy that's not a real holiday another easy phrase that we can use is we can say i feel like or i feel that like if someone says chris is english important should people learn english then i can say i feel like english is an important language to learn or i feel that people should learn english yeah that's my opinion okay the next one is really easy too it's just one word honestly and sometimes we will start speaking and say honestly and you should always use this rising intonation right we start low and then we go high honestly and then we continue the sentence so we might say something like honestly i think that the united states isn't the best country in the world and you might hear somebody say honestly i think pizza is better than sushi and usually after we say honestly we also say i think but we don't have to we could say honestly pizza is better than sushi and the person will understand that this is my honest opinion these are my honest ideas my honest thoughts i'm not lying another easy one that we can use is personally and again after personally we usually say i think so we might say personally i think sushi is better than pizza and this is my personal opinion just me just what i think another similar phrase that we might use is it's my belief that and this one is similar to just saying i believe so for example we could say it's my belief that anyone can learn to speak english and this means it's just what i believe the next phrase is very easy because it's very short and we can just say to me and then continue with the phrase so somebody might say no chris you're wrong halloween is a real holiday and i say well to me it's not a real holiday and this means you can think what you want but this is what i think right this is how it looks to me this is what i believe about this okay the next phrase i want to teach you is using a verb that a lot of people never learn because they don't see it in books and textbooks they don't hear it in conversations and we don't usually use it in a classroom it's the verb to reckon and it means something like to think so we can say i reckon or i reckon that and both of these phrases will mean something like i think so we could say i reckon some people believe that halloween is a real holiday and this means that i guess i think okay right some people think this and so we can use i reckon especially when we want to talk about an idea that maybe isn't popular or maybe we don't we don't agree with this idea but i guess that works i guess that's true so it's something like i guess or i think but maybe i don't agree i reckon this is a new word for you okay another fun phrase that we can use to express our opinion is the phrase i can't lie and this might sound funny to some people because sure everybody can lie right any person in the world can lie and a lot of times when we talk about our opinion we say something like uh to tell you the truth right so we talk about truth and lies and this phrase i can't lie it just means i'm going to tell you my honest opinion so i can't lie i think pizza is the best food in the world or i can't lie pizza is better than sushi right and this tells you that this is my honest opinion another phrase like this that we might say that's connected to lies and truth is the phrase in all honesty in all honesty pizza is better than sushi come on agree with me okay enough with that example right in all honesty people should learn english because it helps them speak with more people in the world right so i can tell you that this is my honest opinion and i think that this is objective another similar phrase is when we say from my point of view and this phrase lets us tell a person that it's okay if they don't agree with us it's okay if we have different opinions right so i i understand that you like sushi but from my point of view pizza's the best and nothing can be better i lied right i said i was not going to use that example anymore but hey i love pizza okay the next one in my opinion and sometimes you'll see people on the internet actually abbreviate this they'll say in my humble opinion and they'll write i-m-h-o so if you see someone write i-m-h-o and you're wondering hmm what does that mean it means in my humble opinion so in my humble opinion or in my opinion it's similar to the last phrase that we talked about because it tells the person that i have my opinion and it's okay if you don't agree right this is my opinion and you can have your opinion so we might say in my opinion french is also a very important language to learn okay our next phrase is very similar it shows the person that we both have different opinions and that's okay and we can say the way i see it is or just the way i see it like the way i see it spanish is also a very important language to learn and this tells the person that maybe you see it differently maybe you have a different opinion but this is how i see it all right our next phrase is it seems to me that and here we show the person we're speaking with that maybe this is not true right this is my opinion and maybe it's not true maybe you can show me that this is not right but this is what i think now so we could say it seems to me that most westerners do not want to study chinese right and i'm sure in the comments you can write and say chris you're not you're not right lots of westerners europeans canadians americans study chinese so if you want to write you can but it seems to me that not many people study chinese in the west all right our next phrase is i believe or we can also say i honestly believe and when we add in honestly it shows more emotion so we could say that i honestly believe that more westerners should study chinese because it's going to be more important in the next few years and decades in fact that brings us to our next phrase which is i would say that for example i would say that chinese is already a very important language in the world and more non-chinese people need to learn chinese i would say that and even though we use the word would here it doesn't mean that this is some kind of conditional statement it just means that if you asked me now i would say this now and i already said it all right we're down to our last phrase the last phrase that we use to clearly communicate our opinions our thoughts and our ideas to express what we're thinking and this phrase is i consider it to be it means that this is my perspective about this this is my opinion about this right so as an example i can tell you this i consider it to be an honor to teach you english yeah i think it's an honor i think it's something special that i get to do that i can teach you english so thank you so much for watching this video for learning some new phrases about how to express yourself because when you can express yourself clearly and people can understand you then we'll have more effective communication and we'll have less problems in the world so if you like this video make sure you press like press subscribe and leave a comment down below and i hope to see you in our next video by the way when our channel reaches 1 million subscribers we're going to release a 100 free intermediate english course we're going to give the whole course away for free to any person who wants it when we get 1 million subscribers on this channel so if you want us to give away our intermediate english course faster then you should share this video with your friends and help us reach a million that much quicker alright thanks a lot for your support and i will see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 52,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: opinion in english, state opinion in english, express opinion in english, communicate in english, say opinion in english, tell opinion in english, english vocabulary, important english words, important english phrases, youtube english phrases, youtube english words, kris amerikos, english expressions, useful phrases in english, basic english sentences, phrase, basic conversation in english
Id: p_CF8r1d96k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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